
  • This week we bring the series about the reformation before the reformation to an end. It is time to take stock. What changes did 20 years of opposition to the established church and 15 years of war bring to Bohemia?

    How did Jan Hus, Jan Želivský, Wenceslas Koranda and Petr Chelčický influence Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Müntzer and von Hutten? How did Zizka’s reform impact the Swiss mercenaries and the German Landsknechte?

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • We have a tendency to overlook the history of the smaller European nations even though they do quite often provide the laboratory where one could have seen the sign of things to come or calamities that could be avoided. One of these nations is Czechia, where events took place that could, should or did impact the History of the Germans, in 1989, in 1968, in 1938, in 1618 and in 1419-1437. Today we will talk about the very last one on this list, the moment when a complete confessional split was prevented, something Martin Luther, emperor Charles V and pope Leo X so disastrously failed to manage a hundred years later.

    I will also provide links in the show notes to books or podcasts relating to the other events in case you want to read ahead:

    Genscher in Prag - ein Polit-Krimi – DW – 30.09.2019

    Eyewitness to the 1968 Prague Spring – Cold War Conversations Podcast

    Robert Harris: Munich

    WDFpodcast.com 30 Years War Series

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

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  • “And anyone who would not want to keep and truly fulfill the above written pieces and articles, and would not want to help protect and defend them; such a one, without regard to person, we will not suffer amongst us and in this army fighting with God’s help, nor on the castles and in the fortresses, nor in the cities and in the towns, walled or open, nor in the villages and hamlets, no place excepted or exempted. But all persons we will everywhere admonish, advise, push, and urge toward this goodness with the help of our Lord God”

    That is how the Statutes and Military Ordinance of Jan Zizka’s New Brotherhood sum up their mission. And by Jove, you do not want to be one of those who are admonished, advised, pushed and urged by this new model army. Which leaves the question, who are those who do not “keep the written articles”, and – spoiler alert -they are not just the Catholics.

    From now on the “raging torrent of the revolution disgorges its quantum of corpses”

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • The Czech language has been a severe impediment to my storytelling this season and you may have noticed that I often avoid to name places and people, instead I talk about a major baron or a medium sized city. There are however two Czech words I have no difficult pronouncing, Howitzer and Pistol. Which may tell you what we will be talking about today, the battle of Kutna Hora, when a blind general saw an escape route that change the world irrevocably.

    But on the way there we will hear about an accelerating spiral of brutality, attempts at reconciliation, about austere dress and debauched dancing in the woods. This is another one of these episodes that has it all, and some.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • Sigismund, king of the Romans, king of Hungary and recently crowned king of Bohemia is not doing too well. Despite his long list of glittering titles he is stuck in the town of Kutna Hora, the revolutionaries have taken Prague, built strongholds, created a completely new army for a completely new form of warfare and were taking over more and more of his ancestral kingdom.

    When one of his most strategic positions, the castle of Vyšehrad comes under siege, he had to take his forces into another battle with the Hussites, which will set off a string of events that will bring what every true supporter of the Holy Roman Empire must have been craving – taxes.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • “It is we, the followers of master Jan Hus, who are obeying the law of God, we who are the true followers of Christ. Thus therefore, who oppose us, oppress us, kill us, are themselves heretics, trying to thwart the will of God. Out of this deep, passionate conviction was born the determination not to yield, not to surrender, but to challenge if need be, all the forces of the religious and political order which had dominated medieval europe for nearly a thousand years, to fight it out against odds the like of which have seldom been seen in history”

    So it is written in the “Very Pretty Chronicle of the life of John Zizka” which tells the not so very pretty story of the war against the Hussites that is now heating up. Sigismund musters his crusading army in Silesia whilst the radical Hussites take to the hills and then take a hill.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • “To our great shame and sorrow, we must acknowledge how our brethren have been cleverly seduced by Satan, and how they have departed from Holy Scriptures in strange and unheard-of ideas and acts. When Satan first came to them it was not with an open face, as the devil, but in the shining garb of voluntary poverty, [..], and in the zealous work of preaching to and serving the people and in giving them the Body and Holy Blood of God. And [..] a great many people flocked to them.

