
  • I speak with Nina Power about her harrowing defamation suit court battle, the narrowing window of free expression in the West, novel problems of anonymity, pseudonymity, and identity presented by the internet, the antagonism of the philosopher and the city, and the need for cultural tools to push back against authoritarian overreaches in free expression.

    Nina Power on Substack: https://ninapower.substack.com/

    Read the court judgement yourself: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Miller-and-Power-v-Turner-08.11.23.pdf

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  • Jonathan Anomaly is a world renowned expert on the science and ethics of genetic enhancement and the Academic Director of the Center for Philosophy, Politics, & Economics in Quito, Ecuador.

    Dr. Anomaly introduces the concept of Enlightened Tribalism, a virtuous mean between blind tribalism and undiscerning universalism.

    We discuss why tribalism gets a bad rap, the evolutionary origins of tribalism, how altruism gets selected for in groups, liberal cosmopolitanism as a response to the excesses of nationalism in World War I and World War II, the difference between Enlightened tribalism and pathological tribalism, pitfalls in the ways liberals propose to extend altruism indefinitely, the problems with genetically engineering people for altruism, why people are not fungible to institutions, the moral case for Enlightened Tribalism, and why real diversity requires a rejection of cosmopolitan liberalism.

    Paper on Enlightened Tribalism: https://philpapers.org/go.pl?aid=ANOETA

    Jonathan Anomaly: https://jonathan-anomaly.com/

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  • Nick Simmons is Cofounder and member of Octu Ventures, a member-driven venture DAO investing in teams building on Urbit.

    Urbit comprises a decentralized network of personal servers, a unique digital ID system, and a decentralized peer-to-peer networking protocol. Altogether, these constitute load-bearing pillars of a truly digital civilization.

    We talk about the Urbit stack, Octu's thesis behind a member-driven venture DAO, Urbit as a new coordination technology, the importance of persistent digital identities that are not real names, encoding offline social technology in digital online network technology, the robustness and fault-tolerance of the Urbit network, and building the load-bearing pillars of a digital civilization.

    Find Nick on Urbit: ~simfur-ritwed

    Octu: https://octu.ventures/

    Hydra Ventures: https://www.hydraventures.xyz/

    What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly: https://www.amazon.com/What-Technology-Wants/dp/B00476WM36/ref=sr_1_1

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  • Alexander Pacheco is the founder of social media platform, 150. Based on Dunbar’s Limit, 150’s innovative social network leverages insights from network science to create a small-town feel that elides many of the downsides that come with incumbent social media giants.

    Alexander walks us through using anthropology and human nature to shape the network topology of 150 to more closely reflect the way we socialize and build connections in real life, how trust in networks is where the real value lies, the formula for high-quality consensus-building, and why bi-directional, exclusive networks are the optimal structure for building effective, high-trust communities.

    Get 150:



    Alexander Pacheco



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  • I’m joined by cofounder and organizer of the 2023 Natal Conference in Austin, TX, Kevin Dolan.

    We talk about the conception of a conference to promote having more babies, the various religious and techno-optimist factions of the Natalist Movement, environmental detriments to fertility, how we’re radically undervaluing motherhood, thought-terminating technical solutions to the fertility crisis, surrogacy, expanding freedom of association as the key to self-replicating communities, like-minded community as a solution for the alienation of motherhood, and setting sights on Natal Conference 2024.

    “It’s not about stopping the rain, it’s about building a boat.” - Kevin Dolan

    Find out about the Natal Conference: https://www.natalism.org/

    Follow Kevin on X: https://X.com/extradeadjcb

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  • I am joined by Charles Rosenbauer and Olli Payne of Possibilia Magazine. Possibilia is an ambitious literary magazine showcasing realistic, optimistic science fiction. They’re bringing positive visions of the future in digital and in print—replete with short stories, nonfiction companion pieces, and illustration.

