Once again, there is a delay in the release of the next episode of Life With Althaar.
Sorry about that, listeners.
Ian & Berit have some words on the subject here, with the help of some unexpected visitors to the Gemini CollisionWorks Radiophonic Workshop.
Episode 34 will be out and in your ears as soon as we can finish it to our standards.
Thank you for understanding, and as always, for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you,
Ian W. Hill & Berit Johnson
In which John B finds himself in apparent danger, and for once, it's actually unexpected. Dinorbiax and Fracottiverx, the strange-talking Fugulnari enforcers, have dragged him into an interrogation room to discuss some of his recent behavior, which, despite John's actions as a double-agent for the Resistance, are mostly explainable. Mostly. Meanwhile, life goes on at The Fairgrounds, as thought is given by Dee and Xtopps to future plans for after the conflict is over (one way or another), Stella and H.F. consider a rescue mission, Frall and Torianna discuss garbage and less-appealing things, and Frondrinax, in an attempt to distract Althaar from John B's unavailability, challenges the Iltorian to a little game of pool. EPISODE THIRTY-THREE“Two Plants and a Booster“written by Ian W. Hill featuringJohn Amir as John BEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. FrondrinaxBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Kwontz, Alien Barfly, Cpl. NessZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" MalloryDerrick Peterson as XtoppsIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arChris Lee as Chip Frinkel withClara Francesca: DinorbiaxLeila Okafor: FracottiverxIan W. Hill: Announcer, Alien Shrimps VendorAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesFred Backus: OakensarxPhilip Cruise: Cpl. DormerLex Friedman: Bubbles, Elevator VoiceLinus Gelber: Foog Observer Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones.Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
Missing episodes?
In which Ian & Berit, the co-creators of LIFE WITH ALTHAAR announce the postponement of episode 33, and make a polite request for donations (and tell you how to do that).
So, as announced in the audio here, for those who didn't find out on social media last week, episode 33 of Life With Althaar - "Two Plants and a Booster" - will be uploaded on October 8, 2021.
And also, we would very much appreciate donations to the company, if it is possible for you, as also discussed in the audio.
Here's an update on where to do that, and all the other places we can be found online:
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Sorry for the delay in the series, but we'll be back soon enough, and things will be heating up a great deal when we are.
Until then, as always...
Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.
Ian W. Hill & Berit Johnson
photo by Kent Meister, 2016
In which we meet Drew, who is full of hate. Drew hates the Fugulnari, with very good reason. Drew hates John B, for what appears to be good reason. Drew is full of hate because he has had his love taken away from him, and is now on a journey of revenge and discovery across the Fairgrounds that might be far more dangerous to his allies than to their common enemy. EPISODE THIRTY-TWO“Luck of the Drew“written by Linus Gelber featuringEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Glottulix, WardDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, HECNET Customer Service, Soothing PSA NarratorZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, RootyAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Vert, Angry Crowd PersonBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Kwontz, Alien Barfly, Comrade, Bridge PersonChris Lee as Chip FrinkelJohn Amir as John B, Happy VendorAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna withLinus Gelber: Drew, StalinBot, Bridge Person’s FriendPhilip Cruise: Christopher WalkenBot, Dazed and Confused ZoodIan W. Hill: Announcer, Booster Observer 1, Curious Shopper, LarryFred Backus: Oakensarx, Booster Observer 2Lex Friedman: Bubbles, June, Console Voice, Gate GuardDavid Arthur Bachrach: Nearby MerchantAnna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, Checkpoint GuardOlivia Baseman: Amber on the Bridge Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks“The HeartFall Song” - lyrics by Linus Gelber, music by Berit Johnson WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones.Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which, for the good of his friends, Xtopps decides he has to kick his peanut butter habit, and we experience the horrors of a Xybidont in withdrawal from the cursed legume. Meanwhile, Vert accidentally stumbles upon the Resistance's secret domain, and must choose between joining them, or probably being blown out an airlock, if you call that a choice. EPISODE THIRTY-ONE"The Xybidont with the Golden Carapace"written by Philip Cruise and Christopher Lee featuringChris Lee as Chip FrinkelDerrick Peterson as XtoppsAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Vert, Passageways SpokespersonZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, RootyIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna, Foog Guard 2, Resistance SoldierAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Foog Guard 1, Resistance SoldierEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesJohn Amir as John B, Michael BufferBotBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Byroxidana, Resistance Soldier withLinus Gelber: StalinBot, Rubaganthi in the Audience, Timothy LearyBot, Q'PutrousPhilip Cruise: Tiny Bill Tremaine, TV Announcer, Q'VoglintFred Backus: Ewan McGregorBot, Howard CosellBot, OakensarxIan W. Hill: Announcer, Schlooma, Mr. Peanut, Bridge CrewOlivia Baseman: Amber on the Bridge, J'BollontJessica Stoya: Voussh, Bridge CrewAnna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, Resistance SoldierHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss Sophie, Hutavarova, Bridge CrewLex Friedman: Bubbles, Deborah, Joanna JedrzejczykBot Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and Linus Theme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which the various groups and people of the Fairgrounds opposed to the authoritarian rule of the Fugulnari over the Humans seek out alliances with other species to aid their cause. For Torianna, this means a most-unanticipated meeting with the Dilurians. For John, it means a history lesson on Robot/Human Labor Relations. For Xtopps, it means a slight return to his aristocratic roots. And for Althaar, it means a surprise visit from some Gendarans. EPISODE THIRTY"The Union Forever"written by John Amir and Lex Friedman featuringJohn Amir as John B, Awkward Fugulnari Teenage Intern, FactotumBerit Johnson as Althaar, Hilda PetriniBot, Sopon, Kwontz, GizmoreldaAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Robot 3, Vert, SherylIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna, JoyceAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Steve 4, Resistance MemberEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Pleasant SteveChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Gendaran DiplomatDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, HECNET Customer Service, Gendaran DiplomatZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Pattorvane withOlivia Baseman: Robot 1, Jennifer Tilly-BotDavid Arthur Bachrach: Radio Free Fairgrounds, Robot 2Lex Friedman: Bubbles, Mother JonesBot, Steve 2, Ruthie the Weirdo, The Most Serene Amplified High Notability, J'Yallen Dwan B'techer Men'Walz, Daughter of J'Bellent, House Byllaburt, of the Grand Duchy of Prang, Gendaran DiplomatLinus Gelber: Jimmy HoffaBot, Martin LutherBotPhilip Cruise: Christopher WalkenBot, Pauly ShoreBotIan W. Hill: Announcer, Winston ChurchillBot, Gendaran Busboy 1, ChompersRolls Andre: George-ForemanBotHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss Sophie, Gendaran Busboy 2, Gendaran DiplomatFred Backus: Big Steve, Zabriskie TwoAnna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, Steve 3Leila Okafor: Dr. MwangiClara Francesca: Roohand Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and Linus Theme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which the documentary on the Fugulnari occupation of the Fairgrounds is broadcast, and all of the residents who hoped it would show the truth of what is happening there are indeed amazed at what can be done in post. Meanwhile, with most of the station distracted by the documentary, the Resistance attempts to take advantage of a temporary glitch in security to install monitoring devices in the brig, allowing them more direct access to the political prisoner, Dee. EPISODE TWENTY-NINE"And That's the Way It Is"written by Linus Gelber featuringZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Rooty, Jeff McJeff-OAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Door Alert SystemIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaBerit Johnson as Althaar, Hitherto Unnoticed Bridge Person, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Cpl. Ness, KwontzAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Weirdo Passing ByEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, GlottulixJohn Amir as John B, Human DrinkerChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Molto JeffDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, Boonarux withLinus Gelber: StalinBot, Hitherto Unnoticed Bridge Person's Friend, "Dave"Olivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeFred Backus: OakensarxDavid Arthur Bachrach: Radio Free Fairgrounds, Thoombon ros RoogIan W. Hill: Announcer, Reasonable Jeff, Mr. Table, AstonmartloxLex Friedman: BubblesJessica Stoya: Ganglion OcellusClara Francesca: Professor Dodici Gateux Holly Pocket McCaffrey: Ashlee in Hydroponics, Other Human DrinkerPhilip Cruise: Cpl. Dormer, Confident Announcer, Lamborghinix, Definitely Catapult Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and Linus Theme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which tension, apprehension, and dissension have, if not begun, continued apace. As Frondrinax attempts to secretly guide an official fact-finding mission around the Fairgrounds, doing all she can to avoid showing the Fugulnari oppression of Humans, the Resistance and Commander Torianna do all they can to subvert her efforts, being aided in this by the sudden arrival of a delegation of surprisingly-disturbing aliens. Meanwhile, Althaar receives advice on his concerns about John B from a noted, if exceptionally drunk, actor. EPISODE TWENTY-EIGHT"False Faces, True Colors"written by Amanda LaPergola featuringAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, VertZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Rooty, Poomie 6Ivanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaJohn Amir as John BEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Charsh, Human Laborer 1, EukatroxAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Piklat NaffBerit Johnson as Althaar, Human Laborer 4, Sopon, Kwontz, Poomie 1Chris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Worker, Poomie 2Derrick Peterson as Xtopps, Second Unit Director withIan W. Hill: Announcer, Astonmartlox, Human Laborer 5, Jerry, Conrad, Poomie 3Fred Backus: OakensarxDavid Arthur Bachrach: Radio Free Fairgrounds, Thoombon ros Roog, Poomie 5, ArcheplaxLinus Gelber: StalinBot, "Dave," Human Laborer 3Olivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeJessica Stoya: Ganglion OcellusAnna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, Another WorkerLex Friedman: Bubbles, Poomie 4, Human Laborer 2, Harried Departure StewardHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss SophiePhilip Cruise: Poomie 7 Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and Linus Theme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna Stefanic"Plants Are Great" lyrics by Amanda LaPergola,music & arrangement by Berit JohnsonIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which we return after six months to a Fairgrounds both very different, and somehow much the same. Life under the Fugulnari Occupation has become a nightmare of new restrictions and bureaucracy, but somehow the Human Exchange Concourse remains running in the same dilapidated way it always has. As Torianna, Frall, and Althaar attempt to thwart the Fugulnari through diplomatic means, Stella Reyes's Resistance fights them on the ground. And John B, caught in the middle as a secret double-agent, must seek out information to help the Resistance while being publicly hated as a Fugulnari collaborator. And how is Dee sneaking her recordings of protest songs out of her cell in solitary confinement?
EPISODE TWENTY-SEVEN"Life Under the Spreading Green"written by Ian W. Hill
featuringAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Vert, Resistance TraineeZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, RootyJohn Amir as John BBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Cpl. Ness, Kwontz, Another Resistance MemberIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arDerrick Peterson as XtoppsChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Fugulnari JailerEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes
withIan W. Hill: Announcer, Narrator, Rufus, Resistance Member, Larry, Fugulnari Jailer 2, Fugulnari Checkpoint Guard 2David Arthur Bachrach: Radio Free Fairgrounds, Fugulnari Checkpoint GuardJessica Stoya: Susan TorkanHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Ashlee in Hydroponics, Miss SophieAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesLeila Okafor: Dr. Mwangi, FracottiverxLex Friedman: Bubbles, Ruthie the Weirdo, Nicklap Five-ArmsLinus Gelber: StalinBotOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeDean Haspiel: The WeaselRolls Andre: George ForemanBotClara Francesca: DinorbiaxPhilip Cruise: Cpl. DormerBerit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2021 Gemini CollisionWorks
EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.
A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which the kettle boils over. As the Fugulnari's repressive "suggestions" are given the force of law by the occupied League of Humans, making life on the Fairgrounds even more unpleasant than before, the Human residents and their allies try to find ways around, under, over, or through the edicts, believing still that the occupation may just fail on its own. But it becomes clear the Fugulnari are not stopping. And then the violence comes. And everyone on the Human Exchange Concourse -- John, H.F., Stella, the command staff on the Bridge, the denizens of The Electric Egg, and, yes, even that lovable peacemaker Althaar -- all must decide where they now stand, and what moves they will make in the future.
