
  • Grief is an impossible emotion to avoid. Throughout life, we may often find ourselves in moments of loss, no longer having a person whom we’d never imagined this journey without. While the pain of mourning is undeniable, the loss of a loved one does not have to halt your destiny and growth forever.

    Today we speak with Lori Tucker-Sullivan. Lori is an author whose writings have appeared in a number of world-renowned publications including the Washington Post, Motherwell, and The Sun. She holds a BA in Communications and Journalism from the University of Michigan and an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Spalding University.

    Her Pushcart Prize-nominated essay “Detroit, 2015” told the story of her decision to move back to the city following her husband’s death. Following her own encounter with losing a life partner, Lori pursued a project titled “I Can’t Remember if I Cried”; a book profiling the widows of famous rock and roll stars, slated for release in 2023.

    Lori shares her own story, as well as the countless gems she’s gathered through her process of speaking with other widows. Truly an insightful, motivating conversation!

  • Meet Denise Fair Razo, who found herself at the forefront of Detroit's battle with Covid-19 when appointed as chief public health officer by Detroit's mayor just a few months before the pandemic's start.

    2020 catapulted the American healthcare industry into the spotlight as never before. The Covid-19 pandemic altered every facet of our previous concepts of normality.

    Detroit found itself at the epicenter of the chaos, at many points leading the nation in infection rates. Amongst the tragedy came opportunities for reflection and reformation of long-standing pillars we'd previously assumed unchangeable.

    Denise and her team led efforts to keep Detroiters safe. In this conversation, Denise gives behind-the-scenes insight on what she's seen, heard, and learned, as well as shares her inspiring journey of finding her purpose in helping others.


    Are we indeed in a post-pandemic society? Tips on becoming a better leader. How can we take better care of ourselves throughout this pandemic?


    "If nothing else, healthcare should change in terms of how we are responsible for our own bodies." – Dr. Geneva Williams, 6:27 "Leadership is hard, especially during a crisis, but it is necessary." – Denise Fair, 24:40
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  • Feeling out of balance during these times? Not sure how to stay happy and positive? Dr. Geneva talks with Dr. Michele Leno about personal development tips and ways to keep it together and be happy even in difficult times. This insightful conversation with one of the most renowned mental health experts will inspire YOU and help get you back in sync.

    Dr. Leno is a native of Detroit and a licensed psychologist in the state of Michigan. She completed her undergraduate studies at Marygrove College and later attended the Michigan School of Professional Psychology, and obtained her M.A. in clinical psychology. She completed her doctoral degree at Saybrook University in California. Dr. Leno is the owner of DML Psychological Services, PLLC, a company that provides consulting services throughout Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties. She is a member of the American Psychological Association (APA) and Psychology Today. Dr. Leno serves on the board of directors of the National Association of Women Business Owners(NAWBO). She has offered her expertise to several media outlets including WXYZ Detroit and The National Psychologist. Dr. Leno is currently a co-host on 3D View, which airs on WADL TV. Dr. Leno has several years of experience providing court-ordered psychological evaluations, therapy, coaching, and consulting services to individuals and organizations. She has worked with clients of all ages and backgrounds, including children, adolescents, adults, athletes, and various professionals. Dr. Leno offers special intensive therapy and coaching session to busy professionals. Some of her interests include performance anxiety, generalized anxiety, situational depression, and the effects of social media on mental health. Dr. Leno helps others get unstuck, transition, and cope with chronic and situational stressors. Her treatment is based on some guiding principles: first, she maintains that many physical symptoms and somatic complaints stem from poor mental health and coping; second, others often remain in positions with which they are unhappy due to fears and anxiety about change. She encourages others to recognize their own self imposed obstacles. Dr. Leno believes that by improving your mental health, you improve your life.

  • What’s the link between happiness and health? If you’re happy, you may be giving great benefits to your health, scientific evidence says. It seems being happy helps boost the immune system, reduce pain, protect against heart disease, and help fight stress. Being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. And...guess what, being happy may even increase your life expectancy.