    We talk about the constraints of keeping sci-fi optimistic and realistic, working with writers to meet these constraints, future-adjacent technologies, how private information (cryptography) beats raw compute power, SPACE INFRASTRUCTURE, optimism as a positive telos for humanity, e/acc’s death drive, the Principle of Explosion, generative art as the catalyst for up-skilling artists, stories as social technology, magic lamps, new futurism aesthetics, and the challenges of running a magazine bridging art and technology.




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  • I speak with father of the Passage Prize and Keeper of the Passage Press, Lomez.

    Passage Prize started as an open call for literary and artistic submissions to find untapped talent from the Twitter anon sphere. It quickly exceeded its initial ambitions, drawing artists both obscure and famous to claim their spot in the coveted limited run print edition book, and a share of the $20,000 prize. From the success of the Passage Prize contest, the Passage Publishing company was born.

    Lomez and I speak about the origins of the Passage Prize, the hole in the market for right-of-center artists to share their work, the dearth of vitality in conservative art, surprises from the first submissions, how they selected for quality, the gap in publishing that Passage Press is aiming to fill, its relationship with Man's World and Mystery Grove Publishing, and his vision for the future of the Passage Press.

    Buy book(s): https://passage.press/

    Passage Press on X: https://x.com/PassagePress

    Lomez on X: https://x.com/L0m3z

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  • On Ayn Rand, Objectivism, the resonance of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, the development and spread of Individualism, high Romanticism, Rand's polarizing characters, the relationship between altruism and selfishness in her works and philosophy, Ayn Rand's large influence on entrepreneurs, and the intellectual subculture of Randian academics.

    Stephen R. C. Hicks is Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University and Executive Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship, and Senior Scholar at The Atlas Society.

    Site: https://www.stephenhicks.org/

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    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1XB9XYULrAY4dp0qIJVvCg

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  • For part 2 of the Cofnas-Macdonald debate I interview evolutionary psychologist Kevin Macdonald. We go over his response to Nathan Cofnas' objections to the Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy laid out in "The Culture of Critique" series, his explanations for outstanding Jewish influence, conscientiousness, emotional intensity, and affect intensity as notably Jewish personality traits, Ashkenazi verbal tilt in IQ, the history of Jewish advocacy for immigration, the dispute over group-level selection in evolutionary biology, and his response to the charge of antisemitism.

    Youtube interview: https://youtu.be/_tIut3USaFM

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  • Nathan Cofnas is Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, working in philosophy of biology and ethics. We discuss his paper “Still No Evidence for a Jewish Group Evolutionary Strategy” in the context of his ongoing debate with Kevin MacDonald and "The Culture of Critique” series. We cover explanations for outstanding and disproportionate Jewish success, differences in Jewish intelligence, whether Jews are particularly ethnocentric, Jewish involvement in Multiculturalism, Liberalism, mass immigration, and other political & intellectual movements, Margherita Sarfatti and Jews’ role in Italian Fascism, and the relationship of these unanswered questions to antisemitism.

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    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1XB9XYULrAY4dp0qIJVvCg

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  • I speak with sci-fi horrorist Zero HP Lovecraft on his Six Components of Religious Experience, a functionalist approach to religion, the concept of God becoming increasingly abstract and far away (divine distance), how Christianity can benefit from Nietzsche’s bitter medicine, Christianity’s struggle with modern sexual mores, pathological altruism, why goodness is strength, regaining self-possession, submitting to tradition to gain mastery over craft, and the tension between self-love and self-abolishment driving Western man.

