
  • Carson, Carson, Carson... The former #2 overall pick who was a late-season injury away from probably winning MVP and then perhaps leading his team to a Super Bowl victory that same year... Oh how far he has fallen... Since then, he has been traded away twice in two seasons. And because he landed in the NFC East (currently Beast, formerly Least) once again, he now has the opportunity to face his former Eagles quite frequently. The last time this happened, the results were quite disastrous for the Commanders. And now that he is on IR, he will miss both of the season's remaining revenge games. Week 8 against the Colts and Week 10 against the Eagles. Therefore, this week is the first-ever Carson-less Wentz Bowl, a matchup between two teams that have employed Wentz that he himself will not play in. To celebrate this momentous occasion, Indy has also decided to introduce a backup QB to the starting lineup - what a remarkable show of sportsmanship. We at Hitch Route, however, are celebrating this game by not watching it!!! Tune in to hear Alex and Rob predict how this week's matchups will go and also give their insight into which other matches are worth watching or not!

  • In case you live under a rock, you most likely heard that Christian McCaffrey was traded to the San Francisco 49ers. And if you heard that announcement, you almost certainly heard in the same breath that CMC went to Stanford - therefore he would be good to go for Sunday after getting traded on a Thursday. While we at Hitch Route may have *only* gone to Duke, we are quite skeptical of this claim. Surely, CMac looked good on Sunday and is a truly elite player in the NFL, but it's preposterous to use the fact he was a Cardinal in college as evidence for why he will be totally fine despite the major life interruption. Nevertheless, while this was maybe the most humorous development of the past week, there were many other exciting ones. Perhaps none other than Justin Fields and the Bears taking Gillette Stadium by storm and preventing Belichick from surpassing Papa Bear Halas in wins for at least one more week (Alex is clearly biased, but this undeniably was a major win). Tune in to hear Rob and Alex break down some of the week's major events!

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  • When considering the performance of Russell Wilson this year in conjunction with his recent $250 million extension, it is rather unsurprising that the Denver QB finds himself under immense scrutiny. In our last episode, though, we pointed out that some trends are due for reversal or regression; Rob staunchly believes this is true for DangeRuss, and he has even put his money where his mouth is (much to his recent chagrin). Folks, while this may be a football podcast, allow us to use this moment as evidence for some brief financial advice: do not buy the dip simply because there is a dip. Market devaluations happen for a reason, so seriously consider the underlying circumstances when investing in contradiction with current trends. Back to football, though, as we near the season's halfway point, it will be quite fascinating to see what teams can reverse their own dips. Will the Packers be able to right the ship and return to contending status? Will the Jaguars be able to keep up in the AFC South after slipping from their strong start? Will the Lions finally replenish their cafeteria with a strong batch of kneecap soup? Tune in to hear Alex and Rob predict the outcome of Week 7 and try to find the answers to these questions!

  • Cliche as it may be, nothing lasts forever. This is true with life, truer with sports, and perhaps most true of all with Cooper Robert Rush, whose time as a starter is coming to a close. While wins are the most important statistic, there are many other stats directly related to player performance that portray the Dallas QB negatively; nevertheless, he did a wonderful job keeping Dem Boyz in the playoff race. There will always be situations and trends that are on the verge of ending, and finding those critical points within the NFL is of great interest to us at Hitch Route. Tune in to hear Rob and Alex break down some of the week's most intriguing matchups and perhaps analyze a few trends along the way!

  • As franchises progress over the course of the season, they often realize the need to move on from current players, coaches, or executives. Many changes are left to the offseason, but sometimes situations are so dire that they must be dealt with immediately. That is how the Browns felt when trading for Deion Jones, and that is how the Panthers felt when firing HC Matt Rhule. While it's important to use hindsight when evaluating the decisions that were made in order to learn from past mistakes, it's very interesting to consider what Carolina does now in its current position. The Panthers are facing this decision now because it looks like their season may more or less be over, but all teams will have to undergo this high-level organizational analysis at some point this year (unless maybe you're a true contender, but even those franchises can and should make changes). It's too late to know certainly who does what, but we at Hitch Route eagerly await the opportunity to analyze these changes. For now, though, tune in to hear Rob and Alex predict how Week 6 turns out!

  • After the absolute circus that was the first month of the NFL season, we're reaching a point where we can finally understand what exactly each team in the league is made of. Some are legit contenders, some are cesspools, and many teams are in the middle on various ends of that spectrum. The season is still early, so franchises aren't exactly defined by their records, but obviously, some are separating from the herd for better or worse. Winning a championship isn't easy, and it's even tougher to consistently contend - just look at the Rams. They basically just lose one old man from their offensive line, and now they look absolutely lost out there. Nevertheless, lots of teams are still discovering themselves, so tune in to hear Alex and Rob analyze the current state of the NFL!

