
  • What does it really take to innovate in the tech world while balancing the demands of parenthood? Well today Anushka Salinas, CEO of Nanit, is sitting down with Priscilla and Lauren to take us along her incredible journey from transitioning from a career in fashion to leading the cutting-edge parenting tech company, Nanit.

    Anushka credits two major factors when it comes to her success - Being passionate about the problems you're solving, no matter what position you find yourself in, and the importance of having a diverse team that embraces open communication among members. Her story is nothing short of inspiring, and we’re confident that once you hear it, you will be more than motivated to take that step towards your next big move.


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    Email Us: [email protected]

    Nanit Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/get_nanit/?hl=en

    Nanit Website: https://www.nanit.com/

  • Energy drinks often get a bad rap, but Benny co-founders Paige and Julie are flipping the script when it comes to how we view energy drinks. In today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren sit down with the Benny co-founders and they share the story behind creating an energy drink that's actually good for you - Yes you read that right.

    What set them apart? Identifying their “why” in order to ​​carve out a new space in the saturated beverage market. With that ambition and self-belief, Paige and Julie dove headfirst into building Benny, even when those around them didn't quite understand what they were doing. Although they were initially hesitant to call Benny an "energy drink," worried about the negative connotations, they soon realized leaning into that category was key to standing out.

    As Paige so wisely reminded us “The Way you spend your days is the way you spend your life” So keep that in mind and go do that thing you’ve been thinking of because it might just be your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

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    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Drink Benny Website: https://drinkbenny.com/

    Drink Benny Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drinkbenny/?hl=en

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  • Are you tired of the pressure to be perfect? Well welcome to the party because in today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren are discussing why striving for perfection is the exact thing holding you back, and how you can escape that debilitating mentality to achieve everything you’ve always wanted and more.

    The truth is, as business owners, very rarely do things work out exactly how we envision. But, rather than chasing an impossible plan that you want to be executed 'perfectly' and getting frustrated when it doesn't, rewiring your perfectionist tendencies for when things do go south, will not only allow you to get your subconscious on board with your goals but will also give you the freedom to grow and evolve in all areas of their lives. Once you embrace this mindset, even when things don't go perfectly to plan, your next big move is closer than you think.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

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    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Looking for a sign to take that step towards that business idea you’ve been sitting on for ages? Well, let today’s episode be your sign to just go for it because today Priscilla and Lauren are giving you the roadmap to turning your business idea into a reality. We know there are several roadblocks entrepreneurs face when first starting out, trust us we’ve been there, but no matter how uncomfortable it may feel at times, it’s all part of the journey because that's where the real growth happens.

    It all starts with identifying your "why," - identifying the problem you're solving and taking steps to grow from there by understanding your target market and mapping out your financial strategies, which all lead to the fun part - building your brand and putting yourself out there. So whether you're just considering starting a business or you've already taken the first steps, after listening to this episode and using it as your push to go for that idea that’s been on your mind forever your next big move is already in the works.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Digital Business Planner:


    FREE Business Plan Template: https://forwardfemale.myflodesk.com/forwardfemale

  • How does someone with a background completely unrelated to period products end up becoming a trailblazer in the tampon industry? Well today’s guest Susan Allen, the co-founder of the period product line, 'Here We Flo', sits down with Priscilla and Lauren, to share the incredible story of how a simple conversation with her friend, and now cofounder, led her to recognize the pressing need for better period care products, motivating them to start a feminine care company that is now changing game.

    Determined to challenge the shame and stigma surrounding menstruation, Susan and her team set out to make shamelessly natural feminine care products for life's messiest moments - and that’s just what they did. Through cultivating a supportive community and having mentors to guide her along the way, Susan describes the steps she took to turn a side hustle into a growing business, and after listening to our conversation on how she was able to do that by continuously learning on the go and embracing the lessons that come from making mistakes, you will leave be motivated to take that next step towards your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Here We Flo’s Website: https://www.hereweflo.co/

    Here We Flo’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hereweflo/

  • You know that feeling when your business just doesn't seem to be clicking the way it used to? The energy feels a bit "off" and you can't quite put your finger on what exactly it is. Well, friends, it might be time for a rebrand.

