
  • Welcome to our new podcast episode, where we dive deep into the exciting world of film production! In this conversation, I hand over the microphones to Krystle Moillet and Jason Hildebrand who share fascinating insights about their upcoming film, David Chronicles: Film Encounter. Set to begin filming in Scotland come August 2023, join us as we uncover the inspiration behind this remarkable project and the captivating journey that awaits. Get ready for an engaging exploration of creativity, storytelling, and the magic of cinema. Let's step behind the scenes and discover the wonders that lie ahead!

    To support the making of this film on Kickstarter see https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/david-chronicles/david-chronicles-film-encounter

  • From this short episode:

    As I venture out this morning, I'm thinking about the Mary Oliver poem, wild Geese, where she says, “You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.

    This morning, I'm noticing that my body loves the cool morning air. Especially after I leave the apartment that I was cooped up in all day long yesterday

    Read more https://www.hintsofgladness.com/the-soft-animal-of-my-body-loves

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  • Our guest today is author Eric Janzen. Eric is probably best known for his high fantasy fiction books. He's written a trilogy called The Dreamtrekker Journals Trilogy, and more recently released a new series entitled The Essence Tales. In Eric's bio, he says he will continue writing until he can't anymore.

    Eric and I have known each other for quite some time, and we were both part of the Langley Vineyard during the Vineyard’s well-known renewal years, and it's the place where I would say we both got an education in the gift of prophecy and praying for others. Eric has continued to be a student of prophecy and is a volunteer and contributor to a prophetic school called Samuel’s Mantle.

    During our conversation, Eric defines what he's talking about when he talks about the gift of prophecy. He tells us about receiving a prophetic word that helped save his life, and we talk about the process of writing Ponder.

    And then we go into all sorts of other things about prophecy. We talk a little bit about how to give a prophetic word, and how not to give a prophetic word.

    Admittedly, the form of prophecy that Eric and I are talking about is a radical form of prayer. And I want you to know that I, I recognize that.

    At the same time, what I appreciate about Eric's book and our conversation is that Eric gives us some guidelines to keep it healthy and some boundaries so that we can discern whether or not we're receiving a prophetic word that is authentic, loving, encouraging, and in Eric's words, sounds like it would come from Jesus.

    I just want to say that my openness to the prophetic, in a similar way to Eric’s comes from several prophetic words that radically changed my life and my relationship with the God of my understanding. I would say the fruit of receiving these prophetic words is a more gracious and loving view of God and my relationship with God, so I'm open to Eric's book and what Eric has to say.

    During our conversation, Eric and I talk about the importance of community and not leaving people sort of high and dry, while learning about prophecy or receiving a prophetic word, so at the end of our conversation and in our show notes, I'll provide you with Eric's email so that you can ask him any questions that you might have.

    For more see https://www.hintsofgladness.com/podcast2

  • Our guest today is... Shauna Gill

    Shauna is a Retired Nurse Educator within a critical care context. She has a Master’s Degree in Nursing and studied Hope in the Critically Ill and their Families. Shauna was able to blend her nursing and spirituality as a Parish Nurse in a church, blending Nursing and Pastoral Care.

    Shauna was widowed at 43 years old in 2006 and raised her three kids.

    Shauna took Living from the Heart and Spiritual Direction with SoulStream in 2009. Now retired she offers Spiritual Direction and contemplative practices whenever they come across her path.

    She lives contemplatively with her second husband, where she gardens and continues to learn how to live gently on this earth with a heart of gratitude.

    Shauna is also an author of a children’s book and is finishing up a memoir. She says a second children's book is in her head. 😀

    She also enjoys gardening, fishing, hiking, cycling, reading, writing, and photography.

    "Little by little. Not by leaps and bounds." ~ Shauna Gill

    "How's your heart today?" ~ Shauna Gill

    See more at https://www.hintsofgladness.com/contemplation-with-shauna-gill

  • Our Guest today is Esther Hizsa who has just released a new book called "In the Heart of the Beloved: Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim, Volume 3"

    Esther is a writer, spiritual director (trained through SoulStream) and co-facilitator of SoulStream’s Living from the Heart course. She is also a mother, grandmother and wife married for 43 years to her husband, Fred. She and Fred live in Burnaby and love the outdoors, spending as much time as they can hiking in the mountains, biking in wide open spaces, and walking in the woods or by the sea. Esther is the author of three books and a blog, An Everyday Pilgrim.

    In this episode we discuss...

    Esther's blog - An Everyday Pilgrim How Esther became a writer Esther‘s own journey with Pilgrimage and God's love. The power of doing small things with great love The seed cracked open by Hafiz Being aware of the ordinary Esther's first two books and she reads from both of them Book 3. "In the Heart of the Beloved: Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim, Volume 3"

    All three of Esther's books (from her website)

    In the Heart of the Beloved: Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim, Volume 3 by Esther Hizsa (2022) Revised blog posts of stories, reflections and poems from January 2015 to December 2016. More information here.

    Seed Cracked Open: Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim, Volume 2 by Esther Hizsa (2019) is available on Amazon. Revised blog posts of stories, reflections and poems from July 2013 to December 2014 plus five silent retreat outlines.

    Stories of an Everyday Pilgrim by Esther Hizsa (2015) is available on Amazon. Stories, reflections and poems of the beginning of Esther’s contemplative journey.

  • In our current series of podcasts, we are exploring the topic of contemplation.

    What does contemplation mean and how does it impact the way we show up in the world? I’m hoping that these conversations will be a contemplative experience, so I invite you to join us, engage and be open as we discuss our guest’s spiritual journey and contemplative experiences.

    My guest today is... Donna Dinsmore

    Donna was raised in a small farming community in northern Maine, taught choral music in the South Carolina public schools for 17 years, and moved to Vancouver, BC in 1996 to read and write at Regent College for a couple of years. She spent nine years at Regent (!) studying, working and teaching as a sessional lecturer. Twenty-six years later she is an ordained minister in the United Church of Canada and will "play in any sandbox that will have her."

    Donna has consulted for and with communities in New Zealand, Newfoundland, Washington, British Columbia and Alberta, mostly in the areas of worship, music and group discernment. Preparing and facilitating retreats that are organic to the group is one of her greatest joys.

    Donna is passionate about delving into the spirituality of change for congregations and groups of any kind. She is a partner in the SoulStream Community, currently a Transitional Minister at Brighouse United Church in Richmond, a voracious reader, and a lover of her canine companion, Tucker.

    During this conversation, we discuss... Donna’s early spiritual influences Why Donna started praying the Psalms at a young age. Donna’s definition of contemplation The goodness of God and the need and difficulty of focusing on it. Donna’s life-changing interactions with Eugene Peterson Donna’s story of what happened at Chapel at Regent College on 9/11 and the months that followed Thoughts on contemplative community. Paying attention to what God is doing in community. Circle conversations with a talking stick so we can listen to each other and understand each other. Donna's Imaginative Exercise to help in times of conflict or uncertainty

    To read more see https://www.hintsofgladness.com/donna-dinsmore