
  • Today, we continue the conversation with John, an experienced investigator with the Queensland Police for the past 11 years.

    But his past definitely would not have dictated his future when he became one of few to go undercover – for 3 years!

    Born in the Philippines, he felt like he was “dragged from home to home” when his mother left and he never heard the words “I love you” echoed from anyone’s lips – ever!

    He landed in the home of his seriously abusive Auntie, who he still gets chills recalling how much he feared her. The only person who paid him any attention was his Gangster grandfather who taught him the ropes. This made him perfect prey for a group of men who would educate him on how to survive the slums of the Philippines.

    Who knew that the “hustler” he was training to be would actually make him the perfect agent to go undercover one day. Thank goodness for that serendipitous moment years later in Australia, when he happened to glimpse an Asian Police Officer filling his cop car with petrol. This so speaks to the power of “seeing really IS believing”.

    After getting into the police academy and working himself to the bone to please everyone around him, he then decided that he would apply to get into the Defence Forces as well – at the same time. Only someone who feels that its never enough would try and pull that one off!

    John has recently awoken to the fact that it all his “go go go” attitude stemmed from his deep and incessant need to please and be loved!

    After working undercover for all those years, he has re-emerged with a deep desire to reach out to “the children”
the ones who feel abandoned like he was and who feel so alone that they crave love in whatever way they can get it. This often leads to above the line successes like John has had yet acknowledging the deep addiction to VALIDATION which comes with its own destructive patterning. Many other times, these abandoned kids become the ones John ends up putting behind bars for criminal behaviour. Imagine what could have been thwarted at the pass with some loving kindness and a compassionate understanding heart!

    John, you are so the man for that job!

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" from my website as of March 14th!!

    This week's couple Binny & Randi took on the final of the book: Chapter 12's "Get Jiggy With It".

    Find out how they went!

    Piecing tonight’s game together is a childhood joy of mine. “Get Jiggy With It” was the brainchild of the simple and connective pastime between my Mom and I. We did hundreds of puzzles together and affixed them on our walls as a memory.

    Apparently, I am not the only puzzle lover in the world: Aussie actor Hugh Jackman “the Wolverine” is famous for his daily puzzles and conviction that the resat of his family will fall in love with them too!

    My later study in neuroscience would shine a broader lens over the far reaching benefits of puzzling. Our brain has an inherent tendency to organize chaos and so our childhood flair for locking pieces together is no accident. It’s just that our adult selves sometimes need a bit more permission to take on the task in later life.

    Super couple Binny and Randi found a way to play this game while renovating and living out of their home for the past 3 months. Now that’s commitment! With 2 children and more than a decade together, they have learned the art of “fit-ting together”. As only a human-rights lawyer and electrical engineer can

    I am looking forward to finding out what happened to you two when you both started puzzling

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" March 2023!

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  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" (available for purchase March 2023).

    This week's couple Aleisha & Hayden took on Chapter 7 called "Vision Boards Brought to Life"

    Find out how they went!

    I have the pleasure this afternoon of speaking with a couple that I have tracked into the stunning hills of New Zealand in order to get their experience of playing Chapter 7 of my book “Vision Boarding Your Common Dreams”.

    This particular GAME takes some forethought and preparation. It becomes well worth the effort for the focus, clarity and intention it brings to you life and relationship. Putting your dreams out into the world is a secret ingredient that allows “others” to become cooperative components in its realisation. How can people help you, if your dreams remain tucked into the recesses of your imagination??

    Popular American Life Coach Martha Beck furthers this by stating: “The (vision)board itself doesn't impact reality; what changes your life is the process of creating the images—combinations of objects and events that will stick in your subconscious mind and steer your choices toward making the vision real.”

    She continues on to state, that the key is “Regularly picturing delights that don't yet exist, emotionally detaching from them, and jumping into action when it's time to help the miracles occur.”

    So, who better to bring this Game to life than Aleisha Cootes, a woman that inspired me more than a decade ago to fall more in love with the focus of couples and relationships.

    After much world travel, her and husband Hayden, married 15yrs, moved back to their homeland of New Zealand and brought their dream to life by building their family home - to which they added 3 beautiful children who surely make it come alive!

    I can’t wait to hear how Couple Vision Boarding went for you both after all these years of creating goodness into your life

    Kiora you two

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" in January 2023!

  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" (available for purchase February 2023).

    This week's couple Emma & Pete took on Chapter 8 called "Vows Brought to Life"

    Find out how they went!


    This game is near and dear to my heart. I will never forget sitting down to compose my vows 15yrs ago and feeling the enormity of that promise and commitment. Bc we weren’t using pre-designed vows, I found the whole experience even more confronting and real.

    In most countries, your solemn promise is even considered law. It is that honored and respected in many cultures.

