
  • Unlocking Abundance in Your Wellness Business

    In this episode of 'Her Wellness Business Empire,' the conversation revolves around unlocking the concept of abundance in the wellness industry, especially for women.

    The discussion emphasizes the importance of having an abundance mindset, rather than focusing on scarcity and lack.

    I am sharing examples of how to shift mindset, increase self-worth, and overcome fears.

    I BIG contributor in this day and age to maintaining an abundant state is comparing ourselves to others and other potential obstacles to achieving abundance are discussed.

    Finally, listeners are encouraged to remember their unique value, raise their prices if needed, and focus on the transformation they are providing to their patients or clients.

    I have a new self-paced workshop style course designed to help wellness professionals uncover their unique value and attract their ideal clients. This course, which is valued at $297 and offered at only $37 for you will help bring you the clarity and confidence you need to support more abundance in your life and business.

    Give me a few hours and I’ll show you how! Join Niche Mastery for Holistic Practitioners today 👇

    00:00 Introduction to the Episode

    00:46 Understanding the Concept of Abundance in Wellness Business

    01:40 My Personal Journey with Abundance Mindset

    05:42 The Pitfalls of Comparison and the Importance of Self-Worth

    09:27 The Power of Pricing and Value Perception

    13:08 The Energy of Abundance and Its Impact

    16:14 Overcoming Fear and Embracing Failure

    17:43 Unleashing Your Unique Value with My New Course

    18:48 Conclusion and Call to Action

  • Individualized Approach for Your Wellness Business

    In this podcast episode, I am emphasizing the importance of individuality in creating a successful wellness business, breaking down the myth of a one-size-fits-all model. 

    I also draw parallels between individualized medicine and business practices, reminding wellness entrepreneurs of the need to step away from generic solutions and instead focus on developing your unique signature style and brand to set your business apart.

    I also also caution against following social media and business trends blindly .

    In this episode, I am referencing a new course that I created called 'Niche Mastery' which is designed to help practitioners uncover their unique value.

    join me on our next episode as we continue reshaping the narrative around wellness entrepreneurship.

    Grab my new course that takes creating your niche and unique signature niche and brand to the next level... every wellness entrepreneur needs this as their foundation for a successful LONG Term business: GRAB it HERE ... a tiny investment to last for years to come

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  • Reflecting on the aspect of starting something new in your business using the wisdom of Chinese medicine's philosophy of the five elements. Drawing parallels between nature's seasons and the state of a business, here I suggest winter, represented by the water element, as a time for deep introspection rather than significant outward actions. It is a period to observe quiet growth, laying the groundwork for future plans and strategize to manifest in springtime

    I am sharing actionable steps that you can utilize during this water element season, including journaling, taking nature walks, creating a vision board, meditative visualization, and mindful planning. In the end, I recommend relinquishing the pressure of immediate action and prepare for upcoming growth.

    00:00 Introduction to the Episode

    00:06 The Wisdom of Seasons and Nature in Business

    00:56 Exploring Chinese Medicine and the Five Elements

    01:36 Winter: A Season of Rest, Reflection, and Germination

    03:12 Empowering Steps to Maximize the Water Element Season

    03:20 Journaling: Reflecting on the Past Year 05:08 Nature Walks: Embracing the Stillness

    05:53 Creating a Vision Board: Visualizing Your Aspirations

    07:19 Meditative Visualization: Manifesting Your Goals

    08:35 Mindful Planning: Setting Intentions for the Upcoming Year

    10:21 Conclusion: Embracing the Beauty of the Season

  • In this episode, host Dianne DelReyes, founder of Her Wellness Business Empire, applies the principles of Chinese medicine to running a business. She identifies five essential 'elements' necessary for business success - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Each stands for different phases and attributes for a business; 

    Vision and planning (Wood), 

    Taking action (Fire), Nurturing relationships (Earth), 

    Offering and receiving value (Metal), and 

    Continual assessment and improvement (Water). 

