
  • "Dr. Worcester On The Role Of Big Pharma In Cannabis Research & Education For Cancer Pain Management"


    Dr. Brooke Worster is the Chief Medical Advisor at Ethios and a cancer pain specialist. She is also a cannabis researcher at Thomas Jefferson University in Pennsylvania. On the show, she discussed her background in pain management and how she got interested in cannabis research. She explained how cannabis is often recommended to her patients, either by their family members, caregivers, or friends. However, the medical community doesn't pay much attention to the positive side of cannabis. She is working to change that and to provide more resources to people interested in cannabis.

    Dr. Jeffrey Gendelman discussed his experience with medical cannabis, which began when he felt like he had to respond to patients' questions with I don't know as he had not done much research on the subject. However, when the Pennsylvania legislature passed legislation allowing academic medical centers to partner with vertically integrated growth, production, and dispensing companies, he decided to take the initiative and learn more.

    Dr. Gendelman noted the disconnect between patients and providers when it comes to cannabis; patients often feel uncomfortable bringing it up and providers rarely initiate the dialogue due to a lack of knowledge. He believes it's important for doctors, particularly oncologists, to learn how to talk to their patients about cannabis in order to bridge this gap.

    The conversation is about how healthcare professionals are not engaging with cannabis as a treatment option. The speaker notes that only a quarter of 10,000 cancer patients feel comfortable talking to their physicians about cannabis. The stigma and hysteria surrounding cannabis have made some patient groups reluctant to even bring up the topic with their physician. The speaker wonders why the medical community has not embraced the potential of cannabis as a therapy, given its long history of use in medicine. He argues that access to and use of cannabis is increasing, and medical professionals must pay attention to it. He also notes that research into the potential of cannabis as a therapy has been limited due to restrictions on its use. The speaker suggests healthcare professionals must become more educated about cannabis and its potential therapeutic uses.

    There is not enough education and training available for healthcare professionals to bridge the gap in knowledge around cannabis. This lack of accessible education means that professionals have to do their own research and digging to gain knowledge. It is important to talk to patients and hear their experiences, although it is not the same as a randomized clinical trial. To gain more knowledge and bridge the gap, healthcare professionals should make some noise about the educational gap and try to get more educational outreach and efforts happening.



    Conversation with Dr. Brooke Worster, Chief Medical Advisor at Ethios and Cancer Pain Specialist


    Exploring the Disconnect between Patients and Providers on Cannabis Use


    Exploring the Disconnect Between Clinicians and Cannabis Use in Cancer Patients


    Discussion on Accessible Education for Healthcare Professionals on Cannabis Use


    Heading: Dr. Worcesters Discusses the Legalization of Medical Cannabis and Dispels the Myth of Losing Licenses


    Heading: Discussion on the Role of Big Pharma in Cancer Pain Management with Dr. Worcester


    Heading: The Power of Plant-Based Medicines in Treating Cancer Pain and Nausea


    Discussion on the Need for Standardized Cannabis Labeling Systems


    Conversation on Standardizing Cannabis Information for Patients


    Heading: Exploring Cannabis Use in Healthcare: A Conversation with Dr. Worcester


    Interview with Dr. Lola Wasa: Exploring the Benefits of Cannabis Medicine


    Finally, Dr. Worcester, I have another of your quote. You said, the patient knows this stuff. They are reading it online and hearing from friends, but they are also getting a lot of disinformation and bad advice from this. We as a medical community need to step up, embrace these resources that patients are using, whether they are in a legal state, use or not, and provide some guidance. What else can we do in the community, especially in the healthcare space, to make sure patients are getting evidence-based data?

    I think it would go a long way if we even kind of got our act together enough to have a standardized labeling system for cannabis for products. Right. Because the way that they're labeled is all different from state to state and how it's kind of shown concentration versus percentage of various cannabinoids versus ratios. That's confusing to patients. So I think one thing that I would say could be changed that would kind of a little bit come from the dispensary and the legislative side that wouldn't require a ton of work, but would just be to say kind of like we do for other nutraceuticals or over the counter products is like you have to have certain labeling standards. The way that you say what's in it is the same.