    This “Vows Brought to Life!” game offers that refreshing opportunity to go back, revisit and infuse who you are as a couple in the here and now – adding a whole new power to your testament.

    Laughter and joy often spring out as memories of that special day bubble to the surface

    In our game debrief tonight, we are getting into it with Aussie couple Emma & Pete, who uttered their vows more than 17 years ago in Mackay, Qld. Now, they are a family of 4 working diligently in their community as humble servants of goodness to all those around them.

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" in January 2023!

  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" (available February 2023).

    Come along for the ride as this week's couple Sarah & Sange not only take on their newborn but were bold enough to experiment with Chapter 11: "Couple ZZZs".

    Find out how they went!

    "Get comfortable for our dooooozy conversation today with the book chapter that promises to put you to sleep: COUPLE ZZZs!!

    Did you know that your “alert” energy before sleep can actually rouse your previously sleepy mate?? When you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you begin to see how your sleep patterns can begin to be influenced by your partner.

    Imagine doing a small ‘breathing chant’ that harmonised you and your mate in such a way that your brainwave frequencies come together and for THAT moment in time, it’s a direct match
 This form of “one-ness” of sound actually lulls the brain to sleep. How amazing is that?!?

    Our couple today are actually new Mums and so I am ever so curious how they went with this activity considering they have natural sleep disruption with their new little bubba under a year old!

    Ladies, thank you for spending some time with us playing the game and debriefing about it – we all remember the rigours of raising a young one whilst also working – and yet, you made time for this
I know why you are such a supercouple!!"

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" in January 2023!

  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" (available for purchase February 2023).

    This week's couple Allan & Lari are in the middle of a family move from the Gold Coast of Queensland to Sydney and yet, they still found time to play Chapter 2: New Couple Script!

    Find out how they went!


    The dynamic couple I get to chat to today played one of the more advanced games I’ve created: New Couple Script.

    I don’t want to scare anyone off with that caveat bc being the script writer of your life can be one of the most joyful things you do. I believe, you are creating your life whether you consciously know it or not, so, why not sit in the Director’s chair and deliberately creating? The joy of knowing you scripted that into reality can be more powerful than you know.

    Based on some of the work of Neville Goddard in the book ‘The Power of Awareness’, he states that, “Your mind is always arranged in the image of all you believe and consent to as true.”

    In light of that, I wanted to create a space for deliberately journaling those images that YOU (the player) get to arrange as true. Giving yourself space and time to actually do the work is often the only missing piece to a life well lived!

    Before I introduce our loving couple, there is one more inspiration for this game that gave me such goosebumps in my 20s, that I knew I had to create an exercise that us in the Western World could grow from:

    “Introducing the woman known for “burying her dreams”: Tererai Trent of Zimbabwe. This awe-inspiring woman developed a list of goals for herself as a young girl living in a rural African village. Her list was buried in a piece of tin behind her home in a field where she herded cattle. Unable to go to school as a child because of being born female, she secretly did her brother’s homework until her father found out and married her off at age 11. Having 3 children by age 18 with an abusive husband, she quickly divorced him the moment the family landed in America. Over the next 20 years, she accomplished each and every goal in her tin can: earning a bachelor's and master's degrees from WMU and completing her journey from ‘life as an impoverished African child bride to a career as an international scholar who holds a Ph.D’. Each time she returs to Zimbabwe, she digs up the list, crosses off the achieved goal and moves on to the next one.”

    How awe-inspiring is that?

    Ok, so back to the here and now and this ideal partnering for this game, supercouple, Allan & Lari. Their 16 years of development on themselves makes them great for this game.

    Having lived in many places (Japan being one of them) during their 24 years together - they are about to bound out of the GC of Australia with their 2 daughters for their next big adventure in Sydney. So, I thought “No better time than NOW” to deliberately create into their next 5 years

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" in January 2023!

  • We are excited to give you a glimpse of real Super Couples taking part in my new book "PressPlay" (available for purchase February 2023).

    This week's couple Christine and Jay hail from the East Coast of the United States but have been living in Australia for some years now: they took on Chapter 6 called "Date Free"

    Find out how they went!

    Tonight’s debrief is over one of the most simple GAMES I’ve created called DATE FREE. I have come to learn that simple
doesn’t always mean easy. Especially in our fast-paced society, choosing a date adventure that involves lots of SPACE isn’t what we are most familiar with.

    Professor of social psychology at the State University of New York highlights what most of us inherently know, that “The goal is to find ways to keep injecting novelty into {our} relationship.”

    Long-time couple Christine and Jay took that task on. As a busy family of four: Jay constantly traveling away as an ER doc and Christine heading up the family - creativity and novelty aren’t something that just happens

    So, amidst a frantic life schedule, they went for it. They created DATE FREE!

