
  • Build trust and empower your team

    Support your mind, body and spirit

    Boost your creativity and let your mind wander into something new and amazing

    Rest. You don’t have to earn it or prove you deserve it. You are entitled to rest because you are a human being (not a human doing). 

    Links and Resources 

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    How taking a vacation improves your wellbeing

    Making the most of your holiday

    Did I let it go? 

    Register for the Spark and Support Webinar  or the introduction mini webinar on The Healthy Mind Platter Webinar 

    Tell me your podcast ideas.

    Sign up for the No Jedi email here 

    Let’s connect on Linkedin  or if Facebook is more you, join me in the Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • “The quality of our reading stands as an index to the quality of our thought” Maryanne Wolf, cognitive scientist. 

    The evidence is out for why reading fiction supports you as a leader, developing capacities and capabilities that will support you with the challenges and context of healthcare right now. 

    Increasing understanding and building empathy

    Build your emotional capacity 

    Enhance your decision-making

    Improve your writing

    It’s a restorative activity and can reduce your stress 

    Links and Resources

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    Why leaders should read fiction

    Want to be a leader? Read more fiction.

    The case for reading fiction   

    How reading makes you a better leader

    Find Katie on Goodreads and the new fiction for healthcare leaders bookcase

    Want more to support you and your team - register for the Spark and Support Webinar  or the introduction mini webinar on The Healthy Mind Platter Webinar 

    Tell me your podcast ideas.

    Sign up for the No Jedi email here

    Let’s connect on Linkedin

     or if Facebook is more you, join me in the

    Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • You want to be credible, confident, and clear, yet you also need to be honest and open. If your job is on the line, or you are not sure what will happen next it’s hard to hold both of those. Your fears and worries will show through your words, your tone and how you hold yourself. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can hide it. Equally don’t think that your teams don’t know what’s going on. Show them how you walk through uncertainty holding onto hope and in alignment with your values. 

    - Noticing how you are showing up and the impact it has

    - The contagious nature of how you show up

    - Having a good handle on the facts 

    - The countdown of articles with ideas to think about 

    - Looking to the leaders that inspire you

    - Choosing courage over comfort

    - Care transparency 

    - Taking the long view 

    Links and Resources 

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    9 Things Great Leaders Do in Difficult Times  

    7 ways to show great leadership in tough times 

    3 stratergies for Leading through Difficult Times

    Perform under pressure by Dr Ceri Evans

    Dare to Lead by Brené Brown

    Spark and Support Webinar 

    The Healthy Mind Platter Webinar 

    What do you think of the podcast?

    Sign up for the No Jedi email here 

    Let’s connect on Linkedin 

    Or if Facebook is more you, join me in the Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • Spring is in the air and I got to wondering if leadership has seasons. And of course, we have seasons as leaders, time for high energy full on summer and times of more reflective and considerate winter. What does this mean for you, your team and the organisation you’re in? What season are you in right now? 

    I get into the gardening theme and think about how we create the environment for growth and nurture those developing their skills in their first leadership role.

    We take that into the practical day-to-day setting and the natural flow of energy through the day means you are more suited to certain types of work at certain times of day. The leadership lounge challenge is to notice those different moments and make the most of them. 

    The leadership theme for each season

    The cycle of growth, change and transition 

    What does looking after new leaders mean

    Paying attention to your environment 

    Scanning the horizon

    How your energy changes throughout the day

    Creating more time by making your day work for you

    Links and Resources

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    Movement and leaders have seasons

    Wayfinding Leadership

    The Darkness Manifesto 

    Moving between the dancefloor and the balcony

    Let me know what you think of the podcast here - don’t forget to follow and rate wherever you listen 

    Sign up for the No Jedi email here

    Let’s connect on Linkedin 

    Or if Facebook is more you, join me in the Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • What are the factors you use to define success? This week we’ll look at what getting clear on success can give you and your team. It’s also a chance to look broader, wider and deeper at the factors that make up success. Plus a question that will reframe how you think about success. 

    Defining success as an organisation and a team.

    Why your personal definition of success matters. 

    The clarity you get when you define success.

    Success isn’t pie, there is enough for us all. 

    Celebrating and sharing the joy of the success of others. 

    Links and Resources 

    5 qualiies of high-impact healthcare leaders

    Acumen Academy Course Catalogue 

    Jim Collins and Good to Great 

    Have you found your hedgehog? Video from Jim Collins

    Let me know what you think of the podcast here - don’t forget to follow and rate wherever you listen 

    Sign up for the No Jedi email here 

    Let’s connect on Linkedin 

    Or if Facebook is more you, join me in the Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • There is SO much going on. The demands are increasing, expectations keep growing and the prize of being busy can be appealing.

    The thing is that isn’t sustainable, nor will it enable you to do your best work - and right now - your best is needed. At times of great change, and uncertainty there is potential and possibility and being at your best matters. 

    This week we explore why this matters and the difference it can make when you do.  There are also a few practical and pragmatic ways to find that space to pause. 

    Links and Resources

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    Help me I’m overwhelmed

    Hungry, angry, late or tired?

    Are you in need of an opposite world?  

