
  • When the world changes, we must change too. From HR-GPT and Return on Intelligence (ROI) to Augmented Talent and Workforce Ecosystems, HR and Business leaders must shift from a 'wait and see' approach to a 'explore and disrupt' one. Of course, this is exhilarating and unnerving. But it's also a call to reflection, action, and mobilisation.

    Here, Dave Ulrich the world’s #1 HR Thinker, joins Terence Mauri, the world’s leading disruption thinker to unpack what’s new and what’s next in the future of work, talent and AI. Dave draws on a lifetime’s research, consultancy and writing to ask “What’s eroding, what’s enduring and what’s emerging in a world of extreme disruption and distributed everything," and tackles the question “Is AI the future of work and HR?” He sees a future built around four emerging assumptions: connect the inside and outside; harness uncertainty with certainty; navigate paradox; and personalise work. And he shares vivid stories and wisdom-packed insights to help you sharpen the talent and value agenda. He concludes: “I aim to guide you in envisioning a fresh direction for HR and the future of work, culture and talent.” 

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  • Innovation needs failure, yet according to Hack Future Lab only 28% of leaders say they work in cultures where it’s ’safe to fail’. Without learning to fail well, there’s no growth and worse we choose silence (play to lose) over speak up (play to win). The Museum of Failure founded by Dr. Samuel West is a collection of over 160 failed products and services from around the world. Every failure provides a unique lesson into the risky business of innovation and its close cousin failure. The museum aims to stimulate productive discussion about failure and inspire us to take meaningful risks. The #1 takeaway: If you’re not prepared to fail, you’re not prepared to learn.

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  • We used to think of failure as a problem, to be avoided at all costs. Now, we're often told that failure is desirable - that we must 'fail fast, fail often'. The trouble is, neither approach distinguishes the good failures from the bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.

    Here, Professor Amy C. Edmondson the world's most influential organisational psychologist - reveals how we get failure wrong, and how to get it right. She draws on a lifetime's research into the science of 'psychological safety' to show that the most successful cultures are those in which you can fail openly, without your mistakes being held against you. She introduces the three archetypes of failure - simple, complex and intelligent - and explains how to harness the revolutionary potential of the good ones (and eliminate the bad). And she tells vivid stories ranging from the history of open heart surgery to the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster, all to ask a simple, provocative question: What if it is only by learning to fail that we can hope to truly succeed?

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  • How do you learn to see around corners faster than change itself? And will Generative AI such as ChatGPT or Bard AI be able to do strategy for us? Rita McGrath is a best-selling author, CEO and founder of innovation platform Valize and a professor of management at Columbia Business School. Thinkers50 has described McGrath as 'one of the world’s top-ranked thinkers on strategy, innovation and growth during times of uncertainty.’ Her global bestsellers include Seeing Around Corners (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2019); The End of Competitive Advantage (HBR Press 2013); Discovery-Driven Growth (with Ian C. MacMillan Harvard Business Press, 2009). When today’s fringe is tomorrow’s mainstream knowing how to spot inflection points before they happen is key to building a resilient and sustainable future.

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  • Most of us believe inclusion is both the right thing to do and good for business. Then why are we so lousy at it? What steps will you take as a new year unfold to scale inclusion on purpose? Ruchika Tulshyan is the best-selling author of Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating a Culture of Belonging at Work which has been described as ’transformative’ by Dr Brené Brown. I met with Ruchika for a research-backed conversation at Hack Future Lab to learn more about her must-read new book. She explains why “leaning in” doesn't work—and dismantling structural bias does; warns against hiring for “culture fit,” arguing for “culture add” instead; and emphasizes the power of reading fiction books to build empathy. She says: “We’ll see more leaders being held accountable to diversity, equity and inclusion outcomes, with progress affecting bonuses and advancement opportunities for leaders. And new hires will evaluate work opportunities based on whether a company culture is inclusive or not.” Without inclusion, great ideas are lost, cultures decay and talent is wasted. My #1 takeaway is that leadership is inclusion. With this actionable book, Ruchika shows us how we can make progress toward inclusion and diversity - and why we must start now. 

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  • To change the game you need to make game-changing moves. Yannick Theler is the CEO of games pioneer Savvy Games Studios (SGS) and the founder of Ubisoft UAE.

