Plant Love Radio features conversations with some of the best and most renowned herbalists. Here, they share favorite lessons and resources for living happier, balanced and more resilient lives through the wonders of herbal medicine. The podcast host, Lana Camiel, is also an herbalist and a pharmacy professor. (Formerly known as Wellness Insider Network)
Talking about dentistry and prosthodontics in easy way
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Milanovich Domi pszichológus-újságíró podcastja, amelynek beszélgetései során a lélektan legkülönbözőbb sarkaiba látogatnak el. A pszichológia izgalmas (határ)területeit járják körül meghívott szakemberekkel, hogy az adások végére ti is magatokkal vihessetek valamit, ami jól jön a hétköznapokban.
Do you have Multiple Sclerosis and have goals of improving your mobility, energy, and motivation? On this show, you’ll learn MS-specific exercises and symptom management strategies to help you gain control over your life with MS. I also bring in other MS Experts in the healthcare industry to share their insights and advice so you’ll be armed with research-driven education. You’ll leave each episode feeling empowered and ready to take action!
Releváns Sürgősségi Ismeretek- RSI podcast. Mindenkinek, aki fejlődni szeretne, prehospitálisan vagy sürgősségi osztályon. Célunk a magyar sürgősségi ellátás FOAM szemléletének erősítése, fejlesztése. Nem megmondani szeretnénk, hanem a tudást összegyűjteni, terjeszteni. Kétheti vidám hangulatú, evidenciákon alapuló adások Rácz Bélával és Constantinovits Miklóssal.
Grand Rounds, a staple of American medical education for more than 100 years, spans every field of clinical practice. It is a master class on the art and science of medicine, delivered by renowned clinicians in academic settings nationwide. Yet in today's practice, where time is an all-too precious commodity, regular attendance at Grand Rounds sessions has become increasingly difficult. In response to this challenge, ReachMD brings the lecture hall to you, with these outstanding talks from top academic centers across the country.
Perspektivaváltás, objektivitás, gondolkodásművészet, személyiségfejlesztés egy magasan képzett és gyakorlott life coachtól. Ezeket tanitjuk a podcastban. Életből vett, ügyfeleink és magunk által átélt szituációk, gondolatok és érzések. Logikusan felépitett, tananyag jellegű show. De használd bátran arra, hogy motivációt találj egy unalmas hétköznap!
The Inform Perform Podcast is an industry show focussed on Sports Performance and Sports Medicine. The show interviews thought leaders and professionals that support elite athletes and teams. The aim of the show is to deconstruct the strategies and philosophies the guests utilise in their working environment or area of expertise. Featured guests have worked across the NBA, NFL, MLB, F1, World title Boxing, EPL and more.
“Plants of the Gods: Hallucinogens, Healing, Culture and Conservation” is a new and unique podcast focusing on the hallucinogenic plants and fungi whose impact on world culture and religion – and healing potential - is only now beginning to be appreciated as never before. Unlike other podcasts relating to these issues, “Plants of the Gods” is hosted by renowned ethnobotanist Dr. Mark Plotkin, a Harvard and Yale-trained scientist who has been studying the healing plants and shamans of the Amazon rainforest for almost four decades. An award-winning scientist and best selling author, Dr, Plotkin is a spellbinding storyteller who will be speaking from personal experience and will be joined by other leaders in the field.
Psychological Content is a podcast designed to entertain, stimulate, inform, and enlighten. Join host and licensed Counselor and Psychotherapist Jeremy J. Lanning as he navigates the complexities of life as a therapist and as a client. Here are some things you can expect from the show; shared experiences, movies, literature, problem solving, feelings, music, love, loss, change, pain and triumph. If you come with an open mind, you will leave with fresh relief and new skills. Listen here or search your preferred platform like iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, and others.
Über 60% der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland sind weiblich. Aber je höher die Karriereleiter, desto mehr übernehmen – Männer. Nur etwa jede zehnte Führungsposition ist von einer Frau besetzt. Was läuft da schief? Wie können es Frauen trotzdem ganz nach oben schaffen? Oder zumindest die Karriere machen, die ihnen vorschwebt. Das möchte Julia Rotherbl, Chefredakteurin der "Apotheken Umschau", herausfinden. Zusammen mit Frauen, die von ihrem persönlichen Karriereweg erzählen.
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