
  • This KM classic originally aired on March 9, 2023:

    In his best-selling book “Reversal of Fortune” (1986), Alan Dershowitz recounted his role in aiding Claus von Bülow.. He began the book with a quote from a prosecutor involved: “This case has everything. It has money, sex, drugs; it has Newport, New York and Europe; it has nobility; it has maids, butlers, a gardener..." Find out more on Kinda Murdery's "The Twilight Zone Killer(?): Claus Von Bülow....

    Call 888-MURDERY to share Your Kinda Murdery Story!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • This Kinda Murdery Classic Episode originally aired on January 22, 2023!

    In the 1970's The Johnstons were Pennsylvania's own modern day James-Younger Gang, until a motel rape and murderous paranoia brought them down. Find out how, only on Kinda Murdery!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

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  • This classic Kinda Murdery episode originally aired on April 13, 2023.

    On February 1st, 1893, an African-American teen named John Howling, walking to work in the morning, spotted a young girl, lying in the grass on the side of the road to Fort Thomas Kentucky. At first, John thought she might be sleeping, or worse, taken by the late-winter cold and freezing (or already frozen.) Howling approached and laid a hand gently on the girls shoulder to awaken her. Suddenly, Howling was howling. He let out a blood curdling scream. The girl was headless. John didn't know it yet, but he had discovered the body of beloved Greencastle, Indiana socialite, Pearl Bryan. She was obviously dead, but why had the killer decapitated her, and where was Pearl's head now? Find out on the latest episode of Kinda Murdery!

    Call the Kinda Murdery toll-free hotline: 888-MURDERY (888-687-3379) to share your Kinda Murdery story!

    Sources: https://ia601502.us.archive.org/9/items/true-detective-march-1929/TrueDetectiveMarch1929.pdf

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Pushing the door open, Marie's eyes were met with a scene she would never forget. There, slumped in his chair, was Joseph Bowne Elwell. His usually composed demeanor was replaced by a haunting stillness. A single bullet wound, precise and deadly, marred the center of his forehead. Blood had pooled around the wound, seeping into the intricate patterns of the Persian rug below. The room was eerily quiet, the silence only broken by the faint tick of the grandfather clock in the corner. The ornate decorations and lavish furnishings seemed out of place with the stark reality of the violent act that had taken place. Marie Larsen stood frozen, her mind racing to comprehend the horror before her. Joseph Bowne Elwell was no ordinary man. At forty-four, he had climbed the social ladder, amassing a fortune that would make most men green with envy. With just his sharp mind, impeccable taste, and the gentlemanly manners his mother instilled in him, he built an empire. By the time the bullet found its mark, Elwell owned $500,000 in real estate, $100,000 in personal property, a stable of twenty thoroughbreds racing at Latonia, a yacht in Palm Beach for the winter, five automobiles, and a swanky house on 70th Street. So who killed the famous bridge expert and playboy? Did anyone?

    Find out on today's episode of Kinda Murdery!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • This "Kinda Murdery Classic" episode originally aired on January 23, 2023:

    In 1897 Zona Shue died suddenly of apparent natural causes; the victim of what the kindly town doctor called, "everlasting faint." However, Zona's ghost would appear to her bereaved mother and insist she had been murdered, and the ghost's testimony would prove crucial in court. This is a TRUE story. The Greenbrier Ghost is the only time in the history of American Jurisprudence that the statements of a victim's ghost have been used in court against their killer. Find out what really happened on this episode Kinda Murdery.


    and various articles from newspapers.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • This "Kinda Murdery Classic" originally aired on January 13, 2023...

    he early life of Verle Peter Dills (twin brother of Merle Dills) reads like the opening scenes of a movie about an American golden boy. He was born in 1947, the early years of the baby boom, he was an honor student, an athlete and a student council member. But, somewhere along the way, things went sideways and by 2007, at age 60, Verle Dills became internationally famous as the man who spent years videotaping himself humping street signs - which sounds like an internet punchline, but the truth is much darker than that...What went so horribly wrong?