    We can make you make sense of what doesn't make sense folks. Dr. Worcester, Dr. O can help you make sense, of what doesn't make sense. Now let's go back to our patient. Dr. Worcester, in one of your call recently, you said many patients are simply guessing and doing their best at both adult use and even for medical purposes. They go to the Dispensaries or go online and just try to figure it out. He said the evidence is strong that cannabis is effective for cancer pain. It's also very likely effective for nausea, cancer-related nausea, and vomiting, which is what we are part of what we are using dronabinol for.

    And I totally agree with you that what is there to lose? They have more to gain because even right now when we talk about chronic conditions like cancer, it's like all hands on deck. Back in the day we never used to use lidocaine patches to manage cancer pain. Now we are able to dispense the patches for neuropathic pain, and cancer-related neuropathic pain for our patients. So it's all hands on deck. Pain is pain. Pain is not going to be okay. It's just narcissistic pain.

    And I do tell people, you are the expert when it comes to cancer pain management. During my rotation, I did do some cancer rotation. I do tell patients, cancer patients in particular, when you see them going through pain, some of them, you don't even know the level of pain they're going through. Somebody can be looking at you off-screen, and their pain is ten because they've developed a system to cope with pain management in such a way that acute pain might not be the same. I might just cut my finger and start screaming the whole place down whereby somebody sitting by me is going through a critical condition like cancer. What is the part of the big farmer? I know that Big Pharma probably just doesn't even want anything to be approved, considering the level of money that is being generated from that space.

  • Lumenate is a pioneering app that uses sound and light to change brain rhythms in ways similar to psychedelics and highly experienced meditators, and brain imaging researchers at Imperial College London and as well as researchers in Berlin.

    Our guests have talked about what psychedelic experiences and Lumenate appear to have in common. They talked about Increased brain signal complexity, reduced activity in the default mode network, increased functional connectivity between different brain regions, and reductions in peak alpha brainwaves.

    They have ongoing trials underway in London which "aims to uncover neural mechanisms of visual imagery induced by Lumenate, using high-density EEG. The research also aims at comparing psychedelic experiences induced by DMT and Lumenate, by exploring the psychological and biological mechanisms of both altered states of consciousness”.

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  • Dr. Cornblatt is a Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Graduate with a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences and a postdoctoral fellowship from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Environmental Health Sciences Division of Toxicology.

    Dr. Cornblatt has served as Director of Consumer Clinical Research and Science and as Medical Director at Nutramax Laboratories Consumer Care, Inc. In this role, Dr. Cornblatt developed novel nutraceutical formulations, designed both in vitro and clinical studies in support of products, and summarized both supporting laboratory and clinical research for healthcare workers and consumers.

    His most recent development has been a novel line of products (and 18 related clinical trials) that deliver the essential ingredients needed to support the production of sulforaphane, a phytochemical with many emerging indications. Dr. Cornblatt is also the inventor of three issued patents and four pending provisional patents focused on plant-based bioactive compounds and health promotion.

  • Silo Pharma merges traditional therapeutics with psychedelic research to develop innovative solutions that address a variety of underserved conditions including Alzheimer’s, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), as well as stress-induced psychiatric disorders (i.e. PTSD) and other debilitating chronic conditions. We talk about the research and the conditions you choose to study in conjunction with psychedelic treatment.

    Silo has partnered with several leading academic institutions (the University of California, San Francisco, Columbia University, and the University of Maryland, Baltimore) to facilitate a streamlined regulatory pathway for drug approval. The company has developed a pipeline of proprietary licensed therapeutics that show promise for a range of illnesses and diseases.