    Visit my website on www.inthegamecoaching.com for more information regarding the Relationship Series and the upcoming book launch of "PressPlay" in January 2023!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with the first and only female CEO in Australia’s steel distribution industry. Cecily McGuckin initially built her career in retail development construction, never really seeing the family business that her Dad had run for over 25 years as an option. Working for Suncorp and Mirvac before having her three kids, she eventually joined her father a decade ago at Queensland Sheet and Steel.

    She has scaled her fathers “hand shake deal business” into a formidable player in the industry: recently winning the National CEO of the Year Award for 2020. Believing that people are a company’s greatest asset, she continues to use gut instinct and emotional intelligence to move her business and the industry into 2021 and beyond.

    Thanks Cecily for taking time to share your leadership experience with our audience.

    The Goods on Cecily:

    Cecily McGuckin, the first and only female CEO in Australia’s steel distribution industry, she is passionate about driving change in her industry and her family owned business, Queensland Sheet and Steel (QSS) as it enters 34 years in business. Cecily began her career in finance but quickly stumbled upon an area she enjoyed so much more. Construction development management. Roles at leading companies including Suncorp and Mirvac, followed where she gained a wealth of experience in the day-to-day running of big business and the delivery of large scale projects.

    It’s these experiences that helped shape the leader Cecily is today – a problem solver and out of the box thinker. Cecily is also resilient. As a woman in a man’s world she has needed to prove herself time and time again. Not just to her peers and her staff, but her father who started the business from nothing. Cecily credits her emotional intelligence and gut instincts as the key drivers behind her success as a CEO. Not to mention her willingness to take a breath and calmly find the right moment to create conversations that generate results.

    Contact Cecily:

    Website: https://qss.net.au/about-us/

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/cecily-cec-mcguckin-93b99a29

    Top 100 Women: https://www.top100women.com.au/cecily-mcguckin/

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with Managing Director of the most-visited, privately-owned attraction in Australia: Scenic World. Anthea Hammon is 3rd generation Hammon family to take control of the World-Heritage-Listed Blue Mountains attraction, which has seen her navigate some tumultuous terrain these past 2yrs with devastating bush fires for months – only to be followed up with a pandemic that has crippled the entire “attractions” industry.

    With a strong focus on family succession planning, she was well supported to navigate unfamiliar terrain. She has been determined to maintain the culture and iconic scenic attraction that began in 1945 when her grandfather Harry Hammon converted the abandoned Coal Mine into the Scenic Railway.

    With an engineering background, she has taken her fascination for how machinery works and sculpted a working environment that includes her 2 & 6 yr old in tow - the family culture is truly felt the moment you are on site.

    In spectacular fashion, Nat & I met Anthea in her natural habitat
her youngest child Hamilton in a pram being cuddled by one staff member to another, Anthea, overseeing the room that she’d organized for her community to be inspired by a heroes journey (my Nat!!) and of course her daughter Hazel running back and forth reminding us all who was really in charge! The values in her business place and living and breathing!

    I am looking forward to speaking to a leader that has forged a new model – not so much deliberately but moreso organically – constantly bringing family values into the forefront and demonstrating how powerful it really can be to operate from this platform!

    The Goods on Anthea:

    Graduating from university with an engineering degree it seemed that Anthea’s career would be one of finding solutions to problems or maximising opportunities.

    As the 3rd generation member of the Hammon family to take control of Scenic World , the last two years have tested all of her problem solving skills and then some.

    Anthea is the Managing Director of what is the most visited, privately owned attraction in Australia, attracting over one million visitors annually. Set within the World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains, the company is a third generation family business. Established in 1945 (for the past 76yrs) when Harry Hammon converted the abandoned Katoomba Colliery into the Scenic Railway, it continues to be owned and operated by the same family.

    Anthea shares the challenges that have been presented to her on a business level since the outbreak of Covid, the joy that she gets from creating meaningful shared experiences for families and amongst all of the work in finding a way to keep a tourist business going through months of lockdown.. her family home burnt to the ground
I trust you will enjoy this conversation with a remarkably resilient woman.

    Contact Anthea:

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/anthea-hammon

    Website: https://scenicworld.com.au/explore

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with a man who is full of SHIT! Don’t get mad at me Mom for swearing, Mark Balla is actually the “Toilet Warrior” and has been advocating and changing the story about sanitation worldwide.

    In 2013, he founded the not-for-profit “We can’t wait”. He then joined forces with Rotary and began using his business connections to Mumbai to change the reality for girls in that region and then the country as a whole.

    Did you know that of the 1.4M schools in India, 400,000 of them do NOT have toilets? And the schools that do have toilets, do not have separate ones for girls.