    CALL THE KINDA MURDERY HOTLINE: (888) MURDERY that's (888) 687-3379 is LIVE!

    Various articles from www.newspapers.com search term: "Verle Dills"

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • The conclusion of "A Cry from the Grave."

    Moorestown, New Jersey is a quiet, beautiful Quaker settlement, much the same as a thousand other small American communities. Along about dusk, the children drop their play, hurry home to their evening meal, and then go to bed. Nobody would pick Moorestown as the scene of a dastardly crime. Still, it was there that real-life, New Jersey-super-sleuth Ellis H. Parker, encountered a case of killing perpetrated by a man, who was, beyond all doubt, the most fiendish and cunning arch-criminal he had ever come in contact with during 35 years of man-hunting!

    Super detective Ellis H. Parker returns, not long after, "The Case of the Disappearing Parrot," for another tale of grim deeds in The Garden State. Get ready for Kinda Murdery's, "A Cry from the Grave: An Ellis H. Parker Mystery!"


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Moorestown, New Jersey is a quiet, beautiful Quaker settlement, much the same as a thousand other small American communities. Along about dusk, the children drop their play, hurry home to their evening meal, and then go to bed. Nobody would pick Moorestown as the scene of a dastardly crime. Still, it was there that real-life, New Jersey-super-sleuth Ellis H. Parker, encountered a case of killing perpetrated by a man, who was, beyond all doubt, the most fiendish and cunning arch-criminal he had ever come in contact with during 35 years of man-hunting!

    Super detective Ellis H. Parker returns, not long after, "The Case of the Disappearing Parrot," for another tale of grim deeds in The Garden State. Get ready for Kinda Murdery's, "A Cry from the Grave: An Ellis H. Parker Mystery!"


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Find out who killied circus-owner John Brunen, in the thrilling finale of "THE DISAPPEARING PARROT!"

    https://gardenstatelegacy.com/files/Who_Shot_Honest_John_Bilby_GSL34.pdf https://ia601404.us.archive.org/32/items/true-detective-jan-1929/TrueDetectiveJan1929.pdf

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Tonight’s Kinda Murdery is True-Crime-Noir at its most hard-boiled. As always, everything you're about to hear really happened.

    John Brunen, a 47-year-old, wealthy circus owner known as, “Honest John,” is murdered in his own home before he even has a chance to draw the pistol he always carries. “Honest John’s" life ended when he was decapitated, shot from behind, his head literally blown off by a double-barrelled shotgun fired through a locked window by a shadowy, light-footed killer. Brunen’s wife Doris, a former broadway chorus girl, is upstairs when she hears the fatal blasts. But the killer didn’t know that Brunen was a close friend of New Jersey super-sleuth Ellis H. Parker. Parker swears vengeance, promising not to rest until the murderer is found. Parker's as good as his word. But promises don't mean much without results. After investigating 600 possible suspects, he can't single clue. Parker's hit a stone wall, and he can't help but wonder why someone removed Brunen's talking parrot from the scene of the murder....What will Ellis H. Parker do next? If you’re ready to find out, please join host Zevon Odelberg for Kinda Murdery’s telling of, "THE DISAPPEARING PARROT!"

    https://gardenstatelegacy.com/files/Who_Shot_Honest_John_Bilby_GSL34.pdf https://ia601404.us.archive.org/32/items/true-detective-jan-1929/TrueDetectiveJan1929.pdf

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Zevon's back went out yesterday (youch), so his friends from Haunted Detective stepped in to save the day! Thanks Kelsey and Pamela!

    Haunted Detective is a true crime podcast that investigates the Macabre side of the world. Kelsey Childs and her friend Pamela J explore Paranormal mysteries nestled within the strangest crime cases you will ever hear about. From human doll makers and odd hauntings to people who vanished without a trace, the Haunted Detective podcast is a series that will make you question everything.

    If you like Kinda Murdery, you'll LOVE Haunted Detective!