    Silo Pharma Inc. has begun dosing in its IND-enabling study of a proprietary time-released, topical formulation of ketamine SP-26 designed to treat fibromyalgia. The safety evaluation trial will be conducted by Experimur, a Frontage Company, and intends to evaluate the tolerability of SP-26 to establish a maximum dose in the treatment of this chronic medical condition causing widespread musculoskeletal pain as well as memory issues, sleep difficulties, and fatigue.

  • Steven Twohig has been studying an abundance of practices extensively, including mindfulness, business optimization, shadow work and facilitation, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy, and leadership dynamics. He recently has been researching psychedelic integration, which is defined as a process in which the patient integrates the insights of their experience into their life, and PHRI is a method of supporting that in the clinical consultation room.

    On Steven's website for Mastering Change, he wrote: “miscoding deep in the human mind. This coding is the root cause of all suffering in the world. By doing your shadow work, you are doing the work necessary to change the world. Everything in this reality is a reflection of everything else. If above, so below. So within, so without. You are a reflection of your outside world, just like this world is a reflection of you.” Steven expands on this and much more in today's episode.

  • Blake Pearson has been internationally recognized for his work in cannabis medicine and efforts to legitimize cannabinoid therapy as a safer alternative to opioids and anti-psychotic drugs. He has helped improve your patients’ symptoms with cannabinoid medicine and has been able to reduce the anti-psychotics.

    Dr. Blake recently announced the start of a new research study into the impact of cannabinoid therapy on local residents with dementia. He has partnered with Lambton College and Steeves & Rozema Nursing Homes for a three-year, $360,000 research grant from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

    We discuss how Dr. Blake feels that this new study is not about healing or halting dementia. It’s about managing the behaviors associated with the disease — such as mood, calling out, agitation, and trouble sleeping.

    Blake wrote on his blog about a new placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial out of Israel published to evaluate the safety and efficacy of broad-spectrum CBD-dominant medical cannabis oil for the reduction of behavioral disturbances amongst patients with dementia. They found a statistically significant reduction in agitation over placebo with non-serious side effects.

  • The Stanley brothers celebrate the ten-year anniversary of providing their high-CBD and low-THC full-spectrum hemp formula to Charlotte Figi after her pediatrician supplied written permission. We talk about how Joel reflects on the help you were able to give Charlotte and how the industry as a whole has grown in the last decade. On April 7th 2020, after the unfortunate passing of Charlotte Figi, the Governor of California officially declared April 7th to be 'Charlotte Figi Day' in Colorado. Joel honors that day with the Charlotte Figi Family Grant Program to help health-seeking families with qualified needs.

    We dive into how Charlotte’s memory continues to motivate his work. He has been working on combining nature and technology or in other words ancestral health for tomorrow. Joel expands on what he has been working on these days. Joel and his company are now working on Stanley Brothers USA, a cannabis wellness incubator currently operating in three states (Colorado, California, and Florida) with expansion plans underway in eight additional states.

  • Dr. Salzman is a physician, scientist, inventor, and biomedical entrepreneur with more than 30 years of experience in biomedical drug discovery and development. He has authored 175 peer-reviewed scientific publications and holds 60 patents in the fields of medicine, pharmacology, organic chemistry, and medical devices. Dr. Salzman has received continuous National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding since 1993, authoring 75 federal grants and receiving $160 million in federal grant and contract funding.

    He earned his Doctor of Medicine degree from Harvard Medical School after completing undergraduate training at Yale College. Dr. Salzman completed his pediatric internship and residency at Columbia University, and post-doctoral fellowships in pediatric critical care, neonatal critical care, immunology, mucosal physiology, and pediatric infectious disease at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Boston Children’s Hospital Medical Center, the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Beth Israel Hospital Medical Center.