    Join Dr. Geneva and her extraordinary guest, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and national leader, Florine Mark, as they talk about the link between happiness and health and give awesome advice and practical tips on living your best life. This is one of the best conversations to listen to especially during Women's History Month.

    Florine Mark, Detroit native, President, and CEO of The WW (formerly Weight Watchers) Group Inc. in Farmington Hills, MI, grew up in a poor and large but loving family. They taught her courage, perseverance, and faith, which gave her the confidence to build a business that is recognized as the largest franchisee of Weight Watchers International.

    Following are a few key highlights of Florine Mark’s many appointments and accomplishments:
    The Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit, Chairman of the Board
    Jewish Federation and United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit, Board of Directors
    Committee of 200
    Served on the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Detroit Branch, Chair
    Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government Women’s Leadership Board, Board Member
    Vice-Chair, Henry Ford Health System West Bloomfield
    Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health & Sports, Governor Appointee
    Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, Advisor
    University of Michigan Cardiovascular Center, National Advisory Board Member
    Wayne State University School of Business Administration, Board of Visitors
    Wayne State University School of Medicine, Board of Visitors
    Detroit Regional Chamber, Board of Directors, Executive Committee
    Economic Club of Detroit, Board Member & Executive Committee

    Florine’s career has been filled with numerous accolades. She was the first woman to be inducted into the National Management Association Hall of Fame. She was honored with the Entrepreneurial Visionary Award from the Women's Business Center in Washington, D.C. She was also the first woman to receive the Neil Shine Award. In 2004, she fulfilled a lifelong dream by publishing her first book, Talk to the Mirror.

    Recently, she was awarded the William Davidson Lifetime Achievement Award. Also, Crain’s Detroit Business Magazine named her one of the 100 Most Influential Women in Detroit. She received the Euro-American Woman’s Council Artemis Award in Greece and the C200 Luminary Award.

    At the Women's Leadership Board at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy's School of Government, Florine works to advance women in leadership and public policy globally. She was awarded the Endowed chair of Entrepreneurship at WSU and was named a Michiganian of The Year by The Detroit News. The coveted title is bestowed upon people who, through their good community deeds and the examples they set, make life in the state a richer experience.

    Florine’s honorary degrees include:

    Eastern Michigan University, Bachelor of Arts
    Central Michigan University, Doctor of Commercial Science
    Oakland University, Doctor of Humanities
    Walsh College, Doctor of Laws degree
    Wayne State University, Doctor of Laws degree

    Florine is the heart and soul of The WW Group, but she also devotes much time and energy to policy-making boards that set the bar for health and wellness issues in her home state of Michigan. She is committed to improving Michigan residents’ health and regularly encourages state and business leaders to join the effort. Florine is passionate about her work and involvement in numerous organizations, always seeking to advance the community in any way she can. Being the mother of seven children and 23 grandchildren, she has instilled in them the importance of giving back and making a difference in the community.

  • The vision for your business may have taken a real turn during this past, very difficult year. When you started you most likely had an awesome vision as well as specific goals. Yet over time, and especially in the last year, perhaps you’ve become uncertain about your short and long-term business goals or feel your vision isn't as compelling as it once was.

    Join in the conversation with Dr. Geneva and Dr. ZaLonya Allen, President & CEO of the National Entrepreneurs Association, as they discuss what small business owners need to do as they pivot in 2021.