    Subscribe to Haunted Detective Here: https://link.chtbl.com/haunteddetective

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Zevon's dear friend, and a great freind of the show, Unicorn Tech Founder and larger-than-life impressario, Mahbod Moghadam has passed away. On this episode Zevon talks about Mahbod, his life, their friendship, and who he REALLY was as a person (not just his headline-grabbing, sometimes-scandalous, online persona). Then Kinda Murdery replays Mahbod's guest appearance from 2021 as they explore three different Kinda Murdery stories from Olancha,CA, including: "The Case of the Missing Body," "Steve Leslie Wilson," and finally "Super Human Pilot Peter Deleo."

    RIP Mahbod Moghadam you are so RAD and you are so MISSED.

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Tune in for Northern Virginia's very own urban legend, "The Bunny Man," followed by "The Medici Easter Murder," and, "The Easter Massacre," on Kinda Murdery's very special CLASSIC 2023 Easter episode!
    Happy Easter everyone!

    Call 888-MURDERY to tell YOUR Kinda Murdery story!

    https://www.fodors.com/news/history/how-an-easter-murder-at-florences-most-famous-site-changed-the-renaissance https://www.americanhauntingsink.com/easter https://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/2022/06/06/easter-day-killer-11-family-members-dead-age-88/7538521001/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_(1950_film) https://wamu.org/story/17/10/31/true-story-bunnyman-northern-virginias-gruesome-urban-legend/

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • Within Private Detective Ken Brennan's mind, the image of the suspect was vivid and constant—an imposing figure moving through life with an air of untouchable confidence. This mental portrait of the suspect, casually interacting with potential victims while secure in the belief that his heinous acts were untraceable, fueled Brennan's resolve. The notion of the attacker, brazen and unrepentant, blending into the everyday while hiding in plain sight, propelled Brennan forward. It was this compelling image, and the desire to shatter the perpetrator's smug assurance of anonymity, that drove him to push the limits of his investigation, seeking justice in a case that had become far more than just another job...

    Follow Private Detective Ken Brennan on his hunt for "The Suitcase Rapist," in the thrilling conclusion of Kinda Murdery's, "HOTEL HOUDINI: The Mystery of the Vanishing Victim..."

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.


  • In the early hours of a chilly winter morning in 2005, a grim discovery marks the beginning of a perplexing case that would haunt the western edge of Miami. Amid the transition where the orderly outer suburbia surrenders to the wild embrace of the Everglades, with its towering grass and dark, unforgiving mud, a scene unfolds that seems almost too brutal, too out of place. A local power-company worker, navigating through the routine of his day, drives by the desolate expanse of an unbuilt cul-de-sac. It's here, amidst the weeds and solitude, that he spots something. A young woman, merely 21, with long blond curls, lies facedown. She's naked, her body battered, an undeniable signal of the violence she endured, discarded at the very threshold of civilization and wilderness...

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

    https://www.vanityfair.com/culture/2010/12/vanishing-blonde-201012?redirectURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.vanityfair.com%2Fculture%2F2010%2F12%2Fvanishing-blonde-201012 https://www.insideedition.com/how-serial-rapist-was-finally-caught-thanks-suitcase-and-eagle-eyed-private-investigator-51906 https://www.nola.com/news/suitcase-rapist-pleads-guilty-in-new-orleans-and-sentenced-to-45-years/article_dac682b5-3590-5a25-ac1e-63c384ada70f.html

  • In the sweltering early summer heat of the El Paso County desert, a search had persisted for three grueling days. Leading the operation was a young female detective, now gripped by a sense of anticipation that often precedes a significant discovery in homicide investigations. She harbored a strong conviction: the victim's body was concealed somewhere close. After a year marred by frustration, misleading leads, and dead ends, she felt today would mark a pivotal turn. Today, they would uncover what they had been tirelessly searching for. The search team was a diverse assembly: dog teams sniffing for any trace, high-tech gear scanning the rugged terrain, and volunteers from both a local military base and a nearby prison. Among them, a veteran Texas Ranger stood out. It was he who stumbled upon the first clue—a human bone, seemingly disturbed and brought to the surface by animals. Following this, a weathered tennis shoe emerged, then another bone...

