
  • Finishing up our last few days in Costa Rica, we spent a day at the beautiful Hotel Quelitales (including an incredible lunch) and then headed west for some backcountry road birding. Relying on eBird hotspots, we found a few interesting spots, including an overgrown adventure park.

    Main Story Begins at: 5:30

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    Hotel Quelitales
    Sandy Komito

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned
    Barred Antshrike
    Silver-throated Tanager
    Firey-billed Aricari
    Striped Cuckoo

    Intro Bird Call: Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (Recorded August 2024, Costa Rica)
    Outro Bird Call: Yellow-green Vireo (Recorded August 2024, Costa Rica)

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • We had a free day when we first arrived to Costa Rica. So we scoped out a cool botanical garden, a coffee farm that works towards being bird-friendly, and an amazing hotel with birding gardens!

    FYI we talk a lot about the logistics of our first-time in Costa Rica on our own with cars and driving.

    Main Story Begins at: 10:35

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival
    Café Cristina
    Hotel Bougainvillea
    Lankester Botanical Garden

    eBird Trip Report

    Intro Bird Call: Short-billed Pigeon (Recorded August 14th, 2024, Costa Rica)
    Outro Bird Call: Rufous Motmot (Recorded August 14th, Costa Rica)

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

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  • Most birders know that Costa Rica is the place to go. So many birds in a diversity of habitats - you could spend your whole life exploring it! We spent several days at the world-renowned Rancho Naturalista and were lucky to see so many beautiful birds and places.

    Main Story Begins at: 6:50

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    International Conference for Women Birders
    Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival
    Rancho Naturalista
    Bocadito Del Cielo
    Achiote (lipstick tree)

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned
    White-Collared Manakin
    Scarlet-thighed Dacnis
    Slaty Spinetail

    Intro Bird Call: Young, Begging Brown Jay (Recorded August 2024, Costa Rica)
    Outro Bird Call: Keel-billed Toucan (Recorded August 2024, Costa Rica)

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Adam Cayton-Holland is known for his stand-up comedy (most recent special Wallpaper can be found on Amazon Prime); his sitcom, Those Who Can't; or tragi-comedy book, Tragedy Plus Time. But did you know that he is also a birder?

    Listen in as he tells about how he going into comedy and birding, the celebrity birding scene, and how birding has impacted his life.

    Main Story Begins at: 11:26

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival
    Adam Cayton-Holland
    Adam Cayton-Holland Wiki
    Adam Cayton-Holland Substack
    Adam Cayton-Holland Instagram
    Grail Bird
    In Search of the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker

    Birds/Animals mentioned
    Varied Thrush
    Ivory-billed Woodpecker

    Intro Bird Call: Western Flycatcher (Pacific Slope) (Recorded June 2019, Oregon)
    Outro Bird Call: Purple Finch (Recorded April 2022, Oregon)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Central Oregon has so much to offer! Woodpeckers, empids, and owls - galore!

    The Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival takes place at the end of May and highlights some of the great birding spots in the area. We lead a few trips as part of the festival, drank good beers, and did a bit of birding on our own.

    Main Story Begins at: 11:32

    Show notes:
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    AOS Checklist proposals
    AOS Checklist proposals simplified by the ABA Blog
    Dean Hale Woodpecker Festival
    Metolius Preserve
    Calliope Crossing

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:
    Flammulated Owl

    Intro Bird Call: Downy Woodpecker (Recorded April 2019, Oregon)
    Outro Bird Call: Hairy Woodpecker (Recorded January 2023, Oregon)

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • We explored a variety of quality levels of the Sagebrush Steppe ecosystem in central Oregon to see how conservationists are working towards improving areas for Greater Sage-Grouse. Stu, a retired physician and passionate botanist, showed us what to look for in quality habitat and what the conservation work being done.

