
  • The Truth Network invited me to guest host their live program on 06/28/2004 - which deals with current events, politics, and Theology. Since the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump was the hot issue - I weighed in, but from a caregiver's point of view. Plus, I took a few calls.


  • "No matter what the circumstances, we Christians should keep our heads. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind. It is a dismal thing to see a son of heaven cringe in terror before the sons of earth." - AW TOZER

    All too many caregivers feel pulled in so many directions that we second guess ourselves - while listening to those we shouldn't. In this episode, I share how our experience becomes a more reliable voice of counsel.

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  • Dr. Dan Scott joins me for a special conversation about the Church and caring for the mentally ill - and their families.


    Dan Scott was born in Southern West Virginia in 1953. As the son of foreign missionaries, from his mid-teens, he lived in various places throughout South and Central America. After his marriage to Trish, he lived in Montreal, Quebec until 1983. In 1984, they moved to Nashville, Tennessee, where, except for a ten-year period in Phoenix, Arizona, they have lived since. He and Trish have two daughters and six grandchildren.

    Dan has a Masters in Humanities from California State, a Masters in Psychology from Ottawa University, and a Doctor of Ministry from Lipscomb University. He is the author of several books, including the critically acclaimed The Emerging American Church and has pastored two Evangelical megachurches. He is an ordained Anglican priest and now works part time as a spiritual director for a mental health facility in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.

  • Gracie was invited to sing for the President of the United States years ago. While the event was certainly memorable and exciting, what happened a few weeks later provided a seminal moment for me as a caregiver.

  • Ever been on a cattle drive in Montana?

    I got to do this last week, and it was awesome. As caregivers, not every day will be filled with excitement and joy, but that doesn't mean we won't ever have days that lift our hearts, make us grin, and even make us feel exuberant.

    See more at peterrosenberger.com

  • One only has to see the news for five minutes, and the all too easy trap of enabling reveals its ugly head - a trap many caregivers understand.

    What can be done - what's our responsibility?

    I discuss that and more in this Hope for the Caregiver episode.

    Get Involved

  • There’s nothing quite like caring for someone with challenges or impairments to expose the gunk in one’s soul. Regardless of our best intentions, when selfishness rears its ugly head, our jaws can quickly tighten—and our fists clench.

    As a pianist, my hands must always remain open to make beautiful music. As caregivers, what kind of music do we forfeit when resentment curls our hands into fists?

    Try pushing a wheelchair with clenched fists. (Not with your loved one in it—use an empty one!) It’s challenging to do so. Clenched fists accomplish few tasks; it seems fighting is the only suitable task for them.

    Caregiving will push all our buttons. People who tell you differently haven’t done it long enough. Yet, in those moments when seeing our character defects, we can remind ourselves to unclench our fists—and hearts—and allow beautiful music to flow from our souls.

    Let it hurt. Let it bleed. Let it heal. And let it go. —Unknown

  • My friend once jokingly called me "America's Caregiver," and while it seemed over-the-top, the concept stuck with me.

    As I watch our nation grapple with profound challenges—such as the porous southern border leading to illegal immigration, our staggering national debt, and a growing disconnect from what it means to be American—I can't help but draw parallels between the principles that sustain family caregivers and those that could fortify our entire nation.

    In this episode, we explore how those fundamental principles that guide family caregivers can be applied to address these critical issues.

    Consider the principle of boundaries: just as caregivers must maintain healthy boundaries in every relationship, does that concept translate to illegal immigration effectively while upholding our values of compassion and security?

    Or take finances: Caregivers face immense financial challenges, and budgets become paramount in our lives. Likewise, America must confront its national debt with determination and long-term planning to secure our economic future.

    Lastly, the concept of American identity: caregivers understand how easy it is to lose one's identity. Similarly, our nation now grapples with what it truly means to be American.

    Join me as we delve into specific strategies and actionable insights that can empower us to navigate these pressing challenges and equip our nation to become healthier. Just like healthy caregivers make better caregivers, healthy nations make better nations.

