Yes, I spent more than $12,000 on therapy in the past few years. I learned about everything from friendships, relationships, confidence, depression and more. In this video, I give you the scoop on it -- $12k worth of information to be exact lol. #therapy #selfcare #selfimprovement
Did you know that 61% of people feel that they are "stuck in a rut." The majority of people are not doing well right now. And that's understandable! The world is an...interesting place to be right now. Most people are in debt, student loan debt or credit card debt. Most people report feeling lonely and having no friends. People feel disconnected from their jobs. The dating world is remarkably bad. Depression and anxiety are at an all time high. In this video, I'll break this down -- why people are so unhappy, why gen-z is being called the "saddest generation". I'll share my story of feeling in a rut for the past few years and how I'm slowly finding myself again and getting my spark back and my happiness back!
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Did you know? Nearly 50% of millennials overspend to keep up with friends. People are going into debt to look rich and keep up with lifestyle trends. In this video, we go over how this started, why social media plays a role, the common feeling of "feeling behind" in your 20s and the pressure to keep up to impress, fit in and flex.
Did you know that only 1 in 10 people complete their New Year's resolution. Most people give up a few months into the year. BUT it is NOT too late to RESET for the rest of the year and still tackle every goal you have. Consider this you mid-year mindset motivation and a how to be self-disciplined guide.I share the 3-method self-discipline hack that will change your life. This can be applied to your health goals, fitness goals, saving money goals, even being a better partner and healing your relationship. I want to see you WIN! Subscribe to become a bud & get more self-growth content!
I was totally broke 5 years ago graduating from college. Here's how I saved $100,000+ WITHOUT a high-paying job or money from family. I live by these 9 rules about budgeting with a low income, investing as a beginner, saving on a low income and more. From the type of friends you have to your morning routine, we go into everything that changed my life financially and can change your life too.
I quit social media 5 years ago for my mental health. It was a total detox and I learned so much about myself, how to spend my time better, new hobbies, mental health, external validation, comparison culture, etc. I go over all of this in today's episode & share the 5 strict rules I have for myself now that I'm back on after 5 years.
hi buds🌱 As a society, we normalize romantic relationship breakups. The boyfriends and girlfriends who were toxic or just not meant to be for us. But when it comes to friends, we put an odd amount of pressure of "friends lasting forever." But this leads to a lot of unhappiness when we cling onto people who are not good for us. Last year, my "i have no friends" video went viral. I talked about my struggles of making friends and loneliness. Since then, I've realized that one of my biggest hurdles to meeting authentic friends was eliminating the ones in my life who were not supposed to be there anymore. In this video we'll go over the 7 types of friends you need to cut off (or take space from / have a conversation with) and I'll dish out my personal stories / nightmares with friendships. I'll tell you the red flags in friends and finally, how to have that "breakup" conversation. Also, this channel is all about self love & self growth so subscribe for more content like this ❤️
hi buds! 🌱 if you've been living life on easy mode, this video is for you. this video will break down the mindset tips and motivational tips you need to kickstart your life. laziness is unattractive and your life is waiting for you to step into it. we go over creating habits, gratitude, morning routines, journal and meditation prompts and more.
Where my Swifties at? Whether you like them or not, anyone can learn something from Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce about achieving your goals. Travis Kelce was a fan, a swiftie -- and now he's the man taking her home. He got exactly what he manifested -- and you can too. I’m gonna explain every element of manifestation that you need to completely change your life -- confidence, energy, your subconscious, limiting beliefs, lucky girl syndrome and more.