    Dr. ZaLonya Allen leads the National Entrepreneurs Association, a 501c3 created to empower entrepreneurs to grow and sustain successful businesses through monthly networking events, training conferences, and educational programs. As a speaker. Allen has delivered hundreds of presentations for organizations throughout the country including, the Society for Human Resource Management, Ford UAW, Edison, RoanokeCollege, and the Federal Government to name a few. As a coach, she has worked with professionals in a variety of industries from corporate executives to professional athletes. Using the principles of psychology, Dr. Allen helps her clients master their mindset and get on a path to goal attainment. Dr.Allen has been the recipient of numerous awards including the Woman of Wonder Award from the University of Phoenix, Unsung Hero Award from Wayne State University Association of Black Business Students, and the Spirit of Detroit Award. Her work has been featured by numerous media outlets including Detroit News, Fox2News, CW50 StreetBeat, Crain'sDetroit, dBusiness, 910AM Superstation and105.9FM. Dr. Allen is a graduate of the University of Michigan, Wayne State University, and North CentralUniversity. She holds degrees in industrial relations, sociology and two degrees in psychology with a focus in I/O psychology. She continues to work as an online psychology professor to help students achieve their dream of a college education. Dr. Allenhas served on numerous boards including the National Speakers Association of Michigan and is a member of the American Psychological Association. To learn more visit zalonya.com

  • Did you know you could be on your way to living in or near poverty with an entirely different lifestyle as you age?

    Dr. Geneva discusses this real-life phenomenon with aging expert Elizabeth White and offers solutions and practical advice to avoiding financial insecurity and limited finances as we age.

    Elizabeth White, author of 55, Underemployed and Faking Normal (Simon and Schuster), advocates aging solutions for older adults facing uncertain work and financial insecurity. When she could not find a book that met her needs during her own bout of long-term unemployment, she wrote it herself. She wrote it as a 65-year-old woman who has lived the stories she describes and as a Harvard MBA, former retail entrepreneur, and C-suite executive who never expected to land here.

    55, Underemployed, and Faking Normal is about the millions of older Americans who, despite a history of career choice and decent incomes, are facing the prospect of downward mobility in old age. Based on expert research and interviews with older adults, Fifty-five looks at the tools and strategies Boomers, and GenXers can utilize to make sense of changed circumstances and better manage financial hardship. Containing over 100 online resources, Fifty-five is the book to read to navigate the emotional aspects of finding oneself suddenly and unexpectedly among the long-term unemployed.

    Ms. White is a frequent guest blogger and speaker at conferences and workshops and has been named one of the top influencers on aging in the country. Her essays and work have appeared in Barron’s, Forbes, The Huffington Post, MarketWatch, Next Avenue, and The Washington Post. She has been featured prominently in three segments on the PBS NewsHour. And her TEDx Talk has been elevated to the main TED stage, where it has garnered over 1.9 million views. Ms. White has been featured on the TED Radio Hour and was recently invited to testify before the Senate Special Committee on Aging.

  • When you think of a good leader, what comes to mind? Leadership affects every aspect of our lives, from the workplace to our homes.

    Meet Reverend Dr. Patricia Butler, respected clergy leader, and education expert who shares her innovative trademark approach to effective leadership. Through her educational career, teaching experience, and years of pastoring, Rev. Butler has developed a system of leadership known as the “4 M’s”. Join us as she elaborates on the 4-M Model of Leadership process and shares tips on how you can implement effective leadership practices in your everyday life.

    As always, we bring you the best of the best here at Ignite 2 Impact!


    The importance of leading by example. How good leadership skills benefit our professional and personal lives.


    “Mentoring doesn’t mean that you become me; mentoring means that you take what you need from me, to become a better you.” – Rev. Dr. Patricia Butler, 38:10 “Leave a legacy through your leadership.” – Rev. Dr. Patricia Butler, 41:50 “My best sermons are those that I act out, not speak out.” – Rev. Dr. Patricia Butler, 46:00



    Rev. Butler is the pastor of St. Luke Tabernacle Community Church-Detroit. She also serves as Chair and President of the Cody Rouge Community Action Alliance Board, where she led an 84-member community group to implement a community revitalization plan to promote and secure resources

    Her impressive educational background includes an Associate’s of Science, Bachelor’s of Science in Education, Master of Education in Instructional Technology, Doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, and an array of additional certifications qualifying her to teach children and young adults, including those with mental or physical impairments.

  • What’s stopping you from enjoying your life to the fullest?

