
  • The hosts celebrate their 18th episode and reflect on their journey. They discuss how the podcast unexpectedly strengthened their friendship, share feedback from listeners, and tease the idea of inviting guests for a fresh twist in the next season. The hosts are taking a break but promise to return with more happiness insights and a sprinkle of AI magic for episode titles.

    If you're eager to join the conversation, reach out via email or a personal message. Stay tuned for more happy vibes!

  • The episode begins with Nikita expressing his confusion about the meaning of love, a sentiment shared by many. Vasily, ever pragmatic, joins in, pondering whether love can be truly defined. They discuss various types of love, from romantic to platonic, and even touch on the concept of love as an action rather than a state. Throughout the conversation, they share personal anecdotes and question common perceptions, making it a relatable and engaging listen for anyone who's ever wondered about the complexity of love.


    9 Different Types of Love According to the Ancient Greeks by GreeceHighDefinition

    Summary of Brave New World, book by Aldus Huxley

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  • Is helping others all about them, or is there a sneaky bit of self-interest involved? Vasily and Nikita jump into this debate, tossing around ideas and laughs as they try to figure out if we're naturally nice or just looking for that karma boost. The conversation may make you wonder about the last time you lent a hand.

    As the episode unfolds, things get even more interesting. The duo dives into the brainy side of being kind, wondering if our grey matter has a say in our good deeds. They keep it light and engaging, mixing brain talk with their playful banter. This episode isn't just a chat; it's a journey through the intriguing twists and turns of why we do what we do for others. It's perfect for anyone from curious minds to everyday heroes, offering a fresh take on the age-old question of why we help others.

    Tune in for a dose of fun, facts, and maybe a new perspective on the power of giving.


    Nikita’s blog post: Doing the Right Thing for the Right Reasons

  • If you could take a pill to make you happier and healthier, would you? What about sitting alone in silence for 10 days straight - sound fun? Maybe not! 

    In this candid discussion, Vasily and Nikita break down the pros and cons of using hardcore biohacking versus more spiritual practices like meditation to achieve next-level well-being.

    They also break down the science and psychology around what really impacts "happy chemicals" in the brain. From dopamine detoxes to longevity-obsessed gurus, no stone is left unturned in this fascinating clash between spirituality and science on the quest to optimize life.


    Book The Mind Illuminated by John Yates, Matthew Immergut, and Jeremy Graves 

    Mr. S.N. Goenka, revered teacher of Vipassana Meditation

    Dave Asprey’s Bulletproof Coffee – How-to

    The Ultimate 10 Rules of Dopamine Detox by Dante Kim

  • Remember when Facebook was just about connecting with friends? Now, it's all about fighting the urge to scroll endlessly.

    Join Vasily and Nikita as they explore their attempts to quit Instagram (spoiler: it's tough!) and laugh at their old social media selves. Nikita provides step-by-step instructions for completely detaching from social media. Vasily warns against the dangers of social media technologies that target our attention. Plus, the hosts get real about the FOMO and how it messes with our heads.

    Tune in to hear their take on the evolving digital landscape, and maybe even get inspired to join them on this less-traveled path away from constant connectivity.


    Nikita’s blog post ‘The Right to Be Wrong’ 

    Nikita’s blog post ‘Unsubscribe’

    Book by Cal Newport: ‘Digital Minimalism’ and ‘Deep Work’ (and more) 

    The Social Dilemma Documentary

  • Introvert, extrovert, ENFJ, Virgo - do personality types really capture the full essence of who you are? Vasily and Nikita are skeptical. They argue that tricky terms like "introvert" don't even come close to describing whole, complex human beings. Vasily thought he was an introvert for years until he realized he also had plenty of extroverted qualities. He and Nikita point out that people are multifaceted - any given individual can't be neatly boxed into a single category.

    Are personality quizzes like Myers-Briggs real science or just for fun? The hosts of the show say labels like "introvert" or "Leo" barely scratch the surface of who people really are. Vasily thought he was introverted until he realized he's also extroverted sometimes. So he and Nikita doubt these buzzwords describe real, complex individuals.

    While labels can help understand others, don't let them box you in! Though tests are popular distractions, Vasily and Nikita don't think they truly map your whole personality. Tune in as the hosts debate: do we uncover truths or just limit ourselves when we try to define people so neatly?