    She notes that just like in Chinese medicine, these business 'elements' should be well-balanced for the business to thrive. Moreover, she emphasizes the importance of uniqueness, and discourages a 'cookie-cutter' approach. About future episodes, she plans to delve deeper into Chinese medical concepts as they apply to business, like qi flow and yin and yang.

    00:00 Introduction and Background

    00:51 The Uniqueness of Chinese Medicine and Its Application to Business

    03:07 The Five Elements and Their Role in Business

    04:09 The Wood Element: Vision and Planning

    04:57 The Fire Element: Taking Action

    06:10 The Earth Element: Nurturing Relationships

    06:32 The Metal Element: Unearthing Value

    08:23 The Water Element: Curiosity and Flow

    10:24 Identifying Imbalances in Your Business

    12:45 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Which element in your business needs the most support right now? let me know in the comments

  • 🎙️ In this inspiring interview with Michelle Adams, you'll discover:

    Empowering Brand Photography: Michelle, an award-winning international brand photographer, specializes in capturing the essence of female entrepreneurs. Learn how she guides her clients through the process of creating authentic and impactful brand photos.

    The Magic of Feeling: Dive into Michelle's approach, which transcends the superficial, focusing on capturing emotions rather than just picture-perfect smiles. Find out why this unique perspective is a game-changer for powerful brand representation.

    Mastering Light and Pose: Michelle unveils the secrets of harnessing both studio and natural light to create stunning visuals. Understand why the right angles and lighting can make all the difference in showcasing your true essence.But more importantly she discusses the light that comes from within and how to bring that forward in your photos

    Aesthetic Brilliance: Explore the significance of aesthetics in branding photography. Discover how clothing choices and styling play a pivotal role in crafting a brand identity.

    Freedom in All Photos: Learn why Michelle believes in providing all photos to her clients without hidden charges. This transparency ensures a wide array of images for versatile branding needs.

    Credentials Matter: Michelle emphasizes the importance of a photographer's qualifications and training, especially in brand photography. Find out why experience with thought leaders and thought-provoking training sets her apart.

    Beyond the Click: Discover how Michelle offers ongoing support post-shoot. From reel ideas to Instagram content, she ensures your visual content aligns seamlessly with your brand messaging.

    Elevating Energy and Mindset: Learn how Michelle creates a safe, positive space during the shoot. Understand how she taps into your energy and mindset to capture your most authentic self.
    Not Ready to Hire a Brand Photographer? No worries, Michelle Adams has created a one of kind opportunity to teach you exactly how to get professional-like branding photos from your own phone!!!

    🌟 For more insights and to connect with Michelle Adams and receive her crazy offer of $200 off her Self-Styled workshop and get personalized training from Michelle, visit her HERE at: . Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your brand imagery and make a lasting impact. Don’t forget the special coupon code: DIANNE

    If you want FREE training from Michelle along with other experts to support the growth of your business, including copywriting, card deck creation, social media experts, facebook ads training and more. Be sure to join Her Wellness Business Empire Private Membership… Go right here: https://bit.ly/HWBEMthly

    Are you using the BEST new Social Business Platform and streaming yet? It’s like Facebook, Streamyard, GoTo Webinar, and Zoom had a baby!! You’ve got to check it out… why? Because you’re a savvy entrepreneur and this new platform has THE best MONTHLY 2-Tier affiliate program ever!! Start for FREE here– https://bit.ly/BeeKonnectedDianne

    Connect with Michelle on IG HERE: for even more inspiration!

    Connect with me on IG HERE— 

  • Today I'm sharing seven impactful income streams tailored for holistic practitioners.
    Here are some of the recommendations I share in this video!

    Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy: www.diannedelreyes.com/LYHBA

    (In this episode I share why I think course creation is THE BEST #1 way for holistic practitioners to create the biggest INCOME & IMPACT in the least amount of time, and Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy is the number one source and step by step blueprint to help you create it!

    See below for additional resources mentioned in this episode

    1. Selling Products

    Diversify your income by offering a range of valuable wellness products to your community. This strategy provides an additional revenue stream while enriching your clients' wellness journeys.