    Yannick is on a bold mission to create a world-leading games studio in Saudi Arabia, developing pioneering and inclusive games for global audiences. I met with Yannick in London to discuss his personal leadership philosophy from being a talent magnet and empowering others to scale to going big on learning, culture, thriving and teamwork. 

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  • How do you turn leadership into a platform for trust, talent and innovation? Jens Holtinger is the EVP of Volvo Group Trucks Operations and a Group Executive Board member. Volvo Group is on a mission to lead the transition to decarbonised transport systems and has a long-term ambition to offer customer solutions that are 100% fossil free. Building this future requires the strategic courage of everyone at Volvo Group to turn volatility into a tailwind for widespread agility and bold transformation. I met with Jens to explore how he uniquely brings leadership, culture, and strategy to life by going big on trust over control, courage over conformity and learning over knowing. 

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  • How do we make the most of the greatest global shift in the world of work for a century and radically redesign the way we work—forever? Professor Lynda Gratton is one of the foremost global thought-leaders on the future of work, named by ‘Business Thinkers 50’ as one of the top fifteen business thinkers and described as a ‘rock star’ author, teacher and writer. I met with Lynda to discuss what’s new and trending in the future of work from quiet quitting and burnout to jobs to care and friendships in her must-read new book Redesigning Work: How to Transform Your Organisation and Make Hybrid Work for Everyone What I learned is that we should not waste one of the biggest reframing moments of our lifetime because today’s work challenges can’t be solved with yesterday’s thinking. 

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  • When it comes to social impact and social entrepreneurship should you Agitate, Innovate or Orchestrate? People from all walks of life yearn to do something that adds value to others and to be someone who makes a difference in their community and the world. As the founding Executive Director of Solve, an initiative at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Alex Amouyel has built and oversees a fast-growing team whose mission is to drive innovation to solve our our most urgent challenges. I sat down with Alex to learn more about her and her game-changing new book The Answer Is You: A Guidebook to Creating a Life Full of Impact (Leadership Book, Change the Way You Think) The Answer is You inspires every person to BE the change and become part of Generation Solve: a new generation of bold thinkers and courageous doers.

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  • In the last 2-years, everything changed. People changed. Technology changed. The office changed. Priorities changed. And the way we lead and work changed. Today, I’m thrilled to meet Jeff Schwartz, Founding Partner of Deloitte’s Future of Work Practice, VP of Insights and Impact at Gloat, the talent marketplace pioneers and co-author of Work Disrupted: Opportunity, Resilience, and Growth in the Accelerated Future of Work. During our conversation, we unpack new ways to adapt pace and mindset to the new world of work and discover why leaders should not waste the biggest reframing moment of their lifetimes. As Jeff says: "In order to change the game, you need to make game changing moves."

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  • Einstein said that you can’t explore a new world with an old map. New contexts demand new conversations. So - what are the bravest conversations you will have this year? Today, I’m thrilled to meet Steve Hamilton-Clark. Steve is the Chief Coaching Officer at The Henka Institute and co-author of a great new book Conversation Secrets For Tomorrow’s Leaders: 21 Obvious Secrets Leaders Do Not Use Enough. Steve shows us that most of today’s leadership challenges are not because of technology. They’re because of sociology. And that’s why we need to stretch our conversations and make them count.

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  • As another turbulent year starts, what better time for business leaders to step back from the noise and create some ‘white space’ to reflect on their wellbeing and what it might mean for leadership, resilience and future success. Wellbeing is a journey. We might not find the right path the first time. In fact, it’s something that is always changing, evolving as we adapt to the way our life journey throws us surprises, setbacks and fortune, pleasure and pain. Today, I’m delighted to meet Dr. Steven P. MacGregor who is the author of a must-read new book The Daily Reset: 366 Nudges To Move Your Life Forward. Dr. Macgregor shows us that to embrace a better future leaders can integrate wellbeing into their daily lives through the power of simple nudges and daily resets.. And if you don’t get it right today, simply reset. And go again tomorrow.