    Innovation1 Biotech Inc. is a small molecule drug discovery company focused on the clinical development of modified Schedule 1 molecules of botanical origin, where there is the opportunity to create breakthrough advances in diseases of unmet medical need. The Company’s portfolio includes five proprietary, fully synthetic preclinical prodrugs addressing independent clinical indications: a mushroom-derived psychedelic molecule for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, a novel cannabinoid and tree bark-derived psychedelic for treatment of addiction, and three additional novel cannabinoid prodrugs addressing clinical indications of refractory pediatric epilepsy, hypertrophic scarring after burn wound injury, and ocular inflammation of the cornea and anterior uvea. Innovation1 also owns a currently approved nutraceutical complex specially designed and formulated to contribute to and help maintain normal energy metabolism, improve mood, and reduce fatigue for those suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Today on Let's Talk Plant Medicine With Dr. O we talk with the President of F.I.V.E., Victoria Wueschner. Victoria's team recently launched F.I.V.E. this summer as the first educational platform designed to help individuals make informed decisions when choosing to work with 5-MeO-DMT. Kaivalya Kollectiv, the parent company of F.I.V.E has been offering professionally guided experiences with synthetic 5-MeO-DMT. 5-MeO-DMT is called The God Molecule because it facilitates full-blown mystical experiences, including an alleged communion with some higher-order, divine consciousness. It is the most powerful psychedelic on the planet.

    The F.I.V.E website states: “As the psychedelic renaissance continues to expand, 5-MeO-DMT is quickly growing in popularity. In the current 5-MeO-DMT landscape, it is becoming increasingly important for everyone, including first-time seekers of this compound, seasoned psychonauts, and even facilitators, to have access to the resources needed to cultivate safe and effective experiences.” Victoria's company also operates Tandava Retreats, a 5-MeO-DMT retreat center in Tepoztlan, Mexico, whose staff has served over 2,000 guests since 2016. Many of those seekers are seeking a healthier state of mind, personal growth, and improved relationships with themselves, including but not limited to entrepreneurs, artists, and everyday people seeking a deeper connection with themselves.

    For more Let's Talk Plant Medicine With Dr. O go to CannabisRadio.com

  • Let's Talk Plant Medicine With Dr. O featuring Dr. Sam Zand, Co-founder & CMO of Better U, co-founder of the Better U Foundation & Founder of the Anywhere Clinic. The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine reported earlier this year that Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression has been studied to be effective for Up to a Year for Most Patients.

    They said, “Our findings add to evidence that, under carefully controlled conditions, this is a promising therapeutic approach that can lead to significant and durable improvements in depression,”. Previous studies by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers showed that psychedelic treatment with psilocybin relieved major depressive disorder symptoms in adults for up to a month. We talk about what Dr. Sam thinks of what we are learning about this updated research and how it could be a game changer.

    Now, it was after initial psychedelic medicine research at Johns Hopkins that you began treating patients clinically with ketamine in 2019. Dr. Sam has expanded outside of the clinic setting to assist in Crisis Intervention Training for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, help create mental skills departments for professional sports teams and corporations, and has worked with industry leaders, corporate executives, and pro athletes. We talk more about these collaborations and much more!

    For more Let's Talk Plant Medicine With Dr. O go to Cannabisradio.com

  • Thomas Kingsley Brown, Ph.D. started his research on ibogaine treatment in November of 2009 when he conducted interviews with patients at Pangea Biomedics (then in Playas de Tijuana, Mexico) and collected data for the purpose of studying changes in Quality of Life for those patients. Hearing about the transformative experiences of these people convinced him that ibogaine’s therapeutic value merited further study.

    Thomas recently published a comprehensive clinical summary of ibogaine use and treatments for the benefit of researchers and medical practitioners. He said “Ibogaine is the only treatment for opioid use disorder that consistently and significantly alleviates withdrawal symptoms that isn’t itself an opioid, and it does so with an effective level on par with methadone.

    Thomas's Research also shows that ibogaine not only interrupts addiction in the short term but also helps people control their drug addiction in the long term, leading to cessation or substantial reductions in problematic drug use. His co-founder Tom Feegel said their clients report that this process can take months of research, leaving them to depend on claims from unverifiable sources, and can even lead to conflicting conclusions based on partial or incomplete information. First and foremost we discuss if is ibogaine safe, as well as, why ibogaine should not have a bad reputation.