  • In case you live under a rock, there is a man in the NFL named Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Jr. Also known as TB12, he has been a constant presence - and perhaps a thorn in your side - for two full decades now. A major presence in his own life is his wife Gisele Bundchen; that might not be the case for much longer, though... So what's Brady gonna do it about? Simple. He's gonna do what he always does - win. He beat the Atlanta Falcons after being down 28-3, so there's no way he's going to lose in a 1-on-1 matchup as important as this. He's gonna take the kids, the house, and all of Gisele's money. Because he earned it. If Brady is nothing else, he is a winner. Oh, and he's gonna crush the Falcons this week, too, for safe measure. Tune in to hear Alex and Cade predict exactly who else is going to win their matchups this week.

  • Another week, another set of games. The season is still a bit hectic and unpredictable, but lots of teams starting to get into a rhythm now. Slowly but surely, we will be able to see who are the true forces to be reckoned with in the NFL, but for now, let's just make the most of it and enjoy these fun matchups. Tune in to hear Alex and special guest Cade break down exactly what happened in Week 4!

  • If it isn't obvious by now, the NFL is a QB's league. And while not every quarterback can be the GOAT Cooper Rush - still undefeated in his career as a starter - almost every quarterback is out there trying to prove something. Lamar wants to prove that he's worth a $500M contract; Brady wants to prove to Giselle that playing one more year of football was worth it; Justin Fields wants to prove that he's legally qualified to be called a QB. But Ryan Tannehill? He is on a mission. A MISSION, ladies and gentlemen! If nothing else, he is out there to prove that he is the greatest active quarterback with Ryan in his name (he could never live up to the legacies of Ryan Leaf and Ryan Fitzpatrick, so he'll have to settle for this), which is why he'll give it his all when he faces Matt Ryan on Sunday. At the end of the day, football will continue to be very exciting because every QB has something to fight for, and this week will be no exception. Tune in to hear Rob and Alex dissect the upcoming matchups so they can predict which teams will end up on top and which teams will flop!

  • After saying that Week 3 was going to be a snoozefest compared to the week before, it looks like Alex and Rob couldn't have been more wrong (well actually, one of them could have predicted every single game this week incorrectly, but that's neither here nor there). As it turns out, nearly every game of football this season has the potential to be highly entertaining, and the season is likely to only get more amazing as we move forward. Nevertheless, our two cohosts will go over all of last week's matchups - some more in-depth than others - and try to analyze what happened in order to draw some conclusions about how the league landscape will shape up as we approach the playoffs. Tune in to hear Rob and Alex unearth the dairy-driven deceit behind why the Packers always win, realize the importance of temperature when preparing your daily serving of kneecap soup, and come to many other scintillating conclusions about the NFL!

  • In contrast to last week's slate of games, Week 3 appears to be a far blander, if not unpleasant, set of matchups. In fact, 9 out of 10 optometrists would recommend against voluntarily watching some of these games (Steelers-Browns, we're looking at you - but not actually since we value our eyes). Nonetheless, we may be proven wrong and this could be another great week of football. Or it might be somewhere in the middle like mediocre, competent slug-fests that embody the spirit of Ty Montgomery. In either case, tune in to hear who Alex and Rob will win this week!

  • Let's face it. Multi-score leads officially do not matter in the current NFL. We saw this time and time again in Week 2, including the Falcons almost reverse 28-3ing. And while that inability to maintain large leads (unless you're the Bills) is maddening for fans of leading teams or survivor pool competitors, it certainly makes for entertaining football. And that's exactly what this week was. Tune in to hear Rob and Alex dissect some of the week's most interesting games!

  • At the end of the day, regardless of your level of passion for football, it's pretty safe to say that those of us who invest in the sport do so because of how fun the NFL is as an entertainment product. And after a very enjoyable Week 1, we can only hope the same will be true for this next slate of games. The NFL cares about how much we enjoy football - primarily in the pursuit of profit, of course, but it's a win-win if you're willing to pay the price of fandom - and that goes into many of the organization's operational decisions, including the Pro Bowl. This line of thought was definitely at play when the league decided to entirely revamp the event, and now there will be a far greater emphasis placed on skills challenges rather than actual football; we here at Hitch Route certainly welcome this change and imagine that many other fans do as well. We enjoyed it so much that we may or may not have gone on a ridiculous tangent in this episode about a meme skills contest between Virginia McCaskey and the late Queen. All in the name of fun, just like the NFL. Nevertheless, tune in to hear Rob and Alex's extensive thoughts on what Week 2 will look like as well as a few wacky tangents!

