
  • Gather the hive and listen in - we're buzzing into your ears with a whole episode on bees! We've travelled to the World Museum in Liverpool to meet bee expert Leanna Dixon for an awesome apine* hour, and just in the nick of time too - as it was world bee day on the 20th May. With everything from the bumbling to the buzzing, we cover carpenter, mason, honey, pantaloon and even VULTURE bees!

    Our new Patreon is up and running which you can sign up to here - new bonus episodes coming every month, and two lucky subscribers will be drawn to join Roddy in some extra special fight sections next season!

    You can check out mpb photography here

    This episode was also sponsored by Birdfy, check them out at https://www.birdfy.com/?ref=howmanygeese

    *bovine. equine. apine. it's a real world I swear...

  • Listeners, there's no other way to put this than simply saying that you are in for one of the finest episodes of How Many Geese? that there has ever been. We're down to Joseph's Amazing Camels to meet Daisy Fossett on her very unusual farm. to learn all about the truly wild world of being a camel farmer/trainer/chocolatier/(add your own mad profession here).

    Our new Patreon is up and running which you can sign up to here- with Monday marking our first members exclusive episode dropping.

    You can check out mpb photography here

    This episode was also sponsored by Birdfy, check them out at https://www.birdfy.com/?ref=howmanygeese

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  • We've travelled up to Scotland to visit Europe's biggest penguin pool - why? Because it's none other than World Penguin Day!

    Join us as we head to Edinburgh Zoo to meet the people behind the penguins and learn about the home of over 130 Antarctic avians, including none other than Major General Sir Nils Olav III, Baron of the Bouvet Islands - officially the world's highest ranked military penguin. We also go behind the scenes at the zoo to learn more about their scientific work with genetics to study penguins on some of the most remote islands in the world.

    We also take a quick detour with our new show sponsors MPB photography to learn about the world of wildlife photography and see - being World Penguin Day - how one photographer got very up close with a penguin... ... .though not entirely of the penguin's making!

    And lastly, in an episode more dedicated to the letter P than anything else, we are delighted to be launching our new Patreon which you can sign up to here

    A huge thank you to the team at Edinburgh Zoo for making this episode possible.

    You can check out mpb photography here

    This episode was also sponsored by Birdfy, check them out at https://www.birdfy.com/?ref=howmanygeese

  • Order in the courts!

    Today we're hopping back into the Goose Time Machine as Roddy tells us all about the many and varied times throughout history that animals were put on trial. PLUS

    - we have an update on our team up with Birdfy as we commence Operation Parakeet

    - we work out what the best radioactive animal would be to be bitten by

    - Roddy gets a sense of Déjà vu as he does battle with a very specific (and very famous) groundhog.

    This episode was sponsored by Birdfy, check them out at https://www.birdfy.com/?ref=howmanygeese

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • It's calcium o'clock at Goose HQ as we talk all things milk in How many geese's very first PREQUEL episode, diving deep into dairy and marvelling at just what makes mammals so....mammal-y. We're not skimming on this episode either, as we go from milk's origin right up to a recent evolutionary step in (none other than our very own) human kind that makes us completely unique among our mammalian family in how we deal with milk.

    We then welcome new sponsors Birdfy to the show, fix all of Britain's public transport infrastructure via the animal kingdom, and of course unpack how many village weaver birds...are too many village weaver birds.

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    This episode was sponsored by Birdfy, check them out at https://www.birdfy.com/?ref=howmanygeese

  • Today we're diving into one of the most badass ways of fighting back against the overexploitation of the seas as technology teams up with nature with some pretty awesome outcomes. Meet the Ocean Sentinels tracking down illegal fishing vessels down in the Southern Oceans in one of the coolest bits of research we've ever covered.

    There's a slight change to the genre in today's fight as Roddy has to do battle with a BILLION insects before we head back to the ocean to recast the Pirates of the Caribbean characters as animals...

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • With the Academy Awards behind us, the world may be moving on from awards season... but Team Goose is here to deliver one more trophy as we take a look and present the award for one of the most insane movies you've probably never heard of - 1981's "Roar"! It's lions, lions and more lions as we look at one couple's passion project that got A LITTLE out of hand.... just ask the seventy members of cast and crew who got injured on set by their clawed co-stars!

    It's not just the chaos of collaborating with cats though, as we also answer the question what five animals would we choose to kickstart life on an island and Roddy faces one of his ....roundest challengers yet - with the American Woodcock.

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • It's time to man the harpoons as we hop in the Goose Time Machine and set the dial back to the early 1900s to meet a very special Orca with a fascinating relationship with the local whalers.

    Our Birda chums shine the spotlight on one of the biggest birds in the world as we soar with the Andean Condor, before a child forces Roddy to do battle with Leopards. We round out the show with the question on everyone's minds as we work out what our chosen animal would be to use as the vehicle on Mario Kart's infamous Rainbow Road...

