Join us as we chit chat with a fellow bjj friend, Dru. He's a jiu-jitsu black belt, BJJ gym owner, a former marine and an amazing person overall! Listen in as we learn about his journey, life, and general opinions :D
Join us as we chit chat about our recent tournament Submission Station and it's unique rule set, CJI/ADCC weekend, and some shoyo roll tapes for a laugh.
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Join us as we get to know Yashira Millayes a little better. Yashira has been training for 9 years and currently trains at Hotbox MMA.She is making a name for herself in the jiu-jitsu scene in more ways than one. Not only does she have a fiery and fun personality but she's been killing it out on the bjj scene. Be sure to follow her journey and follow her on Instagram at yashira_millayes!
Got a chance to catch up as well as discuss the whole CJI/ADCC drama with Lauren Sears . Lauren is a brown belt training out of 10th Planet Austin. You can catch our first interview with her in our earlier interviews. She recently competed in ADCC trials, WNO, and Main Character Jiu-Jitsu. She fights in the lighter weight divisions and likes to play guard as well as use some of the 10th Planet system such as rubber guard. She is a tough competitor and she loves to scrap. Be sure to follow her journey! Give her a follow on Instagram: laurensears10p
In this episode, we discuss some BJJ article topics we came across that we just had to talk about! For example, rolling too light versus too hard, "tips" for women training in jiu jitsu, women grappling with other women, and a couple other things. Join us! :D
Natasha Druggan is a brown belt training out of Bastos jiu-jitsu. She's competed in ADCC trials, ADCC Opens, IBJJF Pans and Worlds. She recently won a title match at Main Character Jiu-jitsu against Sophia Casella. To fight Sophia , she had to win the 125lbs women's bracket the day before fighting Sophia. She's been working hard and she's picking up the pace. Be sure to follow her journey. Instagram: tashadruggan
Sarah Swiatek is a brown belt training out of Flow State Jiu jitsu. I got the opportunity to meet her and talk to her a bit at the Main Character Jiu Jitsu event where she won both her matches. She's been making her mark recently in the bjj scene and she's just getting started. Somehow she manages to find the time to work full time, train bjj, and train for a spartan trifecta marathon! Wild! lol Be sure to follow her journey! Instagram: sarahswiattack_03
Ally Wolski is an up and coming purple belt that trains out of B-Team under Nicky Ryan. She's been making some noise recently with recent match ups against Jasmine Rocha and Nathalia Santoro (Sonny) aka Gordon Ryan's girlfriend. She also fought on Main Character Jiu-Jitsu where she fought Kaitlin Chamberlin where she won by the same submission she did to Sonny. She's working her way to the top. Be sure not to miss her journey. Give her a follow on Instagram: allywolski
Cholena Horne is a fellow competitor from Canada. She is a purple belt out of West Coast BJJ. I had the lovely opportunity to get to know her a little better. I truly enjoyed our conversation and she is the sweetest! You can see some of her combat jiu jitsu matches on our channel! Be sure to give her a follow on Instagram : cholena.h
In this episode, Edelia and I discuss some topics that have been buzzing in the Bjj community. We discuss CJI , ADCC , intergender matches, fighter pay, and Meragali's girlfriend! Join us :D
In this episode we sit with Jake Straus, a purple belt training out of Vagner Rocha Martial arts. This is the same gym that Jasmine Rocha and Achilles Rocha train out of under their father Vagner. Jake is consistently in the jiu jitsu scene and usually competes in local as well as out of state tournaments. We get to know him a little better as well as talk about him competing at ADCC trials and our personal tournament the following week, vulnerability in the sport ,community and finding friends in bjj , dealing with losses, and a bit about dating in jiu jitsu. Be sure to give him a follow on Instagram: the_darcedaddy
A quick chat with one of the women that attended the NoGi Women's seminar in Portland Oregon.
Amanda Loewen is a black belt out of Oregon that has been training for about 15 years and was the first female black belt in Oregon. She aims to be a legendary coach and she is well on her way down that path. I personally experienced learning from her at this seminar and it was truly amazing. Take a listen as I get to know her a little better as well as pick her brain about a few things :)
In this episode I had the chance to sit down and speak with Alex Enriquez and Faye Cherrier. They are both black belts training out of Atos in Georgia. Alex was recently ADCC East coast trials winner, IBJJF Nogi Worlds champion, and much more. I got to meet them up close and personal as she was one of the teachers at the NoGi Summit Women's seminar in Portland, Oregon. They were both so sweet and welcoming, it was truly amazing to get to spend time with them as well as train and learn with/from them. Join me as I get to know them a little better :)
I got the opportunity at NoGi Summit to speak with Brianna Ste-Marie! She is a black belt training out of Canada. She is an ADCC medalist , IBJJF Gi and No-Gi Worlds medalist. She has an upcoming fight with Ffion Davies which is basically a rematch since they battled at ADCC where Ffion took gold and Brianna took silver. If you don't know who she is, check out this video. You are going to want to follow along on her journey cause she's been killing it out there!
In this episode, we sit down by the pool to have a chat with Heather Jo Clark. Heather is a black belt in jiu-jitsu and a retired Pro MMA fighter. She's traveled and lived in many places, always searching for the best places and people to train with, such as Miesha Tate and Holly Holm. She is also owner and head coach at 10th planet Boca Raton in Florida. Join us as we follow the story of her journey to where she is today 😄
In this episode, we briefly discuss some topics that were submitted by our listeners. Some of these topics are sensitive and can cause some people to be triggered. We hope you listen even though these topics can be difficult to discuss. We only hope to bring awareness to the community as well as encourage/empower women to speak up.
https://youtube.com/@KarateCombat?si=wo6Hj-1ZHthJz0D4 -
In this episode we sit down with our professor Daniel Perez who has been teaching and training BJJ for a total of 21 years. We discuss the benefits of training jiu-jitsu as well as the psychology of jiu-jitsu such as, why do people get so addicted to jiu jitsu, why do some people call it their therapy, and why do people tend to find their best friends on the mats, plus more. Take a listen! :D
In this episode we sit down with Joslyn Molina aka baby shark who trains out of Mastermind MMA in Florida. She has been on fire in the competition scene. Not only is she competing in adults AND kid divisions but she's also medaling in them and these aren't your local tournaments. We are talking big names like ADCC and more. Be sure to to give it a listen to hear all about her journey and to follow along .I am sure you will be impressed!
In this episode we discuss the goals we set for ourselves in 2023 and if we were able to accomplish them or not. We also discuss some tournaments in the local areas of Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale, etc. that are occurring in the first few months of 2024 . Lastly, we talk about what goals we hope to accomplish next year. Also enjoy our story time moment where we tell you guys about how we ended up celebrating after promotions.
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