    Then the devil came to them clothed in other garb, in the prophets and the Old Testament, and from these they sought to confect the imminent Day of Judgement, saying that they were angels who had to eliminate the scandals of Christ’s kingdom, and that they were to judge the world. And so they committed many killings and impoverished many people; but they did not judge the world according to their words, for the predicted time has elapsed with which they terrified the people, telling them strange things.” End quote.

    Strange things indeed were happening in Bohemia. Peter Chelcicky whose words you just heard reported how the radical Hussites had called the End of Days for February 14th, 1420. But when that day came, and instead of all the enemies of the faith lying dead with their noses pointing skywards, royalist forces surrounded the radical Hussites in the city of Pilzen. Now the end really seemed nigh, but cometh the time, cometh the man, even if the man is a one-eyed, gruff ex-Highwayman.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

  • Revolutions are exceedingly rare in world history. And they are so rare because they require a whole host of things going wrong and going wrong all at the same time. In 1419/1420 a whole host of things are going wrong in the kingdom of Bohemia.

    We did already hear about the defenestration, the first in Czech history. As dramatic an event that was, there was no reason to believe that death and destruction was inevitable at that point. After all there had been dozens, if not hundreds of bloody revolts that did not end up with a revolution.

    Amongst Mike Duncan’s very many achievements, the concept of the great idiot theory of history is my absolute favorite. A great idiot of history is someone who out of incompetence, stubbornness, narcissism or other impediments created a situation where historical time accelerates and change occurs. It is the counterpart to the great man theory of history that is presumably a bit better known.

    Which gets us to what we will discuss in this episode. Looking at my gradually swelling library of books about the Hussite revolt, it appears as if Sigismund, the king of the Romans and heir to the Bohemian crown was one of these great idiots of history. Many an author, not only Czechs, has blamed him for turning a simple revolt into a revolution out of bigotry, incompetence or even malice. But is that fair? That is what we will investigate in this episode, along a spot of street fighting on Europe’s top 3 backpacker destination.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

  • The Bohemians had already protested against the treatment of Jan Hus when he was arrested and anger was brewing throughout his trial. Hus hadn’t come to Constance on his own. Several noblemen, including the brave knight John of Chlum had come along to support him. One these man, Petr Mladenovics returned to Prague shortly after the trial and recounted the proceedings in every little detail, complete with copies of letters and other documents.

    And from that the Bohemians concluded that there had been foul play. Lawrence of Brezowa summarized the view in Prague as follows: quote “Then on Saturday,[..], 6 July, Master Jan Hus, the scholarly bachelor of Holy Scripture, a man of shining virtue in life and morality and a faithful preacher of the gospel was sentenced to death and unjustly vilified by the Council of Constance. This was based upon the false testimony of the witnesses and the relentless instigations of master Štěpán z Pálče, doctor of Holy Scriptures and Michael de Causis, parish priest of St. Voijtech,[..] representing the Czech clergy and the influence of king Sigismund. This was done despite the fact that he was not given a proper hearing in which to prove his innocence”

    Bohemian Protest on Display | Rare Books & Manuscripts

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

  • Today the History of the Germans is honoured to host David Crowther, doyen of the guild of podcasters and host of the most excellent History of England Podcast.

    Wycliffe's writings were to prove controversial and proved an interesting early echo of the Reformation. They heavily influenced the view of Jan Hus and the movement in Bohemia. And his ability to develop and present those views owed a lot to Oxford University, and its desire to protect intellectual debate and investigation. 


  • “They will roast a goose now, but after one hundred years they will hear a swan sing, and him they will have to endure.” These were allegedly the last words of a certain Jan Hus whose surname meant goose and who was burned at the stake on July 6, 1415.

    Almost exactly one hundred years later a spiritually tormented monk, frightened by a vengeful God who sought to damn him, was assigned to teach the book of Romans at the new university of Wittenberg. And 2 years later this monk by the name of Martin Luther did (or probably did not) nail his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church of that same town.

