Podcast om karriereveiledning - og alt det innebærer. For deg som enten ser etter jobb, er i jobb, eller ønsker å bytte jobb.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
"Vi er Coop" er Coop Norges egen podcast. I denne podcasten får du oppdateringer på hva som skjer i organisasjonen og du blir bedre kjent med menneskene i selskapet. I Coop Norge snakker vi mye om deling – og her deler vi hva vi gjør med hverandre. #VierCoop - Produsert av
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dyktige ledere snakker om ledelse. Vert er Ole Christian Apeland, en av Norges mest erfarne kommunikasjonsrådgivere.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Life Coach Hotline, where renowned Life Coach Lindsey Mango engages in powerful, life-changing conversations with real people hungry for more in life. Through laughter, tears, and profound insights, Lindsey guides her guests on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.
These heartfelt, transformative sessions will make you laugh, cry, and leave you profoundly inspired to take charge of your own life. Lindsey brings her expertise and compassion to every episode, offering a direct line to those ready to embrace positive change, growth, and a brighter future. Tune in, be inspired, and start your journey to a more fulfilling life today.
Click to schedule your time to call in to The Life Coach Hotline: https://lindseymango -
«Organisert» er en podkast om jobb, juss og karriere, utviklet av Tekna – fagforeningen for deg med master i naturvitenskap, realfag og teknologi.
I studio møter du aktuelle gjester, reporter Sondre Tallaksrud og programleder Vibeke Vesterhagen. Send oss gjerne ris, ros og innspill til temaer på!
Tekna organiserer medlemmer som har en mastergrad innen teknologi, realfag eller naturvitenskap. Våre medlemmer jobber hver dag med å løse samfunnets utfordringer gjennom innovasjon og ny teknologi. Tekna er den største masterforeningen i Norge, og den største fagforeningen i Akademikerne. Les mer om oss på
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I Fædrelandsvennens podkast møter journalist Birgitte Klækken inspirerende kvinner som byr på seg selv og deler både oppturer og nedturer fra arbeidslivet.
Hvem er de? Hva brenner de for i jobbsammenheng? Hvordan kom de dit de er i dag? Hvilke råd har de til andre?
Dette er en podkast om jobbliv og karriere på Sørlandet, produsert av Fædrelandsvennen
‘OBF-Podden’ er en podkast for fremoverlente ledere som er interesserte i ledelse, innovasjon og strategi. Sammen med programleder Tor Haugnes dykker vi ned i én problemstilling hver uke sammen med prominente gjester fra norsk og internasjonalt næringsliv.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Fire Code Tech explores all facets of fire protection. The host, Gus Gagliardi, is a fire protection engineer who interviews individuals with careers ranging from forensics to fire safety research. Topics discussed on the podcast include professional development, engineering, technology codes and standards, industry trends, design and more.
Ready to turn your love of writing into a successful copywriting career? Join professional copywriters Nicki Krawczyk, Kate Sitarz, and the Filthy Rich Writer team to get the tips, tools, and training to help you become a copywriter and build a thriving business of your own.
Whether you want to land an on-staff job, freelance full-time and work from wherever you want, or make extra money with a side hustle, the best place to start learning is right here. Nicki and Kate have 20+ and 10+ years of experience, respectively, writing for multi-billion-dollar companies, solopreneurs, and every size business in between.
To us, being “filthy rich” means having a job you love, being good at what you do, and making great money doing it. So let’s get started!
Subscribe now and make sure you never miss an episode!
Noen mennesker har bare noen spesielle evner, kompetanser eller ferdigheter som gjør at det i sin tid var de som ble tilbudt stolen ved enden av bordet. Det kan være flid, karisma, skarphet eller flaks. – og oftest en kombinasjon av det hele.
Jeg heter Lars Esholdt, og er hodejeger og forfatter av en rekke bøker om rekruttering. I mer enn 20 år har jeg jobbet med å ansette toppledere i Danmark og Norge.
I denne podcasten spør jeg lederprofiler – Hvorfor det var nettopp de som havnet på topp. -
Velkommen til LEDEROPPSKRIFTER – den ultimate podcasten som gir deg konkrete råd og verktøy for å lykkes. Møt suksessfulle ledere og anerkjente forskere og hør dem fortelle om praktiske metoder, best practice og eksempler fra norsk arbeidsliv.
Redaktør er den erfarne programlederen, kommunikasjonsrådgiveren og foredragsholderen, Hedda Kise. Medprogramleder er Mats Kristensen, Managing Partner i lederutviklingsselskapet FRONT Leadership.
Har du et spørsmål du vil at vi skal snakke om i LEDEROPPSKRIFTER? Ta kontakt på LinkedIn! For i en tid med økende kompleksitet, endringsfart og usikkerhet er ledelse viktigere enn noen gang.
Produsert av Mottaket Media og KISE Kommunikasjon. -
Whether you are just launching a career in professional organizing and productivity or you’re a seasoned veteran — The Stand Out Podcast Series from the National Association of Organizing & Productivity Professionals (NAPO) will teach you how to make the most of the Organizing and Productivity Industry. Host Clare Kumar interviews business experts and successful professionals in the productivity and organizing world.
The YouTube Power Hour Podcast, hosted by Erika Vieira, is dedicated to sharing the journeys of today's most popular beauty, fashion fitness and lifestyle YouTube creators and uncovering their secrets to YouTube success. The YouTube Power Hour Podcast is the first weekly interview series dedicated to revealing the keys to success on YouTube as well as providing an insider look into the lives of professional YouTubers. This top-rated iTunes podcast is dedicated to female YouTube content creators and has featured over 150 of the most popular and successful YouTube creators. The YouTube Power Hour Podcast is the #1 spot for any woman looking to start or grow their YouTube channel. In addition to interviews with YouTube creators, the show also features conversations with industry elites such as talent and business managers, online marketers, business professionals and entrepreneurs all sharing their business and growth tips for YouTube content creators.
Fast Company deputy editor Kathleen Davis takes listeners on a journey through the changing landscape of our work lives. Each episode explores the future of work, including the state of remote and hybrid work amid the return-to-office battle; how AI will change the way we do our jobs; the status of gender equity and DEI efforts; rethinking career ladders and ambition; motivation and what makes work meaningful; and the progress on mental health and disability issues at work. And as if all that isn’t enough, she also shares practical advice for interviews, résumés, and salary negotiations, as well as the latest office jargon, just how useful personality tests really are, and more.
The Entrepreneurial Musician with Andrew Hitz will help you make more money in the music business. Andrew brings his experience of performing in almost 40 countries over the last two decades to conversations with the most successful musical entrepreneurs in the world to provide actionable advice for anyone trying to succeed in today's ever-changing music industry.
How Success Happens tells the inspiring, entertaining, and unexpected journeys that influential leaders in business, the arts and sports traveled on their way to becoming household names.
Hosted by Entrepreneur Media’s VP of Special Projects Dan Bova, these conversations are a must-listen for anyone looking to pave their own path to success. -
Crushing Classical is a series of interviews with classical musicians who are forging unique paths with their talent, creating their own artistic fulfillment and financial comfort, and finding ways to thrive. I celebrate these brave people who are taking routes outside of traditional orchestral or academic employment! As always, I invite you to listen for your own sparks and breadcrumbs, and use these interviews to find the possibilities that exist in your own life.