    So, why does this matter so much?

    25% of girls in India drop out and skip school when they reach puberty. When their menstruation begins, its just too much to go to school and be humiliated.

    Many of these girls homes also do NOT have toilets so after holding their bodily functions in all day, their desperate attempts to go to the bathroom results in 50% of sexual assaults occurring while these innocent girls are seeking a quiet place to do so.

    If you want to dive deeper into this reality that’s happening right now before our eyes, read Mark’s book the Toilet Warrior or google his TedX talk to be enthralled.

    As sanitation goals worldwide continued to not be met; this linguist and global supply-chain expert from Melbourne took it on. Thanks to Mark, he is proving the truth of his own TedX quote, that “Children are the most spectacular agents for LASTING change”!

    The Goods on Mark:

    * Accomplished public speaker on humanitarian issues both in Australia and internationally, ready to change your perception of the world we live in
    * Founder of a charity with an international focus on improving life opportunity for girls and women in developing countries
    * A deep passion for opportunities in corporate social responsibility
    * Board level experience in both for profit and not for profit environments in both Australia, India and Globally
    * Committed advocate for global causes that matter
    * Fluent in German, Spanish and Portuguese, conversant in French
    * Inter-cultural business specialist
    * Extensive experience outsourcing to China, India and SE Asia
    * 15 years experienced in manufacturing, and supply chain management in China.
    * Five years experience with manufacturing supply chains in India.
    * Five years experienced with IT supply chain and IT project management in India and Sri Lanka
    * Knowledge of supply chain processes in Brazil.
    * Five years of general business experience in Germany.

    Contact Mark:

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/markballa1

    TedX talk: youtube.com/watch?v=r3xr13xFfto

    Get Mark’s Sister Trace’s book “Cycling Together” at www.TraceBalla.com (based on these incredible Indian girls)

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with a retired army Major turned leadership strategist and keynote speaker. Matina Jewell joined the army at only age 17 where she earned nine military service & war medals before medically retiring in the crossfire of the Lebanon War – where she was actually stationed nearby on a peacekeeping mission for the UN.

    Her stories will astound you but mostly bc she actually lived to tell the tales. From fast-ropping out of helicopters to making deals with warlords in the Solomon Islands to breaking her back in 5 places and still continuing to lead a convoy to safety and then somehow flying home on a stretcher with her eyes only inches from the overhead lockers on a plane for over 26hrs
this woman continues to thrive and serve through all that!

    After her enforced retirement from military service, she began to piece together the aspects of her journey that could help others – finding herself on the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council as well as facilitating Corporate Teams to build their resilience. As the bestselling author of “Caught in the CrossFire”, she is a sought after keynote speaker.

    Named as a Telstra Business Award Finalst, a CPA “Top 10 Australian Smart Thinker” and on the AFR 100 Women of Influence for 2018, you can see that she creates waves wherever she roams

    You ready to fast-rope down into this Matina and share some of your stories??

    The Goods on Matina:

    Major Matina Jewell grew up in the hinterland of Byron Bay and joined the Army at age 17. During her 15 year military career Matina:

    · Served on five missions and earned nine military service & war medals

    · Is the only Australian to receive two Republic of Lebanon war medals for acts of bravery on the battlefield and being wounded in combat

    · Was the first woman in the Australian Army to complete the physically demanding Navy divers’ course

    · Served with American Navy Seals

    · Tracked-down war lords in the Solomon Islands

    · Fast-roped from helicopters and boarded smuggler ships in the Arabian Gulf, and

    · Was posted as a peacekeeper with the United Nations in Syria and Lebanon.

    Medically retired from injuries sustained during the 2006 Lebanon War, Matina served on the Prime Ministerial Advisory Council and continues to champion change for our injured war veterans.

    Among her many honorary roles, Matina is a founding ambassador for Project Thankful, a movement partnered with the United Nations to help empower women and children globally.

    Matina has been featured on the ABC’s Australian Story, is a best-selling author and now shares her unique insights on leadership and resilience with audiences around the word as a keynote speaker.

    Contact Matina:

    Website: matinajewell.online

    LinkedIn: @matinajewell

    Insta: @matinajewell

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with a man who was awarded the equivalent of the Nobel Prize for Engineering. Professor James Trevelyan from Perth is well known for his pioneering research on Sheep Shearing Robots from 1975-1993 at the U of Western Australia – where he was awarded many international engineering and robotic awards.

    He then moved into the research of Landmine Clearing Methods where he made a big impact in countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Balkans, and many Africa countries.

    He then took on local schools in Islamabad, where together with his father-in-law, they architected toilet access for young kids.

