
  • In this episode, I share the story of how my husband and I were led to open our second practice in Sarasota, Florida. From receiving a divine download while on vacation to trusting in the power of muscle testing, we followed the signs and synchronicities that guided us every step of the way.

    In this deeply personal episode, I delve into the importance of listening to our inner guidance, surrendering to the unknown, and trusting in the process of manifestation. From encountering challenges to embracing discomfort, we share our journey of opening our hearts and minds to the possibilities that awaited us in Sarasota.

    Tune in to hear the full story of how we navigated the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, leaned into our intuition, and ultimately found the perfect location for our new practice. Join us as we explore the power of faith, intuition, and divine guidance in creating the life and business of your dreams.

  • Summary

    In this episode, Dr. Natalie Horne interviews Dr. Stephanie Wigner about alignment, manifestation, and living an abundant life. They discuss the concept of human design and how understanding one's unique design can lead to a more fulfilling life. Dr. Stephanie shares her journey from version 1.0 to version 3.0, highlighting the importance of self-love and inner knowing. They also explore the idea of success and how it can be defined on an individual level. Dr. Stephanie offers insights into her work with health and wellness practitioners, helping them achieve their goals and find balance in their lives. In this conversation, Stephanie and Dr. Natalie discuss breaking free from societal rules and choosing your own path. They explore the challenges of balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship and the importance of shaping children's mindsets. They also delve into changing subconscious programming and overcoming limiting beliefs about money. The conversation highlights the influence of upbringing on money mindset and the association of hard work with success. They emphasize the power of vision and recognizing synchronicities, as well as the importance of following your intuition.


    ·     Don't be afraid to break free from societal rules and create your own path.

    ·     Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship is possible with delegation and support.

    ·     Be mindful of the language you use around money and avoid scarcity mindset.

    ·     Recognize synchronicities and express gratitude to attract more abundance into your life.

    Find Dr. Stephanie here!

    Website: stephaniewigner.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/thewealthywellnesspractitioner

    Instagram: @thewealthypractitioner

    Podcast: The Wealthy Practitioner


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  • My goodness, are you in for a treat with today's episode. I talked with Mae Yoshikawa, who is a mother, a writer, a blogger, a yoga instructor, a yogi specifically. And she is just such a beautiful soul, and you'll get to capture the essence of who she is so quickly. We talked for over an hour and 20 minutes in this episode here, and we totally could have gone on. And we are going to have a part two, because there's so much more to expand upon.

    We go into how she's gone through trials and tribulations and very traumatic events throughout her early years that got her to where she is right now. And not only has she expanded upon that, but she has really been able to want, like go out and deliver the message with other people of what they can do when they go inward and they connect in with their heart to understanding who they are, be okay with the quietness and to really find that safe place.

    What it means to be in a safe space and a safe place, not just physically, but within your mind, within your body and to fully embody that. And she goes through and she describes in beautiful detail and how she experienced that with the differences in her pregnancies with from her first pregnancy to her second pregnancy and how that really evolved. And you could feel, you can just feel the essence of who she is and how she embodied that in just describing it throughout her pregnancy. So even though when you hear this episode, you're going to hear a lot about that talking about as a mom and her laboring. But this applies to life.

    So, I'm so excited for you to dive in so you can capture these tools, these nuggets, these gems, on what you can do to apply, find the safety and the security within your mind, within your heart, and to come into heart-brain coherence for you to be able to just live peacefully and a life full of vigor and also just absolute satisfaction and joy and inner knowing and confidence of who you are, regardless of outside judgments, cultural subjections and anything else that might be limiting you to becoming the expansive person that you really are.

    You can find Mae here:

    Website: https://maey.live/mae-guest

     IG: https://www.instagram.com/maeyoshikawa

  • I’m so excited for you to join in on this interview that I did with Dr. Patti Giuliano, who is a principled chiropractor of 40-plus years.

    She shares her wisdom around parenting chronologically and gives specific examples from her upcoming book, ‘Holy Sh*t, I’m Going to be a Mom…What Was I Thinking?’ that will be available January 2024 on Amazon. 

    Dr. Patti is such a beacon of energy and was so fun to talk universal truths and concepts with that you get to experience us talking chiropractic together and how it relates to our everyday lives.

    Topics we discuss include:

    Conscious parenting, living an innately guided life, trusting your body's inborn intelligence on how your body lives, functions, breathes, does all the automatic functions, and heals.