    2. Network Marketing

    Explore the potential of network marketing to build a thriving community and generate leveraged income. By sharing products I genuinely believe in, I've witnessed transformative results for both my patients and my business.

    3. Affiliate Marketing

    Earn commissions by authentically endorsing products aligned with your values. This low-risk strategy is a win-win for both you and your audience, creating a sustainable income stream.
    Get in on the forefront of a new platform that is about to blow Zoom out of the water. Learn more here and sign up for a free account to get started: https://bit.ly/BeeKonnectedDianne

    4. Coaching

    Through coaching, I've been able to make a profound impact on individuals' lives. Whether it's health coaching, life coaching, or specializing in women's empowerment, this path allows for personalized and lasting change.
    IIN was a great resource to get me started in health coaching, you walk away with knowledge and a complete coaching plan, pretty much DFY: Get a FREE class here: https://geti.in/3QuUtly

    5. User Generated Content (UGC)

    UGC is an authentic and powerful income avenue for micro-influencers. While it requires a presence on social media, it offers the opportunity to monetize your authentic recommendations.

    6. Master Resell Rights (MRR)

    With MRR, I've experienced immediate revenue by selling pre-created wellness products. While it's a quick way to generate income, it's important to ensure the products align with my brand and values.
    Want my Thrive Through Menopause Bundle so that you can start making money within a few days? It ALL done for YOU! -- https://bit.ly/TTMPractitionerBundle

    USE SPECIAL YT COUPON CODE - YT100 - to receive $100 off this bundle

    7. Course Creation

    Creating courses has been the most impactful and sustainable leveraged income stream for me. It allows me to reach a global audience and transform lives on a daily basis. My Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy course guides practitioners through every step of the process.
    Course Recommendation:

    Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy - Learn more about it here: https://www.diannedelreyes.com/LYHBA

    This comprehensive guide empowers practitioners to create and launch online courses, providing expert guidance from start to finish.

    Thank you for joining me in this exploration of income streams for women in wellness. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. For more information on Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy, click https://www.diannedelreyes.com/LYHBA

  • Soulful NOT Soul-Sucking Social Media strategies for holistic practitioners.

    Find & follow me HERE on Instagram: 
    Find Dr. Anis HERE:

    Connection Through Shared Values
    Dianne and Dr. Anis discuss their mutual passion for helping people through holistic practices. They emphasize the importance of authenticity and the power of connecting with individuals who share similar missions.

    The Intersection of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Technology
    Dr. Anis explains the significance of blending ancient practices, like Traditional Chinese Medicine, with modern technology. He emphasizes the need to use resources effectively for positive impact.

    Embracing TikTok for Holistic Practices
    Dr. Anis shares valuable tips for leveraging TikTok as a platform for holistic practitioners. He advises clarity in targeting the right audience and creating quality content that engages and adds value.

    Creating Engaging Content
    The conversation delves into the importance of capturing attention within the first few seconds of a video. Dr. Anis provides insights into crafting compelling hooks and captions that resonate with viewers.

    Personalization and Storytelling
    The hosts discuss the power of personal stories in connecting with the audience. Dr. Anis encourages practitioners to share their journeys, passions, and the unique elements of their practice.

    Key Takeaways

    Know Your Ideal Customer: Understanding and targeting your ideal customer is crucial for effective social media presence.

    Simplicity and Authenticity: Keep content simple, authentic, and relatable. Authenticity is a key factor in building trust.

    Engagement is Key: Engage with your audience by responding to comments and feedback. Use their preferences to guide your content creation.

    Blend Ancient Wisdom with Modern Tools: Integrate traditional practices with modern technology to create a comprehensive and impactful approach to holistic wellness.

