
  • #040: Choosing The Right Spouse

    Your spouse is not only your best friend but your companion on the journey of life. If you want to lead more effectively having a spouse that supports and encourages you is necessary. In this episode, Paul and Ken discuss how your key to success is your spouse.


    Leveraging each others strength Elements and traits of spouses Success and support


    How can you be the best spouse? A spouse is intended to always be your best friend Forget what one gives and remembering what one receives

    Attention Getters:

    Suppose there are times at the end of the day where there’s not much to say. Are you okay if we sometimes we just sit in silence? Let’s suppose we have a family at some point, What activities do you see us involved in with our kids. Where do you see our kids going to school? Do you think we’ll both stay working? Do you think your job will cause you to travel a lot? Can you see us having a family dog or cat at some point? Do you see us living in town or out in the country? When we’re married, whose family do we visit for Christmas? How many years do you want to wait before we have kids? What are some of the places you want travel to Before we have kids? After we have kids? When do you think we should tell them the truth about Santa Clause? What do you think about always having a date night?

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud Radical Candor by Kim Scott

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #039: Marriage

    Leadership is a key component in marriage.The best way to lead is to make the people around you the most important. In this episode, Paul and Ken discuss the leadership qualities it takes to be the provider, the encourager and the example in marriage and family.


    Working together as an equal team The breadwinner is not always the leader Asking questions and communicating to connect with one another


    Listen more than advise Friendship over finances Being Selfish

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Nick Foles press conference Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman Love and Respect by Dr. Eggerich

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

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  • Episode #038: Sports

    Sports is a great way to train to be a better leader. A leader exhibits accountability by being willing to take the heat and handle failure, while also being the person that everyone looks to for direction. Join Paul and Ken as they discuss what it means to be a leader in sports.


    Leading by example Character of the leader and the player Being intentional with your actions


    Reacting under pressure and to criticism Patience Sense of not belonging

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Year of the Scab, ESPN 30 for 30

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #037 Work-Life Balance

    Work-life balance is about dedicating time to every area of your life effectively. Our minds are constantly thinking about work while at home and while at work about home. In other words, work-life balance is tough! Join Paul and Ken as they discuss their struggles and successes in balancing work and life.


    Work-life collaboration Transparencies and boundaries in relationships Negatives of not having balance


    Perfectionism Self Leadership Communication

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Dabo Swinney So you are married to a workaholic Boundaries for Leaders by Henry Cloud

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #036 Productivity

    Productivity is taking time to self reflect and learn from others, assessing what was successful or not, deciding what really matters and saying no to everything else. Join Paul and Ken as they discuss tools on how to maximize productivity.


    Being efficient with your time and other people’s time Creating a system as a leader Maximizing your productivity


    Multitasking Delegating tasks Creating boundaries

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Essentialism by Greg McKeown

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #034 Unexpected Challenges

    Unexpected challenges occur daily and often cause us stress when completing the small or large day-to-day tasks. In this episode, Ken and Paul exchange ideas and thoughts about how to deal with unexpected challenges they have encountered and how to best prepare for them. They believe that a challenge is a tool that can make one’s life better.


    Challenges are opportunities See possibilities rather than problems Be curious!


    Develop yourself and your team everyday Give Millennials challenges and allow them to fail Rely on your team for help

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Apollo 13 The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath Operation Tomodachi Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #035 Crisis Leadership

    Everyone will face a crisis in their lifetime; the question is not if it will happen, it’s when it will happen. Your response to the crisis as a leader is rooted in your character and your attitude. In this episode Paul and Ken discuss how to respond to crises, how to prepare for them and what to during a crisis as a leader.