    Relevant Links:

    Zero HP Lovecraft on X: https://x.com/0x49fa98

    Zero HP Lovecraft on Substack: https://zerohplovecraft.substack.com/

    Toward a Functionalist Understanding of Religion - https://zerohplovecraft.substack.com/p/marooned-in-the-deepest-darkness-993

    Toward a Functionalist Understanding of Religion, Pt. 2: The American Civic Religion - https://zerohplovecraft.substack.com/p/marooned-in-the-deepest-darkness-90b

    Toward a Functionalist Understanding of Religion, Pt. 3: Christo-Nietzschean Synthesis - https://zerohplovecraft.substack.com/p/marooned-in-the-deepest-darkness-bad


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  • Luca Cacciatore joins me to discuss Christianity in America, the decline of religiosity, the Second Great Awakening, how technology mediates religiosity, faith and fertility, religion grappling with science, the Evangelical Revolution, and the dearth of compelling Christian narratives for young men.

  • I am joined by Kino Corner to discuss movie making, film as a medium for capturing the zeitgeist of different eras, shooting on digital, film, and hybrid, the economics of why mid-budget movies have disappeared, crowdfunding movies, The Killer (Fincher, 2023), Asteroid City (Anderson, 2023), drifting from the binge model of TV series', and the Kino Corner's 5 masterpiece film recommendations.

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  • Michael Millerman joins me to discuss starting a philosophy school, why tech and startups are seeking wisdom, whether Western philosophy is still a living tradition, objections to the usefulness of philosophy, leading students to the eternal questions, the intimate pleasure of communing with old friends, Martin Heidegger's influence on Alexander Dugin, Leo Strauss and Heidegger's disagreement on philosophical historicism, our place in the cave beneath Plato's Cave, Millerman's intriguing encounter with Dugin, why Dugin is a dangerous philosopher, his take on "Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy," and the potential for the rewilding of philosophy.

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  • I sit down with Bitcoin Gandalf for a deep dive on Satoshi's immaculate coinception. Gandalf is a large influencer in the Bitcoin space and works in Bitcoin mining.

    Bitcoin is one of the most innovative technologies of the last century from a governance and coordination perspective. I believe it has the potential to be a vehicle for civilization-level reconfiguration of value.

    We cover our respective journeys in becoming "orange-pilled" on Bitcoin, the Bitcoin mining industry from the inside, Bitcoin maximalism, its potential to supplant existing fiat currencies, the virtues of self-custody, Bitcoin ETFs, Bitcoiners (community), proof of work vs. proof of stake, where we are in the current hype cycle, and getting into Bitcoin for noobs.

    You can find Gandalf on:


    Suggested Reading:

    Bitcoin White Paper: https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf

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  • DeepNews is using LLMs to aggregate and summarize the latest news across the internet, seeking to change the way we digest news.

    Nikolai Yakovenko is an ex-Twitter, Google, and Nvidia machine-learning engineer who initially forayed into Web3 with his venture 'DeepNFTValue,' which uses machine learning to estimate the value of NFTs; before also going on to create DeepNews.

    We cover using generative AI for compression, why this application of LLMs could better deliver news from primary sources across the internet in real time, the narrative neutrality of the AI-platform, concerns about information accuracy, misinformation, fidelity, and robustness, as well as potential areas for improvement.

    You can find Nikolai on:




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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hacking-state/id1689677076

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1XB9XYULrAY4dp0qIJVvCg

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  • In this conversation, I speak with Will (@latinxputler) about Anthrochauvinism, an alternative to e/acc & decel ideologies.

    We cover his experiences in the early days witnessing the formulation of e/acc (Effective Accelerationism) in groupchats as a response to Effective Altruism. His reservations about transhumanism and encounters with post-human or anti-human AI researchers. We then get into laying out the concept of Anthrochauvinism as a reactionary, human-centric orientation that puts technology in service of us. Finally, we touch on reproductive technology and genomics when considered from an Anthrochauvinist perspective.

    Will on X: https://twitter.com/LatinxPutler

    Readings mentioned:

    The Artilect War by Hugo de Garis



    The Question Concerning Technology by Martin Heidegger https://www2.hawaii.edu/~freeman/courses/phil394/The%20Question%20Concerning%20Technology.pdf

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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hacking-state/id1689677076

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  • We envision a nuclear Texas. Grant Dever is a research fellow at FREOPP (Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity) who writes about energy policy, with a focus on nuclear power. He earned his degree in economics and business from the University of Rochester. During the pandemic, Grant cultivated community for IndieThinkers.org—an accelerator for independent thinkers on the internet. He also authored "Lead The Future: Strategies and Systems for Emerging Leaders."