    Main Story Begins at: 6:50

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    International Conference for Women Birders
    Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival
    Crepis flowers
    Oregon Sunshine Flower
    Sagebrush Steppe
    Cecal Tar

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:
    Greater Sage-Grouse

    Intro Bird Call: Western Meadowlark (Recorded May 2019, Oregon)
    Outro Bird Call: House Finch (Recorded March 2021, Oregon)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • In advance of our repositioning cruise, we had a few days to bird around LA. We've been there a few times before to bird, so we were searching for new spots and new birds. That drew us to Chino Hills State Park which is a great place for wildflowers, hiking, and Black-chinned Sparrows. Before jumping on the cruise, we had some time to spend at El Dorado Regional Park.

    *the name of the museum we were trying to recall is Arizona Sonora Desert Museum - thanks Taylor! Additionally, we mentioned multiple times an incorrect name for the trail we hiked at Chino Hills State Park. It is properly named the Coal Canyon Trail, not the Coal Creek Trail. We apologize for any confusion due to the mistake we did not catch before publishing the episode.

    Main Story Begins at: 11:18

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Flock To Marion Again
    Birdsong and Noise Pollution
    El Dorado Regional Park Nature Center
    Chino Hills State Park

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Black-chinned Sparrow

    Intro Bird Call: Black-chinned Sparrow (Recorded May 5th, 2024 California)
    Outro Bird Call: Lazuli Bunting (Recorded May 5th, 2024 California)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • I know what you are thinking: "another cruise, really?!?" Hear us out - this one is birdy. Spring repositioning cruises along the west coast of the US offer a good chance at seeing some of the pelagic species that are tough otherwise. Listen in for our trip on the Sapphire Princess in search of petrels.

    Main Story Begins at: 12:05

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Rio Grande Valley Birding Festival
    Flock To Marion Again
    Amberwing Studios Binocular Strap
    Oregon Pelagic Tours

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Tufted Puffin
    Murphy’s Petrel
    Hawaiian Petrel
    Cook’s Petrel

    Intro Bird Call: American Crow (Recorded May 2023, Oregon)
    Outro Bird Call: Pink-footed Shearwater (Recorded July 2020, Washington)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Going to see Island Scrub-Jays was always a dream of ours. They are an isolated species and even considered one of the rarest in the United States. So, we took a day boat trip to Santa Cruz Island in hopes of seeing at least one!

    Main Story Begins at: 7:23

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Global Big Day Results
    Santa Cruz Island
    Island Packers
    Birra Los Socios

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Island Scrub-Jay
    Island Fox
    Velella Velella (by-the-wind-sailors)

    Intro Bird Call: Common Raven (Recorded June 2019, Clatsop, Oregon)
    Outro Bird Call: California Scrub-Jay (Recorded September 2021, Clatsop, Oregon)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • There are many ways to enjoy birding and sometimes it's fun to be a little bit competitive, especially when it helps with conservation. We were excited to return to the Great Texas Birding Classic after skipping out in the last few years. This time we gave a Sunrise to Noon in South Texas a try.

    Main Story Begins at: 10:20

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    eBird Global Big Day
    Guide to solar storms
    Great Texas Birding Classic
    La Playa Harlingen

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:
    Buff-bellied Hummingbird: (listen to the song)

    Intro Bird Call: Northern Mockingbird (Recorded: Hidalgo Texas, April 2024)
    Outro Bird Call: Plain Chachalaca (Recorded: Texas, April 2024)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Spring is a magical time of year when migratory species are heading towards their breeding grounds. The Spring Chirp is scheduled for a great time in which you get to see a lot of the resident species of the Rio Grande Valley, migrants moving through, and much more!