    And now, as Western Australian of the Year, at the ripe age of 65, he founded “Close Comfort”, where he and his students engineered a personal air conditioning unit which has been made affordable for countries such as Pakistan - which aligns w his belief that safe respite from dangerous heat conditions should be a basic human right.

    In 2013, his TedTalk titled “Ending Poverty: what engineers can do”, was a real reflection of his commitment to contributing engineering services on behalf of the rights that all humans possess.

    The Goods on James:

    Prof. James has always been passionate about creating a positive impact on other people’s lives. He has led quite a journey from being a researcher, an academician, an educator, a world-recognised engineer, an author and so on. At 65 years old, he believed his contribution to solving some of humanity's greatest challenges wasn't over; he started Close Comfort to provide safe access to affordable cooling solutions to billions of people at risk of exposure to increasingly dangerous heat conditions without warming the planet!

    On the way, he was awarded the prestigious Engineers Australia medal and was recognised as 2018 Western Australian of the Year in the Professions category.

    Close Comfort is just another example of James's belief that his role as an engineer and as a human is to give back to communities.

    · In the past, he has developed sheep shearing robots that would cover the eyes and shield sheep from the shears cutting the wool while helping them fall asleep. The innovation was awarded the engineers equivalent of the Nobel prize and put him in a position "to devote the rest of my career to researching problems that truly mattered, that would help solve some of the tough challenges facing humanity".

    · Instead of retiring after reaching the top of his engineer career, he turned his expertise and knowledge to clearing landmines from countries like Afghanistan, Cambodia, the Balkans in southeast Europe, and many countries in Africa.

    · Or in term of being literally safe from harmful heat conditions: in Pakistan and most parts of the globe, air conditioning is costly, and for the few that can afford this luxury, the energy-hungry appliances prove too much for the energy grid to handle, leading to power outages. So, Pr James launched Close Comfort at 65 y.o, believing that safe respite from dangerous heat conditions, far from a luxury, should be a basic human right.

    Contact James:

    Website: jamesptrevelyan.com

    Close Comfort: www.closecomfort.com/au/our-story/

    Books: @books

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with the creator of MamaRising – which serves to teach and train the ground-breaking work on Matrescence. What the heck does that word even mean?? I was instantly drawn to the word bc matriarch shone from it but beyond that, I needed to discover former Australian ABC journalist Amy Taylor-Kabbaz to really sink my teeth into its impact.

    Amy had 3 kids and a lifelong dream of working for the ABC – but she drove herself to that breaking point trying to prove she could “do it all”. Burn out, she began seeking what had changed within her since she had become a Mother. In 2018, her quest landed her in the office of Dr Aurelie Athan at Columbia University in NY
the answer she’d been gnawing at all those years was Matrescence. Putting her anthropologist hat on, she wrote Mama Rise and began the movement of Mothers beginning to rise to their own occasion.

    With a background in journalism, an honours degree in International studies & Development, as an accredited Life Coach, post-natal yoga teacher and meditation facilitator – her rounded approach has attracted Mothers across the globe to not only learn more but get accredited and begin spreading this message of hope to the billions of Mamas on Mother Earth!

    The Goods on Amy:

    As a producer with more than 15 years experience at the ABC, I bring the research and dedication of a journalist to the passion of an anthropologist and coach. Since 2013, I have trained as an Internationally Accredited Life Coach, Post-Natal Yoga teacher, and Meditation facilitator. With an Honours Degree in International Studies and a Graduate Certificate in International Development focusing on empowering women in the developing world, I have always been focused on women: why the world views us in a particular way, and what we can do about it.

    In 2015, having brought myself to the edge of overwhelm and burn out trying to prove I could “do it all”, I stepped away from my lifelong dream of working for the ABC to dedicate myself completely to the understanding of motherhood. I knew that what I had been through - the inner split and the burn out - was something too many of us were experiencing.

    And I wanted to know why.

    The search took many years, and many paths, until I found myself in the office of Dr Aurelie Athan at Columbia University in New York in late 2018



    Since then, working closely with Dr Athan, I have dedicated myself to bringing this understanding to the world.

    Contact Amy:

    Website: www.amytaylorkabbaz.com

    Facebook: @amytaylorkabbaz

    Insta: @amytaylorkabbaz

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with a warrior. Guylaine Dumont is considered the best volleyball player in Canadian history and yet, that doesn’t even begin to tell the tale...

    Growing up in a small town in the Province of Quebec, her early years were filled with a father who beat her mother, and 3 sisters trying to rally together to survive it all. At only age 13, Guylaine was moved out of home to begin playing sport full-time. This was right around the time that her closest sister Nathalie went missing

    As the youngest player ever on the Canadian national team right into adoring fans during her pro career in Italy; the darkness of her upbringing shadowed most of her career. Consistent humiliation and abuse from coaches seemed all too familiar for her. But when the news that her sister had been found dead, reached her in Italy; you wonder how she ever rose to the heights in sport that she did.