    Book 50 Popular Beliefs That People Think Are True by Guy P. Harrison  

    16Personalities: Get a “freakishly accurate” description of who you are with this online test

  • In this episode, Vasily and Nikita tackle the delicate topic of ending relationships. The conversation is sparked by a personal story of a road trip that resulted in a permanent falling out with another couple. This real-life example sets the stage for a broader discussion on the challenging decisions of cutting ties, especially when influenced by clashing political views and divergent worldviews in today's divisive climate.

    Throughout the episode, the hosts engage in an introspective debate on the balance between self-preservation and the moral responsibility of staying connected. They ponder the fine line between creating a protective echo chamber and the necessity of distancing oneself for mental well-being. True to the podcast's nature, their exchange is raw and honest, mirroring the struggle between the human desire for connection and the essential act of setting boundaries. This episode of "Happy Maybe" resonates with the harsh reality that sometimes, ending relationships, however painful, is crucial for personal growth and happiness.

  • Nikita thinks most folks selling themselves as life coaches just want your cash. But Vasily says some coaches can help you get motivated to improve your life. Nikita warns about social media influencer types who act like gurus but don’t really know you. Vasily thinks hiring a coach can work if they get you taking action and hold you accountable.

    They tell stories of coaches who were helpful and others who just talked big without delivering. In the end, Nikita and Vasily agree you need to be smart about who you take advice from. Not everyone who seems ultra confident has the answers. The trick is finding a mentor who calls you to be your best self, not just tells you what you want to hear.


    Tim Ward’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@TimothyWard

    Pieter Levels on X (Twitter) https://twitter.com/levelsio

    Darren Silver https://www.darrensilver.earth/

  • During their discussion about anger and happiness, Vasily and Nikita get into a lively debate. They share personal stories about anger, revealing how it can affect people's behavior and emotions. The hosts discuss situations where anger emerged unexpectedly, like when a cab driver took a wrong route, and how people reacted. They examine the challenges of managing anger healthily, especially in today's society, where expressing anger can be challenging.

    Vasily and Nikita also share their thoughts on the fine line between justified anger and destructive outbursts, emphasizing the importance of understanding and acknowledging this complex emotion. Throughout the episode, they touch on the discomfort and unease that often accompany anger and ponder the limited outlets available for expressing it.


    Break Bar NYC

    The Rage Cage in Brooklyn

  • In this episode, Vasily and Nikita discuss therapy. They talk about why people might consider doing it as Vasily shares his personal journey trying therapy for the first time. They describe different therapeutic modalities, including Internal Family Systems (IFS). They talk about how IFS views individuals as having different inner "parts" or facets, each with its own role and voice, and how this approach can be liberating as it removes perceived judgment.

    The episode emphasizes that therapy isn't about dealing with being "crazy" but self-improvement and seeking support when needed. Vasily explains why he decided to give therapy a try. They especially highlight the importance of finding a therapist you can trust.

    It's a good listen for anyone curious about therapy or thinking about giving it a try.


    The Sopranos – American crime drama TV series (IMDB)

    Shrinking – American sitcom series (IMDB)

    Internal Family Systems (IFS) official website 

    The book "No Bad Parts" by Dr. Schwartz

    Nikita's blog post 'Above All Else, We Want to Be Understood'

  • In this episode, Vasily threw Nikita a curveball with a topic that got him thinking. They dove into the unruly world of radical honesty and how it can mess with our relationships. Nikita brought up this idea of "right speech" from Buddhism, which caused Vasily to reflect.

    Without intending to, the two friends turned the episode into an example of how radical honesty can be practiced since Nikita wasn’t a fan of how Vasily introduced the topic. Behind the scenes, they had to have a follow-up conversation ensuring their friendship was still strong after this little disagreement. 


    Book 48 Laws of Power (Wikipedia) 

    Right Speech (on 'Learn Religions')

    Noble Silence in Buddhism (Wikipedia)

    The practice of Circling

    Intro to Internal Family Systems (YouTube) 

  • In this episode, the hosts have a conversation about the experience of feeling sad without any apparent reason. They discuss practical methods to cope with sadness, such as going for a walk, watching something enjoyable, talking to someone, or engaging in physical activity like going to the gym. They also mention actively meditating on negative emotions, allowing yourself to feel them without judgment.

