
  • Do you ever want to change your child and their undesirable behaviors?

    Today we will talk about what an underbelly actually is with behaviors with our kids and even the adults in our life

    Learning this will help you have more harmony in your home. Let me know your thoughts on pocket coaching and your biggest takeaway.

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  • Do you ever feel like you’re living life on the crazy cycle?  

    Today we will talk about what it is and how to hop off the crazy cycle and hop onto the energy cycle.

    This will lead to having a lot more harmony in your home. Let me know your thoughts on pocket coaching and your biggest takeaway.

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  • Do you resonate with catchy one liners and analogies?

    If so, today will be just for you to figure out how to put more power in your pause and lengthen the gap between their action and your reaction.

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    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Ever wonder what will happen when your kids grow up after living in a home with gentle parenting?

    Today we will hear from a product of that kind of parenting in her 20s as she reflects back.

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  • Does your house feel stiff and rigid or light and fluffy?

    Today we will hear from Dr. Delaney on how to create more peace and less chaos in your home.

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  • How much do you miss Mr. Rogers in your living room everyday?

    I grew up with him and Sesame Street acting as the soundtrack to my childhood.  Today we will hear from a dad who used Mr. Rogers teachings to bring more peace into his home.

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    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

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  • Ever feel like your kids cry and/or rage out in anger everyday and it just won’t stop?

    Today we will disrupt that pattern and use an analogy that will help you today and everyday!

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  • Ever wonder why everyday feels as frustrating as the day before?

    It feels like we are in a bad movie of Groundhog’s Day with the same frustrating behavior met with the same yelling we promised we wouldnt do that follows up with the guilt and shame that always seems to be the chaser to the chaos .

    Today we will disrupt that cycle of crazy and replace it with pausing and peace.

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    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Are you consumed with what other people think of you?

    I will promise you it gets better with age, but  what are we supposed to do in the meantime?  Today we will unpack the root of all this to shed some light on it and yank it out from its core so it is not so debilitating or all consuming.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you ever feel like the housework is never going to end and you’ll never catch up? 

    Today we are going to talk about a project we can do together to help each other to keep our house looking the way we desire. 

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    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you get so frustrated when your kids push your buttons? 

    Today we will unlock the secrets behind the button pushers, and how to not be so activated when they are pressed. 

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    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • What in the world does a marathon have to do with living our best life? 

    Today we will hear an incredible marathon analogy of how we can get out of the compare and despair game so we can enter into the game of empowerment and contentment.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Are you a chronic people pleaser? 

    Sometimes we have the disease to people please because we don’t want anyone else to ever have a negative human emotion.

    Today we will learn how to distance ourselves from that obsession to people please and taking our power back instead of handing it over to XYZ person.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • We talk about unconditional love on this podcast all the time, but what does it really mean? 

    Today I’m going to give you tangible examples of what unconditional feels like and how we can emote it to the people within our four walls and beyond to have more connection.

    When we have connection, we have more cooperation and lightness overall. 

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you ever wonder why you’re overly frustrated with the people within your four walls?

    I learned a long time ago from Tony Robbins that it usually doesn’t have anything to do with the people living within your four walls, but more about the people that you grew up with in the  walls when you were little. 

    Listen in today on how to unlock the secret to more connection in your relationships when you can separate the little girl or little boy inside of us from the person in front of you today.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you love true crime like I do? 

    Sometimes I’m watching, and my opinion of the case is like watching a ping-pong match as it goes back-and-forth.

    We can use that analogy when we are with our children and our loved ones to see their amazing parts and the underbelly of those parts as well 

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    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you ever feel like you’re drifting away from your loved ones and you don’t know how it happened? 

    Today we will talk about a fascinating topic called the slow drift and it has something to do with granola. Find out the connection with granola so you can have more connection in your floor walls .

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Happy Valentine’s Day! Love is my favorite word in the dictionary and so I think it’s ironic that this episode is releasing on the most loving day of the year! 

    Listen in and how you can make the people within your four wall feel the love in the air  on this special day and all other days of the year.Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching to have harmony in the home.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you ever feel like your kids come to you for every little thing and it leaves you exhausted?

    Feeling needed by our kids can be  the greatest blessing and always a curse. Today we’ll talk about how to strike that Goldilocks balance between the 2 to have more harmony in your home.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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  • Do you ever feel so stressed out and not sure how to manage the tricky emotions?

    Today we’ll talk about what to do when those emotions take over and get things done so we’re not always feeling short on time and tall on tasks.

    This awareness and these strategies will help you have more harmony in your home.

    Reply to this email with what you think about this episode and/or if you want to sign up for pocket coaching.

    Check out our sponsor Herbal Face Food and support the show by clicking the link https://tinyurl.com/KellysFavoriteAntiAgingSerum and using the code Harmony20 at checkout for 20% off.

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