
  • In this episode, we discuss important developments in corporate reporting, including amendments to UK GAAP, new standards IFRS18 and IFRS19, and the timeline for implementing IFRS S1 and IFRS S2. We also discuss the evolving VAT treatment of private hire vehicles as a result of recent court cases and how the Treasury may seek to respond.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, and Ed Saltmarsh, Technical Manager, VAT and Customs.


    Be part of ICAEW Corporate Reporting: https://www.icaew.com/joincrf ICAEW: The road ahead for VAT and PHVs: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxline/articles/2024/the-road-ahead-for-vat-and-phvs


    Philippa Lamb


    Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, ICAEWEd Saltmarsh, Technical Manager, VAT and Customs, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 5 June 2024
    Podcast recorded: 3 June 2024

  • In this ICAEW Insights In Focus episode, we discuss the use of artificial intelligence in audit.

    Depending on who you talk to, generative AI is either going to revolutionise the way auditors work or replace certain roles in the sector entirely. The truth probably lies somewhere in between. So, how are auditors beginning to use AI? And how can practices sift marketing fact from fiction and navigate the risks introduced by using AI tools?

    To answer those questions, Philippa Lamb is joined by Konrad Bukowski-Kruszyna, Audit Data Analytics Director at RSM UK; Fay Bordbar, Global Digital Skills Lead at Mazars; and Oliver Nelson-Smith, Tech Policy Manager at ICAEW


    ICAEW - Generative AI Guide: https://www.icaew.com/technical/technology/artificial-intelligence/generative-ai-guideICAEW - Finance in a Digital World: https://www.icaew.com/technical/technology/finance-in-a-digital-world


    Philippa Lamb


    Konrad Bukowski-Kruszyna, Audit Data Analytics Director, RSM UKFay Bordbar, Global Digital Skills Lead, MazarsOliver Nelson-Smith, Tech Policy Manager, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 29 May 2024
    Podcast recorded: 23 May 2024

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  • In this episode of the ICAEW Insights podcast, we discuss upcoming changes to company size thresholds and what they mean for reporting requirements. Plus, with capital gains tax in the headlines, we explore the rules and restrictions when it comes to selling residential property.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, and Caroline Miskin, Senior Technical Manager in Digital Taxation.


    ICAEW: By All Accounts: https://www.icaew.com/technical/corporate-reporting/corporate-reporting-resources/by-all-accounts ICAEW: TAXline: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxline


    Philippa Lamb


    Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, ICAEW Caroline Miskin, Senior Technical Manager, Digital Taxation, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 10 May 2024
    Podcast recorded: 1 May 2024

  • In this special bonus episode of Insights In Focus, we meet new ICAEW CEO Alan Vallance to discuss the leadership lessons of his career.

    Alan is an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and joined the Institute as CEO in April 2024. His career has spanned various sectors and countries, as well as detailed experience in leading membership bodies RIBA and the Chartered Insurance Institute in recent years.

    In this conversation with Philippa Lamb, Vallance shares how his career journey has shaped his approach to leadership – from qualifying as an ACA at Ernst & Whinney (now EY) to working in post-Soviet Hungary and his 15 years with Australia Post at a time of early digitalisation.


    How the profession can embrace change, according to ICAEW’s new CEO: https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2024/apr-2024/how-the-profession-can-embrace-change-according-to-icaews-new-ceo


    Philippa Lamb


    Alan Vallance, CEO, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 3 May 2024
    Podcast recorded: 25 April 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss how accountants can build the skills needed to take on leadership and executive roles during their careers.

    In a recent report by the Financial Times, one anonymous headhunter was quoted as saying: “If America is run by lawyers, then the UK is run by accountants.” It’s backed up by the data, too: around one-third of today’s FTSE 100 CEOs have previously served as CFOs in their careers. But what makes finance professionals a good fit for the top spot? And what skills beyond financial prowess will help them make a success of it?

    To answer those questions, host Philippa Lamb is joined by Sarah Walker-Smith, CEO of legal and professional services group Ampa; Joe Dubbin, Managing Director of executive search firm Cripps Leadership Advisors; and Melanie Coeshott, career coach and mentor at Blue Diamond.


