
  • In this final episode with Robyn, we’re wrapping up Season 9 by discussing her time on the podcast. From what it took to stay committed to the process and share her full heart despite the journey she was on, to her biggest lessons (which so many of us hard relate to), to what she wants you to know most. We’re sharing it all in this final wrap up!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • How this process has been for Robyn, especially as her journey went in a different direction than she was expecting

    • What the best and most difficult parts were (and how they're in some ways, the same thing)

    • Her experience of sharing her coaching on the podcast and this level of transparency

    • What's next for Robyn and what she most wants you to know

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    Join my Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/litupandloadedentrepreneur/ Learn more about Robyn on her website - https://robyngooding.com/

  • In our final coaching session with Robyn we do a recap into her launch and review final results. We have a full circle moment in recounting what she’s done in the last few months and how much has shifted and changed for her both internally and externally. We also dive into what’s next for her, what she needs to focus on most now, and what themes she’s still working on. It’s such a beautiful final episode that I know you’ll take so much away from.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The results of Robyn’s mastermind launch and the one thing that will make or break your launch

    What Robyn is leaning into after such a hard season that we all need to be reminded of

    What you need to know about your actions in business that completely changes your mindset

    How celebration is so much less frivolous than we think it is and why you need to incorporate it ASAP

    What intimacy with your audience really means

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  • In this solo episode, we discuss the biggest key to seeing consistent success with your funnel or launches. We’ll talk about what keeps you steady no matter what’s going on in your life, and how to honor yourself alongside getting results. I’ll go into specifics around the mindset, strategy, and execution behind this, as well as give you specific things to be tracking and doing right now in your business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The #1 thing you need if you want to make strategic and neutral decisions in your business

    What helps your coach help you most effectively

    Three questions to ask yourself in business to get more clear and easeful results

    Numbers you should be tracking in your launch or funnel

    The lens that Robyn’s given us this season that we all need

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    Measure & Maximize

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  • In Session 16 with Robyn, we check in with Robyn as she’s mid-way through her launch and her embryo transfer. She’s in a really big moment in her business, her life, and her fertility journey and there is lots going on for her. We look at what it means to have big success alongside big struggles and how to process and move through both at the same time.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The HUGE challenge Robyn had that lost her 100’s of leads in her launch

    The pivot we’re making with data and what I’m suggesting she track most right now

    How Robyn’s launch is going and what the results are currently telling us

    The fastest way to make money

    Why we’re calling next week Robyn’s “super bowl”

    Why launches don’t have to be ‘loud’

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 15 with Robyn, we discuss what’s coming up for Robyn mindset wise as she enters into this next launch and the intuitive nudge she’s gotten along the way. We dive into “convincing energy” and when to lean in to help people along their buyers journey and when not to. We also find a place Robyn’s holding back and get specific about where she’s going to put her attention in her launch. This is a great deep dive in getting into the right mindset for a launch and feeling empowered around making sales (even if it’s in a new way that you’re less familiar with!).

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The balance that Robyn is navigating on her fertility and business journey right now

    The one thing that causes most of our problems

    The mindset fear that’s coming up for Robyn in this launch

    How we can use and think about industry data

    The type of marketing that converts fastest

    Convincing energy and how to actually think about it while still marketing for results

    The big shift Robyn can make during this launch to capitalize on what’s already working and see even better results

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  • In Session 13 with Robyn, we discuss the big thing that’s been happening for her personally and some huge mindset shifts she’s had in the process. We also dive into her new funnel, what’s working, what’s not, and what strategic options are available for continuing to grow and scale it. This episode is the perfect mix of mindset and strategy that will leave you with big insights and shifts on both fronts that are sure to lead to more results in your own business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The number one shift you can make when setting goals that feel ‘impossible’

    One of the most vulnerable things we can do as humans and business owners

    The thing that gives you the most surrender and peace always

    When to set stretch goals (that you’ll be way more likely to hit)