    There’s nothing worse than untapped potential. We all have dreams, goals, and visions of an ideal life that...believe it or not, is attainable. What’s stopping us from reaching it?

    Today, Dr. Geneva speaks to Silver Rae Fox, renowned coach and popular blog writer, about why many of us have failed to reach our “best life” status and how to overcome many of the roadblocks that prevent us from doing so.

    Silver deposits countless gems that everyone needs to hear. You don’t want to miss this!


    The dangers of complacency. How rushing our goals hurts us. Tips for perseverance.


    “You have to want to – no one is going to make your dreams happen for you.” Silver Rae Fox, 6:20 “Enjoy the journey. There are things that happen along the way that are priceless.” – Silver Rae Fox, 11:30




    Best known formerly by her birth name, Pat Evans, Silver Rae Fox rebranded and brought a heightened dedication to uplift and motivate others by sharing inspiration via public speaking engagements and radio show FOXOLOGY TODAY. Silver’s admirable career has spanned over 35 years of empowering others as a life consultant, coach, instructor, speaker, and presenter.

    As radio host of her own show, FOXOLOGY TODAY on Blog Talk Radio, Silver continues her life’s mission to uplift and motivate through sharing inspiration on the airwaves and speaking venues. Through her genuine desire and determination to help make the world a little bit brighter, Silver brings a confident, commanding, and engaging presence to every stage. As a skilled MC, Media Host, and speaker, she is poignant, expressive, and has the gift to flavor her dialog with wisdom, wit, and humor. Whether speaking in intimate groups, churches, corporate trainings, conference seminars, or in the spotlight on stage, Silver is passionate and powerful in her delivery. Her messages are always entertaining, enlightening, guaranteed to be insightful, and good for the heart and soul.

    Some of her signature presentations include ”What’s The Plan? Discovering Your Passion and Purpose in Life”, ”The ‘F” Word: What Failure Really Means,” and ”Be a Dreamer: You Can Be What You See.”

    Silver is also the author of an audio ebook, an entertaining and humorous modern-day folktale entitled ”Colored People,” and a workbook for aspiring speakers entitled ”Talk Is Productive.”

  • Do you ever wonder how you can help others?

    Today we have a special treat: a Morgan State University connection! Dr. Geneva speaks to fellow alumnus Matthew Reeds, millennial philanthropist and founder of the Reeds Fund, about how to turn your enthusiasm into ways to help others.

    The Reeds Fund is a Baltimore-based not-for-profit that educates, advocates, and liberates families impacted by autism and sarcoidosis.

    After experiencing inadequacies within Baltimore, Maryland’s healthcare system first-hand, Reeds took action. He aims to destigmatize those who struggle with these issues, inform others who may be unaware of them, and fight against the socio-economic barriers that prevent many from receiving care.

    Reeds is also a proud alumnus of the Baltimore Polytechnic Institute. He is a strong and youthful force in Baltimore in philanthropy, business, and community service.

    Matthew Reeds' inspiring story will motivate you all to take action and use life’s circumstances to make a difference in the lives of others.


    Turning personal passions into life-long ventures. An in-depth look at the challenges autistic individuals may face. If challenges aren’t arising, then you aren’t pushing yourself; you’re being comfortable.” – Matthew Reeds, 13:45 “When you’re building something, sometimes it’s very hard for people to see the vision until it manifests.” – Matthew Reeds, 15:10 “In leadership, it’s critical to live in the present, but also think three steps ahead.” – Matthew Reeds, 31:33



  • Are you dealing with challenges at your workplace? Studies say women of color, especially Black women, experience huge barriers, unfair treatment, and lack of opportunities in the corporate workplace.

    Today, we speak with Linda Taliaferro, successful corporate executive and career advisor, about strategies to successfully navigate the workplace in corporate America, especially as a woman of color.


    Imposter Syndrome at the workplace and how to deal with it Examining the relationship between personal lives and professional lives. How important are “work friends”? How are we preventing ourselves from succeeding in the workplace?