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    Check out Birda the show sponsors here https://birda.org/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • Grab your nearest Gregorian and summon up a sharpie - we've got some key dates for your calendar this week as we ask the question: why do some days have names?

    Not just Christmas, Halloween or Valentine's, we're talking World Marmot Day, World Pangolin Day and ... International Talk Like a Pirate Day? We dive deep into the calendar of the bizarre to go on a journey of all the strange days that are out there, looking at the many environmental days you've never heard of and end up trying to redeem a group of animals we've maybe been a bit harsh too. We're here for the hooved this week as we analyse antelopes, all thanks to that well known international holiday - World Hirola Day.

    It's not just a crusade through the calendar of course as we set out to identify the best animal gym buddy (animal knowledge high, gym knowledge low) and Roddy takes up arms against the Arabian sand boa.....or does he?

    Incidentally, taking up arms is THE most mocking way you could describe fighting a snake..

    And our show sponsors Birda take us back to Australia aka Nature's Thunderdome as we take a trip to the Barking Owl.

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    Check out Birda the show sponsors here https://birda.org/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • As the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to falter, your pals at "How Many Geese?" are here to offer you an alternative. Suit up to meet our radioactive team of superheroes as we introduce Wales' nuclear sheep, Bavarian boar and Mutant Turtles as we turn off the lights to see which animals are glowing in the dark.

    Continuing our superhero theme, our pals Birda introduce us to their very own Hawkeye as we get acquainted with the Arrow-marked Babbler before Roddy tackles the sea's sharp-toothed master of camouflage, the Tasselled Wobbegong. And finally, every superhero needs their supervillain, and we get asked what invasive species we would introduce to our arch-enemy's desert island to make their life a misery...

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    Check out Birda the show sponsors here https://birda.org/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • Love is in the air and so too is Season SEVEN as we return to the mics refreshed and renewed for a Valentine's Day special - only.... not quite the most romantic one it turns out!

    Looking to show love is all around us, Roddy tried to find the cute and loving side of creatures the world deems weird (see: not you sea otters), except it didn't quite go to plan as we hear how love in the animal kingdom takes many strange (and sometimes terrifying) forms. It's not just scary animal sex though, as we also hear the story of how one zookeeper's commitment to the job helped save an endangered crane species. And do we mean - commitment.

    Sticking to the Valentine's theme, we're asked the age old question of snog, marry, avoid - insects, mammals, birds - and our show sponsors Birda take us to look at some lovey dovey doves with a double feature special in the diamond and bleeding heart doves.

    ...... .... oh and also Roddy fights an African Spurred Tortoise. In the 90s. We kind of ... drifted from the theme for that one...

    Check us out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

    Check out Birda the show sponsors here https://birda.org/

    If you're feeling extra generous and want to help support the show, consider leaving us a tip at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

  • We're back in your ears to kick off 2024 with the episode that was meant to close out 2023 - it's the end (beginning) of year special! So sit down, ignore your resolutions and get ready to listen to what happens when we lose a handle on the conversation...

    A seemingly straightforward audience question takes us over half an hour to sift through, as we try and work out which animal would claim the title of Highlander - there can be only one! Let it never be said we are anything other than thorough, as we develop our very own knock out tournament for some of the greatest combatants in animal fighting history.

    Of course, it wouldn't be How many geese? without an animal fight - but we're peeling back the curtain to show they don't always go to plan. We welcome the Titan Triggerfish into the arena and wrestle with everything from plasticine to Pythagoras as Roddy tries to form a plan to fight it!

    Lastly, we're letting you know courtesy of Birda to check out the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch - and help take part in vital citizen science for listeners in the UK. Download Birda for free, wherever you get your apps.

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese

  • Our time in Mexico comes to an end with the final episode of the expedition! We park our usual animal heavy chat to speak to Dr Kathy Slater (Mission Mexico: Welcome to the Jungle guest) about the communities who live around the biosphere and the threats it is under. Dare we say it - but we get serious for possibly the first time ever on the show!

    Firstly, we talk to Kathy about the honey production which many local communities are engaged in, and her work alongside local NGOs to help them move away from unsustainable agriculture practices. It's not just Kathy we speak to about the honey though - as we interview one of the local Mexican staff members Esteban about his own hives and what it's like producing honey... alongside wildlife... ... in a drought.

    The other big topic while we were on expedition was the "Tren Maya" train project that was being constructed. While we haven't mentioned this in the earlier episodes, this mammoth construction project was hard to avoid in Calakmul. Kathy helps explain a bit more about the train and offers some insight to the impact it could have to the region. Do read up on it - which has recently featured in the Natural History Museum Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition.

