-مرفق هنا جميع مصادر الحلقة .
كتابة : عبدالاله
القاء : المها
- كولومبوس: اكتشاف عالم جديد
“Columbus, Christopher.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962. Vol. 6.
Judge, Joseph and J. L. Stanfield; Luis Marden; Eugene Lyon. “Columbus
and the New World.” National Geographic, November 1986.
- الصبغات ومواد التلوين
Harrow, B. Eminent Chemists of Our Time. 2d ed. New York: D. Van Nos- trand Co., 1927. Pp. 1, 241.
Accidental Scientific Discoveries. Chicago: Schaar and Co., 1955. P. 7. Perkin, W. H. Hofmann Memorial Lecture, Memorial Lectures delivered before the Chemical Society, 1893–1900. London: Gurney and Jackson,
-اكتشاف أشعة إكس على يد رونتجن
Accidental Scientific Discoveries. Chicago: Schaar and Co., 1955. P. 57. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962. See “Röntgen, Wilhelm Conrad” (Vol. 19)
and “X Rays” (Vol. 23).
Lightman, Alan P. “To Cleave an Atom.” Science 84: 103. “Bohr, Niels.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1962. Vol. 3.
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الحلقة الأولى من بودكسات في القطار
مصادر الحلقة Charles Grutzner, "Horse Meat Consumption by NeW
Yorkers Is Rising," The New York Times, September 25,1946
The power of habit - charles duhiggs -
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