    ICAEW Academy: https://www.icaew.com/learning-and-development/academyICAEW: The Tax Track podcast: https://www.icaew.com/insights/podcast/the-tax-trackICAEW Student Insights podcast: https://www.icaew.com/insights/student-insights/podcast


    Philippa Lamb


    Sarah Walker-Smith, CEO, AmpaJoe Dubbin, Managing Director, Cripps Leadership AdvisorsMelanie Coeshott, career coach, Blue Diamond


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 17 April 2024
    Podcast recorded: 12 April 2024

  • In this episode, we discuss why the arrival of the 2024/25 tax year is particularly busy for accountants, and the main changes to be aware of from 6 April. Plus, six months on from the passing of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, we learn what progress has been made to enact its various provisions.

    To shed light on those two topics, Philippa Lamb is joined by Stephen Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, and Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy.


    ICAEW: The Tax Track podcast: https://www.icaew.com/insights/podcast/the-tax-trackICAEW: Tax changes taking effect from April 2024: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxline/articles/2024/tax-changes-taking-effect-from-april-2024 ICAEW: Economic crime hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/trust-and-ethics/economic-crime Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023: the story so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAZWpeLR_T0


    Philippa Lamb


    Stephen Relf, Technical Manager, Tax, ICAEWSally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 5 April 2024
    Podcast recorded: 26 March 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss how changes to the funding of British farms could affect the UK’s broader economic resilience.

    As a result of Brexit, British farms will stop benefiting from the EU Common Agricultural Policy by the end of 2027. The policy paid subsidies largely regardless of land use. Now, farmers need to transition to new schemes established by the UK’s devolved administrations. These require farms to meet environmental requirements such as hedge management, rewilding and tree-planting, which critics say will have a negative impact on food production and reduce the UK’s resilience to market shocks.

    To discuss the future of British farming, host Philippa Lamb is joined by David Missen, consultant at Larking Gowen, and Roseanne Bennett, partner at Greaves West & Ayre.


    ICAEW Farming & Rural Business Community: https://www.icaew.com/technical/farming-and-rural-business


    Philippa Lamb


    David Missen, consultant, Larking GowenRoseanne Bennett, partner, Greaves West & Ayre


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 22 March 2024
    Podcast recorded: 11 March 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss the contents of the 2024 Spring Budget and their likely impacts on the UK economy.

    The Spring Budget was delivered against the backdrop of recession and persistent inflation. While the Chancellor had better-than-expected headroom for delivering tax cuts, the UK economy and its public finances are still navigating a difficult road to recovery. And, with a general election taking place within the year, will anything announced on 6 March have an impact on public sentiment?

    Host Philippa Lamb breaks down the Spring Budget with Iain Wright, ICAEW Managing Director, Reputation and Influence; Frances Haque, Chief Economist at Santander UK; and David Williamson, Political Editor of the Sunday Express.


    ICAEW: Spring Budget 2024: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/spring-budget-2024ICAEW Manifesto 2024: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/manifesto-2024ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/business-confidence-monitorICAEW Resilience and Renewal hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/resilience-and-renewal


    Philippa Lamb


    Iain Wright, Managing Director, Reputation and Influence, ICAEWDavid Williamson, Political Editor, Sunday ExpressFrances Haque, Chief Economist, Santander UK


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 8 March 2024
    Podcast recorded: 7 March 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we catch up with ICAEW Chief Executive Michael Izza ahead of his stepping down from his role later this month.

    Izza has been with ICAEW since 2002 and Chief Executive since 2006. In that time, he’s steered the Institute through the global financial crisis, the pandemic and the early stages of a global technological revolution.

    Host Philippa Lamb discusses with Izza the fresh challenges and opportunities facing the profession, as well as what he will be taking away from his time at ICAEW.