In today’s video, I’m going to walk you through a guide of resetting your mental health for the new year. Because you deserve to deep clean not only your space, but deep clean your mind too. You deserve to enter the new year feeling like you mentally swept and mopped under the rug, took out the trash and are clean and ready to tackle a whole new year. Because your mental health, your mindset is everything. If you ever wonder why the goals you set don’t work out. Why you aren’t consistent? Why do you struggle with motivation? You need to fix this right here first. That’s your answer. That’s today we’re talking about mental health, emotional health, psychological well being -- and doing a hard reset so you can start January with a clear mind. This is not going to be your typical new year's reset video. I’ve watched a lot of resetting for the new year videos and most people tend to give you a checklist of things to do. but every single person watching this video has a different life, a different mind so we can’t use a one size fits all blanket. Who am I to say do these 10 things and work on this boundary and this anxiety and everything will be okay. That’s why today, I’m not going to give you a checklist of how to reset. I’m going to guide you through making your own. And by the end of the video, you’ll have a personalized daily, weekly, monthly checklist for next year. I’ve broken down mental health into 6 categories, 6 areas of your life that you should evaluate that directly contribute to your mental health.
How many times have you caught yourself saying, "I'll start when the time is right." How long have you been “meaning to get around to trying that hobby” “I’ll start my youtube channel when I buy a good camera” I’ll wait till the new year to start working out You have perfection paralysisand in today's video I'll talk about why we procrastinate, the excuses we use, how to overcome perfection and just get going on your goals!
LET'S BE BUDS 🌱 IG: itsgivinggrowthYou guys said you want to know more about me! On this instagram, I'll be posting behind the scenes of my life and connecting with all of you more :)++++++In today's video... "be yourself" ...wth does that even mean?It’s hard to say you truly know you are and you’re being yourself when you’re raised in a society with specific norms, expectations and pressures. We subconsciously fall into this pre-set trajectory and without thinking for ourselves, just stay in line and keep our head down into what is predetermined that we “should do.” So many people choose their path out of fear. Remove all pressure from our friends, remove the fear of what our friends think, remove what’s normal in your circle --- that’s your authentic self. So in this video, we’re gonna be talking about how to find that inner child, how to be your most authentic self and stop caring about what people think and seeking approval and validation.We’ll go over why its so hard to be yourself, why it’s CRUCIAL that we start being more authentic asap, what kind of role social media plays, and how exactly to “find yourself” - whatever that means!
You know the feeling of stressing, getting really anxious and caught up about -- oh what is this person doing? What does that person think of me? Why isn’t this person texting me back? Maybe you’re still stalking your ex on instagram or unable to leave a toxic relationship or friendship. It's desperate. It’s giving a scarcity mindset. It’s giving unconfident. And that’s why today, we are talking about DETACHMENT. We’ll go over what it is, what it get confused as (a LOT), common misconceptions about it, why we feel it and where it comes from, how to know when it’s truly time to let go of someone and some practical ways to get over them and detach in a healthy way. I go over Zen Buddhist mentality that I think is super interesting! The themes are love, attachment, healing, self care, self love and self respect! Free yourself and let it GO.
I have been a petty person. I’ve been jealous of my partners texting another girl. I’ve been jealous of pretty people on social media. I’ve been envious of other kids in school who got better grades than me. So in this video, I’m going to go over what jealousy and envy are, question prompts (as always), where they come from (this part is really interesting)..Both jealousy and envy are second emotions. Primary emotions are like sadness, anger, fear, happiness, love. We’ll dig deep and talk about the emotions behind it and how past trauma and childhood can spur jealousy. We’ll talk about the ugly ways they can manifest and yes I’ll be airing my dirty laundry out as usual by sharing some of my life and we’ll go over how social media is a huge part of jealousy culture today!! and finally how you can overcome this feeling and even turn your jealousy into something healthy. If you are interested in self development, self love and self care, subscribe for more content like this!