    Longing for an Olympic dream - twice she would shut the door on it – bc the price you needed to pay seemed too high. It took a player 10yrs her Junior to sweep her up out of retirement and reach the Athens Olympics to score the best ever result in Canadian female beach volleyball history!

    Now married with 2 daughters, Guylaine has devoted her life to helping athletes be supported through their own traumas in sport. As co-founder of “Sport-Aide” (loosely translated as “Sport Help”), she rallied more than $2M from the Quebec government to bolster her program and passionately charged up a “help line” for athletes. Finally, being able to provide the lifeline she never felt she could call!

    As her own healing journey continues with its natural highs and lows, I am honoured to be speaking to a woman that has come through the ashes of her own abuse to be able to create not only change for future athletes but more importantly, a space for healing

    The Goods on Guylaine:

    Guylaine Dumont (born October 9, 1967 in St-Etienne-de-Lauzon, Quebec) is a Canadian female beach volleyball player. She lives in Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly.

    Together with partner Annie Martin, Guylaine Dumont recorded the best ever Olympic result for Canadian women in beach volleyball with a fifth-place finish at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, losing to the Americans Misty May and Kerry Walsh in the quarter-final.

    Regarded as one of the top Canadian women’s volleyball players of all-time, Dumont began her career as a member of the Canadian national team in 1985 at just 17 years of age.

    In 2002, Dumont returned to the sport full-time and began competing alongside Martin in the beach volleyball discipline. She retired from competitive volleyball for a second time following the 2004 Olympic Games.

    Dumont is married to 1988 Canadian long track speed skating Olympian, Gregor Jelonek and now, he is the coach of the Canadian long track speed skating team. He was in Torino, Vancouver and Sotchi as a coach in 2006–2010 and 2014.

    Dumont is currently a helping relationship therapist specialized in sport and a motivational speaker.

    Contact Guylaine:

    Facebook: @guylaine.kikau.7

    Go to http://www.bit.ly/InTheGamePodcast to become part of this growing community of DREAMERS!

  • Today, we continue the conversation with the creator of TO DAY List: the product aimed at simplifying not only your day, but your life! I say “Yes pls!” to that.

    Natalie Jane Cartwright had been in Corporate Strategy and Human Centered Design for over a decade and couldn’t let an idea that had been brewing for years go by the wayside
 She saw a gap in the market where more and more technology was being created by the day to “simplify” our lives - and yet, people seemed more frazzled and flustered than ever before. So, she went to work, on designing a way to help people focus their energy and attention (amidst the constant barrage of tech whizzling all around them) and achieve balance and a sense of control in their lives.

    As a Mum and founder of two companies, she knew all too well that she too was in need of her own product!

    She has created a Tribe of like-minded people which has allowed the TO DAY List to be more than a product but a way of life.

    I can’t wait to get into some of the philosophy behind what Nat has created. When the two of us first got chatting, we could have gone on for hours around FOCUS and our shared passion to help the world feel more productive by developing those healthy rituals and routines that leave them empowered and satisfied, rather than overwhelmed and like once again “they haven’t done enough”!

    The Goods on Nat:

    Natalie is a proud mum, Founder of two companies and self-proclaimed disruptor in the field of coaching.

    Over her many years as an Executive & Wellness Coach, Natalie identified a gap in the market and has made it her mission to solve this real world problem.

    Leveraging her experience in Corporate Strategy, Human Centered Design and Coaching Natalie was able to see the bigger picture and make sense of a complex situation.

    Natalie has created her own niche within the coaching market; playing her own game and by her own rules she founded To Day List. A business built on the principles of; simplifying your day, boosting productivity and creating a sense of calm amidst the never-ending to-do List.

    Natalie's vision is to create a Tribe of like-minded people, who focus their energy & attention each day on what matters most. She coaches Tribe members to define their personal brand, unlock their superpowers and achieve their goals.

    To Day List is more than a product, it is a way of living, enhancing your day to day success.

    In this busy world we live in, To Day List truly helps create positive rituals and routines that lead to a lifetime of balance and the best version of you.

    Contact Nat:

    Website: www.todaylist.biz/about

    Facebook: @TODAYLIST.BIZ/


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  • Today, we continue the conversation with a “spice evangelist”. Not only does Melbourne-based Liz Edgecombe help people taste cuisines from around the world but her company “The Spice People” manufactures over 750,000 packets of spice each year

    With over 24yrs of business experience, Liz initially worked her spices as a side hustle until she found herself a divorced single mother with a rocket of intent firmly lit beneath her.