    Drawing from their own experiences, the hosts reflect on the power of self-awareness and recommend books like "Letting Go" and "Busting Loose from the Money Game" as resources for understanding and processing emotions. They emphasize the importance of embracing vulnerability and accepting the natural ebb and flow of emotions in life. They suggest finding solace in uncertainty. They point out that it's okay not always to be happy but to instead embrace and acknowledge their emotions as part of their personal growth journey.


    Book “Letting Go” by David R. Hawkins https://a.co/d/40lfrcR (Amazon)

    Book “Busting Loose From The Money Game” by Robert Scheinfeld https://a.co/d/cY6LzhO  and The Process (Tools: http://www.robertscheinfeld.com/Scheinfeld-Drilling-Tools.pdf)

    Dr. Joe Dispenza https://www.drjoedispenza.com 

  • In this episode, the hosts explore how engaging in creative outlets can significantly impact our personal fulfillment. They reflect on their personal journeys of creativity, including writing blog posts, making music, and working on side projects, highlighting how these activities bring them joy and a sense of purpose.

    They also touch upon the importance of public sharing and the unique satisfaction that comes from releasing creative work into the world.

    While struggling to stay coherent during their conversation, Nikita and Vasily explore the connection between creativity and productivity, questioning whether a certain environment or being surrounded by others influences their motivation and ability to create.


    Vasily’s blog

    Nikita’s blog post on toxic positivity

    Sonic Focus tune on YouTube (60m)

    Sonic Focus tune on Spotify (12m)

    Happy Maybe Episode 5 'The Never-ending Quest For Home"

  • Join Vasily, Nikita, and special guest Liya in this fascinating episode of Happy Maybe, where they discuss the difficulties of choosing where to live and the excitement of exploring new things. They talk about the importance of having a community, the thrill of traveling, and finding the right balance between stability and adventure.

    We hope this conversation will help you consider new perspectives on where you belong and discover happiness in unexpected places.

    Here is the breakdown of the episode.

    Exploring new places and seeking novelty. Balancing community and the desire for adventure. Challenges of building connections in new environments. Finding stability amidst the thrill of discovery. The influence of the "honeymoon period" on perceptions. The ongoing quest for happiness and fulfillment in choosing a place to live.
  • In this episode of Happy Maybe, Vasily and Nikita engage in a freeform conversation about the complexities of finding happiness and satisfaction in a seemingly "perfect" life. They explore the pressures of constantly striving for self-improvement and question whether pursuing professional success always leads to happiness. They also delve into the dilemma of whether to push for a salary raise or accept the status quo. Join them for a thought-provoking conversation that challenges our assumptions about what truly matters in life.


    On WEIRD societies

    Nikita’s blog post on toxic positivity

  • In this episode of Happy Maybe, Vasily and Nikita engage in a freeform conversation about the connection between inspiration, discipline, and our pursuit of happiness. Nikita shares how his recent trip to Costa Rica inspired him, but his motivation has since waned. Vasily discusses his personal struggle with maintaining a consistent meditation practice and suggests reading books as a more mindful alternative to mindlessly scrolling through social media.

    Tune in to this episode and join the freeform conversation between two friends as they share their insights on what drives us towards happiness.


    Old Chinese tale “The Story of the Old Man and His Horse" (that the hosts called “The Maybe Tale”)

    Internal Family Systems Therapy (article)

  • In this episode of Happy Maybe, Vasily and Nikita explore the challenges of having an identity as an immigrant. They delve into the complex process of cultural integration and discuss how it can be a never-ending struggle that lasts for years. Drawing from their own experiences, Vasily and Nikita share insights on how to navigate the ups and downs of adapting to a new culture and finding a sense of belonging.

    Tune in to this freeform conversation between two friends for a heartfelt and thought-provoking discussion on what it means to have an identity shaped by immigration.


    Gogol Bordello (band)  

    Gogol Bordello YouTube channel 

  • In the debut episode of Happy Maybe (which was still an unnamed podcast at the time of the recording), Vasily and Nikita dive into a nuanced conversation about the difficulties of taking sides when faced with two less-than-ideal options. From navigating personal relationships to grappling with divisive political issues, they explore the complexities of making tough choices.

    Join them for a gripping conversation on how to find a way forward in a world of competing perspectives.


    Nikita’s blog https://chepanov.com/ 

    Peace Pilgrim (book) https://www.peacepilgrim.org/translations