    We give you all of this insight between two female chiropractors in a very genuine, raw, and real conversation.

    So if you're ready to dive in, and learn a bit more about health and healing from the inside out and specifically from a chiropractic point of view, then this is the episode for you. 

    Dive in, have fun, and enjoy!

  • Join Dr. Lee in this thought-provoking podcast episode as they unveil a paradigm-shifting perspective on pain that might just change the way you view your own health journey.

    In this episode, we will navigate the often misunderstood realm of pain, inviting you to challenge the conventional notion of pain as a mere negative force and instead, embrace it as your ultimate opportunity for transformation.

    We will discuss the different facets of pain: physical, emotional, and spiritual. You'll learn how your body's innate intelligence orchestrates intricate processes, guiding you through growth from a single cell to a miraculous 50 to 70 trillion cells. Pain, it turns out, is a key messenger in this process, signaling that change is needed.

    And we will also shed light on the common misstep of masking pain with quick fixes. Thi practice can inadvertently prolong suffering by avoiding the crucial lessons pain has to offer. But there's a way out. The episode delves into the essence of commitment—how embracing positive changes even beyond the tipping point can lead to lasting transformation.

    Pain is your silent ally, guiding you through life's intricate journey. Dr. Lee's insights bring to light how pain can act as a compass, steering you toward healthier habits and practices. By shifting your perception, you'll unlock pain's potential as a catalyst for positive change.

    Embrace pain as a teacher, a tool, and an invaluable gift that leads you toward personal growth and a more fulfilled life!

  • Learn how Kelly Cole transcended her role as a nurse and nurse practitioner to an energetic healer who helps women heal by realizing their own worth and empowering them to break generational patterns and beliefs so they can live to their highest purpose. As a mom of two, she believes in setting the foundation for the children to grow into conscious beings too!

    This transition stemmed from her deciding to no longer ignore her intuition and leaning into the synchronicities happening all around her. Coupled with more learning and certifications, she now applies this to her sessions today. 

    Kelly does many intuitive sessions for women worldwide helping them discover their purpose through clearing energetic blocks around loving and receiving love. Ultimately, connecting to their highest mission.

    If you listen all the way to the end of the episode, you'll gain some tips and tools that she uses herself and with her clients to reset and collect your mind & emotions throughout your day.


    Want to learn more about Kelly and know where to find her?


    Instagram: SynergyThrive

    Podcast: The Synergy Thrive Podcast

    The link to her Life Energy Meditation and Breathwork is: 


  • Having a “quick” conversation with Karen Ranzi discussing some of the commonly asked questions I receive around women and pregnancy, how much protein (from animals) they are told they need, how to maintain a healthy and viable pregnancy, what milk does to mom and baby, breastfeeding and how to boost it, gestational diabetes and type 2 diabetes and more!

    We ran against time and had to squeeze as much as we could into this highly necessary (and controversial) information to be shared so we can truly live a life full health and vitality WITH our families.

    Karen has a plethora of information to share and is a leader in the world of attachment parenting and raising healthy families with raw vegan foods.

    For more information, visit her links below!

    Would you like us to discuss other topics? Private message me and will certainly arrange more conversations packed with truth and live time experience that can help you get on the road to health and wellness! 🌱 ☀️

    Karen's Links:

    Instagram: ⁠@superhealthyraw⁠



    Dr. Natalie's Links:



    Juice Detox Course - Get it ⁠HERE!

  • In this episode, I talked with the beautiful Mo’orea (founder of Humanami & Transformation Coach) as she shares her journey of surrendering to the universe to become the epigenetic and DNA activation coach (AND intuitive) she is today. She first shares the previous 1 year timeline of her listening to her intuition to sell much of her personal belongings and relocate...eventually birthing her company and amazing connections along the way.

    She's also shares the basis of her company, Humanami, which is to enhance health and longevity through the discovery and interpretation of a person's 'epigenetic blueprint'. She shares examples of her genetic reading and what it revealed for her. Her work continues beyond the epigenetic interpretation as she also offers spiritual coaching to further a person's health beyond the physical.

    Do you want your DNA blueprint report and learn what that means for you? Visit: www.Humanami.com



    Instagram: @moorea.love



    FREE Epigenetic Mini Course on May 20th! Sign up HERE!

    Dr. Natalie:



    Juice Detox Course - Get it HERE!

