Until you truly get tired of a thing, you'll keep entertaining it.
No longer will doubt, worry, or the fear of an outcome rob my peace. My God has the power to overrule!
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There was a Spiritual custody battle and Jesus defeated death. Life put death to death and He won so now He wants full custody!
Powerful wonders happen when we surrender our will for The Father’s Will. Anytime we go outside of the will of God to get something, we’ll have to stay outside to keep what we got.
We want to give you practical tools on how to not just be a perpetual performer in your passions, but a pursuer of your purpose because your purpose is to live your life for His namesake.
We want to give you practical tools on how to not just be a perpetual performer in your passions, but a pursuer of your purpose because your purpose is to live your life for His namesake.
You’re stressed, overworked, in a toxic, parasitic relationship. You struggle with the need to be in control. It’s time to recognize toxic people, environments, and behaviors that jeopardize our emotional and mental well-being.
We must renounce every lie, every stronghold, and every curse that has passed through our family line. Declare today that every chain is broken, every stronghold is dismantled, and every curse is canceled by the blood of Jesus!
God doesn't give us "grace" to fulfill the desires of our hearts, but He does provide "grace" to fulfill the desires of His heart. I have grace to endure!
No longer will I sacrifice myself at the alter of your expectations! Rehab is in session for all recovering people-pleasers and those who wrestle with the fear of rejection.
Jesus leaving the 99 for 1 sounds crazy, until you're that 1. Yes, something has to die, but it's not you. The enemy wants you to believe the only way out is to take your life, but that's a lie! We have hope for you in this message.
Have you ever made the mistake of thinking something, somewhere or someone was safe just to find out they sabotaged your focus, peace and direction? It's critical we identify the differences in safe spaces and sabotages.
We have to get to a place to where we stop listening to people's advice who don't have to deal with the outcome if we follow it. We must be cautious about who has access to your ear!
Can you identify when a failure isn't a part of the process, but it's a part of protection? This doesn't mean we need to work harder; nor is it adversity, it's clarity! This is God being clear about what is and isn't in His will for your life.
If you don't disciple your imagination, it will begin to filter everything through fear, threats and worst-case scenarios. This is no way for a Christ follower to live and thrive. We must get our anxiety under control so that it stops dictating our lives!
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