    Your character decides how you respond to crisis Your attitude shapes how others react to the crisis as a leader Take time to clear your head to think and make the best decision


    Make people feel special and valuable Have an attitude of optimism and hope Take responsibility

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey DEFCON Levels Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin Lincoln on Leadership by Donald T. Phillips Art of War by Sun Tzu Adversaries into Allies by Bob Burg

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!
    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #033 Forming Teams

    Teams make each other better - they build each other up and complement each other's weaknesses. As a leader is it’s your job to form and build your team to be successful. In Episode #033, Ken and Paul share their thoughts and experiences of how they have formed and built-up teams. They discuss how Millennials can build and form teams, and how they want to be led. They both have great insights that are helpful in forming and building teams.


    Forming a team adds value to each member Humility and accountability are essential from the leader Courage, character and compassion are keys


    Culture leads results Learn from your team Serve your team

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Coach Wooden

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #032 Communication

    Communicating your message to others is hard, everyone receives the message differently and they can misinterpret the message. The success of your message to your team is how you communicate with them on a daily basis through email, presentations and your casual conversations where you connect with them. Join Paul and Ken as they discuss how to connect with others, how to best communicate and how to keep your message simple.


    Over communicate your message Connecting with others is communicating Communicating well takes time and patience


    Connect with others over common interests Strive to connect with others that you do not have common interests, but can learn from Keep your communication simple!

    Show Links:

    LTM Survey Start With Why TED Talk by Simon Sinek Everyone Communicates Few Connect by John C. Maxwell Leaders Eat Last TED Talk by Simon Sinek

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #031 Leadership Books & Movies Part 2

    Movies, like books, can have a major impact on our lives. Paul and Ken draft their top 10 favorite leadership movies and discuss what they have learned from them. Their lists are variety of movies of yesterday, blockbusters, space, animated and sports.


    Coach Carter - Ken Stand and Deliver - Paul Miracle - Ken Remember the Titans - Paul Pursuit of Happyness - Ken Twelve Angry Men - Paul Forrest Gump - Ken Apollo 13 - Paul Saving Private Ryan - Ken We Were Soldiers - Paul Toy Story Series - Ken The Martian - Paul Spartacus and Gladiator - Ken Brubaker - Paul The last Samurai - Ken Hidden Figures - Paul Top Gun - Ken The Lion King - Paul American Flyers - Ken The Bridge on the River Kwai - Paul


    It is important to see yourself in the movie Every great movie is a story of perseverance Never stop learning and growing

    Tips and Challenges:

    Think about your top five leadership books and movies How do you identify with the story? Who can you ask to recommend their favorite movie or book?

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #030 Leadership Books & Movies Part 1

    Successful people read and learn from books; they provide invaluable insight on a person’s life work or research, allowing you to become better. In this episode, Ken and Paul draft their top 10 leadership books that changed them and they way that they lead and think.


    Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek - Paul Start with Why by Simon SInek - Ken 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by John Maxwell- Paul Drive by Daniel Pink - Ken Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - Paul Give and Take by Adam Grant - Ken Boundaries for Leaders by Henry Cloud - Paul Think Like a Freak by Stephen J. Dubner and Steven Levitt - Ken Lone Survivor by Marcus Luttrell and Patrick Robinson - Paul Great by Choice by Jim Collins - Ken Find your Why by David Mead, Peter Docker, and Simon Sinek - Paul David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell - Ken Poke the Box by Seth Godin - Paul Turn the Ship Around by L David Marquet - Ken Circle Maker by Mark Batterson - Paul The Next 100 Years by George Friedman - Ken The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey by Hal Burrows, Ken Blanchard, and William Oncken - Paul The Starfish and the Spider by Ori Brafman and Rod Beckstrom - Ken The Advantage by Patrick Lencioni - Paul The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch - Ken


    Important for leaders to have boundaries Books can change our perspective on how we think There are quick reads that are very impactful

    Tips and Challenges:

    Watch TED talks. Find books that can help you add value to yourself and to other people. Go out there and start writing.

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #029 Give and Take

    Join Paul and Ken as they discuss the best methods of giving and why it’s important to receive (take) as well. Learn from their insights on giving and receiving as a leader and how it affects you and your team. Everyone should learn how to be a giver and a receiver.


