今天我和Juan讨论了电影和分裂的美国-Today Juan and I talked about movies and a divided America
今天我和Ricardo讨论了一些最近的新闻-Today Ricardo and I discussed some recent news
Missing episodes?
今天我和Palmer一起读了《我的县长父亲》这篇文章-Today, Palmer and I read the article 《My Father the County Director》
今天Julien和我讨论了四川的高温天气和对日常生活的影响 - Today Julien and I talked about the high temperature in Sichuan and how it affects our daily lives
今天Palmer和我一起读了鲁迅的《孔乙己》并分享了读后感 - Today, Palmer and I read Lu Xun's Kong Yiji and shared our thoughts
今天我和Palmer讨论了中美两国的文化软实力 - Today, Palmer and I discussed the cultural soft power of the U.S. and China
今天我和Kelsey讨论了她搬去上海的原因以及对深圳的印象 - Today Kelsey and I discussed the reason why she is moving to Shanghai and her Shenzhen living experiences
今天我和Palmer一起看了“回村三天,二舅治好了我的精神内耗”这个短视频,分享了观后感。- Today Palmer and I watched and discussed <The life of “Erjiu”> together
今天我和Julien讨论了从北京回到德国的旅行问题 - Today Julien and I discussed the traveling problems from Beijing to Germany
今天Chris和我讨论和了中国和美国的饮食区别和他学习京剧的经历 - Today Chris and I discussed the difference between Chinese and American food and his experience of learning Beijing Opera
今天Julien和我讨论了北京的病毒情况和他的新疆之旅 - Today Julien and I discussed the virus situation in Beijing and his trip to Xinjiang.
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Full content of chapter 15 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 14 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 13 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 12 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 11 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 10 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 9 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 8 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
Full content of chapter 7 , passage , new words , and grammar explanation , practice et cetera .
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