    If you feel like this may be you, consider it your lucky day because in today’s episode Priscilla and Lauren will be identifying 7 signs that it might be time to refresh your brand. From feeling disconnected from your original vision to struggling to stay consistent, they'll unpack the common red flags that indicate it's time for a brand facelift.

    So whether your brand is feeling stale, your visuals are all over the place, or you're just uninspired by it all, grab a pen and paper because after listening through this episode and identifying where your branding weak spot is you will be on the way to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

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    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • As entrepreneurs, we're often laser-focused on the big, shiny factors to scale our business like generating sales, creating new marketing tactics, and perfecting your product offerings. But have you ever stopped to consider the importance of relationships in taking your business to the next level? If not then you’re going to want to tune in to today’s episode because Priscilla and Lauren are spilling the tea on the secret to growing your business - and it all comes down to relationships, baby.

    Here's the thing - if you're not nurturing the relationships that will help grow your company, you're missing a huge piece of the puzzle, because, at the end of the day, it's not just about what you know or what you offer - it's about who's got your back. After listening to today's episode and learning why relationships aren't just a "nice to have”, but an absolute for the success of your business your next big move is closer than you think.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • In the wise words of Demi Lovato, ‘What’s Wrong With Being Confident?’ Our answer? NOTHING. In fact, in today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren are telling us all the reasons why confidence can not only help you reach your personal goals but help you in every aspect of business too.

    Whether your business hasn’t been able to generate sales over the last year, or you’ve been sitting on an idea too scared to take that next step - just remember that your past doesn't determine your future and at any moment YOU have the power to confidently create the life you deserve. Once you adopt the mentality you are already on the way to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Starting a business is full of ups and downs, wins, and learning lessons, all of which we are no strangers to. If you’re feeling like you are stuck in a rock and a hard place when it comes to getting your business off the ground or are in the beautiful places of scaling, in today’s episode Priscilla and Lauren are opening up about some of the biggest lessons they've learned during the making of Forward Female and sharing them with you so you don’t have to experience them as well.

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, you'll walk away from this episode with practical insights to help you navigate the challenges you may face at the beginning stages of your business and be one step closer to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Life is full of momentous events - whether it's starting a new job, moving to a new country, or embarking on parenthood. These transitions, while exciting, can also feel intimidating.

    If you resonate with that, then lucky for you, in today's episode, Priscilla and Lauren sit down with Madison Blampied, the Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Relations at Emulait. Emulait is a pioneering company shaking up the baby bottle industry, and Madison shares her inspiring journey, from a background in medical sales to diving headfirst into the startup world that is helping parenthood feel less intimidating.

    Madison's insights reveal how fostering community, building brand trust, and tapping into one's innate leadership skills - especially as a mother - can empower anyone to take on anything that life may throw your way. After listening to our conversation with Madison, you will be more than inspired to take that leap into your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Emulait’s Website: www.emulait.com

    Madison Blampied’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madiblampied/?hl=en

  • Do you ever feel like you're just pretending, that you don't actually have what it takes to be that successful person you’ve always envisioned yourself to be? If so, you're definitely not alone. Imposter syndrome is something we ALL struggle with. Yes, even that celebrity that you think is the most confident person in the world, or the person at your company who has been in the supervising role for several years - trust us when we say, we’ve all been there.

    In today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren open up about how imposter syndrome has crept into the mindsets of not only them but successful people worldwide, and share their strategies on how to push past that nagging voice of self-doubt that makes you question whether you really have what it takes.

    The truth is, that even the most successful people struggle to believe they deserve success. So, what's keeping you from taking that next step? As Lauren said, you wouldn’t get the opportunity if you weren't ready for it, and the moment you are able to change your mentality from being your own worst critic to being your own best coach, your next big move is right around the corner.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • If you could pinpoint the one thing that’s holding your business back what do you think it would be? Maybe it’s generating sales, it could even be marketing, but have you ever thought that it may be delegation? You might find yourself holding onto every task and responsibility, fearful that your business will fall apart without your constant involvement. If that’s the case, you’ll want to stay tuned because, in today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren share just how powerful the art of delegation can be in taking your business to the next level.