    “Negative self-talk can be a career-killer” – Linda Taliaferro (6:05) “We should be eager, and understand the responsibility, of shifting the landscape.” – Linda Taliaferro (29:15)





    Linda Taliaferro is the Vice President of Global Quality for Meritor, Inc. Meritor Inc. is a leading global supplier of drivetrain, mobility, braking, and aftermarket solutions for commercial vehicle and industry markets. Linda has oversight for 38 sites and joint ventures located in 18 countries on 5 continents.

    Linda is the Founder of The TEE – The Extra Effort, LLC, a career advisory service-based business helping women of color professionals shift their mindset, successfully leverage their strengths to be seen as a leader, positioned to get their shoulder tapped for the next level opportunity.

    Before joining Meritor, Linda held the position of Global Quality, Environmental Health, and Safety Director at Littelfuse, Inc. Before joining Littelfuse, Linda held the position of Ford North America Advanced Quality Director at Johnson Controls. She has held positions of increasing responsibility within Hayes Lemmerz, Inc., which is now Maxion Wheels. Director of Quality for both the Suspensions and Powertrain business units, Director of Quality, Operational Excellence and Program Management in the Wheels business unit, a Global Director position. Linda has also worked for Bosch, BMW MC, Detroit Diesel within Operations, Quality, Purchasing, and Supplier Development throughout her extensive career.

    In December of 2020, Linda was awarded the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation Industry Achievement Award. In February 2020, Linda was named one of Michigan Chronicle’s Women of Excellence Honorees. She was named one of Savoy’s 2019 Most Influential Women in Corporate America. In the same year, out of over 30 candidates, she was selected one of 3 women named Alternative for Girls Role Model of the Year. In 2017, she was awarded Woman Worth Watching in STEM by Profiles in Diversity Journal. In 2015, Linda received the Women of Color STEM Special Recognition award. From 2016-2018 Linda was President of the Automotive Women’s Alliance Foundation (AWAF) and now serves on their Executive Advisory Council (EAC). Linda is a board member of Girl Scouts of Southeast Michigan, a member of the American Society of Quality (ASQ), member of Inforum Women’s Professional Alliance and Women in Manufacturing (WIM). Linda is a member of Jack and Jill, Inc, a member of the Greater Wayne County Chapter of The Links, Inc., and Pi Tau Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Linda was born in New Castle, PA. She has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Michigan Ross School of Business. She holds a certification as a Six Sigma Greenbelt and is proficient in German.

    Linda is married to Christopher L. Taliaferro. Her daughter and AKA Soror Alexis C. McCullough, is a summa cum laude graduate of Howard University and is currently enrolled in law school.

  • There’s a difference between getting older and getting old. Who said that we had to let a little age slow us down? Today we speak with Wendy Adlerstein in part two of a series focusing on the myths and misconceptions of aging, as well as ways to stay vibrant as we grow.

    Wendy holds a B.A. from Clark University in Psychology with a concentration in Sociology and Human Services. In addition to her Massachusetts License in Social Work, she holds a Certificate in Gerontology from the Worcester Consortium Gerontology Program. She is a member of the Aging Life Care Association.

    Join us for more tips on manifesting a long, vibrant and healthy life!


    The common myths about aging Maintaining mental health in our later years Tips to combat the physical aspects of growing older The importance of planning ahead


    “Frame your mindset on how you want to live.” - Wendy Adlersetein, 18:50 “Enjoy the ride, enjoy the journey” - Wendy Adlerstein, 32:15 “One of the most important things that I can do is to find, and give, joy.” - Dr. Geneva Williams 32:50



  • Are you struggling with sticking to an exercise routine? Do you say to yourself, “I know I should be working out, but…”

    Join us as we talk with Milton Oliver, my personal trainer and coach, and a CSCS (Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist) about the best ways to stick to your exercise routines so that you can look and feel good. What’s holding you back from achieving the body you’ve always dreamed of? We discuss these barriers, ways to defeat them, and a wide array of healthy habits that we all could benefit from adopting.