    Want to be part of an epic community of women in the wellness industry? If yes, then you will want to check out our amazing membership called HER WELLNESS BUSINESS EMPIRE COLLECTIVE

    You will learn all the tools to grow your business from experts in social media, professional photographers for your perfect photo shoot, professional copywriters, FB ads and so much more, including me ;-) Join us right here


  • In this episode, Dianne dives into the profound wisdom of the Metal element in Traditional Chinese Medicine, revealing how its characteristics can empower holistic practitioners to unlock their full potential in their businesses. Discover the transformative qualities of the Metal element and learn practical strategies to apply them to your practice.

    Key Takeaways:

    Cultivating healthy self-worth and recognizing the value you bring to your clients' lives.
    Setting and upholding healthy boundaries for a sustainable work-life balance.
    Operating with integrity as the foundation of trust in your practice.
    Exercising discernment to refine your offerings for maximum impact.
    Embracing healthy detachment to make space for new growth and opportunities.
    Mastering the art of letting go to release outdated methods or beliefs.
    Balancing the Metal Element:

    Strategies to address excess and deficient Metal element characteristics.
    Expressing appreciation, connecting with the community, and releasing perfectionism.
    Surrounding yourself with inspiration, setting boundaries, and focusing on accomplishments.
    Growth is a continual process of refinement. Embrace your innate value, set your boundaries, and let your light shine brilliantly.

  • Today's episode shares invaluable insights on how to not only create impactful courses but also how to navigate the challenges that often come with it.

    Here are the Top 5 Challenges Women in wellness face when creating their first online course!

    Overcoming Overwhelm and Overdelivering

    One of the biggest hurdles I see is the tendency to want to give our students everything. It's a noble intention, but it can lead to overwhelm. In this episode, I break down how to provide value without drowning your students in information.

    The Power of Market Research

    Understanding your audience is key. I can't emphasize this enough. Assuming we know what they need without thorough research can lead to a mismatch between our offerings and their actual pain points. I'll guide you on how to truly connect with your audience.

    Crafting a Clear Course Structure

    A well-organized course is like a roadmap for your students. It not only keeps them on track but also helps them see their progress, which is incredibly motivating. I'll share strategies on how to create a structure that ensures your students get the most out of your course.

    Embracing Feedback and Iteration

    Your course is a living entity. It should evolve based on feedback and results. I'll delve into why feedback is a gift and how to use it to refine your offerings. This is a game-changer in creating courses that truly resonate with your audience.

    Fostering Community among Students

    Creating a sense of community among your students is a game-changer. I'll share insights on how to facilitate discussions, host live Q&A sessions, and provide networking opportunities. This not only fosters a sense of belonging but also provides additional learning opportunities.

    DM me the word CHALLENGE on Instagram and share which challenge you found the most surprising. 

  • In this empowering episode, I sit down with Dawn Apuan, dubbed the Queen of Copywriting, to dive into the transformative power of compelling copywriting for women in the wellness industry.

    Dawn shares her journey from pastor to successful copywriter and emphasizes the importance of authentic storytelling. Discover the key distinctions between content and copywriting, and gain actionable tips to create emotionally resonant copy that drives results. We also address the role of AI in copywriting, highlighting the enduring value of human creativity and compassion. Tune in for invaluable insights on making a profound impact through impactful copy.

    I'm thrilled to welcome Dawn, a seasoned copywriter, to the show. We go way back as we met at an impactful leadership training 3 years ago, and today, we're diving into her incredible journey from pastor to successful copywriter.

    Copywriting Empowerment in Wellness:

    Dawn and I discuss the pivotal role of effective copywriting in the wellness industry. We encourage women to recognize their worth and share their transformative stories, fostering authentic connections with ideal clients.

    Content vs. Copywriting:

    Dawn makes it clear that there's a distinction between content writing and copywriting. She emphasizes that copywriting is about driving specific actions and conversions.

    Best Practices for Impactful Copy:

    Dawn provides us with actionable tips for crafting powerful copy. We focus on highlighting results and benefits, addressing pain points, and using compelling stories to evoke emotions, ultimately leading to a clear call to action.