  • Ayahuasca has been seen as an alternative to healing emotional wounds outside of traditional medicines and therapy. People have seen improvements in their depression, and anxiety increased self-awareness, or boosted creativity. Derek has had his own battle with addiction. He did his own inner work to heal much of his trauma. That spiritual healing made Derek decide to start the Pachamama Sanctuary.

    Derek recently told Authority Magazine that he is working on moving into a new forever home for the sanctuary in New Hampshire, working with a group of investors and supporters from inside the community. We dive into what is going on and what future plans Derek has and much more!

    Derek is a 45-year-old father of 3 children – Dylan, Althea, and Zoe. He grew up bouncing back and forth between Massachusetts and Florida. A survivor of tremendous abuse in many forms, Derek came to the medicine in 2017 after a decade-long battle with addiction that was starting to get away from him.

    Through intense inner work, extensive work with the medicine, and countless hours working in service to the medicine working along with nearly 1,000 brave souls who sat with the medicine over the last couple of years, Derek has healed much of his trauma. The spiritual healing he received through medicine inspired him to find Pachamama Sanctuary to help others find their own path to health and happiness.

    Derek is passionate about being in service to others. Always ready to lend a hand in any capacity, what he loves most is providing assistance and guidance to anyone who is struggling and is ready to take on the work to find personal acceptance and growth. He spends much of his time helping people integrate their processes and is readily available to help those in need however possible.

  • VR Technology and Psychedelic-assisted Psychotherapy Come Together today on Let's Talk Plant Medicine with Dr. O today on Cannabis Radio. Enosis Therapeutics Pty Ltd. is a psychedelic start-up founded by Agnieszka D. Sekula, a psychedelic researcher at Swinburne University, and Dr. Prashanth Puspanathan, a Melbourne-based medical doctor and long-time psychedelic advocate. Enosis was formed to advance experiential design in psychedelic-based treatment by leveraging virtual reality's unique, state-altering properties. Enosis sits at the intersection of research and industry, providing carefully designed virtual reality scenarios and clinical protocols that employ them at specific points of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy to improve the quality of the patient experience and therapy outcomes. Founders aim to empower patients to take leadership in their own healing journey by using VR to break away from the constraints of the analog system. Their therapeutic approach promotes non-cognitive, experiential, emotional, and embodied aspects of treatment.

  • Anne worked as an independent proprietary trader, trading in CME, and NYSE futures exchanges daily. Achieve monthly profits based on trading several technical & fundamental analysis strategies. Specialized in WTI trades, Nat Gas and Metals. As a Commodity trader, Anne is skilled in Market Analysis and Strategy. Strong finance professional with a Master's degree focused in Business, Management from Lincoln International Business School - Paris. A firm believer that psychedelic medicine is the answer to most Mental Health disorders. Investor in this emerging sector.

  • Today we talk about psychedelics and Microdosing Educator and Guide Dana Harvey, Founder of the Flourish Academy. Dana is a corporate communications professional with 25+ years of global experience using strategic internal and external communications to launch products, build brands, develop teams, educate markets, and grow revenues.

    She has built her own businesses, grown small organizations from the ground up to global award-winning corporations, driven successful leadership campaigns, and led communications for big-name players including IBM and Motorola.

    With a passion for emerging technologies, Dana got the message across for blockchain, A.I., big data, next-generation wireless data, telecom infrastructure, 3D furniture printing, and more.

  • How to Access Psychedelic States Through Sexual Pleasure with Dr. Jenny Martin today on Let's Talk Plant Medicine with Dr. O only on Cannabis Radio. Dr. Jenny Martin is a Psychologist and Sexuality Educator, and a pioneer in consciousness studies. She has been guiding people to explore the potential of accessing psychedelic states naturally (totally sober) through sexual pleasure for over a decade. Her online personalized programs are designed based on evidence-based practices. Students learn to access transcendent states of consciousness at will. Dr. Jenny's work draws on sacred wisdom from ancient traditions and grounds these teachings with scientific research. She focuses on providing support and guidance to people with cervixes, helping them learn about the transformative potential that lives within their minds and bodies.

