Listen to Dr. Christine and Joanna Rogister, Classical Homeopath and Registered Nutritionist, talking about Joanna's way to overcome Grave's disease (autoimmune hyperthyroidism) and about how she sees homeopathy and healing. How does Homeopathy help and who can it help?
Joanna Rogister is an International Speaker, Author, Classical Homeopath and a Holistic Nutritionist who is passionate about helping her audiences and patients find and maintain a healthy balance in their lives. Within her practice, she helps each person move past surface issues and get to the root cause of illnesses or imbalances, so these can be resolved. Her stance as an outspoken advocate for alternative therapies and developing intuitive abilities has earned her the title of Wellness Renegade, and her book, The Magnificence of Magenta, offers unique insights into how we can all work at healing ourselves in order to secure a more joyful, peaceful and healthy lifestyle. In addition, Joanna’s corporate background provides her with insight into the interconnectivity between professional success and personal happiness.
To contact, go to
email: [email protected]
Read her Blog on: https://DocChristine.com/joanna-rogister
Listen to Dr. Christine and Stefanie Davis Miller, a paramedic and advocate for first-responder mental health, talk about PTSD. Listen to her story, how to know if you may have PTSD, what should be done and what can be done.
Contact her on her website: https://www.stefaniespeaks.com/ -
Missing episodes?
Listen to Dr. Christine and Jennifer explain why mental and brain health does not only involve positive thinking, emotional stability and medication, if needed. We also need to consider the physical root causes of these illnesses as well as the spiritual connection to have long-term success.
Dr. Christine works as a Personal Health Advisor and Consultant and a Certified Brain and Mental Health Coach online and in person.
Contact Dr. Christine at [email protected]
Web: https://docchristine.com -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Christina talk about Courageous Self-Care - what it is, what it isn't, why we need to care for ourselves to be able to care for others and why it takes courage to care for yourself, especially as a woman.
Through her work, Christina helps women revitalize their energy from the inside out so that they can be productive and peaceful.
Website: https://www.christinamarlett.com/
Podcast: https://www.christinamarlett.com/courageous-self-care-podcast -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Rachel talk about why she decided to become a psychologist and mental health counselor specializing in relationship issues and how she helps her clients with relationship issues.
Rachel is a skilled psychotherapist with proven results for those experiencing relationship difficulties. She also has worked with clients with mood, anxiety, trauma etc.
Company: Purposive Planning
Web: http://purposiveplanning.com
[email protected]
1-518-321-0699 -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Melissa talk about her story, how she juggles work and family and how she uses her experience to help her patients and clients craft their soul strategy and find answers.
Melissa is a Soul Strategist, physician, holistic wellness practitioner, coach, author, speaker, and mother of five. She helps high-achieving women who secretly feel a bigger calling, let go of fear and shame, gain clarity on their life's purpose, and more.
https://melissakaltmd.com/ -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Jennifer Goguen talk about why weight loss is so hard, why it often fails and what you can do to help keep it off!
Learn more and contact us through
Check out our - NOT the ususal - weight loss program - The Body, Mind and Spirit Transformation
email: [email protected] -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Dr. Alan Simberg talk about mental and physical health, how they go together and what we all can do to improve our general health and live to the fullest.
Dr. Alan Simberg has a PhD in Counseling Psychology and is a Licensed Marriage & family therapist & a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor...
To contact:
[email protected]
[email protected]
1- 281-785-0660 -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Certified Life, Spiritual and Christina Coach and Energy Healer Felicia Reid talk about her history of severe domestic abuse, and how she grew to her current strong person by forgiving and turning her experiences into something very positive.
To contact, go to her website:
email: [email protected]
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/putitinperspectivellc/ -
Listen to Dr. Christine and business coach Mitch Cammidge talk about work-life integration, the stress of being and entrepreneur and how to overcome it.
Find him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mitchcammidge/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mitchcammidgeofficial/
or email [email protected] -
Listen to Dr. Christine and long-time TaiChi Instructor Mary Sanger talk about how doing TaiChi was like "money in the bank" for her, how it helped her overcome illness faster and about the benefits of doing TaiChi in general as well about the Fung Loy Kok Taoist TaiChi Society.
Contact and find a local group:
To Contact the Halifax-based groups:
[email protected]
https://m.facebook.com/FLKCanadaHalifax9NorthParkSt/ -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Author Leanne Bourgeois talk about her book "Intuition to Fruition - From My Inside to My Outside" Where she very candidly talks with her struggles with mental health and how she dealt with them and came out stronger!
Follow her on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leebourgeois
Get her book at major retailers
or email Dr. Christine at [email protected] and she can put you in touch with her! -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Andrea Lussing talk about Binge-Eating and Overeating generally from her view and experience as a binge- and overeating coach.
Andrea is a personal coach who specializes in helping women overcome binge eating and overeating. To help her clients she draws on her own experiences of struggling with binge eating and bulimia for over 6 years.
To contact Andrea, go to:
Email: [email protected] -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Rich Bontrager talk about the Challenges he faced living with liver disease and eventually going through a liver transplant.
Rich is a business person, motivational speaker and overcame stuttering, too!
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RichTriggerBontrager/
Website: https://www.richbontrager.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RichBontrager -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Janice Burgess talk about how to quit smoking and her work as a JB Quit Coach!
Janice Burgess is a Clinical Pharmacist, a Certified Health Coach and a Quit Smoking Coach.
Here are her links:
Breathe Easy Boot camp: http://go.jbquitcoach.com/quit-smoking
On the Fence Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/On-the-fence-1639767656103576/
Website: http://jbquitcoach.com/ -
Dr. Christine Sauer, MD ND (Ger), INHC, CBHC and Jennifer Goguen, INHC, BA(Psych)
Listen to Dr. Christine and Jennifer talk about the benefits of gratitude, what it really is and how to incorporate it into our - and our families' daily lives.
Contact us at:
email: [email protected] -
Listen to DocChristine and Sharmine (Shar) Massey, Author, Women Empowerment Strategist & a Motivational Speaker, talk about Self-Love.
What it is, why it is important, and how to love ourselves so we can truly love others.
Find Shar on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sharmine.massey -
Listen to Rakesh Modi, BAMS, DAc, Dr.Ac, MAc, MAcF, CAHP, MT and Dr. Christine talk about the origins, history and current practice of ayurvedic medicine and acupuncture , what it is and who it helps.
Rakesh is an Ayurvedic Physician and Lecturer for many generations, a Certified Acupuncturist and more.
He has published many articles, lectured at many events, featured on many TV shows and taught at Seminars and Congresses.
He currently lives and works in Toronto, ON
Contact: http://ayurvedtoronto.com -
Julie Daniluk, RHN, NNCP
Listen to Dr. Christine and Julie discuss Julie's journey of overcoming ADHD through nutrition and then her way to now helping others re-gain their health through optimized nutrition.
Nutritionist Julie Daniluk is a TV show host and bestselling author of Meals That Heal Inflammation, Slimming Meals That Heal and her latest book Hot Detox.
Check out more information at juliedaniluk.com and connect with her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @juliedaniluk -
Listen to Dr. Christine and Bethany Perry talk about emotional and physical trauma, brain health, and more.
Bethany transforms the lives of women and men who are challenged with emotional and physical traumas. Her clients often come for weight loss, emotional eating, stress, anxiety, and PTSD.
Contact Bethany at
https://www.linkedin.com/in/bethanyperry/ - Show more