    As far as prophecies go, this must be one of the most accurate, assuming it was indeed true. But it wasn’t just the foretelling of the next reformer that makes the trial of Jan Hus such a fascinating account. So much is foreshadowed in this tale, it is almost uncanny. The railing against indulgences, the wealth of the clergy, the pope, a promise of safe conduct, a trial, villains and archvillains, accusations upon accusations, defiance in the face of certain death and then the big difference to the diet of Worms, actual death. Have a listen, it is fun.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

  • We have talked about church reform for almost four years, the council of Constance talked about church reform for about the same amount of time and Luther will talk and write about church reform until he did no longer believe that the church could be reformed.

    But what is church reform. Or more specifically, what did the delegates in Constance mean when they debated church reform, why did they fail to implement much even though they held off electing a pope and the voting system was set up to favour of the national churches and against central papal authority.

    All this we will discuss in this episode plus we will hear some angelic voices that made even the most hardnosed church politician kneel in prayer.


    00:16 - The Dawn of the Reformation07:28 - Reforming the Church: Key Areas of Discussion11:25 - The Council of Constance: A Turning Point in Church Authority19:03 - The Election of a New Pope29:59 - The Rise and Fall of the Council of Basel

     Choir music by Schola Sancte Scholasticae and St. Cecilia's Abbey, UK: Veni Creator Spiritus | Gregorian Chant Hymns

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

  • In November 1414 30,000 academics and aristocrats, bishops, blacksmiths and bakers, cardinals, counts and chefs, doctors, dancers and diplomats, princes, prelates and public girls descended on a town in Southern Germany built to house 6 to 8,000 people. They planned to stay a few weeks, 2-3 months max. But 3 and a half years later most of them were still there.

    What did they get up to? The great tentpole events, the trial of John XXIII, the burning of Jan Hus and the election of Martin V is what the council of Constance is remembered for, but what about all that time in between?

    This world event was so much more than a papal election and the trial of a heretic. For 3 years Constance became a never-ending G20 summit, the greatest academic conference of the Middle Ages, a permanent imperial diet and the centre of the catholic church. Everybody who was anybody was there either in the flesh or had at least sent a delegation.

    Issues and concerns were brought before the council that still plague people today. Is it ever right to kill a tyrant, and if so, when can it be justified? What rights should be guaranteed for indigenous groups, in this case Pagans, and how should their dignity be protected? Other attendees sought justice for crimes committed against them or their families in a world where political murder had become commonplace. Others still demanded their reward for years of service, making the house of Hohenzollern the margraves of Brandenburg.

    Living cheek by jowl in tiny Constance the leading minds from across Europe, from the ancient universities of Paris, Oxford and Bologna as well as from the newly founded seats of learning in Krakow, Prague, Heidelberg and Vienna shared their ideas, opinions, books and discoveries, paving the way for the intellectual shift we call the Renaissance.

    Enough, me thinks to provide 30 minutes of great historical entertainment….


    00:13 - The Council of Constance: A Gathering Like No Other03:31 - The Council of Constance: A Gathering of Minds08:16 - The Gathering of Intellectuals at Constance12:57 - The Role of Book Hunters in the Renaissance24:23 - Political Violence in the 14th and 15th Century29:56 - The Debate on Tyrannicide at the Council of Constance35:21 - The Council of Constance and Its Impact

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make...

  • The Council of Constance marked a pivotal moment in the history of the Catholic Church and the history of Europe in general.

    One issue on the agenda was the ongoing schism that the council of Pisa had failed to resolve. Another the reform of the increasingly corrupt clergy all the way up to the pope himself. And then there were a number of individual questions this gathering of thousands had to address.

    Whilst all these were crucial questions, the way the council constituted itself foreshadowed a fundamental change in the way European saw themselves.

    This part 1 deals with the establishment of the council and the removal of the popes, most importantly the pope who had convened the council on the first place, John XXIII and his counterpart, the emperor Sigismund.


    00:18 - The Unusual Procession03:54 - The Journey to Constance10:35 - The Council of Constance: A New Chapter in Church History16:51 - The Arrival of Sigismund20:15 - The Shift Towards National Identity in the Church Council27:41 - The Turning Point: The Council's Decree34:47 - The End of the Schism and the Rise of New Leadership

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic...