    ICAEW Insights: https://www.icaew.com/insightsICAEW Manifesto 2024: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/manifesto-2024 ICAEW - Alan Vallance announced as new ICAEW Chief Executive: https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2023/oct-2023/alan-vallance-announced-as-new-icaew-chief-executive


    Philippa Lamb


    Michael Izza, Chief Executive, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 1 March 2024
    Podcast recorded: 22 February 2024

  • In this episode, we discuss how firms can maintain momentum on the International Standard of Quality Management, as well as changes in preparation and filing as a result of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act. We also hear about ICAEW’s new podcast, The Tax Track, and changes to the Engaging in Public Practice certificate.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by Alex Russell, Head of Audit and Assurance Strategy; Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy; Lindsey Wicks, Senior Technical Manager for Tax Policy; and Chris Greenhalgh, Manager in Professional Standards.


    ICAEW - Quality management in audit firms: https://www.icaew.com/technical/audit-and-assurance/audit/quality-management-in-audit-firmsICAEW Corporate Reporting faculty: https://www.icaew.com/groups-and-networks/faculties/corporate-reporting-facultyICAEW - By All Accounts: https://www.icaew.com/technical/corporate-reporting/corporate-reporting-resources/by-all-accounts Changes to accounts preparation and filing requirements: https://www.icaew.com/insights/viewpoints-on-the-news/2024/jan-2024/changes-to-accounts-preparation-and-filing-requirements ICAEW - The Tax Track podcast: https://www.icaew.com/insights/podcast/the-tax-trackICAEW - TAXline: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxline ICAEW - Practising certificates: https://www.icaew.com/technical/practice-resources/practising-certificates


    Philippa Lamb


    Alex Russell, Head of Audit and Assurance Strategy, ICAEW Sally Baker, Head of Corporate Reporting Strategy, ICAEWLindsey Wicks, Senior Technical Manager, Tax Policy, ICAEWChristopher Greenhalgh, Manager, Professional Standards, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 9 February 2024
    Podcast recorded: 5 February 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss the future of audit and corporate governance reform.

    Back in May 2022, after years of reviews and consultations, the government announced its plans for reform. The key proposals included the area of a new audit regulator, a wider definition of public interest entities, and ensuring that FTSE 350 firms would not be wholly reliant on the largest audit firms.

    However, nearly two years on, very little has changed. Corporate governance reform was quietly dropped by the government in October 2023, and audit reform was notably absent from the King’s Speech the following month. So, what happens now?

    Host Philippa Lamb is joined by Iain Wright, ICAEW Managing Director of Reputation and Influence; Darren Jordan, Partner at Moore Kingston Smith; and Maria Kepa, EY Director in Corporate Governance.


    ICAEW Audit and Assurance hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/audit-and-assurance ICAEW - Working in the regulated area of audit: https://www.icaew.com/regulation/working-in-the-regulated-area-of-audit


    Philippa Lamb


    Iain Wright, Managing Director, Reputation and Influence, ICAEWDarren Jordan, Partner, Moore Kingston Smith Maria Kepa, Director, Corporate Governance, EY


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 1 February 2024
    Podcast recorded: 26 January 2024

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss what 2024 is likely to bring for businesses and their accountants.

    Beyond a Spring Budget and elections on both sides of the Atlantic, there are few certainties for the coming 12 months. Looking at ICAEW’s Business Confidence Monitor and forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility and the Bank of England, 2024 is likely to be another challenging year of low growth and weak business and consumer sentiment. As with recent years, uncertainty is set to be the only constant.

    A year on from making their predictions for 2023, host Philippa Lamb is again joined by Iain Wright, ICAEW Managing Director, Reputation and Influence; Frances Haque, Chief Economist at Santander UK; and David Williamson, Political Editor of the Sunday Express.


    ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/business-confidence-monitorICAEW Resilience and Renewal hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/resilience-and-renewal


    Philippa Lamb


    Iain Wright, Managing Director, Reputation and Influence, ICAEWDavid Williamson, Political Editor, Sunday ExpressFrances Haque, Chief Economist, Santander UK


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 15 December 2023
    Podcast recorded: 11 December 2023

  • In the second of two special Insights In Focus episodes, guest host Mark Rowland shares news and views from COP28 in Dubai. This episode focuses on capacity building within the finance profession and making the business case for a nature-positive transition.