    AI in Copywriting:

    We acknowledge the growing role of AI, including Chat GPT, in copywriting. However, we emphasize that human creativity, compassion, and understanding remain irreplaceable, especially in the wellness industry. We touch on prompt engineering for effective AI utilization.
    Closing Thoughts:

    Dawn and I wrap up the conversation, leaving you inspired to elevate your copywriting skills in the wellness industry.

    You can find Dawn on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/dawn.copyqueen/

    Find me here: https://www.instagram.com/her.wellness.business.empire/ or join my free FB group called Her Wellness Business Empire to hang out with other like-minded women in wellness here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/herwellnessbusinessempire

    AND if you are ready to join our monthly membership and get a more in depth copywriting training from Dawn, (FREE with membership) https://bit.ly/HWBEMthly

  • STOP stressing about your one-to-one wellness practice... You're going to BURN OUT!
    It's time to step into your next level of business!


    It gets to be that easy! JOIN Leverage Your Holistic Business Academy Today! https://www.diannedelreyes.com/LYHBA

    Join me in this episode of the Her Wellness Business Empire podcast and YouTube video as we explore the path to scaling your wellness business.

    From embracing your unique spark to crafting a vision, designing a blueprint, conquering tech challenges, and witnessing the magic of empowerment and transformation in your groups, we'll navigate the world of wellness entrepreneurship together.

    Don't miss this chance to ignite your purpose and become a beacon of change in the wellness industry. Stay fierce, stay fabulous, and let's blaze those trails together.

    Be sure to like, subscribe, like, and do all the things if this was helpful, and of course... if you're truly ready to make a difference, make MORE MONEY, have more FREE TIME... then you will want to dive into the step by step training I have created for you... https://www.diannedelreyes.com/LYHBA

    💪🌟 #WellnessEmpire #ScalingSuccess #HerWellnessBiz

  • Hey there, trailblazing women in the wellness industry! It's Dianne here, and I'm thrilled to dive into the highlights of my recent Youtube/podcast episode on "5 Steps to Transition from Practitioner to Successful Wellness Entrepreneur." You've honed your skills, but being a business owner requires a solid marketing plan. Success, just like Chinese medicine, is unique to each of us.

    So, let's get started! Step one is all about embracing your business identity. Move from "I am a practitioner" to "I am a business owner." Recognize the importance of owning your business and its impact. Your entrepreneurial spirit is vital to being seen as an expert.

    Step two involves crafting your unique value proposition. Your symphony of skills, values, and qualities sets you apart in this industry. Own every aspect of who you are and showcase your unique offerings. Remember, you're not just offering a service; you're part of a holistic transformation.

    In step three, it's time to develop a tailored marketing plan using the holistic five element method. Just like Chinese medicine, your marketing should work in harmony. From creating goals and strategies (wood element) to taking action (fire element), attracting clients with targeted content (fire element), nurturing relationships (earth element), inviting them to work with you (metal element), and continuously improving your approach (water element).

    Step four is about serving and connecting with your ideal clients. Serve and actively listen to them. Use their words and desires in your marketing to create genuine connections. Crafting lead magnets and nurturing sequences will help build trust and engagement, setting the stage for deeper relationships.

    Lastly, in step five, it's time to scale and leverage your business. Consider transitioning from a one-on-one model to a one-to-many approach. Courses and memberships can reach more people, creating a ripple effect of positive impact. The key is to start with a course, work with a beta group, gather feedback, and then launch it to a wider audience.

    Remember, my mission is to support you on your journey to creating a thriving, purpose-driven wellness business.

    If this resonates with you, simply reach out to me with the word "leverage." Send me an email at [email protected]

    DM me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/her.wellness.business.empire/
    , or connect in any way that suits you.

    Let's have a conversation about how you can take ownership of your business, ignite your impact, and achieve the freedom and income you desire. You're not alone on this journey; together, we can make waves of positive change in the wellness industry.