    With more than 15 years of experience changing bodies, minds, and lives, Milton’s growing career includes flexibility/mobility training for Saginaw’s Arthur Hill High School’s athletic programs, personal training at the Detroit Athletic Club, one of the nation’s most prestigious athletic clubs, and collaborative work with renowned strength coach Mike Barwis. Milton holds a Bachelor of Science in Exercise from Saginaw Valley State University and a Master’s of Administration from Wayne State University.

    Tune in!


    Tips for sticking to your workout routine. How often should we be working out? What is the difference between “exercise” and “physical activity”?





  • What if every goal you’ve dreamed of accomplishing lived on the other side of fear? Today, we speak with Dr. Ashley Little who, among many other things, is the co-author of the best-selling book “Dear Fear: 18 Powerful Lessons Of Living Your Best Life Outside Of Fear.”.

    Dr. Little received her undergraduate degree in English from North Carolina A&T State University, as well as a Master’s Degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and a Doctorate in Humanitarian and Leadership. She is the CEO/founder of Ashley Little Enterprises, LLC, which encompasses her media, consulting work, writing, ghostwriting, book publishing, book coaching, project management, magazine, public relations & marketing, and empowerment speaking. She’s received countless awards over the course of her illustrious career and has been featured on Black Enterprise, Sheen Magazine, Voyage ATL, Fox Soul TV, NBC, Fox, CBS, BlackNews.Com, BlackBusiness.com, and many more.

    Join us as we discuss resilience, faith, perseverance, and becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. Be empowered!


    How the HBCU experience affects African American professionals

    The importance of mentors

    The power of collaboration


    “There is power in storytelling” - Dr. Ashley Little, 9:35

    Success doesn’t have an age limit” - Dr. Ashley Little 18:06








  • Using your influence for positive personal growth can change your life. In this throwback episode, Dr. Geneva talks about the vision behind the Ignite2Impact podcast to help people unleash their influence and create extraordinary impact in organizations, within the community, and in everyday life.

    Whether you want better results in your life, career or community, are eager to hear some great influencer advice, or just want to be inspired to make good things happen, this is the podcast for you.

  • We've come thru one of the most challenging years ever. 2020 was a time no one was prepared for or predicted.

    Yet, the year started with The Vision 20/20 Experience, on Monday, January 20, 2020 at the historic Hotel St. Regis in Detroit, Michigan. Presented by Dr. Geneva Speaks, Dr. Geneva hosted the symposium to show women how to find their purpose and power

    The event attracted over 200 women who spent the day creating compelling visions and learning about how to look good, feel good and do good.

    In this special episode during Women's History Month, Dr. Geneva talks with the experts who joined her at The Vision 20/20 Experience about the past year and what lies ahead. Listen to this engaging conversation and practical tips on how to stay vibrant looking forward.

    Dr. Geneva's special guests are Rashida Williams, The Glam Doctor; Dr. Michele Leno, of DML Psychological Services, PLLC; Kim Boudreau Smith of Her Bold Voice, and Gail Perry-Mason of Money Matters for Youth and I Am 4Ever39.

  • How do you plan for your career? Setting goals is an essential component of the career planning process. For a satisfying, successful career, you need goals.

    Join Dr. Geneva and her guest, Judge Leonia Lloyd, well known author, lawyer, and district court judge, as they talk about and inspire others about reaching dreams and achieving goals.

    Leonia Lloyd is a public speaker and author whose career as a judge, lawyer, and teacher has spanned decades serving the citizens of Detroit. Having sat on the 36th District Court for more than 20 years, Judge Lloyd has lived a life with many stories to tell which are captured in her new memoir Your Honor, Your Honor: A Journey Through Grief and Restorative Justice.