  • “Master Jan Hus, preacher of the Holy Scriptures from the chapel of Bethlehem, was also present at this council, who in his preaching continuously criticized and exposed the hypocrisy, pride, miserliness, fornication, simony, and other sins of the clergy, in order to bring the priesthood back to the apostolic life. He was immensely hated by these pestiferous clerics.”

    This is how Laurence of Brezova introduced the great reformer and Czech national hero Jan Hus in his 15th century chronicle of the Hussite uprising.

    Why should we care about the trials and tribulations of another holy man railing against corrupt prelates and the subsequent “quarrel in a faraway country, between people of whom we know nothing”.

    Well, that quote itself should be reason enough. It is from Neville Chamberlain speech of September 27, 1938 weighing the importance of protecting Czechoslovakia against an expansionist Nazi Germany.

    But Jan Hus is interesting beyond his status as a towering figure in Czech history. When he came to Prague in 1390 he was just another ambitious young man from a modest background who wanted to rise up in the world on the back of intelligence and hard work. But by the time he leaves for his fate at the Council of Constance in 1414 he has been excommunicated, exiled and unwillingly or willingly be come he face of a brewing revolt against king and clergy. This is a story about collapsing certainties and emerging truths, about individual beliefs and institutional order. About what the community of the faithful is supposed to be and who is in and who is out.  And its tentacles reach deep into the next centuries…

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

  • The late 14th and early 15th century was a period of upheaval, the certainties of the Middle Ages, that the pope ruled the world and that knights were invincible were crumbling away, the long period of economic growth, of eastward expansion and conversion of the pagans made way for war, plague and famine. The church was split in half and the Ottomans were coming.

    This was an age that called forth larger-than-life characters: Joan of Arc, fierce and holy; Henry Bolingbroke, seizing a throne; Jadwiga and Jogaila, uniting kingdoms; the audacious Gian Galeazzo Visconti and fiery Cola di Rienzo; the ever-scheming John the Fearless and Jacob van Artevelde; the tragic Ines de Castro and the unflinching Jan Žižka.

    Into this glittering and turbulent lineup steps a man whose reputation has not exactly been polished by time. Despised in his kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia and even Constance, the city that owes him so much, decided to remember him as a fat naked crowned guy with skinny arms and legs, worn-out face, forked beard and disproportionate genitalia balancing on the hand of a nine-meter-tall sex worker. No, I am not making this up.

    Sigismund, because that was his name, was a true enigma of the late Middle Ages. He had inherited his father’s charm and ruthless cunning, his knack for negotiating compromise in impossible situations, and his unshakeable belief in his role as the head of Christendom. But what he hadn’t inherited was his father’s performative piety, his zeal for relics, his asceticism—or his wealth.

    Instead, Sigismund was left with a volatile mix of ambition, enormous self-confidence, a lust for life, and, crucially, a chronic shortage of funds. Yet despite his flaws, he took on Christendom’s two greatest crises—the schism and the Ottoman threat—and in doing so, managed to create a third…This is his backstory.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors...

  • This week we delve into the transformative period of the Ottomans from Osman to the Battle of Nicopolis. It highlights how Osman, the son of an Anatolian warlord, laid the foundations for what would become one of the world's greatest empires, despite starting as just one of many Turkic beys in a tumultuous landscape. The narrative explores the cultural and military strategies that enabled the Ottomans to expand, emphasizing their approach of gradual assimilation and religious tolerance as they conquered predominantly Christian lands. The episode also recounts the dramatic Battle of Nicopolis in 1396, where a coalition of European knights faced the formidable Ottoman forces, leading to a catastrophic defeat for the crusaders. As the episode unfolds, it illustrates the lasting impact of these events on the geopolitical landscape of Europe and the Ottoman Empire's rise as a dominant power in the centuries to follow.


    The Ottomans emerged from a small confederation led by Osman, who successfully united various Turkic tribes. Unlike many conquests in history, the Ottomans employed a model of tolerance and integration with conquered populations. The downfall of the Byzantine Empire was marked by its inability to respond effectively to nomadic incursions. Osman's victory at the Battle of Baphis established his reputation and attracted more followers to his cause. Janissaries, elite soldiers of the Ottoman army, were originally recruited from captured Christian boys. The catastrophic defeat of the crusading army at Nikopol in 1396 reshaped the power dynamics in Eastern Europe.


