
  • ☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.com

    ☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack

    ☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-mapFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about alternatives to goals that make life feel more fun, novel and vibey.
    VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: Reflecting on a Great Year

    00:15 Alternatives to Goal Setting

    00:35 Notes App Sidequests

    01:36 Live With: A New Approach

    02:12 The Bingo Board Method

    03:30 Off Brand Weeks

    03:56 Figure Out Goals

    04:46 RecsLINKS ⇢🔗 The Highest Goal: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/1576753522?ref_=mr_referred_us_au_auSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

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  • Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.com and try the Practical Manifestation Course

    VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: Vision Boards and Goals

    00:38 Step 1: Dropping Specific Goals

    01:30 Step 2: Feeding Your Subconscious

    02:56 Step 3: The Power of Giving Up

    04:16 Step 4: Taking Inspired Action

    05:19 Practical Manifestation CourseLINKS ⇢🔗 The Eureka Factor: https://www.amazon.com.au/Eureka-Factor-Moments-Creative-Insight/dp/1400068541SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about how to stop overwhelming yourself by completing a project audit.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Secret Projects00:23 Defining a Project00:53 The Impact of Secret Projects01:25 Identifying Secret Projects01:39 Conducting a Secret Project Audit02:37 Creating Project Lists03:41 Understanding Your Clutter Threshold04:42 Prioritizing Your Projects06:42 Band-Aid Solutions for Overwhelm08:08 Reccs of the weekLINKS ⇢🔗 Learn, Do, Become: https://www.youtube.com/@LearnDoBecome🔗 Making it All Work: https://www.amazon.com.au/Making-All-Work-Winning-Business/dp/0143116622 SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This podcast ep is about one little mental tricks that helps with overthinking.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Mental Move Toolkit00:20 Understanding Overthinking01:22 The Bridge Mental Move Technique01:48 Applying the Bridge Technique02:20 Imagination vs. Reality03:52 Conclusion and Recommendations04:10 RECs of the WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 ICBT - https://icbt.online/🔗 Morty Lefkoe Recreate Your Life - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/0615782388?ref_=mr_direct_us_au_au&showmri🔗 How Metacognitive Therapy Changed My Life (Another podcast ep on overthinking) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Ys2bG9gHo&t=1s&pp=ygUpSG93IE1ldGFjb2duaXRpdmUgVGhlcmFweSBDaGFuZ2VkIE15IExpZmU%3D🔗 You're not insecure, you just think about yourself too much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ4-g4XyhwU&pp=ygUWb3ZlcnRoaW5raW5nIG11Y2hlbGxlYg%3D%3DSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This podcast is all about the most impactful books that I read in 2024. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Impactful Books

    00:12 Corkscrew Solutions: Problem Solving with a Twist

    01:41 Little Treatments, Big Effects: Small Changes, Big Impact

    03:35 Procrastination Decoded: Embracing Unstructured Time

    05:44 The Power of Systems: Beyond Self-Focused Thinking

    07:19 A Little Peace of Mind: Managing Thoughts and Feelings

    08:23 The Art of Giving and Receiving: Embracing Limits

    09:00 The Highest Goal: The Concept of a Live WithLINKS ⇢

    Corkscrew Solutions: https://amzn.to/3PmLGkfLittle treatments, Big effects by Jessica Schleider: https://amzn.to/4a5UzrX

    Procrastination Decoded by Dr. David Maloney: https://amzn.to/4j0MA3y

    David Maloneys YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ7PZaSv1V6yJbj5y35jp_g

    The Power of Systems: https://amzn.to/3BT0yns

    Podcast episode: Maybe it’s not you - maybe it’s your systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5X8oNsxMtM&t=2s&pp=ygUbc3lzdGVtcyBncm93IHdpdGggaW50ZW50aW9u

    A little peace of mind: https://amzn.to/40iqaDC

    The art of giving and receiving: https://amzn.to/3BKER97

    The highest goal: The secret that sustains you in every moment: https://amzn.to/3DQXdFSSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This podcast ep is all about an alternative to SMART goals.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: The Problem with SMART Goals

    00:32 Understanding the Drawbacks of SMART Goals

    01:17 The Concept of Competing Wants

    01:56 When SMART Goals Work and When They Don't

    02:16 Introducing Figure Out Goals

    03:23 Examples of Figure Out Goals

    04:02 How to Implement Figure Out Goals

    05:06 Conclusion and RecommendationsSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about one practical idea to apply to break a bad habit. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro

    00:10 Fundamental Belief About Change

    00:25 Changing Reactions to Change Patterns

    01:18 Example 1: Handling Kids' Requests

    02:06 Example 2: Dealing with Alcohol Cravings

    02:58 Example 3: The Two-Week Rule

    04:38 "Not Yet"

    05:03 RecommendationsLINKS ⇢🔗 Michael Neill: Two Week Rule : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxzixOk1FHkSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about how to get better at tiny, daily choices.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: The Power of Tiny Choices