    Her award-winning justice programs for drug and prostitution offenders have been featured on the National Geographic Channel, A&E Network, and in the Detroit Free Press. She presided over the Drug Treatment Court, which aimed to help people escape the vicious cycle of addiction and crime. She also helped implement Project Fresh Start, a program to help women who practiced the act of prostitution to recover from addiction and enjoy healthy, productive lives. Her other programs include the Handgun Intervention Program, which is designed to help rid the streets of illegal hand guns; and, the Misdemeanor Morality Program, which educates participants about inappropriate conduct regarding sexual activity.

    Thousands of people have graduated from these “restorative justice” programs to create stable, happier lives. Her creativity in establishing programs for the citizens of Detroit has become a benchmark in justice reform.

    Judge Lloyd has been honored with the Champion of Justice Award by the State Bar of Michigan (2009); the Lamplighter of the Year Award (2007); Sojourner Truth Award from the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Club (2008); Mark of Excellence Award from Alabama A & M University (2009); Distinguished Service Award from Detroit City Council (2009); Certificate of Recognition from Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano (2009); Certificate of Tribute from Governor Jennifer Granholm (2009); and the Making a Difference For Women Award from the Soroptimist Club of Grosse Pointe (2009). She and her Drug Court Team have received Appreciation Awards from the Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals for three consecutive years, in addition to the Recognition Award (2006-2007) by the National Association of Drug Court Professionals, as the “Second Best Drug Court in the Nation."

    The Drug Court Team also received the coveted and rarely offered, Transformation Award from the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (2009). She was honored in front of the Michigan Senate, the Michigan House of Representatives, and the Michigan Supreme Court by Chief Justice Marilyn Jean Kelley for her innovative work with the Project Fresh Start program. This program helped transform the lives of hundreds of women.

    She is listed in Who's Who in Black America, Black Judges in America, and Who's Who in Black Detroit. She is a product of Detroit Public Schools and received her bachelor’s and jurist doctorate degrees from Wayne State University. Before becoming a judge, she was a partner in the law firm “Lloyd and Lloyd,” which she shared with her late twin sister, Leona. They were featured in Ebony, Jet, and People magazines along with the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News.

    Both she and her sister would go on to be elected to serve on the 36th District Court and be the country’s first twin judges to sit on the same District Court bench at the same time. They were affectionately dubbed “Twins for Justice.” In 2001, Judge Lloyd endowed the Judges Leona and Leonia Lloyd Twins for Justice Scholarship Fund at Wayne State University Law School in her sister’s honor. The scholarship financially assists students pursuing a law degree. In her spare time, Judge Lloyd enjoys going to concerts, upscale restaurants, and traveling.

  • This Special Episode is a re-release of the conversation Dr. Geneva had with her friend, Mary Wilson, the legendary founding member of the Supremes, who passed on Monday, February 8, 2021. The conversation was recorded on April 2, 2018.

    Supremes' co-founder Mary Wilson discusses on this podcast her courageous life from childhood through the height of the Supremes, to the turn of the century. Her story from the Brewster projects of Detroit to being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and receiving a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is amazing.

    Hear details on. . .
    · The tragic car accident changed her life
    · Becoming a grandmother and still performing
    · Why she makes time to give back

    Hear her explain why passion is important to having a Supreme life and how to get it and keep it fresh - even after five decades in the industry.

  • Do you sometimes feel you don’t have a clue about what you’re doing? That you seem to be in a fog, walking in the dark, or going in circles because you don’t really have a vision or clear sense of direction?

    You're not alone. So many people feel like that at some point in their lives.

    Join the conversation with Dr. Geneva and inner confidence strategist Regina Robinson as they talk about creating and clarifying your vision and strategies to discover the power within to unleash purpose and confidence.