    The biggest strategic shift I recommend Robyn make in her current funnel

    When ads make sense and when they don’t

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In this solo episode, we discuss the key ingredients to creating success on social (no matter what the algorithm is doing), key shifts that I’ve seen online including the shifts I’ve made to my strategy and mindset, and how specific messaging can make all the difference in seeing big results. This is the first solo episode I’ve ever done on social media in 9 seasons of LITerally and I’m so excited to share it with you.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How to identify your goal on social media and align your strategy to it

    Why I think I’ve had such a positive relationship with social over 8 years of business and how you can have the same

    The four biggest things you should think about when creating content

    How I’ve shifted my mindset re: personal content and what that’s done for my business

    The biggest piece of advice I have around leveraging what’s working on social and making it work for you

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 12 with Robyn, we dive into social media and messaging in a big way. We talk about what it looks like to make it the priority again and the nuances behind the message Robyn is putting out. We also discover a gap in her marketing that brings up some big edges and a conversation around a promise she made to herself when she was a child. This episode will support you with strategic steps you can take as well as a broader view of what could be keeping you stuck from going big with your own visibility.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    When to make social the priority and when it’s OK if it’s not. Sometimes social is the priority and sometimes it’s not and both are OK

    The thing that really creates ease in business (and lets you lean into your feminine)

    The big shift Robyn is making in her own messaging

    The big work we often have to do as we lean into more visibility (and why it often involves our inner child)

    Why ‘landing the plane’ for your clients is so valuable after a big breakthrough

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 11 with Robyn, we discuss what it means to market yourself and lean into sharing in a new way. It’s such a great conversation on knowing what works, while also acknowledging what works for you. Robyn brings such authenticity and I think represents what so many of us feel around this topic, and I know it will be such a useful one.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    When it makes sense to lean into innovation vs. when are we using that as something to hide behind

    Robyn and I discuss “proximity marketing” and what we think around this in our space

    How our audience reads not just what we're saying but what we’re bringing to what we're saying

    The difference between if a strategy is a good strategy vs. if it’s a good strategy for you

    The recommendation I make for Robyn to test in her marketing strategy around her new offer

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 10 with Robyn, we discuss that difficult place in business when things feel uncertain but nothing is actually wrong. We dive into detachment, big vision, and what safety in business really means. We also talk about what actually IS “wrong” right now and the personal and health challenges coming up for Robyn and how to address (or not address) those from a mindset perspective. This is a really interesting episode where I give a lot of thoughts and advice that is probably counter to what you’re used to hearing but will be really supportive no matter where you’re at in your own journey.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The thing Robyn is noticing with her new business that’s really serving her that she wants to bring into her coaching business

    The recommendation I make for a quick win lead magnet and conversion strategy

    The counterintuitive advice I give Robyn about people understanding her message

    The mentality that’s so prevalent in our industry that is so damaging and keeps a lot of people broke

    The thing that actually creates safety in our businesses

    Why I’m suggesting Robyn “blame” something outside of herself and the thing we name as something she won’t overcome with just “the right mindset”

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In this solo episode, we discuss what it really means and looks like to create success during those tough seasons in life. We talk about Robyn’s journey, my own journey, and the 3 things that I think are most impactful to lean into if you want to be able to create professional success when you’re in a really difficult personal season.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Why you’re getting one less episode in this season of LITerally

    The one thing you DON’T owe your audience

    My story on creating Datable and the biggest fear I had

    The three pillars you need for creating success even when things are tough

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 8 with Robyn, we discuss where she’s at as she’s wrapping up her year, how she’s feeling about her relationship with social media, an update on her health journey, and she shares a fun business celebration. This feels like a beautiful wrap-up/level set that all centers around finding an equilibrium and what that looks like as a mom, and the owner of two businesses that are both in a “clean slate” phase.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The exciting and unexpected celebration Robyn has to share

    The thing that is the most freeing in business

    What Robyn uses as the primary way to shift her mindset

    The recommendation I’m making about finding balance and integration with both businesses

    The one thing we both see as the key to almost all success (especially the kind that is sustainable)