  • If you're ready to dive even deeper and want to be part of an incredible supportive community where you grow your wellness business month over month with special guests like Rosie...and you want Rosie's deeper dive training... you will want to be part of HER WELLNESS BUSINESS EMPIRE COLLECTIVE - learn more here: https://bit.ly/HWBEMthly
    AND, as promised, here is the link to Rosie's FREE offer! 250 CARD DECK IDEAS! https://bit.ly/250cardDeckideas

    Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Her Wellness Business Empire podcast!

    Whether you're tuning in via podcast or our new YouTube channel, we're thrilled to have you here. In this week's episode, I sit down with the amazing Rosie Batista, a true expert in transforming wisdom into impactful card decks.

    Rosie and I dive deep into the world of card decks, uncovering surprising ways they can amplify your wellness business. We discuss how card decks solve problems, spark transformation, and create a lasting impact on clients' lives. Rosie shares her journey from being an entrepreneur mom to becoming a card deck creator extraordinaire.

    Discover the magic of card decks, whether you're a coach, an essential oil enthusiast, or have any wellness business. Join us for this enlightening conversation!

    If you're ready to dive even deeper and want to be part of an incredible supportive community where you grow your wellness business month over month with special guests like Rosie...and you want Rosie's deeper dive training... you will want to be part of HER WELLNESS BUSINESS EMPIRE COLLECTIVE - learn more here: https://bit.ly/HWBEMthly
    AND, as promised, here is the link to Rosie's FREE offer! 250 CARD DECK IDEAS! https://bit.ly/250cardDeckideas

  • In this episode, join me as I journey through the captivating world of the Earth Element which is part our Holistic 5-Element Framework. I'm Dianne, your guide on this transformative adventure, and I'm excited to share how the Earth Element's nurturing essence, transformational magic, and empathetic strength can fuel your purpose-driven wellness business.

    🌍 Explore the Earth Element's Secrets
    Discover how the Earth Element's innate qualities resonate perfectly with three essential pillars of your business journey: Nurturing, Transformation, and Empathy. From fostering genuine audience connections to creating powerful client transformations, and embracing empathy as your business superpower, we're diving deep into the heart of holistic success.

    🔥 Unlock Your Business's Full Potential
    As we uncover the profound wisdom of the Earth Element, you'll gain practical strategies to nurture your audience authentically, craft remarkable transformations for your clients, and infuse every interaction with empathetic resonance. These insights will empower you to rise above burnout, embrace sustainable success, and ignite a purpose-filled life that sets your soul on fire.

    🌻 Join the Movement
    If you're a trailblazing woman in the wellness industry who's ready to amplify your impact and income, this episode is your golden opportunity. Let's harness the Earth Element's potent energy to cultivate a thriving, purpose-driven business that radiates positive change and boundless service. Are you ready to nurture, transform, and empathize your way to holistic success? Tune in now!

    Remember to subscribe to my podcast and if you feel so inclined please leave a 5-Star review so that more amazing women in wellness can receive this content.

    And, if you are listening, I would love to hear from you on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/her.wellness.business.empire/... take a screenshot of this episode, post on your IG story or feed and PLEASE tag me so I can share you and say hi and give you some love too!!! 

    Together, let's rise above the norms of burnout and create businesses that truly transform lives—starting with your own.

  • 💌 Unveil the potential of your holistic practice with me, Dianne DelReyes!

    Discover the art of crafting engaging emails that lead to a thriving wellness business.

    From personalized communication to higher conversion rates, this video covers everything you need to know.

    Watch now and harness the power of email marketing to transform lives – including your own!

    Here is the link to the Attract Your Ideal Patients video that I referenced in this training:     • How to Attract Patients with a Magnet...  

  • Today, we're diving into the magic of lead magnets and how they effortlessly attract your dream patients or clients. 

    In this episode, I'm sharing five essential steps to magnetize your ideal patients:

    Step 1: Understand your ideal client at a deep level. 

    Step 2: Craft an irresistible lead magnet focusing on solving one specific problem your ideal customer faces. 

    Step 3: Create a compelling opt-in page that speaks directly to your ideal client's heart. 

