I denne podcast serie får du inspiration til, hvordan du selv og dit arbejdsfællesskab kan skabe et arbejdsliv med intention, bevidsthed og mening.
Selv*Klog handler om, hvordan vi kan smelte menneskelighed og professionalisme sammen i nye og mere livfulde udtryk.
Hvordan vi selv kan tage ansvar for vores bidrag til fællesskabet og forholde os mere klogt til os selv og hinanden.
Formålet er at give dig og dine kollegaer adgang til korte metodeafsnit med introduktion til begreber og konkrete øvelser. Praksisøvelser kan afprøves både individuelt og i det daglige teamsamarbejde.
Desuden vil jeg invitere kollegaer og samarbejdspartnere ind til selvkloge samtaler om vores egen praksis og erfaringer.
Mit navn er Nina Jensen, jeg er specialist og supervisor i arbejds- og organisationspsykologi og certificeret Integral Facilitator ved Ten Directions. Siden 2004 har jeg været soloselvstændig i COSMA og har faciliteret forløb for virksomheder med teamudvikling, konsulent- og ledelsestræning.
Intentionen med mit arbejde er at styrke en levende og dynamisk professionalisme. Min tilgang er funderet i en længerevarende systemisk/integral praksis. -
I Lederrådet vil vi dykke inn i store og små temaer og problemstillinger som ledere står i eller vil ha behov for å kjenne til. Podcasten er produsert av TheVIT i er ditt økonomiske, administrative og strategiske støtteapparat, med spesialister innen økonomi, regnskap, lønn, HR og analyse. Gjennom egen og samarbeidspartneres kompetanse hjelper vi kundene med alt det som må gjøres for å drive en suksessfull bedrift, utover selve kjernevirksomheten.Les mer om hva vi kan gjøre for deg og din virksomhet på
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
🙂 Welcome to the Happy Space® Podcast where we explore the intersection of productivity & inclusivity through the lens of a highly sensitive productivity coach, speaker, and brand collaborator - that's me!
Tune in for conversations with authors, culture-shapers, space designers, and creators of products, services, and customer experience as we highlight astonishing contributions tempting a more tender world.
We know that diversity leads to richer results, so let’s accept that #productivityispersonal and commit to designing with greater respect for humanity.
I aim to leave you with ideas to better support your colleagues, customers, community, and not least of all, yourself and those who matter most. For, everyone, including you, deserves a Happy Space.
🙂 If you or someone you know will enjoy exploring this topic with a supportive community, check out or share
🙂 If you're wondering if you might be an HSP, take the HSP quiz at
🙂 sign up for Clare's the Happy Space "museletter" - a monthly email full of good stuff about productivity & inclusivity
🙂 Find out more about your host at -
The With Intention show is a podcast dedicated to helping you live and lead with more intention. Life comes at us fast and it's hard to keep up - being more intentional about how we go about it is crucial. With Intention is hosted by Jon Giganti. A former division one college athlete and twenty-year sales leader in the Tech Industry, Jon interviews top leaders in many industries to bring practical advice for you to live a more intentional life. Learn more about Jon & With Intention at
Accelerating Excellence takes you on a journey into the minds of the world's most elite performers, to reveal their secrets, serving them up on a plate so you can accelerate your own pursuit of excellence. If you know you’re capable of going to the next level, but aren’t quite sure where to start or how to optimise then you’re in the right place.Each episode of contains captivating interviews with renowned individuals—athletes, artists, entrepreneurs, generals, special forces operators, and scientists. We'll dive deep into their journeys, discovering the defining moments, mindset shifts, and vitally the principles and strategies that propelled them to the pinnacle in their craft.From the high-pressure stages of world cup finals, Superbowl’s, and world title fights; to covert operations, counter-terrorism, and firefights in the air and on the ground in the world of elite military; and the hundred million dollar P&L swings in the billion dollar world of trading and investing you will be exposed to the fundamental principles that connect all of these individuals success.Most importantly to me Accelerating Excellence is not just about inspiration; it's about practicality, for you, the listener. We’ll extract actionable insights and practical techniques that you can implement immediately, to stack probability in your favour of success in your own pursuit of excellence. So, if you’re ready to ignite and expand your potential, to shatter the boundaries that hold you back and unleash the ambition, talent and motivation that exists within you and your team join me, as we empower you to leverage these principles. Get ready to be inspired, shocked, and challenged, you're about to embark on an adventure that will shift your perceptions of what’s possible. For those who strive to make things better for themselves, and those they care for, manage and lead. This podcast is for you.
Lære noe nytt? Eller trenger du inspirasjon og en god historie?
Hva gjør at noen mennesker klarer å presse seg til det ytterste, gå dypt inn i seg selv og hente krefter og vilje til å fortsette der de fleste ville gitt opp? At noen mennesker er så interessert i kunnskap at de aldri slutter å fordype seg i det de brenner for. I Mentaltrenerpodcasten møter du alt fra Harvard professorer og tidligere spesialagenter i FBI, til verdensmestere og «ulykkesfugler». Hør deres historier og få muligheten til å lære hvordan du kan ta med deg deres tankesett, rutiner og øvelser tilbake i ditt eget liv, slik at du kan mestre dine egne utfordringer, nå dine mål og få balanse i livet. -
Podcast om karriereveiledning - og alt det innebærer. For deg som enten ser etter jobb, er i jobb, eller ønsker å bytte jobb.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lederskap er en podkast fra NHH – Norges ledende fagmiljø innen strategi og ledelse. Professor Therese Egeland og forsker Tellef Solbakk Raabe inviterer kloke gjester for å diskutere aktuelle tema og relevant forskning.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The Life Coach Hotline, where renowned Life Coach Lindsey Mango engages in powerful, life-changing conversations with real people hungry for more in life. Through laughter, tears, and profound insights, Lindsey guides her guests on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and transformation.