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  • Where do great management ideas come from? From Reimagining Capitalism and Calling out Arrogant Leaders to Speak Up and Ecosystems Thinking, ideas with purpose have the power to change the world. Today, I’m delighted to join Stuart Crainer and Des Dearlove who are the co-founders of Thinkers50, a global platform and thriving community for recognising the very best in management thinking. In this exclusive recording to mark the twin milestones of the 20th anniversary of the first ever Thinkers50 ranking and this year’s Gala Awards on 15-16th November, Des and Stuart reflect on the Thinkers50 journey, its future plans and why today’s management challenges can’t be solved with yesterday’s thinking.

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  • Do you have the courage to create a better future? The old rules don’t apply anymore. Now leaders must scale humanity over bureaucracy: intelligence, curiosity, experimentation, psychological safety and the courage to speak up. Today, I’m delighted to meet Peter Fisk, Founder of GeniusWorks  IE Business School Program Director and author of a brilliant read Business Recoded: Courage to create a better future. Peter and I tackle the biggest challenges that keep leaders awake at night from navigating the Hybrid Paradox to creating ‘white space’ to refuel and reflect.

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  • Do you have a fixed mindset (look smart at all costs) or a growth mindset (learn at all costs)?  Rachel Treece is the CEO of The Henka Institute a coaching and transformation consultancy on a mission to help leaders turn uncertainty into action and ultimately thrive as humans.  Rachel shows that to embrace a better future leaders must ask better questions of themselves and their teams to win the war for talent, spark innovation, navigate disruption, and yes, makes profit. 

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  • When’s the last time you did your best work rather than your busy work?  And how do you reduce your BMI? Not Body Mass Index. Bureaucratic Mass Index. Michele Zanini is co-founder of the Management Lab, a former McKinsey Partner and co-author of the global bestseller Humanocrocy – Creating Organizations as Amazing as the People Inside Them (Gary Hamel & Michele Zanini).  Whatever your role or title, Michele shows it is possible to launch an unstoppable movement to equip and empower everyone in your organization to be their best and to do their best. The ultimate prize: an organization that's fit for the future and fit for human beings.

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  • Here’s a surprising truth. Uncertainty is the #1 driver of fear and doubt but it’s also the #1 driver of learning and discovery. It all depends on how you choose to embrace it. How do leaders re-imagine relevancy for a world of deep uncertainty and complex futures? Dan Cable is Professor of Organisational Behaviour at London Business School and author of the bestseller, Alive at Work: The Neuroscience of Helping Your People Love What They Do Dan and I unpack how to feel more alive and more empowered at work and discuss the big steps to scale a hybrid future that’s inclusive, purpose driven and sustainable.

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  • Do you know who you are? Do you know what you want? Are you in control of your


    In today’s fast-paced and hyper-connected world, being engaged, motivated, and mentally and physically fit is not a nice-to-have, it’s a must-have. Hack Future Lab founder and best-selling author Terence Mauri meets Annastiina Hintsa, CEO of Hintsa, a world leader in achieving sustainable high performance. From the African plains to Formula 1 paddocks – this is a fascinating story of a leader on a mission to help people unlock a life of meaning and impact and why it’s all about optimising, not maximising.

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  • Somebody said to me recently that data is the new oil. I disagree. I believe wellbeing is the new oil. Think about it; wellbeing is scarce and under constant attack from digital distractions and screen fatigue to the cult of accessibility. According to a recent UN study, adults and kids are feeling overloaded and overwhelmed by the constant barrage of digital distractions. Hack Future Lab founder and best-selling author Terence Mauri meets Ali Oliver, CEO of the Youth Sports Trust to unpack urgent lessons and insights on wellbeing in leadership, always-on resiliency, and the power of sport and play in a digital world. 

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  • How do you build a future that is ever-learning and ever-changing? It's time to harness uncertainty as a unique inflection point for renewal and reinvention. It’s about moving from Ego to Eco - a humanity-first future. Abigail Posner is the Director of the BrandUnit, Google’s creative think tank for agencies and brands and is on a mission to decode technology in new and inspiring ways through her Humanizing Digital research. Her quest for WHY and a deep curiosity about the world is one of the best ways to remain agile, bold and daring in a world of acceleration. In an exclusive interview for Hack The Future podcast, Abigail and I explore her game-changing leadership lessons from working at Google and discuss ways to scale what makes us more human.

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