  • From a major milestone to "the secret of triumph" to precision pastoring, we cover quite a bit of ground in this Hope for the Caregiver episode.


  • Losing her tennis phenom mother to cancer at 12 years old, Cindy felt God was punishing her by allowing her mom to die.

    A few years later, a friend helped her understand the Gospel - and that knowledge grew to a sustaining faith when cancer once again invaded Cindy's life.


  • Recall a situation where you witnessed an adult overreacting. Did it catch you off-guard? Did it make you uneasy? A psychiatrist friend once shared a valuable insight with his team: "When you see a patient overreact or act out, always remember there's a story behind that behavior."

    Understanding this 'story' is crucial for caregivers dealing with individuals exhibiting frenetic or hyper behavior, as it allows them to approach the situation with empathy and patience.

    Adults don't lose self-control in a vacuum—there's a build-up and a story behind their behavior. When caregivers find themselves in the unpleasant predicament of engaging an individual with frenetic or hyper behavior, it's helpful to remember that the behavior is more significant than the moment.

    Reminding ourselves that "there's a story" enables us to speak to the deeper issues driving the outburst—which often requires assurance rather than reason. Arguing with a long-term wound is futile. Caring for that wound and its symptoms remains a more effective response. As caregivers, we encounter those panicking about pocket-sized problems. Outbursts of a temporary or minor problem are rooted in a long journey that could stretch back a lifetime. Detaching from the immediate eruption allows us to understand better and address the volcanic turbulence behind the explosion.

    However, it starts with us remembering, "If it's hysterical, it's historical" - and there's always a story behind the behavior.

    We are not makers of history. We are made by history. —Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Kelly O'Connor joined my program today to discuss how she's helping families navigate the complexity of caregiving - particularly with seniors.

    Kelly and Gracie grew up together - and Kelly is one of us. Not only does she have SIGNIFICANT caregiving experience, but look what she's done with it.

    With specialized certifications in Gerontology, Dementia Care, and Life Coaching and a master's degree in Spiritual Psychology, Kelly brings over 14 years of dedicated experience to the table. Having assisted nearly 2,000 individuals and their families, her insights are a treasure trove for those navigating the complexities of aging. Whether it's providing caregiver coaching or empowering older adults to embrace their next chapter, she offers compassionate guidance rooted in profound expertise. Join us as we delve into her wealth of knowledge and discover how she's transforming lives one conversation at a time. Connect with her and explore the possibilities at Calendly - Kelly O'Connor, MA, CSA, CPRS, CDP

    Get on her calendar for a conversation - no strings attached. Tell her I sent you, and you can trust her. She really knows what she's doing - and has helped a lot of folks through some rough patches.


  • Following the loss of her own legs, Gracie resolved to provide quality prosthetic limbs for fellow amputees. In 2005, she and I developed a unique partnership with the Ghana Health Service to train and equip local workers to fabricate limbs for their own people. We call it Standing With Hope.

    Click here to Donate

    Click here to recycle a prosthetic limb

  • Many caregivers struggle with decades-old promises to make sure to “never put Mom in a nursing home.” When making that promise, most recall healthier times when the thought of entering a facility seemed far on the horizon. Reality sneaks up on the best of us, and we find ourselves faced with uncomfortable circumstances.

    The promise’s tether can quickly transform into a noose around the neck of a family caregiver unable to meet the demands of a horrific condition. From personal safety to medical expertise, caregivers easily find themselves outmatched by an affliction—and overpowered by guilt.

    Despite the promise’s sincerity, its roots often stem from ignorance about the peripheral havoc disease and injury can cause. Disparity and unsustainability quickly appear when a caregiver demands of herself what an entire paid staff of people in a memory care facility accomplishes. The promise must face honest scrutiny to reflect the commitment to caring for a loved one as best one can. When demands exceed ability, changes must occur—and help must be enlisted.

    The challenge for caregivers is seeking counsel from objective, experienced, and trained individuals to regularly evaluate conditions and possible paths regularly.
    As we promise to care, let us also commit to caring well.