  • After one week of football, all we at Hitch Route can say is WHAT. A. DOOZY. This was certainly one of the best, most exciting opening weeks for the NFL in recent memory. Dennis Green once said about Alex's Chicago Bears, "They are who we thought they were." Much less is true about the NFL as a whole following these introductory performances in 2022. While it goes without saying that football is an emotional, often unpredictable sport where anything can happen on any given Sunday, this week was admittedly wild. The only exception to this chaos may have been the 3-Yard Man Ty Montgomery, unwavering as ever in his new Patriots uniform. Nevertheless, while it may be tough to draw some serious conclusions about the different performances and outlooks of the different franchises after only one game, that won't stop us from trying. Tune in to hear Alex and Rob break down the NFL after the first week!

  • Super Bowl XLVII MVP Joseph Vincent "Vinnie Boy" Flacco is once again a starter in this NFL, and that's nowhere close to the craziest thing about this upcoming 2022 NFL season! Tune in as Alex and Rob give a little overview then dive into predictions for the first week - just in time for a potential Super Bowl matchup! Who else is pumped for Bills vs Rams!?!?!?

  • First, we focused on the AFC, and now it's time to shine a spotlight on the NFC. There's just something about the West, though. For some reason, both conferences' deepest divisions look like they're in the West. Our special guest Cade called the NFC West the Thunderdome, and that's a pretty fitting description. So many good teams will head into the gauntlet that is the NFL season, but only a few can perform well enough to become contenders. Tune in to hear Alex and Cade analyze the changes in the NFC landscape over this past offseason in order to determine which teams have the best shot at winning the Super Bowl!

  • Hello, world! The 2022 NFL season is upon us, so we here at Hitch Route are excited to break down the changes every team made over the offseason as we get a lay of the land for this upcoming year. Up first, Rob and Alex will break down the entire AFC landscape and try to predict which teams will most likely be contenders! And stay tuned for our NFC analysis, too!

  • We are OFFICIALLY at the start of Season 2 for Hitch Route! In case you live under a rock and somehow haven't heard the news, the OG pretty boy Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr has decided to hold off on ending his illustrious career. That's really all that needs to be said. This man decided to put all of the NFL's fans through an emotional roller coaster, and I don't intend to forgive him anytime soon. 

    P.S. This is Alex as always. Much to my chagrin (and Anish's joy), I must also mention that gifted but loathsome dickweed Aaron Rodgers is back too...

  • Alex here. I don't know about you, but I'm NOT feeling 22. That's right - today is my 23rd birthday; I have officially started my Jordan year as Rob put it. But even on my birthday, I don't get a day off from writing these episode descriptions... Ironically, we here at HR don't have an HR department; otherwise, I would've filed numerous complaints by now, but this was definitely the last straw. Unlike Brady, though, I'm not a quitter. I'm here for the long run, so I hope you'll be hearing my nonsensical dopamine and adrenaline-fueled antics for years to come. But even if today is about me, football comes first. This week, Anish and Rob and I took a deep dive into the conference championship matches, made our Super Bowl predictions, and spent an extended time honoring and reminiscing about TB12. Even if he's gone, though, the three of us are confident in the NFL's future because of all the shining young stars we have at the QB position, not to mention the talented stalwarts who likely have at least half a decade ahead of themselves. Make sure to tune in!

    Note: For legal purposes, neither Alex nor anyone associated with the Hitch Route podcast actually believes Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr. is a quitter and we all have deep respect for him. Retiring after a long, illustrious career deserves nothing but praise. Unlike the Cowboys and the Packers, he was the true antithesis to choke artistry. He may not have ended the season on top like last year, but he was still as clutch and committed as can be until his last snap. 

  • Another week has passed, but this one was for the record books. It would not be an overreaction to say this was perhaps the best divisional round in NFL history. And the fact that both Aaron Rodgers and Tom Brady were eliminated is part of the reason why (yes, Alex is writing the description as always). Half of the State Farm gang is gone -- and Mahomes is arguably only still in it because of a coin flip. It wasn't money that led to the Packers' demise, but it was Gould. The Chicago Bears will always get the last laugh, Anish. That's why we fired Matt and Ryan and replaced them with Matt and Ryan. All jokes aside, literally every game was a nail-biter that ended on the last play, and now we're in store for two very interesting conference championships. Can Joe Cool put out the red hot Chiefs? Will Sean McVay finally solve the Shanahan puzzle? Tune in to find out our takeaways from this past week and our predictions for Sunday.