    So, she got to work
with a clear intention to increase business by 10% with each of her existing customers
until 6 months later, she had doubled her business. And yet, to this day, she champions the “tortoise over the hare” approach to longevity in business.

    With an “Australian Native” spice line amidst her 200 spice range, ordering spices online is just one way we can remain connected while many of our borders remain closed.

    You know Liz, I have to say, “Who couldn’t use a little more spice in their life?”

    The Goods on Liz:

    Liz is the Victoria-based owner of The Spice People, which is dedicated to helping people taste cuisines from around the world. Over her 24 years in business, she has grown her company from side-hustle to full-time enterprise employing 10 people. They currently manufacture over 750,000 packets of spice every year, and have over 200 varieties of spices in their range (including an “Australian Native” line).

    Contact Liz:

    Facebook: @thespicepeople

    Website: thespicepeople.com.au

    Instagram: @thespicepeopleaus

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  • Today, we continue the conversation with the CEO and Co-founder of FlatWorld Integration: a Deep-Tech firm leading the way with industrial-grade data-sharing platform for the digital economy. Her and her husband powered through more than 12yrs of R&D to have this company come to the marketplace and so you get the sense of her stamina and determination evidenced by what it took for FlatWorld to be out in the world.

    Kim Chandler McDonald was born in the UK, grew up in Bermuda & Barbados, moved to Canada and then back to the UK and now lives in Australia. You can gather from this the global perspectives she holds. As Award Winning Author of many books including Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change our World; you can see why she is a sough after board member and thought leader on disruptive approaches and transformational trends: including the Entreprise Board of Griffith University, the Australia/NZ Women in AI Board, and the Paris-Based Cybersecurity Advisory Network.

    As a passionate activist, she got a little swallowed up by the shores of Sydney when she first moved. It was when she created “Postcards from Tomorrow” to bring awareness to Lou’s Place, Sydney’s only daytime drop-in center for female victims of domestic violence, that she began to feel like herself again. Contributing and collaborating in her community. You can sense the purpose she now feels with her heart centrally back on deck!

    The Goods on Kim:

    Kim is the Co-Founder and CEO of FlatWorld Integration Pty Ltd. a Deep-Tech firm leading the way with Fl@World, an industrial-grade, interoperable, data-sharing platform for the digital economy.

    Kim is a sought after board member and globally respected thought leader on disruptive approaches, transformational trends and innovative business strategies - particularly those involving innovation and empowerment in the global DACE (Digital, Attention and Collaboration Economies).

    An award-winning author of Innovation: How Innovators Think, Act and Change Our World and Flat World Navigation: Collaboration and Networking in the Global Digital Economy; she is is also the co-author of Entrepreneurial Renaissance: Cities Striving Towards an Era of Renaissance and Revival as well as the Editor/Publisher of Postcards From Tomorrow project, all profits from which are donated Lou’s Place, Sydney’s only daytime drop-in centre for female victims of domestic abuse.

    Contact Kim:

    Website: https://www.flatworld.world/

    Passion: https://www.postcardsfromtomorrow.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimchandler/

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  • Today, we continue the conversation with the award winning founder of Miracle Babies Foundation. Learning how to run a charity from scratch when she had 3 premature babies, Melinda Cruz began local, then brought the foundation national and now global. She has raised more than $10M since the foundations inception in 2005 to improve the lives of thousands of preterm and sick babies & families.

    Inducted into the Busines Women’s Hall of Fame, she was also voted NSW Women of the Year – Premiers Award Finalist, while also being a trusted consumer expert to medical professionals serving on multiple Advisory Boards including co-authoring 10 medical publications.

    She does everything from run the NYC Marathon to raise $230,000 for the Foundation to helping the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Milk Bank Advisory Committee establish the first ever national Human Breastmilk Bank. She is relentless in her quest to improve the conditions for premature newborns and their families.

    Melinda, I am so happy to get the chance to sit down and discuss the journey that has allowed so many families and babies to live a better life bc of what you have created

    The Goods on Melinda:

    Showing that you can overcome adversity to impact change, Melinda Cruz is the award winning founder of Miracle Babies Foundation. She is a published researcher, influencer and expert international speaker on topics such as not for profit start up and social entrepreneurship, health and consumer advocacy, and how being resilient can help to live a life of inspired action.

    Starting the Foundation in 2005 after her own experience of having three premature babies, the incredible difference Melinda has made to thousands along with her impact as a successful entrepreneur has seen her win numerous awards including the 2011 EY Social Entrepreneur of the Year and be a regular guest on radio, TV, podcasts and speaker at national and international conferences. In 2013 she was inducted into the Australian Businesswomens Hall of Fame and was a 2015 NSW Woman of the Year - Premiers Award finalist.

    Since the Foundation’s inception, more than $10 million has been raised to improve the lives of thousands of preterm and sick babies and their families.

