Welcome to a new episode on my women’s health series! I’ve invited Harmony Robinson-Stagg, Ayurveda and Women’s Health practitioner and founder of the Ayurveda Alchemist Academy, to talk about periods and period pain, common causes and remedies, as well as dos and dont’s from an Ayurvedic perspective.
This episode is especially for you if you’re suffering from painful or heavy periods, if you’re missing your period, or if you want to simply feel better while on your menstruation!
This episode is compact and jam-packed with tips you can apply even before your next period is here.
Enjoy our conversation & let us know what was most helpful for you!
episode page with full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-51 -
On today’s show I’m chatting with Eyla Cuenca, Founder of Uncovering Birth, Holistic Birth Guide, Doula and Birth Educator. I absolutely love her mission which is in essence educating around birth, pregnancy and postpartum and helping us alchemize birth trauma so we can birth without fear and become the self-souvereign beings that we’re actually meant to be.
This episode is especially for you if you’re trying to get pregnant, if you are pregnant and want to know more about your options on how and where to give birth, and what you can do to make pregnancy, birth and postpartum a smooth experience.
And Eyla has one extremely empowering message for all you lovely ladies listening who are beyond 35: It’s not too late! Listen in, and you’ll know why.
Enjoy our conversation!
episode page with full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-50 -
Missing episodes?
In today’s episode we’re diving into the topic of REST: something I’m sure we all crave – at least from time to time – but that we often don’t allow ourselves. I’ve invited my colleague Robyn Kristen on, because she has first hand experience integrating rest into her life after going through a burnout, and she has made it part of her mission to help people heal by taking space and rest for themselves.
Rest is so much more than simply recharging. It's actually the space that allows us to tune into our bigger purpose and into that which we truly want – and it can be a gateway to more abundance in our lives.
Enjoy this episode and share it with someone you know who can benefit from it!
episode page with full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-49 -
Today I'm chatting with Laura Plumb. Laura is an expert in Ayurveda, Jyotish, Mantra & Healing, teaching you how to apply Vedic wisdom for sacred, sumptuous living. I came across Laura quite a few years ago and from the beginning I’ve loved her warm voice and the wisdom she conveys.
In this episode we’re chatting Ayurveda – one of my favourite sciences – and in specific Ojas and women’s health 40+.
This episode is a reminder for any woman to take good care of herself, to rest, take pauses, and to start measuring our days by beautiful moments instead of by how much we got done.
Tune in and listen for yourself. You will love Laura as much as I do.
episode page with full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-48 -
This the second episode of my series on women's health and it's here to finally help you understand blood sugar and its effects on your health, as well as the importance of tuning into your circadian rhythm and getting enough light exposure.
I'm chatting with the wonderful Dr. Stacy.
Dr. Stacy Barczak Baker is a Traditional Naturopath and has been in the health and wellness industry for over 10 years. She combines her love of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Functional Medicine Testing, Holistic Nutrition and Fitness and has created a one of a kind bio-individualized approach to wellness. This includes looking at the body as one beautiful and synergistic system, which needs to be treated as such, and which is intrinsically linked to nature and our circadian rhythm.
I love her for her down-to-earth approach which focuses on lifestyle and simple, natural solutions, because that’s something that’s very close to my heart as well: the reconnection to nature. We have to turn to nature to be able to solve our health issues in a lasting way and to truly be well.
This is a super practical episode with so many tips that you can integrate into your life right away.
episode page with full show notes + links: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-47 -
This is part 1 of my conversation with Tahnee Taylor, co-creator of the Australian tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms company Superfeast as well as yoga teacher. This episode is full of wisdom on the menstrual cycle, what causes + how to avoid PMS, period pain and postpartum stress, and how tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms can help us restore and keep our wellbeing.
We also talk about Tahnee’s personal story of depletion and how she restored her physical resources, her energy and cycle.
It’s a great episode for any woman dealing with period pain or an irregular cycle, any woman who feels stressed or who thinks she has to do more, and especially yoga teachers and people in healing professions, as we can tend to overgive and neglect ourselves.
episode page with full show notes + all product links: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-45-46 -
This is part 1 of my conversation with Tahnee Taylor, co-creator of the Australian tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms company Superfeast as well as yoga teacher. This episode is full of wisdom on the menstrual cycle, what causes + how to avoid PMS, period pain and postpartum stress, and how tonic herbs and medicinal mushrooms can help us restore and keep our wellbeing.
We also talk about Tahnee’s personal story of depletion and how she restored her physical resources, her energy and cycle.
It’s a great episode for any woman dealing with period pain or an irregular cycle, any woman who feels stressed or who thinks she has to do more, and especially yoga teachers and people in healing professions, as we can tend to overgive and neglect ourselves.
episode page with full show notes + all product links: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-45-46 -
In this special episode I’m talking to Steph Sargent: Steph is a licensed hypnotherapist and counselor, owner of the Heal therapy center in Bali, and a loving mum of a 1-year old. Steph recently got into a horrible car accident, leaving her with severe injuries, internal bleeding of several organs, a series of strokes, and a 12-day stay in the intense care unit – and she was faced with the choice of life or death.
Seeing her now, she’s a living, radiant example of the power of self-healing – a power that resides within all of us, within body and mind, and that we can acccess when we apply the right techniques, mindset and will power.
We are chatting about the accident, her near death experience, her powerful healing journey, and the practices she applied – showing us that we have the power to turn immense pain into purpose when we set our minds to it.