    We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. —Dolly Parton


  • When Carole Leathem’s husband, Bill, first began his battle with anxiety, depression, and suicidal thoughts, she had no idea years of rejection and identity issues would come to a head. After all, when you’re the wife of a senior pastor, there are certain expectations that come with it. Imperfection and mental illness are not among them.

    Visit Carole's Site: https://www.thecaretakersjourney.com/

    Get Carole's Book

  • A close pastor friend of mine called me after burying his beloved dog. While digging the hole, he wept while angrily reflecting on how much he hated death. The conversation turned to the countless funerals he presided over during his ministry—I played the piano for many of those services. We talked a bit longer about some of the cherished families we ministered to during those funerals and discussed our shared anger at death. Then he said something that’s never left me.

    “Do you know who hates death more?”

    “God hates death,” he stated quietly.

    Pausing, he added, “He hates it so much that He took it upon Himself to provide a way to defeat death.”

    When Jesus stood at His friend Lazarus’s grave, John 11:38 shares that He was “deeply moved.” Some translations state that anger welled up in Jesus—anger at death.

    Mere weeks after standing at Lazarus’s tomb, on what we celebrate as Easter Sunday, Jesus indeed conquered death, but at an immeasurable cost to Himself.

    “Please—Aslan,” said Lucy, “can anything be done to save Edmund?”

    “All shall be done,” said Aslan. “But it may be harder than you think.” —C. S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

  • From the challenges of finding one's footing in music to navigating the fog of fear and obligation, we explore the caregiver's journey - and what happens when we lose our way. How do we get back on track?

    Listen for a compelling discussion shedding light on the struggles and triumphs of caring for a loved one.

  • Winston Churchill stated, "We are masters of unsaid words and slaves to those we let slip out."

    As caregivers, we live in a pressure cooker - and often spout off things we wish we could reclaim. Sometimes, we have to bite our tongues and learn to like the taste of blood. In this opening monologue from the program, I discuss this issue that affects everyone - it is the human condition - but we, as caregivers, can be exceptionally prone to this.

    TRANSCRIPT (there may be typos)

    Welcome to Hope for the Caregiver here on American Family Radio.

    This is Peter Rosenberger.

    This is the program for you as a family caregiver.

    Healthy caregivers make better caregivers and this program is designed to help the family caregiver stay strong and healthy while taking care of someone who is not.

    If that describes you, well guess what?

    You're in the right place.

    Hope for the Caregiver.com

    For me, that's a big deal for me.

    I mean, you know, it's not Joe Rogan or anything, but for me, I was really quite stunned because years ago when I started doing this program, people looked at me and said, how in the world are you going to talk about caregivers for an hour?

    How are you going to do this for an hour?

    I was literally asked that by friends of mine.

    I mean, people who were very successful in what they do, and they said, this is not going to work.

    And then, I told you, the radio station that I've originally talked to, they said, we don't see this as being a viable program.

    Well, here we are.

    And by the way, that was in 2011.

    Here we are 13 years later, 800-something episodes, almost 250,000 downloads, and we're just getting warmed up because this issue is not going to go away.

    If You Love Somebody, You Will Most Likely Be a Caregiver.

    If You Live Long Enough, You Will Need One.

    It is the human condition.

    I was watching on social media the other day, somebody posted a thing, said, what is something you really need as a caregiver?

    You know, it was really kind of emotional and I appreciate that.

    That's good.

    And I was like, I just need somebody to tell me where my grocery list is.

    Where are my keys?

    Where's my wallet?

    You know,

    I appreciate people getting very sensitive about it you know and we all get emotional we all get frustrated all that kind of stuff but I mean I don't need to sit down and watch the Hallmark Channel and kind of cry it out you know I'm just not there maybe you are I'm not I'm approaching the end of four decades of this you know and as I as 39 years ago in May I went through my first surgery with Gracie

    So I've been doing this for a long time and there's a point where this is your life and you don't really spend a lot of time trying to emote about it.

    It is what it is.

    Let's move on.

