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The Hunt Continues!
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The Hunt Continues!
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Thanks for Joining us here as we have a discussion with Sammi Constantine about both her career and inspiration behind her new hit single #30FT!
Check out the track here:YouTube: https://youtu.be/GPCiZMXCtIUSpotify: https://shorturl.at/prtz0
Follow Sammi here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammiconstantine/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sammiconstantinemusicX / Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamsammicThreads: https://shorturl.at/ACLMWVero: https://vero.co/MPSB-jsk3sXtCbw1KXjmTG7C
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Follow Kitt and Nate on FacebookKitt - https://www.facebook.com/kittadams.kittadamsNate - https://www.facebook.com/NathanFisherNF7/
The Hunt Continues!
Welcome to another terrifying episode of "The Midnight Hour", with more tales of the macabre. This wseek's episode features stories from HP Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, Saki and Ambrose Bierce, as well as a tale of the Clown Statue urban legend, and radio drama "All Unregistered Aliens" written by Victoria Dan. Also letters from our listeners.
Join your host, Brenton Foale, every Friday night at midnight Western Australia time, live on iplradio.org.au
Thanks for Joining us here as @kittadams interviews Jason Davies who is a candidate for Councillor for the City of Rockingham and Safety Bay Ward.
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Will Michelle Obama Run For President and replace Joe Biden?
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The Hunt Continues!
Join us as we take a look at the current situation surrounding @RussellBrand and assess both the accusers and Russell's individual perspectives in this high profile story.
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Credits: Music by Epidemic Sound
Sub to Da NF7 and Join the #NathanNation Today!NathanFisherNF7 - @nathanfishernf7NF7 Vlogs - @nf7vlogs
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Love this video then subscribe to join the #NathanNation today! 😘 #RussellBrand #LostThePlot #NathanFisherNF7
@kittadams Reviews the Nathans Mashup Number 2 Theme by @tyronelister9839 after Nathan Finally shuts up and plays the track lol--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm on the radio now! Listen live from anywhere https://www.iplradio.org.au/---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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The Hunt Continues!
Join us on @TheLateShowWithKittAdams on #IPLRadio Every Tuesday & Thursday 9pm - 12am (AWST) from anywhere through the @iHeartRadio app.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Newland Films here:
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The Hunt Continues! #KittAdams #NathanFisherNF7 #LoganPaul #prime
Join us on @TheLateShowWithKittAdams on #IPLRadio Every Tuesday & Thursday 9pm - 12am (AWST) from anywhere through the @iHeartRadio app.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We're on the radio now! Listen live from anywhere https://www.iplradio.org.au/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join our Facebook group!https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088035123605-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Nate on YouTube @NathanFisherNF7 Follow Kitt on Youtube @kittadams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Kitt and Nate on FacebookKitt - https://www.facebook.com/kittadams.kittadamsNate - https://www.facebook.com/NathanFisherNF7/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Hunt Continues! #KittAdams #NathanFisherNF7 #LoganPaul #prime
Join us on The Late Show as we talk about #Dexter and how it managed to have two BAD Finales!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We're on the radio now! Listen live from anywhere https://www.iplradio.org.au/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Join our Facebook group!https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088035123605-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Nate on YouTube @NathanFisherNF7 Follow Kitt on Youtube @kittadams -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Follow Kitt and Nate on FacebookKitt - https://www.facebook.com/kittadams.kittadamsNate - https://www.facebook.com/NathanFisherNF7/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Hunt Continues!