EPISODE TWENTY-SIX"And You Turn Yourself Around"written by Ian W. Hill
featuringDerrick Peterson as XtoppsZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, RootyChris Lee as Chip FrinkelBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Cpl. Ness, KwontzAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. FrondrinaxJohn Amir as John BIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." ForneswithPhilip Cruise: Cpl. Dormer, SammyLex Friedman: BubblesIan W. Hill: AnnouncerAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeLinus Gelber: StalinBotHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Ashlee in HydroponicsDavid Arthur Bachrach: Radio AnnouncerRolls Andre: Fugulnari Riot Cop
and The Electric Egg Chorale:
David Arthur Bachrach, Olivia Baseman, Bernadette Cruise, Catherine Cura Cruise, Philip Cruise, Lex Friedman, Eli Ganias, Linus Gelber, Berit Johnson, Amanda LaPergola, Chris Lee, Derrick Peterson, Alyssa Simon, Anna Stefanic (piano), and Zuri Washington
CONTENT WARNING: Extreme Sudden Violence
Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks
EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.
A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which Christmas comes again to the Fairgrounds in the form of dueling parties from two of the station's least-likely proponents of the holiday, Mrs. Frondrinax the Fugulnari and Althaar the Iltorian. While everyone wishes, or at least would prefer, to got to the lovable Althaar's party, most of the crew is mandatorily required to attend Frondrinax's - one of the benefits to being part of a fascist take over of the station. However Althaar and Chip Frinkel have a plan to steal Christmas back, or at least, destroy the Fugulnari's Christmas plans. Meanwhile, new Ensign Candy Cameron lives out her life as a character in her very own traditional Christmas movie.
EPISODE TWENTY-FIVE"A Special Very Merry Fairgrounds Miracle Wish for the Holidays: A Christmas Fable"written by Philip Cruise and Chris Lee
featuringJohn Amir as John B, Steve, BoyEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Stevalicious, DadBerit Johnson as Althaar, Cpl. Ness, Girl, Alien Barfly, Kwontz, Sopon, Xybidont GodheadAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. FrondrinaxIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Legal DisclaimerZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Mom, CindyDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, Daddy CameronwithPhilip Cruise: Cpl. Dormer, Commercial Pitchman, CobrakannixIan W. Hill: Trash Detector, Announcer, William S. BurroughsBot, Santa, Winston ChurchillBot, Clint EastwoodBot, Yuvex, Fugulnari GuardLex Friedman: Candy Cameron, BubblesFred Backus: OakensarxHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss Sophie, Ashlee in HydroponicsOlivia Baseman: Judy GreerBot, Amber on the BridgeLinus Gelber: Staring Contest MC, StalinBot, GurnaxAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesDavid Arthur Bachrach: Flintrinix Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks
EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you.
A Gemini CollisionWorks Production
In which the Fugulnari "advisors" impose strict restrictions on movement for all Humans on The Fairgrounds. Very literally. To increase efficiency and decrease unnecessary movement, all Humans must wear pedometers and walk no more than 4,000 steps per day. However, between shortening the length of the "day" to not quite four hours, and also increasing the amount of alcohol that must be in the drinks at The Electric Egg, their efficiency campaign proves hideously misguided. Meanwhile, after a group of Fugulnari bullies dognap Miss Sophie, H.F. and John B attempt what should be a classic daring vent-crawl rescue, as long as they use the correct vents and only get a little damp, rather than boiled alive. EPISODE TWENTY-FOUR"Benefits of a Classical Education"written by John Amir featuringZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, TessJohn Amir as John BEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesAmanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, GrendvomixIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna, Fugulnari BarflyChris Lee as Chip FrinkelDerrick Peterson as XtoppsAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Fugulnari Drinks InspectorBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Prestorlix, Kwontz withPhilip Cruise: Beaux Several, VamternooxHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss SophieLex Friedman: Bubbles, Araggax, DoorDean Haspiel: Troncorblox, SallifrenixDavid Arthur Bachrach: Mortrinex, Patronizing Waiter, Friendly Phone Service, BramthanoxAnna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, BluodinarxIan W. Hill: Announcer, William S. BurroughsBot, Fugulnari Heckler, Winston ChurchillBot, MartyRolls Andre: George ForemanBotLinus Gelber: Todd, Martin LutherBotOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeClara Francesca: DinorbiaxLeila Okafor: FracottiverxFred Backus: Peter ThielBot Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which the citizens of the Fairgrounds try to figure out the rules and limits of living under the new "suggestions" from the Fugulnari Advisory Committee. While Fugulnari agent Mrs. Frondrinax has her own problems in a new assignment creating a trade deal with the Bee People, Commander Torianna finds herself in a now mostly formal position, John B and Stella rarely get to see each other because of interference in their work schedules by the new management, drunk and arrogant Fugulnari cause problems at The Electric Egg, and H.F. searches desperately to find a safe place where Miss Sophie can now do her business. EPISODE TWENTY-THREE"Trade Test Transmissions"written by Amanda LaPergola featuringJohn Amir as John B, Baroness Kleodora, Offended FugulnariIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna Amanda LaPergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, VertZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Rooty, TessChris Lee as Chip FrinkelBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Kwontz, DivineBotDerrick Peterson as XtoppsEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar withIan W. Hill: Announcer, William S. BurroughsBot, Trash DetectorAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesLinus Gelber: Martin LutherBot, Todd, Fidorian 2, DaveLex Friedman: Bubbles, Amber's Mom #1, Fidorian 1Olivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeJessica Stoya: Amber's Mom #2, Zwizz'linarpFred Backus: Oakensarx, Drunk FugulnariPhilip Cruise: Beaux Several, Mark WahlbergBotHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss SophieClara Francesca: DinorbiaxLeila Okafor: Fracottiverx Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme, Interstitial Music, and additional piano composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which the Day of the Fugulnari Ascension arrives. EPISODE TWENTY-TWO"The Secret Life of Plants"written by Ian W. Hill and Berit Johnson featuringJohn Amir as John B, Hydroponics RecruiterBerit Johnson as Althaar, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Sharon, Cpl. NessEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Fugulnari 3, MackalockaAmanda La Pergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, VertAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, PSA AnnouncerZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, TessIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna Chris Lee as Chip Frinkel Derrick Peterson as XtoppswithDavid Arthur Bachrach: Fugulnari 1, Angry BronsonianLex Friedman: Bubbles, Fugulnari 2, Drunk FugulnariIan W. Hill: Announcer, Kaiser WilhelmBot, Marty, Herrdronn, William S. BurroughsBotJessica Stoya: Susan TorkanPhilip Cruise: Beaux Several, Cpl. Ness, Rotary Club SpokesbeingLinus Gelber: StalinBot, ToddOlivia Baseman: Amber on the Bridge, FlixwintrixAnna Stefanic: Stella ReyesClara Francesca: RixlonHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Ashlee in Hydroponics Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which John tries to share the Halloween tradition of watching scary movies with Althaar, and only succeeds in truly terrifying his friend with the mere idea that Humans could rise from the grave, as zombies are a completely and literally alien idea to all non-Human species. Meanwhile, controversial broadcaster Beaux Several arrives on the Fairgrounds after damaging several other civilizations by "just asking questions," and promptly charms and angers the locals in roughly equal amounts, while causing more trouble by promoting the Mrs. Frondrinax-created rumor that Humans actually can control the dead. And the other species on the Fairgrounds begin to form some Human-hating angry mobs. EPISODE TWENTY-ONE"They're Coming to Get You, Althaar"written by Linus Gelber featuringJohn Amir as John B, Corky, Tank WorkerBerit Johnson as Althaar, Hitherto Unnoticed Bridge Person, Spy Baby, Tank Worker, Sopon, Restaurant Patron, Cpl. NessEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Pushy HECNET Media Control, Queue-Tube Streamer, Spy BabyAmanda La Pergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, House Security Activation, Bold Spy BabyIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy Torianna, Hopeful Aqua Screamo Fan, Spy BabyAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Angry Broadcaster, Spy Baby, Curious Wet-Tank Spunt, Restaurant Patron, Suspicious Alien 3Zuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, TessChris Lee as Chip Frinkel Derrick Peterson as Xtopps, withJessica Stoya: RhubarbIan W. Hill: Announcer, Beaux Chair, Kaiser WilhelmBot, Marty, Baffled Egg Patron, Boris KarloffBot, Maitre D', Suspicious Alien 2David Arthur Bachrach: Shakespearean ActorBotOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeLinus Gelber: Hitherto Unnoticed Bridge Person's Friend, FRGD-Wave DJ, Todd, Rutledge, StalinBotPhilip Cruise: Beaux Several, Baffled Egg Patron, Spy Baby, Stella's Napkin, Cpl. Dormer, Suspicious Alien 4 Anna Stefanic: Stella Reyes, Tank WorkerLex Friedman: Tank Worker, John's Napkin, Suspicious Alien 1 Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which A Murder Is Announced. A homicide in a cheap lodging turns out to have important and personal ramifications for Commander Torianna, who takes on the investigation personally. Meanwhile, Althaar, having binge-watched hours of 20th-Century Earth mystery TV shows, on discovering that Mrs. Frondrinax is implicated in the crime, decides to do his own sleuthing, dragging the hapless John B along on what may or may not be a wild goose chase. At the same time, a redecoration of The Electric Egg makes everyone uncomfortable for undefinable reasons, Sherlock HolmesBot is disabled, evidence is stolen by a dog, and Mixology is only a red herring. EPISODE TWENTY"Dial 'O' for Bigelow"written by Ian W. Hill and Berit Johnson featuringIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arBerit Johnson as Althaar, Cpl. Ness, Sopon, Alien Barfly, KwontzJohn Amir as John B, Collaborator 2Amanda La Pergola as Mrs. FrondrinaxZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" MalloryDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, Collaborator 3Chris Lee as Chip Frinkel Eli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." ForneswithPhilip Cruise: Cpl. DormerIan W. Hill: Announcer, Sherlock HolmesBot, Collaborator 1Leila Okafor: Dr. MwangiLex Friedman: Veronica Gardens, BubblesFred Backus: Jasper BigelowHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Ashlee! in Hydroponics, Miss SophieDean Haspiel: InformerLinus Gelber: Brindrinorx Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna StefanicIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which Chip returns to The Electric Egg after a quick errand to find an immense booze fight in progress among just about everyone we know on The Fairgrounds. In attempting to sort out how the fight began, we are presented with eight flashbacks from amongst the crew, none of which actually in themselves do much to illuminate how the fight happened, but all of them revealing much about each character and how they see everyone else on The Fairgrounds and how they believe they are see and treated by all the others.
EPISODE NINETEEN"Eight Ways of Looking at a Bar Fight"written by John Amir and Lex Friedmanfeaturing
Chris Lee as Chip FrinkelBerit Johnson as Althaar, Cpl. Ness, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Kwontz, Xbidont Goddess, Spotel ManagerDerrick Peterson as Xtopps Ivanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAmanda La Pergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, VertZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" MalloryEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesJohn Amir as John B, WoodsmanBotAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arwith
Philip Cruise: Cpl. DormerHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss SophieIan W. Hill: Announcer, Winston ChurchillBot, Dilurian, CommonerBot, AssassinLex Friedman: BubblesLinus Gelber: Space PriestFred Backus: Jasper Bigelow Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna Stefanic"Efficiency/The Better World" music and lyrics by John, arranged by BeritIllustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks extra special thanks to Julie Hoverson for the inspirational tweet WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE! -
In which John B, on yet another boring and routine EVA mission to fix a very small wire on the outside of The Fairgrounds, is sent hurling away from the space station by a chance explosion. As John and the bridge crew attempt in vain to find a way to bring him back (that won't kill him), all of his other friends on The Fairgrounds show up on the bridge to say hello (for no logical reason), and John suspects that, despite their assurances, it's really to say a very final goodbye. And for some reason or reasons, neither Frall nor Althaar seem to be around. EPISODE EIGHTEEN"Space Hat with Air"written by Ian W. Hill featuringJohn Amir as John BIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." FornesAmanda La Pergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, VertBerit Johnson as Althaar, Cpl. Ness, Sopon, Alien Barfly, KwontzChris Lee as Chip FrinkelZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" MalloryDerrick Peterson as Xtopps Alyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'arwithLinus Gelber: StalinBotOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeIan W. Hill: AnnouncerHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Miss SophieRolls Andre: Werner HerzogBotPhilip Cruise: Cpl. DormerLex Friedman: BubblesAnna Stefanic : Stella Reyes Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna Stefanic Illustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which the "Steves" from an annoying but highly motivated and skilled capitalist species, the Dilurians, come to The Fairgrounds, renting a downshifted and unused level, from which they proceed to wreak havoc across the entire space station. As their new business, Cadabra, expands rapidly from selling personalized smells, they begin, in less than a day, to gentrify across the station, wiping out all the beloved homegrown businesses and replacing them with more-convenient apps providing far worse service. On top of it, Commander Torianna discovers she will have to avert an actual massacre as the Dilurians attempt to expand into the sector of the Pudendar, a proud and exiled species of warrior artists uninterested in and offended by the commercial offerings. EPISODE SEVENTEEN"The Sweet Smell of the Fairgrounds"written by Amanda La Pergola and Philip Cruise featuringZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Docking Clerk, X.Z. DrachirEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Steve the First, Steve, Steve from BizLaunch, Party SteveChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Steve the Second, Tour Guide Steve, Steve the FinalAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Steve-OIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaJohn Amir as John B, Steve in OperationsBerit Johnson as Althaar, Stevers, Sopon, Cpl. Ness, Steve from AdminDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, Steve-a-rinoAmanda La Pergola as Mrs. Frondrinax, Steve in Legal, Ayn RandBotwithHolly Pocket McCaffrey: Package Non-Recipient, Pudendari AttendantPhilip Cruise: Christopher WalkenBot, Cpl. Dormer, Steve from ShowcaineLex Friedman: Smarmy Computer, Steven, Dating Service DroneIan W. Hill: Announcer, Stevie, Jean-Claude, Kaiser WilhelmBot, Promo Drone, True Crime Comedian, Steve the PenultimateOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeRolls Andre: George ForemanBot, Restaurant PromoLeila Okafor: Officer Crveno, Showcaine P.A.Anna Stefanic : Stella Reyes, Pitch Video, Zyloxides fru PeplinDavid Arthur Bachrach: Steve from Integration, Falling-in-Love Drone, Pharma SteveLinus Gelber: Steve from HR, StalinBot, Awesome SteveFred Backus: Steve from Tech Support, Big SteveClara Francesca : Offspring, Queen Westellernta of the Pudendari Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna Stefanic Illustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaarOptimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
In which Drop Time comes again to The Fairgrounds, though several newcomers to the station have no idea what this period -- when the station drops a certain amount of days from the calendar to get in line with Earth's -- means for them. For John B, it means his birthday is getting skipped, for Dee, it means a cruel prank regarding a non-binding contract, for the energy being Lt. Frall, it means trying to drink coffee and pouring it on the floor, and for most of the crew, it means a time to slack off and ignore all rules. An angry John B searches for the hidden Timekeeping Central department, to discover the secret of The Algorithm that decides when Drop Time occurs, while H.F. takes Dee on a tour of several secret places on the station only available to the public during Drop Time. EPISODE SIXTEEN"Big Numbers and Little Science"written by Linus Gelber featuringBerit Johnson as Althaar, Herbert, Sopon, Alien Barfly, Video KidJohn Amir as John B, Sanitation Grunt, Video KidIvanna Cullinan as Commander Mindy ToriannaAlyssa Simon as Lieutenant-Commander Frallen-Br'ar, Indistinct CallerDerrick Peterson as Xtopps, HECNET Responder, Alien DuckChris Lee as Chip Frinkel, Barry the PilotZuri Washington as Delilah "Dee" Mallory, Video KidEli Ganias as Hardyfox "H.F." Fornes, Video Kid Amanda La Pergola as Mrs. FrondrinaxwithLinus Gelber: PythagorasBot, Sanitation GruntPhilip Cruise: PhilolausBot, Sanitation GruntIan W. Hill: Announcer, Winston ChurchillBot, Sanitation Grunt, Birthday Alert, Video Kid, William S. BurroughsBot, Trash DetectorAnna Stefanic : Stella ReyesOlivia Baseman: Amber on the BridgeClara Francesca : Drop Time Educator Berit is the supervising producer, showrunner, and script supervisorIan is the audio producer, sound designer, and technical supervisorThe writers’ room consists of Berit, Ian, John, Amanda, Chris, Philip, Lex, and LinusTheme and Interstitial Music composed and performed by Anna Stefanic Illustration by Dean HaspielLibrary Music and SFX licensed from Storyblocks WEB: www.geminicollisionworks.comTWITTER: @AlthaarTweeting and @LifeWithAlthaar Optimized for best listening on earbuds or headphones. Entire Production © 2020 Gemini CollisionWorks Thank you for your attention; it is a pleasure working for you. A Gemini CollisionWorks Production EPISODE SCRIPT HERE!
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