Hearthcast - The Final Episode : Join Rewt and Freckleface for one last show, as they talk about their experience over the last 9 years.
Hearthcast #384: Rewt and Freckleface Get All Caught Up In Patch 8.0
Missing episodes?
Hearthcast #383: HCT Innkeeping and The Game of Dethrones
Hearthcast #382: Precarious Carries - Rewt and Freckleface talk about endgame carries and achievements they'd like to see in Hearthstone
Hearthcast #381: What Hearthstone Is Missing - Rewt and Freckleface talk about some features they feel Hearthstone is missing
Hearthcast #380: RAH and Witchwood - Rewt and Freckleface talk about the removal of the Remote Auction House and the Lore in Witchwood
Hearthcast #379: What to do with Sudderwock - Rewt & Freckleface talk about the new Hearthstone Expansion
Hearthcast #378: Things we used to do in WoW, and no more Remote Auction House
Hearthcast #377: DIY IRL Toys from WoW - Rewt and Freckleface talk about possible toys from the game that you could make IRL
Hearthcast #376 : The Way We Quest - Rewt and Freckleface talk about questing in The World of Warcraft, and Freck tells a bed time story
Hearthcast #375: The War on Gaming Companies - Rewt and Freckleface chat about the lengths players will go to when they are upset about a game.
Hearthcast #374: Zone Scaling, Customer Support, and NPC's = Rewt and Freckleface talk about their leveling experience, Rewt has a chat with CS, and NPCs say the darndest things...
Hearthcast #373: Get in the Game with New Profession Abilities - Rewt and Freckleface talk about being put in WoW and what some new profession abilities may come.
Hearthcast #372: Cinematics, Nightborne, and the Bravest Bat - Rewt and Freckleface chat about in-game cinematics and leveling their new Nightborne toons
Hearthcast.com #371: It's About Time, Old Habits, and Awkward Moments - Rewt and Freckleface talk about things they just used to doing.
Hearthcast #370: Where Is Illidan?
Hearthcast. #369: Making A Plan and AOE Returns - Rewt and Freckleface chat about making gaming plans and play a round of AOE with a special guest
Hearthcast # 368: A Casual Hearthstone Gathering - Rewt and Freckleface talk about hosting a Casual Hearthstone game with friends.
#367: Offsetting Expenses In Hearthstone - Rewt & Freckleface discuss how expensive it can be to play Hearthstone and what to do about that.
Hearthcast #366: Blizzcon 2017 Impressions - Rewt and Freckleface chat about their latest Blizzcon trip, and what they thought about different things.
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