    00:08 - Introduction to the Ottomans00:19 - The Crusades and Eastern Expansion00:51 - The Gathering at Nikopol04:14 - Osman's Vision and the Birth of the Empire13:59 - The Seljuks and Their Legacy20:07 - Osman's Rise and Early Conquests32:03 - The Battle of Kosovo and Its Aftermath34:14 - The Crusade at Nikopol41:34 - The Impact of Timur's Invasion42:55 - Conclusion and Next Episode Preview

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but...

  • When the Great Western Schism was finally resolved at Pisa and Constance, Christendom rejoiced.

    Or so we have been told. But was it really such a devastating, catastrophic event that left the papacy mortally wounded, so impaired that it crumbled when next the power of the pope “to bind and to loosen” was questioned?  Or was it just an affair, a temporary misunderstanding created by some drafting error in canon law that prevented the removal of an incapacitated pope?

    Me thinks that is worth investigating even if it means diving deep into theology and canon law. But do not worry we will also do a spot of fiscal policy just to lighten things up a bit.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • If you are a longstanding listener to the History of the Germans, you will already know that sometime in the late 14th century the catholic church broke apart into 2 and then 3 different obediences, three popes residing in different places and being recognised by different nations.

    But what you may not know is how exactly this had happened. Why did the exact self-same cardinals elect one pope in April 1378 and another one 4 months later? Who was taking the lead in attempts to resolve the crisis and why did all these attempts fail for 40 years? How far did they go in forcing the various papal contenders to come to the negotiation table. How ridiculous were the popes’ attempts to wiggle out of that…

    All that we will look into this week in part 1 of the story of the Great Western Schism.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen

    Frederick II Stupor Mundi

    Saxony and Eastward Expansion

    The Hanseatic League

    The Teutonic Knights

    The Holy Roman Empire 1250-1356

  • “And since these especially ruinous harms to all of Christendom are not to be tolerated or suffered any longer, so we have completely agreed – with a well-considered disposition, by means of much and various discussion and counsel, which we have earnestly undertaken concerning this among ourselves and with many other princes and lords of the Holy Empire, for the assistance of the Holy Church, the comfort of Christendom and the honour and profit of the Holy Empire – that we want fully and specifically to remove and depose the above-written Lord Wenceslas as a neglectful procrastinator, dismemberer and one unworthy of the Holy Empire from the same Holy Roman Empire and all the dignities pertaining to it with immediate effect.”  End quote

    So concluded the Prince Electors of Cologne, Mainz, Trier and the Palatinate on August 20th 1400. King Wenceslaus IV, son of the great emperor Karl IV, king of Bohemia and duke of Luxemburg was to be deposed for his “evil deeds and afflictions [that are] are so clearly manifest and well known throughout the land that they can neither be justified nor concealed” end quote

    How could that happen. Last time we looked at the house of Luxemburg, they directly held almost a quarter of the German lands, controlled two of the seven electoral votes, had manoeuvred themselves into pole position to gain the Hungarian and the Polish crown, with even a long-term option on Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Tyrol . But now, a mere 22 years later, the great second Carolingian empire lies in tatters. How is that possible? That is what we will look at today.

    The music for the show is Flute Sonata in E-flat major, H.545 by Carl Phillip Emmanuel Bach (or some claim it as BWV 1031 Johann Sebastian Bach) performed and arranged by Michel Rondeau under Common Creative Licence 3.0.

    As always:

    Homepage with maps, photos, transcripts and blog: www.historyofthegermans.com

    If you wish to support the show go to: Support • History of the Germans Podcast

    Facebook: @HOTGPod 

    Threads: @history_of_the_germans_podcast

    Bluesky: @hotgpod.bsky.social

    Instagram: history_of_the_germans

    Twitter: @germanshistory

    To make it easier for you to share the podcast, I have created separate playlists for some of the seasons that are set up as individual podcasts. they have the exact same episodes as in the History of the Germans, but they may be a helpful device for those who want to concentrate on only one season.

    So far I have:

    The Ottonians

    Salian Emperors and Investiture Controversy

    Fredrick Barbarossa and Early Hohenstaufen