    Melinda is a trusted consumer expert to medical professionals seeking to improve treatments and understanding of premature and sick babies and the impact a birth has on the family unit. In 2012, she was awarded the title of Honorary Research Associate by the University of Sydney, Medical School and was the first parent to be invited as an Associate Investigator (2012) and a Chief Investigator (2019) on a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) funded neonatal trial.

    In 2015, she joined the Australian Red Cross Blood Service Milk Bank Advisory Committee helping to establish the first national Human Breastmilk Bank.

    To date, Melinda has co-authored 10 medical publications and is a contributor to THRIVE Global.

    Having never run before and taking on a challenge from the then CEO of Bankwest, Melinda ran the New York City Marathon with him and 17 others raising more than $230,000 for Miracle Babies.

    Contact Melinda:

    Website: https://www.melindacruz.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/melinda_cruz?lang=en

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/melindacruz_/?hl=en:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melinda-cruz/

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  • Today is a unique conversation with the icon, the magical, the infamous
Santa Claus! Creating magic for children for the past 34yrs as a “professional Santa”, he has been employed by the iconic Myer Brand in Australia for 30yrs to tote his white beard and nurturing spirit upon all children who grace his lap!

    But who is the man underneath the suit?

    Rod Hyatt, at age 74, has been a passionate philanthropist for more than 10 years after he finished teaching English and become the Chairman of Habit for Humanity. He is committed to addressing the plight of people who do not sleep securely at night.

    He has gone on to continue his work in a more focussed way under the banner of Hope ReBuilders and I cannot wait to hear more about the ongoing work he is doing
especially during this past Covid year.

    The Goods on Santa Rod:

    Professional Santa for 34 years and with the Myer Centre for 30 years, with a small stint in Japan in 1998 when I was on TV and played Santa in the Japanese production of Enid Blyton's " Naughtiest School Girl"

    Now, back to the man underneath the cloth

    I have a wealth of experience & knowledge across many of fields, after 74 trips around the sun. 12 years ago it was time to give back and get involved in addressing the plight of people who do not sleep securely at night. Habitat For Humanity had been a favourite NFP Organisation since the Northridge Earthquake in Los Angeles 17 January 1994. Retirement from the Education sector allowed time to become more supportive where I became involved in starting up the Brisbane Chapter, served as Chairman of the Queensland affiliate and then stepped into a management role after the 2011 South East Queensland floods.

    May 2013 - Having spent 2 years as Development Manager for Habitat For Humanity Brisbane, I spread my wings and moved into a role where I can be of service to a wider community of people needing safe secure housing. My passion has not changed. In fact it has deepened to a point where I believe the current Habitat model is not effective in fully addressing the problem. We need to get back to a more "grassroots" approach in line with Millard Fuller's original dream of partnership housing - a place where people are more important than personalities - a place where God's work is not corporatised - a place where we can be more flexible and nimble in helping the vulnerable members of our community.

    September 2013 - Chief Operating Officer of Fuller Center for Housing, Queensland, Australia, following the lead of Millard Fuller, the founder of both Habitat for Humanity and Fuller Center for Housing, in getting back to a more grassroots approach to tackling the problem of substandard housing.

    April 2018 - I am continuing on the work started all those years ago by Millard Fuller. We are still addressing the needs of those who are less fortunate and who have been socially marginalised. Having recently undergone a name change to Hope ReBuilders we are relaunching with a new vision and vigour for better addressing the situation in Australia nad South East Asia.

    Contact Santa Rod:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rod.hyatt

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/santageek

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rhinorod

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  • Today, we continue the conversation with the CEO and Founder of AI company Catlepoint Systems, who’s vision it is to change the way the world manages information so that people, communities and companies are safer and smarter. Rachael Greaves is an industry expert in information and records compliance, control and security. She recognized a problem that was not being addressed in the marketplace around the enormous influx of data that companies, organizations and governments were facing – it just seemed too big and too overwhelming so their information remained exposed and at risk because there was no viable solution for them.

    In comes the brave Rachael in her 30s (who has 5 kids btw) and husband Gavin to solve one of the biggest issues facing business worldwide. They may have lacked much of the expertise to pull this off – but they did it anyway!

    I am so grateful that we get some moments with Rachael as you can imagine that a Mother of 5 kids building this billion dollar engine doesn’t have extra moments on her hands?!?

    The Goods on Rachael:
    Rachael Greaves, CEO and Founder - Castlepoint Systems

    Rachael Greaves (CIP, CISA, CISM) is an industry expert in information and records compliance, control and security, with over 13 years’ experience with government.

    Contact Rachael:

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rachaelgreavesstlp

    Facebook: @rachael.greaves.923

    Website: www.castlepoint.systems

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