  • According to New Frontier Data, over 59 million people consumed cannabis in the African continent in 2020, with over $33 billion spent. Nigeria is among the top 10 consumers of the plant even with its illegal status. To help us understand the cannabis market in Africa is Malobi Ogbechie.

    Malobi is the founder of the Panafrican Hemp Association & the director of Ogbechie Group-owned Company operating in Nigeria with a focus on energy, alternative botanical & technology sectors.

    Dr. O and Malobi dived deep into all things cannabis & technology in Africa with a focus on the Nigerian market.

    This conversation is a must-listen. Connect with Malobi here:


    Sign up for Dr. O’s incredible Masterclasses, Health equals Wealth membership, Newsletter & part of her Brand Ambassador here:





    Those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!


    “Cannabis stigma is still real in the African continent...The solution is education…”

    “The upcoming generation of Africans are more open-minded. In Lagos, Nigeria, people smoke cannabis in the open…”

    “Nigeria eco-system is booming. Tech scenes is growing. Lot of money is going into Fintech and technology generally. It’s a great place to invest NOW!!” …. Malobi Ogbechi, Founder, Panafrican Hemp Association


    Join Dr. O’s Village. Follow her on social:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/wcihealth19/

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lola-o-ohonba-pharm-d-247352199

    Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Cannabis-Psychedelic

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    Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

    Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist

    Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness)

    Dr. Ohonba (aka Dr. O) is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH LLC, an alternative health and wellness company. She’s a clinical pharmacist certified in medical cannabis and a public speaker specializing in cannabis and psychedelics.

    Dr. O helps healthcare professionals, dispensaries and alternative medicine enthusiasts understand the health benefits of plant medicine using her background as a clinician and an herbal medicine user growing up in West Africa; so that they can assist their clients to level up on their wellness journey, saving money and avoiding adverse reactions.

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)

  • It’s not new that cannabis is and has always been linked to societal growth. Arizona was known to have some of the harshest marijuana laws, with the 5th highest incarceration rate predominantly targeted towards the black indigenous people of color (BIPOC).

    To help us figure out what’s going on in the desert as it relates to all things cannabis, is the executive director of the Arizona Dispensary Association, Samuel Richard. Samuel is a political lobbyist that is using his expertise to help Arizonians navigate the cannabis space.

    Dr. O and Samuel dived deep into all things activism, cannabis- psychedelics as medicine & many more.

    This conversation is a must-listen. Connect with Samuel here:


    Sign up for Dr. O’s incredible Masterclasses, Health equals Wealth membership, Newsletter & part of her brand ambassador here:





    Those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!


    “Cannabis is medicine, just as food is medicine…”

    “Arizona is a spiritual home of the nation…”

    “The State is not just about cannabis as medicine, it’s also indigenous to psychedelic plant and animals like Peyote, Cactus and desert toads that can help us out of the mental stagnancy that we’ve found ourselves; especially in this era of COVID-19 pandemic” …. Samuel Richard; Arizona Dispensary Association.


    Join Dr. O’s Village. Follow her on social:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/wcihealth19/

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lola-o-ohonba-pharm-d-247352199

    Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Cannabis-Psychedelic

    Subscribe on Apple Podcast, wci-health.com/podcast. Leave a review & Share.

    Support the show Here:

    Patron: https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth

    Venmo: www.venmo.com/u/wcihealth



    Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

    Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist

    Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness)

    Dr. Ohonba (aka Dr. O) is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH LLC, an alternative health and wellness company. She’s a clinical pharmacist certified in medical cannabis and a public speaker specializing in cannabis and psychedelics.