  • What another powerful conversation Dr. Lee and I had discussing the mind-body connections that may have developed as children. As seemingly insignificant to as traumatic as it may have been, you can heal and ascend from that experience. Many of those old childhood experiences have resulted into the physical illness and dis-eases that you have today without you knowing.

    We discuss how this happens and how important it is to feel that emotion by releasing it in a healthy and beneficial way. We discuss group therapy and other therapies that have you re-live the experience, time and time again without actually working to rewire or re-pattern that emotional experience for the a different result.

    You get to choose how you want live and be, mentally, chemically, physically and emotionally. You can change that now by utilizing re-coding and re-wiring techniques that allow you to yes, feel the emotion and let-it-go.

    At 42 minutes in, we go deep into a re-wiring session with Dr. Natalie that you can repeat with any old experience that no longer serves you and begin to create from that space; free from that emotion. Liberate that younger version of you and become the older, wiser and conscious version of you living a life that you love.

  • Dr. Natalie is joined by Dr. Lee (her husband) to discuss the mind-body connection. Being such a HUGE topic we wanted to first focus on how our thoughts can lead to physiological (body) responses that we don't want or what we do want. The focus stayed on how our current emotions can create neuroplastic patterns in our body to be triggered on a chronic basis and lead to chronic conditions throughout the body.

    Sharing various examples of this we then begin to share how we can also "rewire" these chronic "negative" emotions to become less present while increasing the "positive" and beneficial emotions. We share how we measure our inner resilience with tools such as Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and use Heart-Brain coherence techniques to increase your inner resilience...and improve the quality of your life beyond the physical body.

    We end this discussion with a powerful 8-minute heart-brain activation session led by Dr. Lee.

  • Do you find yourself reacting to your loved ones, circumstances, or situations in an unfavorable way? Maybe you’re experiencing bouts of anxiety, anger, or resentment that you’d like to experience less often and certainly, not for as long. You might feel like these episodes of lower emotions are shaping your whole day. Those days can even turn into weeks and never be “resolved”😞

    In this episode, I review, from a personal event, how I was able to CHOOSE my experience of either staying in anxiousness or not.

    There are so many ways to help activate and recalibrate your autonomic (automatic) nervous system for ease, harmony, and flow but recognizing you have the choice- is the first step. ☝️

    You get to choose your reality. And from that choice is where you will make decisions and take actions that will create your reality. 💫

    You are conscious creators, lovely ones. 🎨 🪄

    Now, ask yourself, "What do you choose?” 🤔 🤩

  • If you’ve been wondering about going plant-based, this will be a good listen for you. 🎧 

    Michelle is a 5/1 Emotional Manifesting Generator in Human Design that is a health coach, private chef, wellness advocate and raw food enthusiast who transformed her health thru plant-based food and is on a mission to help others do the same.


    We discuss:

    -the distinct differences of being a “junk food vegan “ vs “clean” vegan and raw vegan. 

    -Debunk misconceptions around the timing to prepare raw vegan foods 

    —protein, fats and eggs 🥚 

    -the “lightness” around consuming high photonic and hydrating foods vs dead and heavy foods.

    -Michelle’s healing journey with raw plant based (including all the meds she no longer “needs”)

    -including releasing trapped emotions with shamanic practices that use sound frequencies and crystals 💎 

    -honoring your journey and healing time 

    -not having to compromise on flavor or beauty to eat healthfully 

    -keeping meals simple 

    -normal bowel movements💩 😂 

    And so much more!

    🤝 share with a friend or loved one to spread the healing inspiration 

    In abundant health and wellness 🫶


    Follow Michelle on Instagram, Pinterest or TikTok here ⬇️


  • I speak to the ‘How’ and ‘Why’ of creating a Comfortable Environment for yourself as a means of rejuvenation and nourishment for your mental and emotional body.

    I also review this in relation to the misinformation and relationships that you “consume” on a regular basis. What to look out for and how to shift your awareness around what and who you are surrounding yourself with.

    I share tips on how to set up your environment even when you’re sharing space with your family and the importance of actually spending time in that space.   

    May you find yourself having more health, passion, and purpose as you continue your journey of Igniting your Consciousness. 🤗 ❤️

    #healingfromwithin #selfcare #naturalhealing #naturalhealth #mindfulness

  • Did you know that not all exercise is positive for your health? Movement is necessary for everyone but not all exercise is treated equally. In fact, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing with regard to type, form, and the person doing the movements. 