    Step 4: Spread the magic across all platforms you use – YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and beyond. Collaborate with other wellness entrepreneurs to reach even more dream clients.

    Step 5: Nurture your audience. Building genuine relationships is crucial. Send personalized emails, exclusive content, and engage with your community to keep the magnetic connection alive.

    Remember, building your wellness empire is about meaningful connections and positively impacting lives. So go out there, sprinkle your magnetic touch, and watch your empire thrive!

    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and see what kind of lead magnet you see yourself making. Comment below your ideas

    Until next time, go out there and make a difference in other's lives, including your own!

  • In this week's episode, I'm excited to dive into the incredible connection between the Fire Element in Chinese medicine and your wellness business. Join me, Dianne DelReyes, your expert in the holistic wellness industry, as we explore how incorporating qualities like passion, joy, connection, clarity, and mental acuity can elevate your success and empower you to thrive in the wellness industry.

    By embracing the transformative power of the Fire Element, I'll share practical strategies and actionable ways that will help you infuse your business with authenticity, enthusiasm, and vibrant energy. Together, we'll delve into fostering genuine connections with your clients, cultivating an optimistic mindset, and unlocking the full potential of your wellness empire.

    Don't miss out on this empowering episode! Click the link below to listen to the full podcast episode and watch on my YouTube channel. I invite you to like, comment, and subscribe to stay connected with our vibrant community of passionate wellness entrepreneurs.

    Let's embark on this transformative journey together and ignite your passion to take your wellness business to new heights!

  • I wanted to share this super random thing that has inspired me and lit a little fire under me too, and I want to share it so that it may possibly inspire you as well.

    I created a random, unplanned, completely unscripted, no bullet points podcast because I just finished watching a 6 episode series called Chefs Table - PIZZA and man did I receive some series life lessons. 


    How I compare myself to other's successes without knowing their backstory.How I still hold back out of fear of failure... (man it's inevitable and also so valuable).How I still what people may say or think about me.How who we are is an evolution, in all areas of our life... health, relationships, passions, purpose, adventure... you get it.

    There was something about this series about pizza makers around the world that really opened my eyes and inspired me and I wanted to share some of my thoughts; how they relate to the wood element in Chinese medicine and how you can take these lessons and create magic in your life.

    Let's just say, I personally know I have been holding back and not fully following my intuition, and ready to overcome and show up more fully in my life in all areas of my life... I hope that you will too.

    Check it out and let me know what may be germinating for you?

  • In Chinese medicine, the Wood element is associated with the Liver and Gallbladder organs, which are responsible for regulating the flow of Qi (energy) and blood throughout the body. The Wood element is also associated with the season of spring, growth, flexibility, and creativity, which are important qualities for women in midlife and menopause as they navigate the changes and challenges of this stage of life. 

    Something I have been very familiar with in my life over the last several years

    During menopause, women may experience physical and emotional symptoms related to the decline in estrogen levels. These symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability, and fatigue. In Chinese medicine, these symptoms are often caused by a yin deficiency, and can be related to a Wood element imbalance, which may be caused by liver Qi stagnation.

    To support the Wood element during menopause, women can focus on incorporating healthy habits that promote Qi flow and flexibility. This might include regular exercise, such as yoga or tai chi, which can help to promote Qi flow and reduce stress. Hard core workouts are not always the way... and can really deplete more qi, rather than move and strengthen the qi.

    Of course, a healthy diet, rich in green leafy vegetables, can also support liver health and promote the flow of Qi. Happy flowing liver qi happy you!

    You can also focus on creative activities that promote self-expression and emotional release. By expressing your emotions in a healthy way, women can reduce stress and promote emotional balance. Unexpressed emotions = stagnant qi... not cool.

    In addition, natural remedies, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, essential oils, can help to support the Wood element and alleviate menopausal symptoms. These therapies can help to balance the flow of Qi and promote overall health and well-being.

    It's important for women in midlife and menopause to support the Wood element through healthy habits and natural remedies to promote a healthy transition through this stage of life and enjoy improved health and vitality.