    Delegation can be very tricky, and often our fears of delegation come from our unpacked baggage from childhood, which is holding us back from releasing control.

    Having been there themselves, Priscilla and Lauren share strategies to truly examine these subconscious blocks, and after listening you’ll realize that delegating isn't a weakness, but a strength that is the catalyst that fuels faster growth for everything you're wanting and more.

    As Lauren said, everything is the meaning we give to it. There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ decision. Just a decision we make that will either allow you to progress, and as soon as this belief is a constant in your business you will be on the way to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Remember when you were a kid and you baked a cake for the first time or built your first paper airplane, or maybe even drew the most amazing chalk portrait on the sidewalk and you thought to yourself - ‘I could do this forever’? Well, that’s exactly what our guest today, Sacha Jarmon, did when it came to creating jewelry. In today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren sit down with the co-founder of Love Saro and learn about the incredible journey of how Sacha’s love for designing jewelry as a child led her to create the custom permanent jewelry business, that is changing the game in the industry.

    When starting your own company you may feel like you have to have the perfect plan or like you are building the airplane while it’s flying, but after listening to Sacha’s story of how she continued to move through all the hurdles of not paying herself for two years, and launching right at the start of COVID, you will realize how constantly reevaluating can make all your dreams a reality.

    By focusing on guest experience and intentionality with every single one of her clients, her story also demonstrates the power of relationships, and how living authentically in all you do will be the catalyst for your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Love Saro Website: www.lovesaro.com

    Love Saro Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/welovesaro/?hl=en

  • You know that saying ‘When you look good, you feel good’? Well, that same saying applies to your brand! As our Head of Marketing Madi said, ‘Your brand is your business’s personality’, and when you have good branding - it makes all the difference when wanting to take your business to that next level.

    In today’s episode Priscilla, Lauren, and Madi are breaking down the branding of companies like Abercrombie and Skims to show us how strategically creating your brand is the key to success. Whether that be through influencer marketing, like Skims, or inclusivity initiatives, like Abercrombie, there are so many ways to elevate your branding and build a community of people who want to be a part of what you created. We’ve come a long way with our branding from our days of pink and diamonds, but it was all part of the journey of how we got here today.

    Biggest takeaway: You can’t skip over the branding of your business - even if you’re a solo entrepreneur or if you have the best idea in the world and are so eager to get it out. Trust us when we say - once you get your branding right, your next big move is right around the corner.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Oh Baby! You are in for a treat because we have the whole crew joining us for probably our most chaotic, yet exciting episode yet. This year we made it our mission to show how business really can be fun and with our latest event, Forward Female Festival, we did just that.

    You may be feeling like you are ready to make the next big move in your career, but you’re not sure how to or if you’re even ready to make that next step. Lucky for you, in today’s episode Priscilla and Lauren share how they were able to make one of their biggest moves yet, all that went into prepping for the big day, and even bring in some team members to share their insight as well.

    As we begin strategizing for our next big move, which we are so excited to share with you all, we know that after hearing the story of how hard work, consistency, and divine timing made everything a reality for Forward Female, you too will be on the way to your next big move as well.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Get ready to turn your passion project into a career! This episode is going to motivate you to take action and make your next big move.

    After she was told to try business out “just for fun,” Alicia Zeng found herself helping big companies, like Mckinsey, with their strategy right out of college. To some, this may sound like the dream and, for a little while, it was for Alicia. But after being fed up with only seeing men in positions of power, making decisions on products catered to women, and all the emotional burnout that came with it, Alicia decided she wanted to be part of the companies that were doing things differently. What was the answer to making that happen? Lashes!