    Main Story Begins at: 11:56

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Spring Chirp
    Birding is the world Brazil
    eBird Global Big Day
    Flock To Marion Again
    Captain Henry Charters
    ABA Checklist

    eBird Trip Report: https://ebird.org/tripreport/223694

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Blue Rock Thrush
    Southern Lapwing
    Yellow Warbler (Mangrove)

    Intro Bird Call: Chuck-will’s-Widow (Recorded April 16th, 2024 Hidalgo, Texas)
    Outro Bird Call: Plain Chachalaca (Recorded April 20th, 2024 Starr, Texas)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Wildflowers are blooming! While we might not have gotten to experience a superbloom, there is still a lot to see. We stopped by Cottonwood Canyon State Park (Oregon) and Dog Mountain (Washington) to see what flowers were out.

    Main Story Begins at: 12:10

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Spring Chirp
    Birding is the world Brazil
    eBird Global Big Day
    Wildflower Search
    Wildflower Viewing Areas
    Cottonwood Canyon State Park
    Dog Mountain

    eBird Trip Report: https://ebird.org/tripreport/222793

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Bighorn Sheep

    Intro Bird Call: Chukar (Recorded: Oregon, March 2024)
    Outro Bird Call: Steller’s Jay (Recorded: Oregon, April 2020)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • There are so many variables to pelagic birding trips with weather, sea conditions, fish movement patterns, and more! So sometimes it is a surprise what you happen upon. The San Diego Bird Festival offers pelagic trips and we were lucky enough to get on one.

    Main Story Begins at: 13:40

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Spring Chirp
    Great American Eclipse
    Dark Sky Week
    eBird Global Big Day
    New Seaforth
    Flock to Marion 2025 - BirdLife South Africa Cruise

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Scripps’s Murrelet
    Heermann’s Gull

    Intro Bird Call: Black Oystercatcher (Recorded: Washington March, 2019)

    Outro Bird Call: Pink-footed Shearwaters (Recorded: Offshore Washington, July 2020)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Jeff Bouton is a dedicated and expert digiscoper. In 2023, he accidentally did a digiscoping Big Year amounting over 1,000 species caught on camera using his iPhone and Kowa spotting scope. Listen in to hear all about digiscoping, Jeff's digiscoping tips and what he learned doing a big year.

    Main Story Begins at: 12:30

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Dial-a-birder: 503-741-9306
    Spring Chirp
    Dean Hale Woodpecker Fest
    Birding is the world Brazil
    KOWA YouTube Page
    Flock to Marion Again!

    Intro Bird Call: Brown-backed Solitaire (Recorded: Oaxaca, Mexico October, 2023)
    Outro Bird Call: Black Oystercatcher (Recorded: Washington, March 2019)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • San Diego has so much to offer - good restaurants and bars, beaches, outdoor recreation... and birds! We've been to San Diego many times, so we were on the lookout for some new places to explore for drinks and birds.

    Main Story Begins at: 9:40

    *Dial-a-Birder Hotline: Call 503-741-9306 to ask a question or tell us what's going on in your area! Your voicemail could be featured in our next episode!

    Show notes
    Cornell Lab of Ornithology - BeastBox
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil trip
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Spring Chirp
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Ramona Grasslands Preserve
    Dos Picos County Park
    Doyle Community Park
    Gravity Heights Brewery
    The Grass Skirt
    The Captains Quarters

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:
    Burrowing Owl

    Intro Bird Call: Spotted Towhee (Recorded: San Diego, CA February, 2024)
    Outro Bird Call: American Crow (Recorded: Oregon, May 2023)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Going on a cruise? It can be hard to get some birding in! But we believe in trying to bird wherever you can - so we did! Our cruise took us to Princess Cay, Puerto Rico, and Grand Turk and we were able to see some great birds while checking out the other sites.

    Main Story Begins at: 8:25

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil trip
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Spring Chirp
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Birds and Beans Coffee
    Peter Kaestner Sees 10,000 birds
    10,000 birds blogs

    eBird Trip Report: https://ebird.org/tripreport/201269

    Intro Bird Call: White-eyed Vireo (Recorded: Florida December, 2022)

    Outro Bird Call: Royal Tern Colony (Recorded: Florida, July 2018)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Back in Florida - at least for a day! Before going on a "company retreat/family wedding" cruise, we had a day to bird the Fort Lauderdale/Miami area. Good food, sunny skies, and cherished birds! Luckily for us, there was a free walk with Tropical Audubon Society at Frog Pond WMA/Lucky Hammock, a great hotspot just outside of the Everglades National Park entrance.