    Here are 3 tips that you can do today to support the Wood element:

    Incorporate more green leafy vegetables into your diet: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, and collard greens are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that support liver health and promote the flow of Qi. Try adding a handful of greens to your morning smoothie or incorporating a salad with lunch or dinner. Green is the wood element color, soooo get your greens girl. I've been airfrying lately... yum.Practice deep breathing or meditation: Don't underestimate the power of what you already do without thinking, all, day, long! Deep breathing can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which is important for supporting the Wood element. Try setting aside even 5-10 minutes each day to practice deep breathing, and notice how you feel afterwards... it will make you wonder why the heck we don't do this more focused breath-work more often. You can also use a guided meditation app or video to help you get started, sometimes it is nice to have something you're focusing on so that your mind does not wander too much... um trust me... I have got a squirrel mind!Move your body: Exercise is important for promoting Qi flow and flexibility, which supports the Wood element. Find an activity that you enjoy, such as yoga, tai chi, stretching, or walking, and aim to do it for at least 30 minutes each day. Do something you love and feels good to you. The simplest movements can make the biggest difference.

    By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can support the Wood element and promote a healthy transition through midlife and menopause into the best next chapter of your life!!!


  • Holistic practitioners who are creating an online course face a unique set of challenges in developing a niche and brand that resonates with their ideal audience.

    The wellness industry is a crowded and competitive space, so it's important to find your niche in order to stand out and succeed. 

    In today's podcast, we'll explore the importance of developing a powerful niche and brand for your online course, and offer practical tips for achieving success in both areas.

    Understand the unique value, skills, talents, and passions you offer

    As a holistic practitioner, you likely have a wealth of knowledge, skills, and talents that you bring to the table. To develop a powerful niche and brand for your online course, it's crucial to have a deep understanding of the unique value you offer. What sets you apart from other practitioners in your field? What special skills or talents do you bring to the table? What are your passions, and how can you incorporate them into your course?

    Take some time to reflect on these questions, and write down your answers. Use this information to create a clear and compelling brand identity that highlights your unique strengths and differentiators.

    Understand your ideal client at a deeper level

    To develop a powerful niche and brand for your online course, you need to have a deep understanding of your ideal client. Who are they, and what are their pain points? What are they searching for online, and what kinds of solutions are they seeking?

    Take some time to research your ideal client, using tools like Google Analytics and keyword research to gain insights into their behavior. Conduct surveys or focus groups to get a better sense of their needs and preferences. Use this information to create a clear and detailed buyer persona that will guide your course development and marketing efforts.


    Understand the problem you solve

    As a holistic practitioner, you likely offer a range of solutions to your clients' problems. To develop a powerful niche and brand for your online course, it's crucial to understand the specific problem you solve, in a way that resonates with your ideal client.

    Take some time to really get inside your ideal client's head. What are their pain points, and how do they feel about them? What are their fears and frustrations, and how do they impact their daily lives? Use this information to craft a clear and compelling message that speaks directly to your ideal client's needs.

    Understand the need in the marketplace

    Finally, to develop a powerful niche and brand for your online course, it's important to understand the need in the marketplace. Who else is offering solutions similar to yours, and how are you different? What does your brand stand for, and how can you communicate that effectively to your ideal client?

    Take some time to research your competitors and the overall market landscape. Identify gaps and opportunities that you can capitalize on, and use this information to refine your niche and brand. Remember, the more focused and specific your brand, the more likely you are to attract your ideal clients and build a successful online course.

    In conclusion, developing a powerful niche and brand for your online course is crucial for success as a holistic practitioner. By understanding the unique value you offer, your ideal client, the problem you solve, and the need in the marketplace, you can create a brand that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from the competition. By putting in the effort to develop a strong brand identity and niche, you'll be well-positioned to attract your ideal clients and build a thriving online course business.

    If you've not yet taken the time (under 60 minutes) to learn the pathway to create your first online course as an holistic practitioner, now's your chance to watch the training for FREE! CLICK HERE NOW