These heartfelt, transformative sessions will make you laugh, cry, and leave you profoundly inspired to take charge of your own life. Lindsey brings her expertise and compassion to every episode, offering a direct line to those ready to embrace positive change, growth, and a brighter future. Tune in, be inspired, and start your journey to a more fulfilling life today.
Click to schedule your time to call in to The Life Coach Hotline: https://lindseymango -
Welcome to The FORDIFY Show, where soulful entrepreneurship meets purposeful success! Hosted by Emily Ford, a powerhouse entrepreneur and globally acclaimed speaker, this podcast is your go-to resource for transforming dreams into reality with authenticity, clarity, and unshakeable confidence. Since 2011, Emily has been inspiring entrepreneurs to navigate challenges and create impactful personal brands that reflect their God-given purpose.
Join Emily as she brings her vibrant energy and insights, sharing uplifting stories, practical advice, and engaging interviews with world-class guests. Whether you’re looking to elevate your business, align with your mission, or thrive in every aspect of life, The FORDIFY Show has the tools and inspiration to stand unshaken no matter the challenge, communicate with impact, and shine brightly in everything you do. -
Velkommen til HR-podden, en helt egen podcast for deg som jobber med HR, eller har en spesiell interesse for HR-faget. Her får du inspirasjon til din HR-hverdag med aktuelle tips fra fageksperter og gode historier fra HR-livet i norske virksomheter.
Podcasten produseres av Anne Lise Heide, lederutvikler, HR-nerd og gründer, som brenner for deling av god HR-praksis. -
Millionaires Unveiled interviews and tells the stories of everyday millionaires. We provide detailed insight into their investing strategies and current portfolio allocation.
How did they get started? What decisions did they make along the way? How has their portfolio allocation changed, and what are they doing now to not only keep, but also grow, their highly sought after "millionaire" status?
From these extensive and thought provoking interviews, you'll be able to assess your current portfolio allocation, learn investing strategies, and join the fast track to financial success. -
The branding podcast featuring stories and lessons from entrepreneurs and brand builders, so you can get inspiration, insights, strategies and tactics as you create your own game-changing brand. Hosted by serial brand creator, entrepreneur, and founder of Antidote, Kendrick Co.
Did you know we determine everything about you from your voice? If you want to captivate the listener and command the space with a voice that makes people listen, this podcast is for you. Join Internationally known voice expert Tracy Goodwin as she shows you how to amplify your authority with her signature methodology Psychology of the Voice® as she shows you how to unearth your voice stories so you speak with confidence, uncover the barriers that keep us from connecting, and unleash the power of your real voice so you captivate the listener from your first word.
Welcome, I knew you would find me, You're HERE on and for a purpose :) You know in your heart that there's more inside of you and the time has come to bring all of your greatness to the table. As leaders, we have a responsibility to continually develop our leadership and self-leadership skills and gifts so we can serve as healthy, courageous & influential leaders in our homes, careers, and community. This world needs us more than ever to show up, serve, and lead in these uncertain times.
I'm Siv Priscilla and I'd love for you to join me as I share experiences, truths, and reflections that'll inspire your personal growth. Take a seat at the table as we explore the secrets of inspiring leaders who challenge us to rise higher. Subscribe to this secret hiding place for inspiration, rejuvenation, and growth.
Don't miss out, subscribe right now and always be the first to hear the Confessions of a Leader.
Enjoy your day | Nyt dagen,
Siv Priscilla -
Eventyrlig jakt på bærekraftig business med NHH-forskerne Sveinung Jørgensen og Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen. Besøk oss på
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Vi bygger trygge mennesker i alt vi gjør. Vi snakker om følelser, sårbarhet og alle dimensjoner av å være menneske - ikke bare suksess og høydepunktene. Til sammen har vi over 20 års erfaring med mental trening og personlig utvikling, og jobben vår er å hjelpe mennesker med å overkomme frykt, følge hjertet og bli tryggere på seg selv gjennom coaching, foredrag og medlemskapet vårt, Heart Mentality.
Det har transformert måten vi lever på, og nå vil vi dele det videre til deg, slik at du kan lede med hjertet og leve ekte i ditt liv. -
Kroppen og sinnet er fullt av ressurser vi kan tappe inn i for personlig vekst, indre transformasjon, bedre helse, mer skaperkraft og mer livskvalitet. Det å forstå seg selv og de ressursene vi har i oss, hvordan kropp og sinn fungerer, gir nøkler til å skape det livet du ønsker å leve, eller å tappe inn i det optimale livet for akkurat deg.
Så, enten du ønsker verktøy for personlig vekst og transformasjon, for å bedre helsen din eller å finne mer mening og glede i livet, så bli med på denne reisen
"There is a Workshop for That" is a podcast created specifically for facilitators looking to elevate their skills to the next level. With insightful interviews featuring the best facilitators, book authors, and corporate managers worldwide, this podcast offers valuable advice on how to leverage facilitation for better collaboration and build workshops that get noticed.
Whether you're a skilled facilitator or just starting out, "There is a Workshop for That" provides a wealth of information and inspiration to help you take your facilitation skills to new horizons.
🎙️Tune in today to learn from the best in the industry and enhance your workshop experience!
Nathy Ravez is a skilled workshop designer, facilitator, and trainer, who truly believe in the power of facilitation to unleash collaboration among teams, which is why she founded "La Workshoppeuse," offering workshops and training sessions designed for companies seeking to enhance their team's superpowers and facilitators looking to upskill and create unique workshop experiences.