Enjoy this deep conversation!
episode page + full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-44 -
Yantra Yoga is the fascinating and mind-blowingly accurate science on how the universe manifests – within us and in time. Knowing where we are standing in time, aka which time cycle we’re in, and understanding which dominant energy drives our life and gives us purpose is life-changing.
It’s an honour to be talking about this science with David Goulet, who is an absolute expert on Yantra Yoga. Get ready for a dive into the magic and the mathematics of the universe!
episode page + full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-43 -
In this episode I’m talking to a legend when it comes to the breath: David Goulet.
David is a Yoga teacher who dedicated his life to the science of Yoga. He started studying it in India in the early seventies and has been bringing out the real message of Yoga ever since.
David’s own consistent daily breathing practice is showing us the power that our breath holds: biologically he is 25 years younger than stated in his passport!
This episode is all about the breath and its potential for health and vitality, common (mis)beliefs about health and aging, a fundamental breathing technique that everyone should know, how the breath and our mind are linked, how the breath and our immune system are connected, why oxygen is key, the shocking fact that most of us use only 10% of our brain cells and why you don’t want to breathe with the AC on. Plus many more mind-blowing facts. For the breath nerds among you: We also dive into Eka Dasi and Pancha Sahita.
episode page + full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-42 -
In this episode I'll help you understand what's going on in autumn on an energetic level and from an Ayurvedic perspective – and how you can find back to balance, feel good and grounded again.
Autumn – like every season – can lead to specific imbalances in body and mind:
Maybe you're feeling more in your head lately? Maybe you're having a hard time to focus, or you're feeling more nervous? Or you are waking up in the middle of the night having trouble falling asleep again? These can all be signs of autumn being reflected in your body and mind.
This episode is full of tips for food, lifestyle and meditation.
episode page + full show notes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-41
mentoring Get Grounded: https://kathrinhecht.com/get-grounded/ -
In dieser Episode spreche ich mit meiner Freundin Stefanie Seher darüber, wie wir im Herbst und in diesen stürmischen Zeiten wieder mehr Gleichgewicht, Wohlbefinden und Verbindung mit uns selbst schaffen können.
Episoden-Seite + Shownotes: https://kathrinhecht.com/ep-40/
Kats Email: [email protected] -
Find back to your own stable core: breathing exercise that will help you come back to your center and act from a more empowered place.
Today I’m chatting with Dr. Catherine Craig, Intuitive Guide and Transformation Teacher.
I love Catherine for her spiritual and energetic wisdom, how she speaks, and how she stands in her sovereignty in a firm yet non-judgemental way, all three eyes open to what’s happening around.
This conversation was really fun – I hope you enjoy it! -
Today I’m chatting with Keli Dierings: She’s the first of 9 inspiring women I’m interviewing for a series on spiritual evolution and standing in one’s own authority – because I feel that being able to stand in our own power is needed more than ever today.
In this episode Keli’s sharing key insights in regards to self-empowerment, how she has restored faith in her spiritual practice, how we can lighten our healing journey and live with more ease, joy and beauty. -
This is the intro episode to my new 9-part series "Standing in your own authority" where I'm interviewing 9 inspiring women.
I feel that being able to stand in our own power is needed more than ever today. Times are challenging and we need our own stable ground to stand on.
In this spirit, we are here to share personal experiences, spread faith and give insights into what has helped us to evolve and stand in our own authority. -
Heute ist Berit Julie Friz bei mir im Gepräch. Berit ist Heilpraktikerin mit eigener Praxis in Berlin, in der sie Homöopathie, Leibarbeit, Aufstellungsarbeit und Supervision vereint. Ich hatte Berit bereits einmal im Podcast bei mir zu Gast: Da ging es um Innere-Kind-Arbeit und das Durchbrechen von Angst- und Unsicherheits-Mustern.
In der aktuellen Folge sprechen wir über ein Thema, das – zumindest auf den ersten Blick – körperlich ist. Es geht um Schmerzen, die jeder kennt und die so viele von uns als normal oder gegeben hinnehmen: Kopf und Rücken, Regelschmerzen und Blasenentzündung.
Wir möchten mit dieser Episode zeigen: Nur weil bestimmte Schmerzen oder Krankheiten weit verbreitet sind, sind sie nicht normal und wir müssen wir diese auch nicht als normal akzeptieren. Wir schauen, was tiefer dahinter steckt, was in unserem Leben vielleicht gerade zu viel war, und wie wir ein besseres Gefühl für uns selbst bekommen.
Komplette Show Notes unten oder auf der Episodenseite: kathrinhecht.com/ep-35
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On today’s show, my guest is Marie Wanhoefer.
What made me stop and reach out to her is the way she talked about freedom – I felt that she is someone who’s got a deep connection to freedom and who perceives it in a beautiful and inspiring way.
This is her freedom story & a deep talk on freedom, healing and reconnection.
You can find full show notes below or on the episode page: kathrinhecht.com/ep-34
Liked this episode? Share with a friend & give some extra love: paypal.me/KathrinKatHecht -
10-minute breathing exercise to calm the nervous system guided by Kat.
Beginner friendly. -
Ready for a summer/winter solstice tarot reading? Get yourself a cuppa or a cold drink, lean back and listen to the energy forecast that Felicity is channeling especially for you.
In this episode I’m chatting with Felicity Pairman: She is an intuitive tarot reader, who always had a strong connection to the energies surrounding her and a strong bond with her intuition, now helping people gain clarity on their path through Tarot. We’re talking energies, intuition, clarity and healing, and of course Felicity’s own fascinating path.
Liked this episode? Share it with a friend & give some extra love: paypal.me/KathrinKatHecht - Show more