    Give within your talents and passion Be generous with your money AND your time and talent If you want to have a lasting legacy, then practice the art of generosity

    Tips and Challenges:

    Have fun giving Learn to say no Allow yourself to receive Pay 3 honest compliments a day

    Show Links:

    Give and Take by Adam Grant Milken Global Conference Military Leadership Circle Lincoln, the movie (2012) Japanese tunnel system for drainage Andy Stanley When Helping Hurts by Steve Corbett

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #028 Creativity

    Creativity is necessary for a business or a team to thrive. We need new ideas and innovation to provide potential solutions to our problems. And it’s the leader’s job to create an environment that fosters and encourages creativity. Listen to Paul and Ken share their thoughts on creativity, how it applies in leadership and some tips on how to encourage members of your team to be creative.


    Being creative is finding uncompromising solutions to near impossible problems or questions Creativity should evolve Characteristic of creative people is making the impossible possible

    Tips and Challenges:

    Ask good questions and give feedback Do not be afraid to fail and learn from mistakes Take time intentionally to brainstorm and plan carefully for problem solving

    Show Links:

    It’s not about the Shark by Daniel Niven Jaws story Creativity, Inc. by Ed Catmull Winning the Brain Game by Matthew E. May

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #027 Life Hacks

    Being a leader is a challenging and daunting task. Life and your environment is always changing. You have to devote time and energy to make your team better. But how and where do you devote the little time you have?

    Paul and Ken shares their experiences about their favorite life hacks and how they have helped them achieved success and overcome failure. They also discuss how to be your best self and how to choose the life hacks that are right for you.


    A life hack is a strategy that allows you to be your best self A life hack is about finding a solution that propels you ahead and helps overcoming a challenge Reading books and listening to podcasts is a way to learn life hacks from authors and researches that have had success

    Tips and Challenges:

    Model the right way to do things Share what works for you Be open to learning from others

    Show Links:

    Dave Gambrills Life Hacks on Good Morning America 100 Life Hacks with Photos Coffitivity.com Habit Stacking book The Toothpaste Fix 5-Minute Journal Admiral McRaven UT Commencement Speech

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #026 Family

    Family makes a leader stronger and more successful. A leader does not need to sacrifice his or her family to get ahead; the leader should instead consult their families give input in decisions. Join Paul and Ken in Episode #026, as they share their thoughts and experience of what is it like to be a part of a family and as a leader of a family. They believe that a family can help a leader achieve more rather than just focusing on their careers.


    Leadership starts at home Family is pivotal in leaders success Family is the willingness to sacrifice for someone until it hurts

    Tips and Challenges:

    Encourage a family environment at work You do not need to sacrifice family to get ahead Make family a part of your decision, know your priorities

    Show Links:

    General Allen Joe Gibbs Bio Admiral McRaven UT Commencement Speech

    Be sure to check back every other Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #025 Reflection

    In the hustle and bustle of life sometimes we lose ourselves moving from one thing to the next. We rarely take the time to reflect what great things happened that day and areas of opportunity we have for improvement. In Episode #025 Ken and Paul share why it is important for leaders to make time for reflection. Leaders are self-aware and take time daily to reflect.


    Leaders need to be self-aware and reflection allows us to do so We study history in order to understand what the future holds Reflection is taking the time to see where you’ve come and how it affects where you’ll go

    Tips and Challenges:

    Give your employees time to reflect during work Reflect 3-4 times a week and use the 5-minute journal as a guide Discuss your mistakes with humility and share the lesson with others Teach millennials how to reflect by setting the example for them

    Show Links:

    5-Minute Journal General Hal Moore General John R. Allen Edge of Tomorrow Moleskin Notebooks/Journals

    Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #024 Self-doubt

    Self-doubt is a killer. It causes people to be emotionally stuck and mentally defeated. It brings down a leader’s morale and it will eventually bring down the whole team. One way of combatting self-doubt is self-assurance and it can be done through the help of friends and mentors. Most importantly you MUST understand and recognize it, because you cannot address it if you do not. Paul and Ken shares tips on what self-doubt looks like, how to address it and how to use it as a motivation to reach success.