    The power of reflection 

    My mindfulness starting point

    Let me know what you think of the podcast here - don’t forget to follow and rate wherever you listen 

    Let’s connect on Linkedin 

    Or if Facebook is more you, join me in the Healthcare Leadership Hub

  • Tentatively contributing my ideas to the very public conversation about healthcare. What I think are two of the elephants that we need to talk about. Why the political nature of healthcare isn't helping us do what we need to do and why the strong voice of the medical profession needs to be part of the conversation. 

    We wrap up thinking about the cards you’ve been dealt and what the landscape looks like for you - what do you do and where can you focus to make a difference. 

    Equally conscious that this is winter in Aotearoa and all that comes with that, high demand, high occupancy, sickness and in an environment where you can’t spend and need to save money and deliver results! 

    So what’s one thing, to think about, to take a small step? It’s the small steps every day that are going to bring about the change we want. 

    Highlight Ideas

    How are you moving between the balcony and the dance floor?

    What are your relationship-building skills like? 

    Are you clear about what game you are playing? 

    Are you getting out of the way so people can do their job? 

    How do you know if you have a physiologically safe space?

    Who is your first team? 

    How are you finding and sharing the bright spots? 

    Links and Resources 

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

    Simon Sinek’s The Infinite Game 

    Your 1st team 

    Showing up and finding the bright spots. 

    Let me know what you think of the podcast here - don’t forget to follow and rate on wherever you listen

  • I got caught up in an incredible documentary this weekend, and while I loved it and learnt a lot and was super impressed one thing stood out. It was painful to watch when feedback and messaging being delivered were neither clear or direct. 

    They did care personally and this is one aspect of the Radical Candor model - the other part is to challenge directly. What was happening in the show reminded me of the feedback sandwich - a tool - that admittedly 30 years ago was being taught and used as a way to give feedback. 

    This episode leans heavily on the work of Kim Scott and the team at Radical Candor. Links to the places I’ve specifically quoted from and used to build this episode are all below. 

    So we cover:-

    The 6 reasons why the feedback sandwich doesn’t work. 

    What to do instead and what this can look like in practice.

    Share the value of sitting with the discomfort of critical feedback. 

    Why appreciative feedback is part of this equation.  

    Links and Resources 

    Radical Candor 

    The feedback sandwich 

    How to get and give feedback at work 

    When was the last time anyone said thank you to you? 

    America’s Sweethearts on Netflix

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders

  • If you’re tackling a big thing - make your plan.

    It seems logical to work out the time things might take and then schedule them, but it can be a skipped step. When you’re overwhelmed with the sheer amount of things on the list it can help sort the wood for the trees and get an idea of when you might be able to complete the work. 

    Set yourself up well

    If you are doing some focused work, or even just getting through the day - what is going to help you be successful and flow well? What information can you build on? What data or resources do you need to have to enable your work to flow? The environment you best work in, the snacks that will help, the coffee?

    Who can you connect with

    Co-working spaces have been a great place for accountability and support for me. Do you feel alone in your leadership role? What does the concept look like for you - a peer in a similar role, facing similar challenges? Where can you connect and chat, help and be helped? What can help hold you to account for projects and pieces of work you have decided are a priority? 

    Notice your energy, what are you feeling highly energised, when less so? Where can you adapt your flow of work to help match that energy? 

    Finally, speak to yourself like a good friend. 

    You’ve got this, look how much you have achieved, keep going, you’re making great progress. You’re exactly where you are meant to be 

    Links and Resources 

    Subscribe for weekly ideas and inspiration 

    Getting it done sheets 

    Help me I’m overwhelmed

    Manage your energy not your time  

    Eat the frog 

  • Having a space and time for play is one of the things that supports a healthy mind. I enjoyed the play and had a great time building the Lego gift. I couldn’t help but notice 3 aspects that make it a joyful experience.

    The instructions are broken down into small achievable chunks. Never overwhelming, though with a little challenge and stretch from time to time. Breaking things up and taking the first step - brilliant wisdom. 

    Practice making progress. Starting slowly with some of the more detailed pieces, I noticed I got quicker, then more confident, then almost efficient. Learning and evolving how we do things, is natural. And if you are new in a role or to leadership, it’s OK that things feel hard or slow. You’ve got this, you will get better, and you will feel more confident. Practice makes progress.  

    Lego always has enough pieces. I trust they will be there, and that there is even a little buffer in the system with some space pieces. This was harder. Right now it can feel like there isn’t enough in the system to do what you want or need to do. Time, money and people are all in demand. The processes and systems are clogged up, so it feels even harder. Listen I try to pull out what is in your control and what potential things you could even play with. 

    Links and Resources 

    Subscribe for weekly ideas and inspiration 

    The Healthy Mind Platter




    What question or conundrum would you like me to explore in The Leadership Lounge? 

  • If the fires keep coming and it’s beginning to get you down, this episode is for you. Prompted by an actual statement from a regular listener, I took to learning how fires are prevented and some of the tactics of those who fight fires in the wild. I took that and coupled it with some ideas out there on how you can move slightly into the realm of preventing fires rather than fighting them. 