    The conversation touches on Texas as an independent energy powerhouse and the challenges with its power grid. Dever also speaks about the role of tech giants in advancing Nuclear Energy. By adopting demand response and managing intermittency, power-intensive applications like bitcoin mining, training LLMs & hydrogen production can be transformative in nuclear energy proliferation.

    The discussion concludes with a note on the opportunities in the Texas energy sector, particularly when diverging from federal directives, standing as the lone star state.

    You can find Grant on:

    Website: https://grantdever.com/

    Substack: https://www.seekingtribe.com/

    FREOPP: https://freopp.org/the-freopp-scholar-grant-dever-badbe66c8b7e

    X: https://twitter.com/grantadever

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Lead-Future-Strategies-Systems-Emerging-ebook/dp/B0828895H4

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    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@alexmurshak

    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hacking-state/id1689677076

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1XB9XYULrAY4dp0qIJVvCg

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  • Brendon Marotta is a filmmaker, author, and podcaster. We talk about his book, "Children's Justice", which applies critical theory to the controversial topic of infant circumcision.

    We go through his decision to appropriate the tools and tactics of critical theory in service of this issue, apprehensions around taking circumcision up as a social justice or human rights concern, my discomfort with everything about this, childhood trauma and its reverberating effects on adults and institutions, rhetorical methods borrowed from Foucault and others to make his argument, barriers for men and parents to discussing circumcision, and why he sees advocacy around this issue as a microcosm for opening a broader discussion around the treatment of children.

    Brendon Marotta's feature-length documentary, "American Circumcision" garnered numerous nominations and awards at film festivals, including Best Documentary at the Lone Star Film Festival (2017), The Silver Jury Prize at The Social Justice Film Festival (2017), Best Documentary Feature at Outer Docs Film Festival (2018), and is available on Netflix (non-US) and Prime video.

    Children's Justice (2022): https://www.amazon.com/dp/1735113425/

    American Circumcision: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7628146/

    Gods of AI (2022): https://www.amazon.com/Gods-AI-AI-Generated-Art-Book/dp/B0BMTFSNQ5/

    Brendon Marotta

    Site: https://brendonmarotta.com/

    X: https://twitter.com/bdmarotta

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  • Engineer and essayist Stephen Pimentel joins me for a review of the recently released bestselling book in Political Philosophy, Costin Alamariu’s “Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy”. In this discussion we go deep in tracing the argument, point-by-point, of Costin’s thesis concerning the twin emergence of philosophy and tyranny out of the idea of nature, and its teaching and preservation in the aristocratic regime.

    We attempt to tour the line of argument in sequential fashion, laying out the basic premises, consequences, and conclusions Costin provides, as well as its potential reverberations for our understanding of classical political philosophy; and hint at potential future implications, given advances in technology and age of the current regime, of this timely and unexpectedly popular hit.

    We go through the early anthropological account of pre-philosophical societies under the sway of collective nomos, the introduction of natural law from martial-aristocratic pastoralist conquerors, the discussion of Pindar and his insights for the aristocracy's self-understanding, phusis and its connection to physicality, the emergence of nature outside the city by breeding and training as a re-wilding project aimed at cultivating men of andreia and phronesis, Callicles and Socrates in Plato's Gorgias--turning Platonic political philosophy on its head, and Nietzsche's resurrection of aristocratic radicalism in service of the preservation of philosophy for the production of genius.

    Get the book: https://www.amazon.com/Selective-Breeding-Philosophy-Costin-Alamariu/dp/B0CJ3ZDHF6

    Stephen Pimentel: https://twitter.com/StephenPiment

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