Two Bros cover all of the mysteries of the universe. Paranormal, Aliens, Conspiracies, Cryptozoology, Famous Murders, Urban Legends, Monsters, Demons, Occult and Strange Occurrences. Nothing is off limits. The Bros are driven by crude humor and the ability to laugh at everything. If you flirt with the dark side of humor and lack maturity, this podcast could potentially change your life. Instagram: @brohiopodcast Twitter: @Brohiopodcast Email: [email protected]
I believe that museums are one of the best ways to discover a place, whether it’s your first time visiting or you’ve lived there your whole life. Join me on this adventure as I get to know the world….one museum as a time. I’m your host, Hannah Hethmon. In each episode, I visit a different museum to discover its stories, discuss challenges and triumphs with fascinating museum professionals (and volunteers), and get to places through their museums. Season 1 is all about museums in Iceland. Season 2 is all about museums in the state of Maryland.
NOTE from the creator: This show is no longer active. I hope you enjoy all the past episodes. I produce lots of other museum (and museum-adjacent) podcasts. You can find them at Also check out We the Museum, my podcast for museum workers.
Interested in starting a podcast at your organization? Find out more about my editing and production services at -
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Góðar, fyndnar, jafnvel sorglegar en umfram allt einlægar sögur af góðu fólki á Reykjanesi. Umsjón er í höndum Dagnýjar Maggýjar og Eyþórs Sæmundssonar. Verkefnið er styrkt af Uppbyggingarsjóði Sóknaráætlunar Suðurnesja og unnið af starfsmönnum Heklunnar, atvinnuþróunarfélagi Suðurnesja og Markaðsstofu Reykjaness. Alla þætti má nálgast á og
In 2003, two half-starved brothers emerged from the wilderness, telling an incredible story of survival. A small Canadian community took them in. The only problem? The boys weren't who they said they were. Hosted by Sam Mullins.
Wild Boys is part of The Binge - subscribe to listen to all episodes, all at once, ad-free right now.
From serial killer nurses to psychic scammers – The Binge is your home for true crime stories that pull you in and never let go.
Follow The Binge Crimes and The Binge Cases wherever you get your podcasts to get new stories on the first of the month, every month.
Hit ‘Subscribe’ at the top of the Wild Boys show page on Apple Podcasts or visit
The Binge – feed your true crime obsession. -
Nátthrafnar er hlaðvarp fyrir svefnvana næturdýr og er stýrt af Elísabetu og Brynhildi, stelpukonum sem kalla ekki allt ömmu sína. Umræðuefni verða uppfull af fróðleik, húmor og hryllingi þegar sá gállinn er á okkur. Verið við öllu búin! Við erum mjög ófilteraðar og djúpsteiktar.
You may know something of the Adolf Hitler story. But there’s a decent chance you don’t know the half of it. This is a deep dive into the life of the German führer. The Hitler story all the way from cradle to grave.
As featured on Real Dictators. Brought to you by award-winning podcasters, Noiser. Narrated by Paul McGann with contributions from expert historians.
For ad-free listening, exclusive content and early access to new episodes, join Noiser+. Click the Noiser+ banner to get started with a 7-day free trial. Or, if you're on Spotify or Android, head to
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Velkomin í Radio J'adora, í boði íslensku hamborgarafabrikkunnar. Öll fimmtudagskvöld fæ ég til mín mismunandi gesti þar sem fjölbreyttar fagkonur eru í forgrunni. Við spjöllum um allt milli himins og jarðar, frá gildum í lífinu og hvað veitir hamingju til uppáhalds instagram filters. Tune in. Xoxo, DJ Dóra Júlía.
Í Lesgleraugunum verður varpað út upptökum af bókmenntaviðburðum safnsins, sem klipptar eru og skornar sérstaklega fyrir hlaðvarpið.
Spennandi umræður um lestur, persónur, sjónarhorn, ævisögur, sannleika og skáldskap - allt sem tengist bókmenntum - með mismunandi lesgleraugum í hvert sinn! -
Open Stacks brings you conversations with scholars, poets, novelists and activists on subjects as eclectic as the books on our shelves, from under-the-radar debates in the academy to pressing contemporary social issues, and from bestselling works of fiction to avant-garde poetics. Recorded live at Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores, Open Stacks invites listeners to sit in on the kind of candid discussions and lively debates made possible by the participation of readers in a public space, with the aim of expanding and encouraging a broader community of ideas. Turn up the volume, pull up a chair, and let's start a conversation.
Welcome to Writer Types, the thriller, crime and mystery fiction podcast hosted by Eric Beetner. Our two monthly episodes include author interviews, publishing insights from industry professionals, book reviews, convention reports, and more.
Join today's top crime and mystery authors for a few laughs and some really great reads. -
Welcome to The Wicked Wallflowers Club! We are two authors who read, write, and love everything about the romance genre. We celebrate female empowerment and sex positivity. Entertainment Weekly featured us on their "Must List" as "a compelling reminder of why the oft-dismissed genre is a real force in cultural conversations".
Think Inclusive brings you conversations about inclusive education and what inclusion looks like in the real world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Formbyltingarsinni, sósíalisti og baráttukona. Jakobína - Skáld á skökkum stað er heimildahlaðvarp í þremur hlutum um rithöfundinn Jakobínu Sigurðardóttur þar sem verk hennar eru sett í stærra samhengi.
Hlaðvarpið er unnið í samstarfi við Þekkingarnet Þingeyinga og Skútustaðahrepp.