    Legendary Magic the Gathering artist Anson Maddocks returns (with some CRAZY stories about art theft and crafting with a human femur...) as Kinda Murdery investigates the murder of Gary Patterson...

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.


  • The deeper her investigation into Rhoades's life and crimes went, the more apparent the unsettling parallels between their lives became. Despite the chasm between their intentions—one a survivor, the other a predator—they shared the grueling rhythm of life on the road. Both faced the relentless monotony and sleepless nights that come with constant movement, their world oscillating between tedium and terror. As she honed her instincts for survival amidst the ceaseless uncertainty of hitchhiking, Rhoades, in dark mirroring, was likely refining his methods of predation. Each had developed their own coping mechanisms, their rituals for navigating the endless highways, and their own cynical conclusions about human nature and its responses to extremity. This reflection did not equate their actions but illuminated the disturbing thought that life on the road could shape individuals in profoundly different, yet parallel, ways...

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

    https://www.gq.com/story/truck-stop-killer-gq-november-2012?printable=true https://serialkillershop.com/blogs/true-crime/regina-kay-walters-truck-stop-killer https://www.murderminute.com/story/the-truck-stop-killer https://allthatsinteresting.com/robert-ben-rhoades

  • He methodically prowled the highways, targeting teenage girls who had run away, those seemingly invisible to the world. In the scorching summer of 1985, she was one such girl. A chance encounter on I-95 with a stranger led to the most petrifying ordeal of her life. Years on, she revisits the haunts of her fraught youth, seeking insights into the terror she faced and the fate of the girls who were not as lucky...

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

    https://www.gq.com/story/truck-stop-killer-gq-november-2012?printable=true https://serialkillershop.com/blogs/true-crime/regina-kay-walters-truck-stop-killer https://www.murderminute.com/story/the-truck-stop-killer https://allthatsinteresting.com/robert-ben-rhoades

  • In the vibrant landscape of the mid-'90s, Sandra Boss, a Stanford graduate pursuing her MBA at Harvard, found her path crossing with an enigmatic figure through a familial introduction. Her sister, playing the role of matchmaker, introduced her to Clark Rockefeller. Rockefeller presented himself as a man of considerable pedigree, claiming descent from the illustrious Rockefeller family, known for their monumental influence on American industry and philanthropy, and Sandra Boss fell…hard.

    Yet, this burgeoning tale of love and legacy was set against a backdrop yet to be fully unveiled, with the narrative threads of Rockefeller's life waiting to be untangled. As the story unfolds, the true essence of Clark Rockefeller's identity and the authenticity of his claims would gradually come to light, challenging the perceptions and realities of the world Sandra Boss had been drawn into…

    Introducing a NEW Kinda Murdery Segment: At the end of the true crime tale, Zevon will share his "5 KEY TAKEAWAYS," and "THE MORAL," of the story as it relates to our own lives..You should, of course, draw your own conclusions...

    CALL 888-MURDERY, that's, 888-687-3379, to share YOUR Kinda Murdery story or your story of living with a disability or other challenges, and you could inspire an episode of the show!


    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.

  • In the shadowed corners of the early 1970s, a tale begins to unfold, one that would linger in the memories of the small Russian town of Gorky for decades to come. Our story centers around a young boy named Anatoly Moskvin, a curious soul wandering the streets with the kind of restless energy that only the innocence of youth can harbor. It was during one of these aimless wanderings that the unexpected sight of a funeral procession halted him in his tracks…

    Stay tuned, as we delve deeper into the life of Anatoly Moskvin, and unravel the mystery of how a moment's encounter with death could weave a dark tapestry that would shock a nation and the world...

    Sources: https://authorcindyparmiter.medium.com/graverobber-the-chilling-story-of-ghoulish-dollmaker-anatoly-moskvin-586684a45ef5

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/kinda-murdery--5496890/support.