    Throughout her incredible career trajectory and story, we are reminded that sometimes things aren’t what we envision and no matter what it is - you can always figure it out. Trust us when we say that after learning more about how Alicia turned something that truly was a side project, into a company that now has 13 team members, you will be more than motivated to take the next steps toward your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Lilac Street Lashes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lilacst.lashes/

    Lilac Street Lashes Website: https://lilacst.com/

  • Yeah, you read that right. Business CAN and SHOULD be fun, and in today’s episode, Priscilla and Lauren are teaching you how exactly to do that. Gone are the days of showing up in a button-down shirt with a blazer, which don’t get us wrong we love a good blazer moment, and it’s all about showing up in whatever is going to allow you to feel like the most authentic version of yourself.

    It’s all about balance. If you get to show up every day doing something you love AND make money on top of it - that’s a win in our book. The beauty of today is you can create a business out of just about anything. Maybe it’s being an Elvis Impersonator like Priscilla’s dad did, or contrary to Lauren you may love kids retail and want to make a career out of it. Whatever it is - it is beyond possible to turn that passion into a business. When you love what you do, and the people around you love what they do too, you are already on the path towards your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Perfect is out, and real is in when it comes to building your brand. Coachella is one of the biggest events where brands get to truly pull in consumers, and in this episode, our Agency Director, Gabbie, is giving us all the details that she gathered from her weekend attending the festival.

    What’s the biggest thing she noticed? The importance of authenticity and community when it comes to not only building a brand but also maintaining it. With the digital marketing landscape evolving exponentially over the past few years, and seeing how Gen-Z responds to marketing efforts, brands now more than ever need to be innovative, authentic, and people-centric. Shifting your business from product-centric to people-centric may sound like a difficult switch, but during Priscilla and Lauren’s conversation with Gabbie, we learn why this is a lot more achievable than you may think.

    No matter where you’re at in your business journey, how many followers you have, or if you’re not sure where to start - you have to be your biggest cheerleader when it comes to achieving your wildest dreams. As Gabbie reminded us, The World is Your Oyster, and with just one step toward your goals, you’re that much closer to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

  • Do you have a dream you have been thinking about for the past 5, 10, maybe even 15+ years, but your fear is holding you back? In today’s conversation, Priscilla and Lauren sit down with a board-certified dermatologist and the founder of the Bella Skin Institute Dr. Anna Guanche.

    You might know Dr. Anna Guanche as Dr. Beauty, recognize her from one of her many television appearances, or may even be one of the over 500K followers across all her social media channels, so trust us when we say you’re in for a treat as we get more insight into Dr. Anna Guanche’s world. Not only does Dr. Guanche keep it real about her life as a dermatologist on TikTok, which has gotten her an impressive 7.5 million likes on the platform, but she also keeps it real in our conversation with her today. In this episode she vulnerably shares the story of how she became the confident woman that we all have come to love and admire. Dr. Anna tells us about how her consistency, determination, and being true to herself helped her at every stage of her career and shares the advice that she wishes she knew when first starting a business.

    Taking that first step could be scary, and you may even have doubts along the way, but with consistency and intentional moves towards your goals and dreams, you will be sure to be on the way to your next big move.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]

    Dr. Anna Guanche: https://linktr.ee/annaguanchemd

    Bella Skin Institute: www.bellaskininstitute.com

  • It’s Official - Priscilla and Colton are married, and we’re giving you all the details from their fairytale wedding in Mexico! From meeting in college 11 years ago to now being newlyweds, Priscilla and Colton share how their unwavering compromise, trust, and respect for one another has not only allowed their relationship to grow, but has also allowed for their other relationships with friends, family, and their careers to grow as well.

    A lot of times we focus on what may not be going right when it comes to certain relationships, but regardless of where you may find yourself, relationships are a crucial part of life especially when it comes to being able to successfully run your own business and creating a community of people to do life with so they can step in when you need them most.

    Prisicilla made one of her biggest moves yet, and we know by continuing to foster all types of relationships you will continue to shape our journey and be on the way to your next big move as well.


    Follow Us On Instagram: @forwardfemale @hernextbigmove

    Check Us Out Online: Forward Female Website

    Join Community: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Join Accountability Club: https://theforwardfemale.mn.co/

    Schedule A Consultation: https://calendly.com/the-forward-female/discovery-call

    Email Us: [email protected]