    00:30 Understanding Flexible Thinking

    00:48 The Habit Before the Habit

    01:28 Mastering the Pause

    02:49 The Cloud Method for Flexible Thinking

    04:14 The POP Method for Flexible Thinking

    05:13 Recommendations and ConclusionLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Corkscrew Solutions - https://amzn.to/4itig17🔗 Book: The Joy Choice - https://amzn.to/49x9vyW🔗 Podcast Episode with Michelle Segar: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AyD7qwSHLA395ism92B8E?si=617457448c4a43d5SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This podcast ep is all about reprogramming your brain with awareness (sounds weird until it doesn't!).VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction and Frozen Spaghetti Story

    01:08 The Power of Awareness

    01:46 Reprogramming Desires and Behaviors

    02:03 Understanding the Brain's Algorithm

    03:08 Applying Awareness to Unhelpful Behaviors

    03:43 The Non-Judgmental Approach

    04:29 Reccs of the weekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Unwinding Anxiety Judd Brewer - https://www.amazon.com.au/Unwinding-Anxiety-Science-Shows-Cycles/dp/0593330447🔗 Podcast Ep: What You Resist, Persists - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2U9K3IcEykSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about how the HECK to get something out of journaling when journaling just hasn't done it for you in the past!!VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: My Struggle with Journaling

    1:03 Realization 1: Avoid Forcing Insights

    1:38 Realization 2: Let Realizations Come to You

    2:33 Realization 3: Balance Thinking and Surrendering

    3:00 Realization 4: Separate Yourself from the Problem

    4:15 Recommended Resources and ConclusionLINKS ⇢🔗 Podcast to Listen to: Surrender / The Power of "Giving Up" To Get What You Want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM&pp=ygUdZ3JvdyB3aXRoIGludGVudGlvbiBzdXJyZW5kZXI%3D🔗 Podcast to Listen To: Maybe You Aren't the Problem, Maybe Your Systems Are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5X8oNsxMtM🔗 Recc of The Week: A More Beautiful Question https://www.amazon.com.au/More-Beautiful-Question-Inquiry-Breakthrough-ebook/dp/B00GC53AG8SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about some of the hopeless, helpful realisations that have really helped me.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro0:42 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 1 - BIG changes3:19 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 2 - You don't pick your thoughts4:03 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 3 - You'll never get it all together permanently5:26 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Meditations for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman- https://amzn.to/3YUtwMt🔗 Podcast Episode: **Change your Thoughts to Change Your Life** - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnE🔗 Podcast Interview: Michelle Segar https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AyD7qwSHLA395ism92B8E?si=cee4d730efac4270SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • A short n' sweet ep about one way to tackle overwhelm.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro

    0:52 Knowing vs Choosing

    2:09 An example

    2:48 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Time Warrior - https://amzn.to/3URADmc🔗 Episode: How to Pick "One Thing" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_OJJS0iz5sSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about how to prioritise when you suck at prioritising. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢

    00:00 Intro

    0:28 The Cozy Comfort of Indecision

    2:27 Accepting Uncertainty

    4:25 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: The One Thing by Gary Keller - https://www.amazon.com.au/One-Thing-Surprisingly-Extraordinary-bestselling/dp/1848549253/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1C9S356T61J0I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8tfchWzIdp1_eMiBqyBVy39jCnRFQIRCSrc9b2I7N0AgNiZX_eaYv1YuekPoxyr42CMjOCphAfhRrqjkWnQHsoGDFRe4PAPouz43qoP6zpzvuOV0GbFqvkftHYgFflrRR-9TBJO09PlCYNbhaAwBmzNbYOXpl3TVLxeuCT-_AU2uxUEejTY2xEg2SsSULnMp6sF8YEzJMIYSqiP9UszreCNMwZlR1TF40mBNPhCgvFyMzzIHHAUQ8oft2nefOXOfo5a2VEXqewN1olFljKhfBPqVDLPzBzJuBM8gJ8DQ9zw.ABoTDv1u9AA1i0UkUssmF-6i2vxpS6SkC4E4gUfIcp0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+one+thing&qid=1731191846&sprefix=the+one+th%2Caps%2C265&sr=8-1🔗 Book: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke - https://www.amazon.com.au/Thinking-Bets-Annie-Duke/dp/0735216371/ref=sr_1_1?crid=FLJ8W6A5LKEF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.p5cJ2lrFuRfb_Qe4Rfx02KZm8jKUTZHNm_WyTqkgNO_qtxCUS2W3dFHhCiXaz9O_t55x-TcVIIv30AP2ELbC0cx5BMTIyL9UL89qCmk6umFuoJNK8OwhkLN0rd5kQnu0FgoyJQq0khjzOtRxATEfoRhJihYM_wjgri_y8YBpwGTrLzlhnbvzBu8c9inb0M_cQThYQpLCOlyduA6hpBhUXgVs94_0-cdxc6UeHZf28Okip5Uk6hB4lHqXCzEik-vpBWKoValKEHFpPzMBqIirYw.yl9-_Zh7Np6JVAHMA0oLU280V-Ckgw63-Op4zyNYUXU&dib_tag=se&keywords=thinking+in+bets&qid=1731191831&sprefix=thinking+in+be%2Caps%2C358&sr=8-1🔗 Video: How to Create a Strategy for Your Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnESHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! In this episode, I talk about a few different ways to train your brain.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro

    0:37 How to frame meditation

    1:37 One of the more intense studies on what meditation does to the brain

    1:50 Attention training brain results

    1:56 Compassion meditation

    2:33 Perspective-based meditation

    3:00 An alternative to sit-down meditation

    3:26 A different way to practice loving-kindness

    4:11 How to take action on this podcast episode

    5:33 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Article: Greater Good Article: What Type of Meditation Is Best for You?https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_type_of_meditation_is_best_for_you

    🔗 Book: Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body https://www.amazon.com.au/Altered-Traits-Science-Reveals-Meditation/dp/0399184384SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! This video is all about...VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢

    0:28 Two common things you'll see in people who struggle with procrastination

    1:04 Impulsivity and procrastination

    1:33 How to tell if you struggle with all-or-nothing thinking

    4:11 What to do about it all

    5:56 The Stop Technique

    7:40 Reccs of the week

    8:46 OutroLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Procrastination Decoded by David Maloney - https://amzn.to/3NC2IKq

    🔗 Book: Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel - https://amzn.to/3BWVtdf

    🔗 Article: Procrastination and the Perfectionism Myth by Piers Steel - https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-procrastination-equation/201101/procrastination-and-the-perfectionism-myth

    🔗 Podcast Episode: How to Build Better Habits with The Marble Mentality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAQw2NkVWa8SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.

  • Hey! A quick lil ep about a new way to react to setbacks in your life, prompted by the book "The Power of Systems".RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ How to Create a Strategy for Your Life Episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnE✨ The Power of Systems Book : https://www.amazon.com/Power-Systems-Create-Life-Works/dp/1600252052WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ ⁠http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb⁠🧚 TikTok ⇢ ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ ⁠http://muchelleb.com.au/⁠🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro

    0:42 The results you get in your life align perfectly with your systems

    1:24 A new way to respond to setbacks

    3:45 Reccs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.

  • Hey! Here's a chat about how changing your thoughts isn't always the answer.

    RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ The Inside-Out Revolution - https://www.amazon.com.au/Inside-Out-Revolution-Change-Forever/dp/1401942415/ref=asc_df_1401942415/?tag=googleshopdsk-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=712374049148&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17376582095846823501&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1000339&hvtargid=pla-435011270280&psc=1&mcid=c2dde75b156330af81003c77a253bdee&gad_source=1✨ The Power of "Giving Up" to Get What You Want - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM

    WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map

    FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention

    CONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ ⁠http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb⁠🧚 TikTok ⇢ ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ ⁠http://muchelleb.com.au/⁠🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchelleb


    00:00 Intro

    1:40 Metacognitive belief #1: Insights

    3:26 Metacognitive Belief #2: If you feel like trash, you’ll think like trash

    5:23 Metacognitive Belief #3: Thoughts are something that happen to you.

    7:27 Reccs of The Week

    💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.

  • Hey! This video is about the one mental block that will mess with any change that you want to create in your life: resistance. RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ The Power of Surrender (Actual Title: The Power of Giving Up to Get What You Want) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM&ab_channel=GrowWithIntention✨ One small idea that can change your life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBeDoJOWu1M&t=299s&ab_channel=GrowWithIntentionWANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ ⁠http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb⁠🧚 TikTok ⇢ ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ ⁠http://muchelleb.com.au/⁠🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢

    00:00 Intro

    0:37 Shrinking episode

    1:25 The pattern of resisting

    2:54 How to STOP resisting

    3:21 Identifying the habit loop

    4:27 Reccs of the week

    💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.

  • Hey! This episode is based on a newsletter that I sent some time ago - all about giving in a way that doesn't create generosity burnout. See you all in October!! Appreciate you very much.RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ Adam Grant, Give and Take: https://www.amazon.com.au/Give-Take-Helping-Others-Success/dp/0143124986✨ Assessment: Generosity Burnout: https://hbr.org/2017/01/generosity-burnout-are-you-at-risk?ab=seriesnav-bigidea

    ✨ People Please Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1tNnu6xR2vgtM7PxueNm6V?si=c69cff9fd9d24886WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ ⁠http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb⁠🧚 TikTok ⇢ ⁠https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ ⁠http://muchelleb.com.au/⁠🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢

    00:00 Intro

    0:47 The two types of giving

    00:59 Otherish givers

    2:01 Selfless givers

    4:22 How to beat generosity burnout

    7:37 Reccs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.