    What can we do?

    What can we accomplish?

    And how can I get better through this?

    How can I become better?

    What can I become through this?

    Not how do I get out of it?

    What can I become through this?

    How Can I Go Deeper?

    And that brings me to today's caregiver quote.

    Our caregiver quote comes from the very quotable Winston Churchill.

    You all know I'm a fan.

    Very few world leaders have the place in history that Winston Churchill does and had the impact

    We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.

    We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.

    While those words remain in our mind, we're still in control of them.

    But once they come out, they own us for good or bad.

    And it's something worthy of our consideration as caregivers.

    We live with enormous amounts of stress.

    And on any given day, at any given time, we could be rather brittle.

    Surely I'm not the only one.

    I mean, raise a hand.

    How many of you all get brittle at times?

    So it's easy to pop off and say things we really wish we hadn't have said.

    Now let's go deeper because as great as Churchill is, there's one greater.

    Matthew 12, 36, he said, I tell you, on the day of judgment, people will give account for every careless word they speak.

    That's the words of Jesus.

    And all throughout the scriptures, you'll see Proverbs 10, 19, when words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

    When words are many,

    I think one translation says instead of transgression is not lacking, it says when words are many, sin abounds.

    But you get the point.

    Proverbs 13.3 Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life.

    He who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

    James 1.26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

    These are strong words, and these are not the only ones in Scripture that talk about letting your mouth run off, popping off and saying things that you wish you hadn't.

    One stark and very tragic story is in the book of Judges, chapter 11, and there's this guy named Jephthah, who's a mighty warrior.

    And if you look at Judges 11, verse 30, And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, If you give the Ammonites into my hand, he's chasing down the Ammonites, whatever comes out of the door of my house to meet me when I return and triumph from the Ammonites will be the Lord's, and I will sacrifice it as a burnt offering.

    And he laid waste to the Ammonites.

    I mean, he really did an amazing job, and he's pretty excited about it.

    He comes home.

    Who should come out to meet him but his daughter?

    and when he saw her verse 35 he tore his clothes and cried oh no my daughter you have brought me down and I am devastated I have made a vow to the Lord that I cannot break and evidently he did not

    Offer Her as a Burnt Offering, but he sacrificed to the Lord that she would never marry.

    This was his only child, and she never married.

    And it was a devastating moment.

    He had spoken rashly.

    Scripture warns us of this, of speaking rashly.

    I got to tell you, my fellow caregivers, we are under an enormous amount of strain daily.

    There's too many things competing for shelf space in our brain and our mouth just serves as a pressure valve to let some of that out and we say things that we really, really should not say.

    I am chief among those who do that and I have to make amends on a regular basis, Gracie will tell you, and I cringe over all of it.

    I'd like to tell you I'm getting better.

    Maybe a little bit.

    I'm getting older.

    Maybe a little wiser.

    I don't know.

    But the one thing I do know now is where the path is.

    I am not a slave to ignorance on this.

    I have scripture.

    I have quotes from world leaders like Churchill.

    I have a plethora, which means a lot, you know.

    Sorry, that's an old joke.

    I have so many resources now that I can lean on instead of my own understanding to guide me, to help me remind myself to put my hand over my mouth and not say things that I'll be a slave to.

    Not Say Things That I'm Going to Regret.

    I've never had to make amends for something I didn't say, but I've sure had to make amends for things I did say.

    And so I love this quote from Churchill.

    I thought it was a good way to start the program out.

    We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out.

    As a caregiver, I am learning to put my hand over my mouth a little bit more.

    I've got a long ways to go.

    But I know the path and that is hope for the caregiver.

    This is Peter Rosenberger.

    We'll be right back.

    Welcome back to Hope for the Caregiver.

    This is Peter Rosenberger.

    This is the program for you as a family caregiver.


  • Host of the popular podcast Nutshell Sermons, recording artist Bryan Duncan (Grammy and Dove award winner) shares his journey as a caregiver for his wife - and his book,

    "Dear God ...Really? Prayers You Won't Hear in Church.