    Self-doubt is the ability to think that you cannot do something It is the enemy of belief, turns intention into disappointment To combat self-doubt we need self-belief Self doubt is a pre-meditated loss

    Tips and Challenges:

    Understand what self doubt is for you Be humble and ask for help Choose to learn rather than to lose Find a friend or mentor that can guide you in a tough time

    Show Links:

    Self-fulfilling Prophecy Originals by Adam Grant Yumearth candy

    Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #023 Motivation

    Most people think to motivate an employee they must use money to incentivize the behavior and actions they want. That could not be farther from the truth! Motivation is about calling those around you to action through your example and how you empower them as followers and employees. Ken and Paul share their insights about what motivation really is, how to motivate others and how call them to action.


    Leaders must set the example for their followers Show people how much you care with your actions Give your people time to master their jobs, autonomy as much as possible and always give them purpose

    Tips and Challenges:

    Have a growth mindset What would do if you could not fail? Challenge the way you thought you could motivate people

    Show Links:

    Nick Vujicic Dan Pink TED Talk on The Puzzle of Motivation Dan Pink RSA Video Simon Sinek TED Talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action Find Your WHY by Simon Sinek WHY Discover Course by Simon Sinek Laurel Elixr Coffee Roasters Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Leaders Press On Blog by Paul Ready Player One

    Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #022 Self-Criticism

    Self-criticism can be both a positive and negative. It is a reflection tool that can be used to evaluate oneself; however, when done in excess, self-criticism can lead to inner personal negativity. Inner personal negativity, limits a leader’s ability to be their best and take care of those in their charge. In this episode Paul and Ken share their thoughts on why being self critical is both important and a threat to a leader’s character. They share their insights from personal experiences on how achieve an effective balance of self-criticism, of how to improve and to know when you have done something well.


    Self-criticism is contagious, choose to be positive Be self-aware and self-affirming Leaders need to know their strengths and weaknesses Leaders need to be self-critical to understand where they have been and where they want to go Shame, scarcity, comparison and self-doubt are things that make leaders think less of themselves

    Tips and Challenges:

    Be creative to ensure that you are not too critical of yourself; leadership requires creativity Don’t be too negative with yourself or others, it corrupts and kills Take 5 mins to reflect on things that went well and what could’ve gone better.

    Show Links:

    Uber CEO Article #1 & #2 Brene Brown - Why Your Critics Aren’t the Ones that Count The Man in the Arena Teddy Roosevelt 23 April 1910 speech The Positive Power of Negative Thinking 20 Signs you are too self-critical Strengths Finder 2.0 Strengths Based Leadership Emotional Intelligence 2.0 5-Minute Journal

    Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com

  • Episode #021 Making a Difference, Part II

    Part II of Making a Difference is a continuation of the discussion of Ken with longtime friend Josh Burnett, pastor and social change entrepreneur. In this Episode they share more insights, tips and challenges on how to be a spark for change and how to start your first steps to making a difference in other people’s lives.


    To make an impact and make a difference you must be willing to do so and know that you will get no credit or accolades for it The beauty of making a difference is that it can change one person’s life forever Find something in your community that you are passionate about and make a difference there Millennials need to peacemakers, not just peacekeepers. We often overestimate what we can do in a day, but underestimate what we can do in a year

    Tips and Challenges:

    Get started today Make a plan and commit to it Have someone to be accountable to in achieving your plan Fail, fail often, and fail forward. Learn from the failure and move forward We should all have the opportunity to feel part of something

    Show Links:

    Josh Burnett, Instagram Revolution Annapolis Community Giving Give and Take by Adam Grant Netflix Stats #1 Netflix Stats #2

    Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new episode and head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe!

    Got a question you’d like us to answer? Email us at leadingthemillennials@gmail.com