    Dr. O helps healthcare professionals, dispensaries and alternative medicine enthusiasts understand the health benefits of plant medicine using her background as a clinician and an herbal medicine user growing up in West Africa; so that they can assist their clients to level up on their wellness

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)
  • Some of the damage caused by the “War on Drugs” of the Nixon Era is the discriminatory incarceration of the Black Indigenous people of color (BIPOC) & the inability to carry out research. As a result of inadequate research especially on the federal level, cannabis users have had to rely on what I called “throwing spaghetti on the wall” in order to figure out what Cultivars, or shall I say Chemovars works for various ailment.

    Our guest today Otha Smith III is no stranger to the above scenario. Otha is the CEO of Tetragram, a Mobile App platform that is designed to help patients, clinicians, researchers, and cannabis users solve the problems mentioned above.

    Dr. O and Otha dived deep into all things data & metadata; and how essential it is for the health & wellbeing of plant medicine users in the 21st Century.

    This conversation is a must-listen. Connect with Otha here:


    Sign up for Dr. O’s incredible Masterclasses, Health equals Wealth membership, and Newsletter here:




    Those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!


    “Walking into a dispensary is overwhelming for many cannabis patients…we built the app to make it easy for people to choose”

    “The data collected can be used by any organizations for easy decision making…We follow all HIPPA guidelines” …. Otha Smith III, CEO Tetragram


    Join Dr. O’s Village. Follow her on social:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/wcihealth19/

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lola-o-ohonba-pharm-d-247352199

    Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Cannabis-Psychedelic

    Subscribe on Apple Podcast, wci-health.com/podcast. Leave a review & Share.

    Support the show Here:

    Patron: https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)
  • To say menopause is gruesome is an understatement. Data shows over 75 million women going thru different stages, with at least 6000 more getting closer in America. 75% of women are not treated for symptoms which include depression. 80% of OB-GYN stated that they’re not prepared to discuss the topic. So, who is? Should females continue to “hush” and “suffer in silent”? Today’s guest, the ladies of Hello Again Carrie Mapes and Patty Pappas says “No more suffering in silent"

    Carrie and Patty after experiencing relief from their menopausal symptoms with cannabis; co-founded “Hello Again”. Hello Again is a cannabis-based product created to help relieve symptoms of hormone imbalance often seen in females of all ages.

    Dr. O, Carrie, and Patty dived deep into various ways cannabis can help alleviate not just menopausal symptoms, but hormone imbalance generally.

    This conversation is a must-listen. Ladies, this one is for us, A true GYNOMITE! Connect with Carrie & Patty here:


    Sign up for Dr. O’s incredible Masterclasses, Health equals Wealth membership & Newsletter here:




    Those who register will also receive a free signed copy of Dr. O’s book “A Pharmacists Guide to Cannabis”!


    “Your brain starts working differently at 50…”

    “Using the vaginal route bypass the liver. This is good especially for people that have never used cannabis before…”

    “Many females know little about this topic. It starts 1 yr without a period, & up to 10 yrs before then”…..Patty & Carrie


    Join Dr. O’s Village. Follow her on social:

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/wcihealth19/

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-lola-o-ohonba-pharm-d-247352199

    Clubhouse: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/club/Cannabis-Psychedelic

    Subscribe on Apple Podcast, wci-health.com/podcast. Leave a review & Share.

    Support the show Here:

    Patron: https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth

    Venmo: www.venmo.com/u/wcihealth



    Dr. Lola Ohonba, PharmD

    Clinical Pharmacist, Certified Medical Cannabis Specialist

    Founder WCI HEALTH LLC (Alternative Health & Wellness)

    Dr. Ohonba (aka Dr. O) is the founder and CEO of WCI HEALTH LLC, an alternative health and wellness company. She’s a clinical pharmacist certified in medical cannabis and a public speaker specializing in cannabis and psychedelics.

    Dr. O helps healthcare professionals, dispensaries and alternative medicine enthusiasts understand the health benefits of plant medicine using her background as a clinician and an herbal medicine user growing up in West Africa; so that they can assist their clients to level up on their wellness journey, saving money and avoiding adverse reactions.

    Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/WCIHealth)