    Mark is joined in the studio by Sarah Reay, Climate Change Manager, ICAEW; Jessica Fries, Executive Chair, A4S; and Mardi McBrien, Chief of Strategic Affairs and Capacity Building, IFRS Foundation. Reay and Fries discuss why it is essential that the transition to a sustainable global economy places nature and biodiversity at its heart. And McBrien shares how the IFRS Foundation is driving capacity building and how all accountants can get involved.

    Access ICAEW’s Making COP Count content series for more insights on sustainability and the topics covered in this episode.


    ICAEW: Making COP Count: http://www.icaew.com/making-cop-count


    Mark Rowland


    Sarah Reay, Climate Change Manager, ICAEWJessica Fries, Executive Chair, A4SMardi McBrien, Chief of Strategic Affairs and Capacity Building, IFRS Foundation


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 11 December 2023
    Podcast recorded: 9 December 2023

  • In the first of two special Insights In Focus episodes, guest host Mark Rowland shares news and views from COP28 in Dubai. This episode focuses on the importance of transition plans in achieving net zero.

    In the studio, ICAEW Climate Change Manager Sarah Reay and Resilience First’s Shazre Quamber-Hill explain why transition planning is a vital part of the COP28 agenda. And on the conference floor, LSE Professor Nick Robins and the Transition Plan Taskforce’s Nina Pimblett discuss the role that accountants and business will play in putting plans into action.

    Access ICAEW’s Making COP Count content series for more insights on sustainability.


    ICAEW: Making COP Count: http://www.icaew.com/making-cop-count


    Mark Rowland


    Sarah Reay, Climate Change Manager, ICAEWShazre Quamber-Hill, Director, Strategy and Impact, Resilience FirstNick Robins, Professor in Practice for Sustainable Finance, London School of Economics and Political ScienceNina Pimblett, Sector Guidance Lead, Transition Plan Taskforce


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 5 December 2023
    Podcast recorded: 4 December 2023

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we explore the contents and implications of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023.

    After a challenging route through Parliament, the Act finally received Royal Assent in late October. It promises sweeping changes to Companies House and reporting requirements for SMEs. Crucially, it also covers where accountability will lie for economic crime. Many of the details are yet to be ironed out, but it’s clear that accountants will take on much of the responsibility for delivering these changes.

    Host Philippa Lamb discusses what accountants need to know with Mike Miller, ICAEW Economic Crime Manager; Alun Milford, Partner at Kingsley Napley and former General Counsel at the Serious Fraud Office; and Alice Bessell, Finance Director at Brown & Bright.


    ICAEW Economic Crime hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/trust-and-ethics/economic-crime


    Philippa Lamb


    Mike Miller, Economic Crime Manager, ICAEWAlun Milford, Partner, Kingsley NapleyAlice Bessell, Finance Director, Brown & Bright


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 4 December 2023
    Podcast recorded: 29 November 2023

  • The ICAEW Insights podcast explores the month’s top stories in accountancy.

    In this episode, we explain how ICAEW members can apply for dual membership with the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA). We also discuss the key points and learnings from this year’s Cyber Security Awareness Month and hear how ICAEW’s Resilience and Renewal campaign is progressing.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by Will Holt, Managing Director of Education and Training; Bani Lamba, Data Analytics and Tech Manager; and Suren Thiru, Economies Director.


    ICAEW: Dual membership expression of interest form: https://www.icaew.com/about-icaew/who-we-are/accelerated-route-to-gain-aca-and-cpfa-designation-and-dual-membership

    Current route for ICAEW members to join CIPFA: https://www.cipfa.org/join/joining-from-another-membership-organisation

    ICAEW Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/technology/cyber-security/cybercrime-awareness-month

    ICAEW Resilience and Renewal hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/resilience-and-renewal


    Philippa Lamb


    Will Holt, Managing Director, Education and Training, ICAEWBani Lamba, Data Analytics and Tech Manager, ICAEWSuren Thiru, Director, Economies, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 3 November 2023
    Podcast recorded: 26 October 2023

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we explore strategies to expand and upskill Britain’s workforce.

    Low unemployment is currently twinned with high vacancies, leading to a tight labour market. One cause is an increase in the number of economically inactive. And ICAEW’s Business Confidence Monitor has flagged a lack of non-management skills as an escalating challenge for the nation’s employers.