    In this episode, I give examples of how to pay attention to your body so you can save yourself from injury. Soreness due to adaptation or pain because of injury? I’ll help you identify this for direct application in your next exercise routine. Remember Quality over quantity and learn how to let your body be your guide.

  • Living in a culture of deadlines and "I need this now..." sets us up for being in continuous sympathetic drive aka stress response. This chronic state of stress sets up a necessity for us to add daily relaxation into our daily routine. Adequate relaxation can be done in a number of ways and for any amount of time yet requires you to be with yourself and preferably in a non-stimulating area. Finding your go-to way to relax is a great opportunity to understand yourself better in addition to adding many health benefits.

    In this episode, I talk through various relaxation techniques and exercises to minimize your procrastination or resistance to adding this into your daily routine. My hope is that you choose any variation of these techniques right away.

    May you enjoy the process and the numerous benefits that come along with taking the time to RELAX.


  • Do you often find yourself not waking up rested? Or find yourself lacking energy or feeling groggy upon waking? Perhaps you wake up often or have a hard time getting to sleep without the help of a drug, hormone, or OTC syrup?


    In this episode, I continue the series of practicing Natural Hygiene discussing Restful Sleep and its importance on your overall health. I provide the 'how' and 'why' you should change your pre-sleep routine for better quality sleep.

    I relate this to brain wave states and how you can change them. Relationship between sleep and hormones. Every person is different in the "amount" of sleep they need for overall function yet every human requires quality sleep (despite their Human Design Type). Restful sleep will affect your ability to concentrate, overall productivity throughout the day, and energy levels to name a few of its benefits. It also is important to understand this for your kids and others in your household as their quality of sleep matters too. Sleep quality will affect you physically and spiritually and you have the choice to make changes simply by some suggestions provided in this episode.

    I suggest natural tools, most being free, that you can implement right away as well as what to avoid. Restful sleep impacts all areas of your life beyond just the sleeping hours, so why not start getting better sleep today? 

    I love you all!

    Namaste and Good Night(s) to you ;-)

  • As a continuation of the practicing natural hygiene series, this episode is all about receiving the appropriate amount of sunlight and the importance of it.

    Not only do I discuss some of the more obvious concepts in relation to the importance of why we need it, like how it affects our mental, emotional, and physical bodies, but I also go into the energy of sunlight and what it does for the energetics of the body. I briefly discuss the color spectrum sunlight provides and the importance of the quality that you receive whenever you don’t have access to sunlight.

    As always, I share personal insights on noticing how my body handles light better despite having light skin and red hair. I emphasize the importance of the body being more alkaline and how that relates to skin conditions or dis-eases people get with the addition of inappropriate amounts and timing of sunlight.

    It all comes back to how well our body can detox the acids in our body to also appropriately absorb the sunlight and utilize it for its beautiful, energetic qualities!

  • Proper and clean hydration can surprisingly be best taken care of by eating your species specific diet. Mother nature‘s fruits and certain vegetables provide more than sufficient hydration in the form of structured water. It isn’t all about the amount of water you drink rather more about the quality. 

    In this episode I discuss how to stay and be properly hydrated with structured water, what it is and why it’s so beneficial. I then discuss the need for water filtration devices to consume clean, quality water since our natural water supplies have been broken down and depleted.

     After listening to this episode you’ll be well aware of the various ways you can enjoy clean quality water and the many benefits of being properly hydrated.

  • In this episode, I explain what it means to have sufficient nutrition. Why does the energy from the food matters, I share the amount of energy various foods provide, how much electromagnetic energy a human being requires, why the symbiotic relationship & biological transmutation of nutrients from Whole Foods matter, the 5 categories of foods that are detrimental to your health and why certain “diets” can be helpful to a point yet aren’t the ultimate. We were designed to be able to consume all the nutrients we need to function and further convert them into energy, yet we have lost our way through inappropriate programming from big industries. We can stop creating chronic diseases by changing what we consume and acknowledging what foods truly provide nutrition for energy and life. 

  • In this episode, you will learn what a species-specific diet is, what category we, as humans, fall into, and what animal we are most like (and not!) based on our physiological and biochemical design. As always, I provide plenty of examples for you to contemplate. Engaging in this type of diet will help to heal and detox while also helping your body function as it was designed. You’ll finish this episode wanting to implement this natural eating method into your and your family’s life. For abundant health, healing, and vitality…nature's way.