    Main Story Begins at: 9:24

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil trip
    Great Backyard Bird Count
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Spring Chirp
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Birds and Beans Coffee
    Tropical Audubon Society
    Robert is Here
    Frog Pond WMA/Lucky Hammock

    eBird Trip Report

    Intro Bird Call: White-eyed Vireo (Recorded: Florida December, 2022)
    Outro Bird Call: Fish Crow (Recorded: Florida, December 2022)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • In the second half of our West Africa trip, we spent it birding in various spots along the River Gambie. West Africa may not be as high on your bucket list, but it is definitely has unique spots, wonderful residents and visitors, and of course, amazing birds.

    Main Story Begins at: 8:20

    Show notes

    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the world Brazil
    Spring Chirp
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Oregon Pelagic Tours
    May 7, 2024 Princess Cruise
    Great Backyard Bird Count
    Marakissa River Camp

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds/Animals mentioned:

    Bruce’s Green-Pigeon
    Egyptian Plover

    Intro Bird Call: African Scops-Owl (Recorded: The Gambia, December 2023)
    Outro Bird Call: Four-banded Sandgrouse (Recorded: The Gambia, December 2023)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Sax-Zim Bog in Minnesota is a fascinating birding spot that is great for winter exploration. But be aware, it is COLD and takes a bit of effort to find those birds. Sparky, executive director of Friends of Sax-Zim Bog, joined us to discuss the bog and how to bird there.

    *Bird Nerd Giveaway details:

    Like the Hannah and Erik Go Birding Instagram pageLike the Birding is the World Brazil Instagram page and sign up for their newsletter Answer the question on our Facebook between January 12 - 23, 2024 to qualify

    One randomly-selected, lucky winner will win a $200 gift certificate towards any Birding is the World Brazil tour (expires January 10, 2025).

    Main Story Begins at: 14:00

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Spring Chirp
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Kollath and Stensass Publishing
    Sax-Zim and Birding/bird photographer videos
    The Photo Naturalist
    Sparky’s photo galleries
    Friends of Sax-Zim Bog
    Birding Minnesota: Sax-Zim Bog

    Birds/Animals mentioned
    Araripe Manakin
    Great Gray Owl
    Northern Hawk-Owl
    Ermine (Short-tailed Weasel)

    Intro Bird Call: Black-capped Chickadee (Recorded: British Columbia March 2019)

    Outro Bird Call: Red Crossbill (Recorded: Oregon August 2023)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

  • Why do birders visit Senegal? Is it for the warm climate, good food, or plethora of easily viewable, interesting birds? Yes, yes, and yes! Listen in for trees of Scissor-tailed Kites, cool lodges, and some travel tips.

    Main Story Begins at: 10:50

    Show notes
    Buy me a Coffee
    Birding is the World Brazil trip
    Spring Chirp
    San Diego Bird Festival
    Kollath and Stensass Publishing
    Gambia Birding
    Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary

    eBird Trip Report

    Birds mentioned
    Scissor-tailed Kite
    White-crested Tiger-Heron
    Arabian Bustard

    Intro Bird Call: Scissor-tailed Kite (Recorded: Senegal December 2023)
    Outro Bird Call: African Gray Hornbill (Recorded: Senegal December 2023)

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com

    Support the show

    Connect with us at...

    IG: @Hannahgoesbirding and @Erikgoesbirding
    Twitter: @WeGoBirding
    Facebook: @HannahandErikGoBirding
    Email us at [email protected]
    Website: http://www.gobirdingpodcast.com