    So, how can we tackle these big, structural problems in the economy? Host Philippa Lamb discusses possible solutions with Suren Thiru, ICAEW Economies Director; Dan Lucy, HR Research and Consulting Director at the Institute for Employment Studies; and April Homer, Chief People Officer at accountancy practice Cooper Parry.

    ICAEW Resilience and Renewal hub

    ICAEW Business Confidence Monitor

    Philippa Lamb

    Suren Thiru, Director, Economies, ICAEW
    Daniel Lucy, Director, HR Research and Consulting, Institute for Employment Studies
    April Homer, Chief People Officer, Cooper Parry

    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 27 October 2023
    Podcast recorded: 18 October 2023

  • In this episode, we discuss a new content series recently launched by ICAEW: ‘Resilience and renewal: building an economy fit for the future’.

    The campaign explores the main challenges facing the UK economy and how chartered accountants are integral in addressing them. Plus, we share key deadlines for those filing self assessment returns and the penalties that may be handed down should they be missed.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by ICAEW’s Suren Thiru, Economies Director, and Mei Lim Cooper, Technical Manager, Personal Tax.


    Resilience and renewal: building an economy fit for the future: https://www.icaew.com/technical/economy/resilience-and-renewal UK Regions: Economic Summit (9 November 2023): https://events.icaew.com/pd/27584/uk-regions-economic-summit-9-november-2023 Self assessment registration deadline approaches: https://www.icaew.com/insights/tax-news/2023/sep-2023/self-assessment-registration-deadline-approaches


    Philippa Lamb


    Suren Thiru, Director, Economies, ICAEWMei Lim Cooper, Technical Manager, Personal Tax, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 6 October 2023
    Podcast recorded: 29 September 2023

  • In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss professional ethics and seek to answer the age-old question: why do good people do bad things?

    Accountants are increasingly acting as an ethical compass for their employers and clients. It’s a natural fit for a profession that has a deep understanding of business and a professional duty to act in the public interest, but it’s also a weighty responsibility where situations aren’t always black-and-white.

    To discuss how accountants can best inhabit this role, as well as ensuring they are acting ethically themselves, host Philippa Lamb is joined by Laura Hough, ICAEW director of trust and ethics, and Christopher Cowton, emeritus professor at the University of Huddersfield and associate of the Institute of Business Ethics.


    ICAEW Ethics hub: https://www.icaew.com/technical/trust-and-ethics/ethicsICAEW technical and ethics support: https://www.icaew.com/membership/support-throughout-your-career/technical-and-ethics-support ICAEW Continuing Professional Development: https://www.icaew.com/membership/cpd


    Philippa Lamb


    Laura Hough, director, trust and ethics, ICAEWChristopher Cowton, emeritus professor, University of Huddersfield; associate, Institute of Business Ethics


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 29 September 2023
    Podcast recorded: 11 September 2023

  • The ICAEW Insights podcast explores the month’s top stories in accountancy.

    In this episode, we discuss Labour’s proposals for removing VAT exemptions from private schools and the disagreement over just how much money it would raise for the public purse. Plus, in our final CPD update before the new regulations come into force on 1 November, we answer ICAEW members’ most frequently asked questions.

    Philippa Lamb is joined by ICAEW’s Ed Saltmarsh, Technical Manager, and Liz Shaw, Senior Manager, Professional Standards.


    ICAEW TAXline: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxlineICAEW: Would removing the VAT exemption for private schools make VAT simpler?: https://www.icaew.com/technical/tax/tax-faculty/taxline/2023/articles/would-removing-the-vat-exemption-for-private-schools-make-vat-simplerICAEW Continuing Professional Development: https://www.icaew.com/membership/cpdICAEW CPD learning resources: https://www.icaew.com/membership/cpd/cpd-resources


    Philippa Lamb


    Ed Saltmarsh, Technical Manager, ICAEW Liz Shaw, Senior Manager, Professional Standards, ICAEW


    Natalie Chisholm

    Episode first published: 8 September 2023
    Podcast recorded: 4 September 2023