    Finally, rest assured there's still some Jack and Roddy chat squeezed in - as we round up our success in seeing our Big 5, Jack gives his bird breakdown and we have the most grown up conversation we've ever recorded as we reflect on our time in the forest...

    For more information on Operation Wallacea, check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese

  • Today's episode is spreading it's weird fleshy wings and echolocating into your ears as we delve into the frankly absurd world of the bats. We've woken up a trio of guests from their daytime slumber to lift the lid on the superpowered world of bats and bring us face to face with one of the largest species in the Calakmul jungle.

    Oh and yes, don't be fooled by the early outtro. For those who want a real insight into just how crazy you get in the jungle, stick behind after the end to hear HMG reporting live from a fashion show in the middle of the forest...

    For more information on Operation Wallacea, check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese

  • We are swimming, sliding and hopping into your ears this week as we head out under cover of darkness to look for all things herpetological - aka reptiles and amphibians. With the help of blacksmith-come-herpetologist Stuart and PhD student Fred, we dive into the scaly world of reptiles and (the permanently moist world of) amphibians.

    As ever though, that's not all! We answer that classic jungle question of what animal would you choose to be your karaoke partner and check back in on Private Jamie Hartup from the frontlines of the (his?) war against the ants. Will humanity ever know peace?? Thankfully though, if anything can hoover up ants - it's the herps!

    For more information on Operation Wallacea, check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese

  • Today's jungle diary has got us all a-flutter as we explore the world of tropical butterflies. With the help of entomologists Liz and Holly, we're learning about why they're such important indicators for the health of the forest and heading out on a survey to get our hands on some ourselves.

    Also in today's episode we join Private Jamie Hartup to get his report from the frontlines of the Ant War, unpack some of our halfway wildlife highlights, decide which Mexican animals would make good video characters, and start to panic that the podcast may never actually get finished when we notice the humidity is starting to corrode our kit...

    For more information on Operation Wallacea then check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

  • The Mayan journey continues as Jack and Roddy move deeper into the Mexican jungle and set up shop at a new camp that is not without its (small and very, very well organised....) challenges - as they reach the Western front of humanity's battle with a colony of leaf cutter ants! But before they fall prey to the colony, it's time to get the flock together and head out looking at our feathered friends - as this week we're all about birds.

    Learn about the different surveying methods used to study them, as well as that most crucial of scientific questions - WHY bother with birds?! And in a turn of events no one could have predicted when How many geese? started, Jack and Roddy sit down with local eco guide Ezekiel to talk not just birds - but learn some Mayan language along the way!

    For more information on Operation Wallacea, check out https://www.opwall.com/

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, pelase visit https://www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

  • Part three of our journey into the Mexican jungle and today, we're focusing on the big, fluffy stuff. It's an absolute mammal-fest this episode as we delve into some of the jungle's most famous residents. Find out the difference between Jaguars and your Jaguarundis, which mammal is the Mafia boss of Mexico and why monkeys are such dicks to each other.

    We've then got an extra treat at the end as we sit down with expedition medic Dr Stefan Hudson to hear all about he looks after the weirdest mammal of all - us.

    For more information on Operation Wallacea then check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

  • Our Mexican adventure continues as today's episode sees us getting to grips with one of the most important aspects of the Calakmul jungle - the Mayans. Come with us as we explore the ancient city of Calakmul and the ruins of Hormiguero with Holly Cunningham as our guide. From blood sacrifices to Belugas of the underworld, this is the closest you'll get to a How Many Geese? history channel.

    We then list which animals make our Mexican Most Wanted before making time to answer one of your listener questions because, even if we're severely dehydrated and getting bitten to death by mosquitos - we'll still make time for you, dear listener.

    For more information on Operation Wallacea then check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/

  • Come with us deep into the heart of the Mayan jungle as we embark on a once in a lifetime expedition into Mexico’s Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.

    Joining the Operation Wallacea team, we head out with scientists and locals to get under the skin of Calakmul, learning about the scientific work being undertaken, the history of the forest and the threats it faces.

    In this first episode, we’re getting to know where exactly we are and why it’s so special. Head scientist Dr Kathy Slater explains why Calakmul is so important and captivating before Jamie Hartup opens our eyes to some hardcore jungle trees. We also have a live animal gatecrash a recording session and come face to face with the most bizarre animal either of us have ever seen… in a just as unlikely place.

    So make sure you’ve packed plenty of water and follow us into the forest as we encounter some of the most extraordinary animals (and people) and planet Earth…

    For more information on Operation Wallacea then check out www.opwall.com

    To support the show by leaving us a donation to help keep growing the podcast, please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/howmanygeese

    Follow our Instagram page for updates here www.instagram.com/howmanygeese/