    As with all things, you are looking for a 1% shift. If your day is 90% fire fighting, don’t expect to jump to 0% immediately. Yes, make a goal (which might not be 0) but also what would 80% or 85% look like and what will it take to get it to that? 

    Prevention is always harder, slower and less sticky. There is less heroism and excitement. It’s more planning and organising. It’s investment rather than splurging. If they aren’t your strengths - who can help you, what can you leverage? 

    Links and Resources 

    Subscribe for weekly ideas and inspiration 

    4 Reasons You’re Always Putting Out Fires at Work | The Muse

    Stop Fighting Fires

    Preventing Burnout: How to Tackle Fire Fighting in the Workplace

    Always Putting Out Fires at Work? Here’s a Checklist to Keep You Calm

    7 Ways To "Put Out Fires" Like Firefighters - Calendar

    Plus I take requests….what’s the thing that you want to hear about on the podcast? 

  • What do you do when faced with challenges, unexpected barriers and things just not working? This week we're discussing the tension of getting things done, asking for help and solving problems and how they are seemingly linked together with writing a roster.

    Links and resources

    Subscribe for the weekly inbox bright spot

    Three myths that stop people asking for help

    Help I need somebody

    Daria Williamson - Working in your Zone of Genius

  • Bonus in this episode – tops tips for handling mistakes or problems.


    Subscribe to the email to hear about Opposite World

    What is your gap plan

    The healthy mind platter

    Help me I’m overwhelmed

    Tuhi Stationary - my amazing planner with a daily energy check-in

  • The first step to managing up is working out what it means for you. There are a lot of different perspectives when you start to look around.

    This episode explores some key ideas for the leader in healthcare when they are looking at their relationship with their boss. From communication to listening, to how to get the best from each other along with what managing up isn’t - and why that is crucial in healthcare. Ending with the most magical advice I was given that shifts the perspective and makes the next steps you need to take obvious. 

    Links and Resources

    Download the Qualities of High Impact Leaders and sign up for the weekly email.

    Book a call with me to talk about what it’s like being a leader in healthcare right now. 

    HBR Managing up

    Managing up without sucking up

    Guide to managing up: What it means and why it’s important | Culture Amp

    A Tactical Guide to Managing Up: 30 Tips from the Smartest People We Know

    Managing Up: What is It and Why Do It? | Human Resources

  • Summary 

    When challenged with a team spread across a country or across 24/7 shifts what can you do to build and maintain trust in you and each other? Reviewing two specific resources we’ll explore the ways suggested for remote teams and think about them specifically from a healthcare perspective. 

    These ideas work just as well when your team is located together - so this episode is a win-win for everyone.

    Links and Resources

    Building trust and accountability in remote work environments

    Simon Sinek on Trust video 

    Sign up for the weekly email to get more ideas, tips and tools on trust here

    Download the Qualities of High Impact Leaders and sign up for the email at the same time

    Book a call with me to talk about how The Emotional Culture Deck could help your team.

  • Swamped with deadlines, expectations, endless tasks and new priorities every week it can feel pointless to stop and celebrate - after all, there is so much more to be done. This week we’re chatting about the difference a pause to celebrate can make for you and your team. It’s an episode to remind you of hope, and the impact that celebrating your wins, however small can make. It’s also a chance for me to shout out to the people who helped me reach this milestone. 

    Links and Resources

    Don’t miss the weekly email sign-up here. 

    Freshly updated Getting-it-done worksheets

    What are the qualities of high-impact leaders? 

    Three good things 

  • Links and Resources

    Pink Shirt Day NZ

    Your first steps when someone says “I’m being bullied”

    Bullying in the New Zealand medical workforce. ASMS 2017

    Health Consequences of Bullying in the Healthcare Workforce

    Bullying Free New Zealand

    1737 – Need to talk

    Mental Health First Aid Training

  • Developing a Growth Mindset

    Are you longing to see beyond the immediate challenges and firefighting? Does it feel like an uphill struggle with no clear way of making progress beyond the day-to-day?

    That’s OK. You haven’t worked that out yet.

    There is magic in that word ‘yet’.

    The power of the word ‘yet’ is a key part of having a Growth Mindset. Inspired by the groundbreaking work of psychologist Carol Dweck, and introduced in her book Mindset.

     In this podcast we explore what a growth mindset is, why it matters for a leader in healthcare and ways you can develop a growth mindset.

    Links and Resources

    Subscribe for weekly ideas and inspiration

    Mindset the book

    Carol Dwecks TED talk  

    Five Qualities of high-impact Healthcare Leaders

  • Want to know more about the miracle question sign up for the No Jedi email here.

    Switch webpage, resources and more.

    The knee, the bike and the ever-growing TED talk. How I created a habit with a 2-minute rule.

    What having a growth mindset actually means.

    Showing up and finding a bright spot.

    5 qualities of high-impact healthcare leaders.

  • Show notes:

    Get the weekly No Jedi email here

    When there is a lot to do, multitasking isn’t going to help.

    More tips for working through overwhelm.

    This is the book I’ve been reading this week. Attention, distractions, the fallacy of multitasking and ways to limit those distractions.

    Where can you change the narrative, where are the bright spots?