Nate finally after all these years got the chance to interview @SammiConstantine and talk about her new hit track #SWIM Check out the track here:YouTube: • Sammi Constantine - Swim Spotify: https://shorturl.at/prtz0
Follow Sammi here:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sammiconsta...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sammiconstan...X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamsammicThreads: https://shorturl.at/ACLMWVero: https://vero.co/MPSB-jsk3sXtCbw1KXjmTG7C
I'm on the radio now! Listen live from anywhere https://www.iplradio.org.au/------------------------------------------------------------------
Join us as we meet Bayan Massoudi who was a contestant from Channel 10s Hunted Season 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We're on the radio now! Listen live from anywhere https://www.iplradio.org.au/-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to another fright filled episode of The Midnight Hour, with five more stories to chill your very soul. Escaped maniacs, haunted bridges, malevolent creatures, and more. Your seat has been saved for you next to the fire, as your host brings to life tales of terror and meanderings of madness once again.
This episode includes HP Lovecraft's "The Outsider", Ambrose Bierce's "Present at a Hanging" and "The Damned Thing", The Creeking Door's Radio Drama "Death in your Hands" and Charles Dickens' "A Childs Story".
Join your host every Friday night at the stroke of midnight, Perth, Western Australia time, for the unedited live broadcast of The Midnight Hour only on IPL Radio. Listen live at iplradio.org.au or on the iHeartRADIO or Radio Garden apps. Broadcasting to USA, Canada, UK, NZ and Australia.
This episode, Alex is by himself discussing the things he’s been up to. He quickly discusses shows he's watched like Severance, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien, Taskmaster NZ and Shzam: Fury of the Gods. He quickly gets distracted with a sound board and regrets his decisions. Once that gets boring he turns to a debate site and gives you his unadulterated thoughts and issues on the worlds most pressing matters.
Listen live at iplradio.org.au and follow our instagram theverdict_ipl to keep up to date with everything!
Ahh, welcome, the clock has just struck midnight, and you are just in time for more tales to chill your very soul. Please, sit by the fire and make yourself comfortable.
Tonight's stories include "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe, in which the narrator is sent insane by a late night visitor in the form of a raven, "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, in which a woman slowly loses her sanity locked in a room day in and day out, the dramatization of "The Hitchhiker" starring Orson Welles, in which Welles' character is haunted by a ghostly apparition while driving interstate, and Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death", about a prince and his guests hiding in a fortress to evade a plague.
Our usual body bag of letters from our listeners, too.
Join your host, 'Digger', as he brings you twisted tales of the macabre every Friday night, at the stroke of midnight (Western Australia time) online at iplradio.org.au or look for IPL Radio Perth Australia on the iHeartRADIO or Radio Garden apps. Live broadcasts, unedited, to USA, Canada, UK, NZ and Australia. (Podcasts are edited from the original recordings)
If you wish to send emails with your own experiences, or to enquire about being interviewed on the program, please email [email protected] and mention Midnight Hour in the subject line.
This is an IPL Radio Broadcast
This week Alex has anticipated his loneliness and has brought in friend of the show - Tenisha to cohost. They discuss Harry Potter, the workplace shenanigans and the things that make us tick.
Listen live at iplradio.org.au and follow our instagram theverdict_ipl to keep up to date with everything!
Goodevening, please take a seat and share my fire. Join your ol' friend 'Digger' for another session of tales of the macabre to chill your very soul. Remember, that constant dripping you hear coming from the bathroom each night may not be the leaky faucet you have accepted it to be, but rather the blood you imagine it to be.
In tonight's twisted tales to terrorise you will hear stories of murder, revenge and Insanity. Enjoy as each week at the stroke of midnight, Friday night Western Australia time, 'Digger' brings you more tales of terror on The Midnight Hour. Tune in at iplradio.org.au or via the iHeartRADIO and Radio Garden apps, for the unedited broadcasts of The Midnight Hour. Broadcasting blood curdling stories to the USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand and Australia.
Ahh, so you are once again my guest. Welcome to another episode of The Midnight Hour. Your seat has been kept for you by the fire as we present you with more twisted tales to chill your bones.
Your host, Digger, entertains you with tales of the macabre every Friday night at the stroke of midnight, Western Australian time, on IPL Radio. Tune in at iplradio.org.au or look for IPL Radio Perth on the Radio Garden or iHeartRADIO apps, for the unedited broadcast each week.
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