    Regina Robinson is an Award-Winning Global Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Inner Confidence Strategist who is widely known for engaging, motivating, and equipping women with the tools to unlock their inner confidence and become Unstoppable Women. She is also respected for inspiring her audience through laughter and practical principles that empower women to take immediate action in their lives, businesses, and careers. After years of teaching, consulting, and coaching in the educational field, Regina built a platform where she provides education, strategies, and accountability for women. She inspires women to be unstoppable by empowering them to show up, own their greatness, and be unapologetic about who they are as they increase their credibility, visibility, and confidence. Regina has received numerous awards and recognition for her work, including the…

    2018 Cover Story Diamond Diva Magazine 2017 Official Member of Forbes Coaches Council 2017 SCORE & SBA “Client of the Year – Maryland” Award 2017 Cover Story WOMEN Who Rock With Success Magazine 2017 WEF “Iconic Woman Creating A Better World For All” Award 2017 Amazon Best Selling Author - "Winning the Game of College Admissions" 2017 Amazon Best Selling Author - Book Collaboration - "Permission To Win" 2017 Amazon Best Selling Author - Book Collaboration - "Fitness Shift" 2016 Published Author - "Fearlessly Strutting In Your Confidence" 2015 PTIO "Woman Legacy Builder" Award 2008 NFTE "National Teacher of the Year" Award

    Regina has been featured as cover stories and spotlighted in several magazines and appeared as a featured guest on a host of radio shows. Her message is so powerful and impactful; women’s conferences, churches, organizations, and corporations continue to request her for Keynotes, Break-out Sessions, Panels, and workshops.

  • Is it the end of the day and you suddenly realize you haven't done a single thing that really makes you happy? Bottom line- you haven't made yourself a priority.

    Dr. Geneva talks with Rashida Williams, well known motivational speaker and beauty expert, about self-care tips and other ideas to find Me time even in the midst of difficulty.

    Rashida Williams, founder, and CEO of The Glam Doctor is an award-winning makeup artist, educator, mentor, and public speaker who transforms lives by unlocking inner beauty. Her professionalism, skill, and exceptional service have caused her to become a sought after rising star in the beauty industry.

    Rashida began her journey as a makeup artist in 2001. By 2006, her clientele had grown significantly and she discovered the need to expand her reach. She became known as "The Glam Doctor". Her reputation preceded her and up-and-coming makeup artists sought after her expertise and experience. By 2013, she had mentored and assembled a strong team of dedicated artists, know as the Glam R Us team, and became a full-time makeup artist and business owner.

    Since then, The Glam Doctor has serviced an expansive and diverse national client list that ranges from celebrities to entrepreneurs to homemakers. Her experience includes weddings, proms, film TV, stage, and professional photoshoots. In 2017 she once again forged new territory by launching two new arms of the business: the Glam R Us team in Atlanta (a mobile makeup and hair team) and the Glam Doctor Studio (her home base and makeup studio in metro Detroit).

    Not neglecting her love for her community and her desire to see women empowered, Rashida create I AM SUPERB - a community outreach program designed to bolster confidence and self-esteem in young women. Additionally, her beauty institute provides instruction and mentorship not only for emerging artists but also offers classes to help everyday women release their inner glam.

  • "We learn our belief systems as very little children, and then we move through life creating experiences to match our beliefs. Look back in your own life and notice how often you have gone through the same experience." –Louise L. Hay

    Yes, those thoughts, often negative ones that run around in our head. We can let those thoughts run wild or turn them into positive action. Dr. Geneva talks with Business Operations Strategist, Arian Hargrove about resiliency and other attributes that help us overcome adversity and break thru to success.

    Arian Hargrove, helped fortune 500 companies save millions of dollars to their bottom line while driving continuous improvement in their operations and customer service experience! Creating across-the-board consistency is critical to a successful business. Ms. Hargrove is in the business of helping other businesses scale their business + empower their team = a business that runs without them with maximum success. Propelling businesses to their next level of success is a large aspect of her style of business training. Arian Hargrove is more than a coach and consultant-she is a business identity designer. Her distinct touch will make the personalities of businesses and business owners resonate with potential clients and customers. Leading at the helm of her success, Operating in Excellence has always been her unwavering focus. That very passion is what led Arian to build her own company, Love 4 Systems®so that she can make an even greater impact on the world. That impact has now coined her as Your Systems Queen®. Her motto: “Drive costs down, drive profits UP! The customer service experience should always be TOP Priority!”