If you have goals you’re trying to really hit the gas on and kickstart, this is for you. Whether that’s money goals, body goals, business goals, this is your sign that this your season to make things happen. This is the summer for productivity, discipline and self improvement. In this video we'll cover manifestation, lucky girl syndrome, fear, perfectionism and more. You can try all the hacks in the world, if you don’t have your mind in the right place before you start executing, it's wrap for you.So in today’s video, I’m going to share the 8 mindset shifts that I personally have made that have taken my growth to another level. My growth with Youtube, my growth with my fitness and I’ll share my personal stories along the way so you guys can get to know me a little better too :)
Today we are talking about attachment styles and attachment theory. Why? Because it's the foundation of ALL RELATIONSHIPS! Do you ever find yourself struggling in romantic relationships or friendships? With your partners, do you often find yourself jealous, stressed about if they’re cheating on you, if they’re going to find someone better, why are they taking so long to text you back? Or on the flip side, do you ever feel like you struggle to connect with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you feel cringe when you start developing feelings or when someone opens up to you? This all comes down to attachment styles. DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional therapist. Just a girl in therapy with experience and research :) So I’ll go over the four main attachment styles: anxious attachment, avoidant attachment, disorganized attachment and secure attachment. And it’s possible to be a blend of different ones!I’ll break down the childhood traumas that can sprout these attachments and other experiences in life like bullying, strict parents, death of loved ones, etc. I’ll also give you guys question prompts to journal about, meditate over and or talk to a therapist about. I hope this video is a jumping off point to your self healing journey. Also be sure to check out my video on boundaries. If you liked this, I’m sure you’ll like that one. And you can go your whole life not realizing what your style of attachment is, which is wild because your attachment style is truly the foundation, the bedrock of how you interact with everyone from your friends to your romantic partners. It sets the tone for how you think, how you feel, how you communicate and is crucial for healthy relationships. It wasn’t until recently that I started intentionally learning and understanding more about attachment styles, identified which I was and started working on how to heal that. When you learn about attachment styles, something you realize off the bat is the repeated pattern --- you see how the same behaviors play out in many relationships in your life -- maybe that’s ghosting people over and over again or maybe it’s always stressing over how fast someone texts you back. You understand why you act the way you do. And it impacts every part of our life. How we deal with friendships, romantic partners, how we act at work, how we see ourselves, how we raise our kids. And so that It is the lens in which we see the world. It’s like we are programmed and pre-disposed to act a certain way in our relationships. And knowing your attachment style is so so so crucial to having healthy relationships. Because able to recognize our disruptive patterns and cycles -- i.e. jealousy or fear or withdrawal or ghosting. And we can’t talk about attachment without talking about childhood. And our attachment styles mainly form from our childhood. Experiences later in life absolutely can affect attachment but how we connected with our parents from birth to adolescence is typically the main root of our adult attachment styles. A lot of people are in denial -- like oh that happened when I was a child, it doesn’t affect me now, that’s what I used to say. … just a coincidence -- a strange pattern that all my relationships go like this..? Not tied together at all.. How we bonded with our caregivers in childhood translates to how we naturally behave and in every relationship in adulthood. I said NATURALLY behave. It’s how we are hard wired to think but that doesn’t mean we can’t work to reprogram that and work towards healthy adulthood bonds.
Being Kind Does Not Mean Having No boundaries. There is a big difference between holding the door open for someone and being the doormat they wipe their shoes on. Self Respect. People-Pleasing. Codependency. Feeling used. Hot and cold toxic relationships. Learning to Say No… we’re getting into all that. Boundaries affect every single relationship you have. From your family and friends, to your co-workers, to your romantic partners to your dog. And they can make or break your personal, professional, spiritual, mental growth. And if you don’t know what exactly your boundaries are, this video is for you. If you feel like you don’t have a strong identity or people don’t respect you, you overshare or feel used or walked all over, keep watching. If you feel like you’re always trying to save or fix others, keep watching. Today we’re going to talk about what boundaries are, I’ll give you question prompts to self reflect and journal/diary about your own boundaries. We’ll talk about the psychology of where bad boundaries come from (childhood traumas, avoidant attachment style and anxious attachment style), the classic toxic relationships that stem from bad boundaries (victim and saver complex & people pleasing), how to set healthy boundaries and the friction it will cause once you start drawing lines for people.Do you feel like people take advantage of you or you’re a pushover?Do you have a hard time speaking up and standing up for yourself when others are making you uncomfortable? Do you often find yourself FAR more invested in a person that they are in you? Do you feel like you jump to please people and yield to their wishes but people don’t do the same for you?Do you often feel scared to rock the boat or upset people or let people down to the point that you let yourself down?Do you feel like you’re constantly having to “save” people close to you and fix their problems all the time?Do you find yourself bouncing back and forth in hot and cold extremes in relationships? Boundaries are important because if you don’t put up these strong rules and you just let people slide with things that make you uncomfortable, that’s going to build up a lot of sadness, frustration and anger and resent.You can start forming better boundaries today. Having strong boundaries is the glue of strong, healthy relationships with mutual respect. People will respect you when they see you respect yourself. And you have a spine. And YOU’LL see a change in your self-esteem, confidence and emotional stability. I think I grew up in an environment, which is actually very common in South Asian households, with this idea that your parents are always right. Don’t you dare challenge them, disagree with them, bring another opinion to the table. And so that evolved into growing up and whenever I sensed the smallest tension in a conversation, just giving in -- totally yielding to the other person just to stop the conflict. Doing whatever they wanted even if it made me uncomfortable.… Soo, what does that lead to? That leads to being a people pleaser and letting people walk all over me and holding the door for them while they do it. When you don’t set healthy boundaries, you signal to others that you don't know how to say no. This leaves you vulnerable to attracting people who want to control you.Another common dynamic that isn’t discussed as often is the victim and the saver. And comment down below if you identify with any of these dynamics. Guys, the thing about bad boundaries is it often comes from wanting to be loved and needed. So for the savers. The people who take blame for other people’s emotions and actions and are always looking to save someone. Because they believe if they can “help” or “Save” their partner, they’ll receive love and validation and feel important. They get their value from helping others. Savers feel the need to be the white knight and they often feel guilty about not doing enough.
Imagine being 90 years old, on your deathbed, in a hospital room, knowing that your whole life is dwindling down to a close. Being sad, wishing you had done your life differently. Wishing you told that person you loved them. Wondering what your life would be like if you followed your passion. Being sad that you never got around to taking acting classes or writing that book or building that business or starting that Youtube channel. My mottos is: don't die wondering "what if?" All of that boils down to one word: regret. So in today’s video, I want to talk about how to squeeze the most out of this precious life. So here are 8 things you want to keep in mind everyday so you make the most of every day. We'll cover friendships, careers, trauma and healing, following your passion, social media, breaking from societal norms, coming back home to your inner child and more.
What I Wish I Knew Before Entering My Fitness Era....What was your new year’s resolution this year? For most people, it’s Exercise more, Eat healthier, Lose weight. It seems we are all want to step into our fitness era. But most people give up of fail. Why?? We start strong. We watch some gym motivational videos, go to the gym a few times times, post a couple gym selfies, buy healthy groceries for meal prep, but then something happens, and we get derailed and give up before the month is over. I think a big part of it entering your fitness era truly takes a very specific mindset and confidence going in. And most people fail because they start working out but then they’re hit left and right all these obstacles they didn’t know they would have to face, things they didn’t properly mentally prepare for and they get overwhelmed and give up. So in this video I’ll share the 8 biggest things I wish I knew before I started. My Growing Pains. And this is a motivational video as much as it is a cautionary tale. I’m going to give you the tough love you may not want to hear but need to hear. We’ll discuss accountability, discipline, fitness journey, mindset, healthy eating, mental health, and pushing yourself. These are the mindset rules you need to master before to be successful and stick with your gym and fitness routine.
I save and invest 70% of my income and live off 30%. That’s what most people consider extreme saving. I’m not rich in the first place so I would consider myself a frugal living person and some consider me a financial minimalist. 1 in 3 people say being better with money is one of their new year's resolution, But most people’s financial goals fail. Why is that? Being disciplined with your money, saving, investing, budgeting is a lifestyle. And most people have noooo idea what they're getting into so they get easily overwhelmed when they realize just what goes into it. I want you to be prepared! Here's what I wish I knew. Everything changes, from your friends, to your time and energy, to your mindset. A financial journey is not something you want to just pick up one day willy nilly. You have to go into it armored with what to expect so in this video I'll break down everything you need to know to be successful. Also this video is part of a series I'm doing called Growing Pains. My last video was on the ugly truth about starting a healing journey, a spiritual journey to heal your childhood traumas, and my next video will be on the growing pains of starting your physical fitness journey and include everything you need to know before you start.
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