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 7 with Robyn, we discuss the upcoming launch of Robyn’s new business and the launch of her new offer in her coaching business. We talk about visibility edges that are coming up for her and some practical strategies about where to start when launching something new and what to focus on and leverage. We also discuss the big season of work Robyn is in and discerning between self-sabotage and a strong sprint. This episode is such a great mixture of mindset and strategy that will support you in stretching your own edges and bringing something new to life in business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How to discern between self-sabotage and a sprint season

    What it looks like to find the balance between sprints and rest in business

    The reason Robyn’s market research went totally different this time around

    One of the most important things we can give our clients as a coach

    The thing you want to focus on and leverage when launching something new

    The question to ask yourself when you hit a visibility edge

    Episode Links

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In this solo episode, we discuss how the best results in business come from being able to navigate the fine lines and nuances that inevitably come up. I have never been more excited to record a solo episode because I think this is one of the most important conversations we can have as women in business. We discuss creating success that actually feels like success by being willing to find the middle ground and decide on your own lines and dive into five key topics to address and look at within your own business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The fine line between something being the marketing dream but still needing to be the dream for you

    The fine line between contentment and wanting more

    The nuance of what it means to ‘have it all’ while not having to ‘do it all’

    The nuance of business not always being easy but having an easy time managing it

    The nuance of market research being important while not being the bible

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  • In Session 6 with Robyn, we discuss the balance of ambition and contentment, and what it means to want more when you’re so good with what you have. We dive deep into balance in terms of our offers, our legacy, and our desires. And we look at what is driving the fear of wanting or asking for more. This is such a great episode that really showcases the tension we all face in being happy with where we are and wanting to create more simultaneously.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    What we’re using basecamp support for and what that looks like

    Balancing the desire to create legacy work without putting on too much pressure

    The two types of business models I see in our space

    A big red flag I look out for as a coach

    The fine line of contentment and wanting more

    The medicine Robyn is being delivered right now

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 5 with Robyn, we discuss a new message that’s come alive for her, the marketing behind it and the thread that’s been there for her all along. It’s a deep dive into finding the balance between what is great marketing alongside what is also great for and aligned to the business owner. Whether you’re just getting started or continuing to refine your message over time, this will be so useful.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The thing that gave me a big aha as Robyn’s coach

    What makes something a ‘marketing dream’ but what you still have to consider in addition to that

    The two things we need to do with our marketing to see big results

    One thing you want to ensure your message always does

    How market research can drive you in the wrong direction

    What always translates to the best content

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 4 with Robyn, we go deep. We talk about being the default parent, the toxicity of doing it all, sacred rage, and deep grief. Robyn shares so openly and vulnerably that I’m moved to tears even typing these words. It’s a truly beautiful episode that, while touching on many personal things, really is a testament to the power of vulnerability. With yourself and with others. I’m so grateful to Robyn for this episode. I know you’ll feel the same.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The real challenge of being the default parent and business owner that needs to get talked about more

    The toxicity of “doing it all” (and why ALUL didn’t grow last year)

    Re-working the entire foundation of your belief system and what that entails

    How to find ease and neutrality in business even when business isn’t easy

    The sacred rage Robyn is letting herself lean into and what grief is teaching her

    Episode Links

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In this solo episode, we discuss the differences in scaling and selling a large group offer vs. 1:1. Too often in the online space we act as though these are exactly the same in terms of how you’d approach them strategically and they are absolutely not. We dive into the differences, how that’s showing up for Robyn, and the “why” behind different strategic choices so that you can feel more clear on the what and why and can apply it to your own business for more results.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How to distinguish what might be relevant to you and your business here and what to let go of

    When it actually matters to niche and what that can look like

    What building relationships look like at different stages of business

    How you need to shift your view on marketing when it’s time to reach more people

    The fundamental principle behind growing a scalable offer

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  • In Session 3 with Robyn, we discuss all things scaling and messaging. The truth is, in order to scale a program you need specific messaging that helps you stand out, and we’re getting clear on what that means for Robyn. Some of it is mindset and energetic and some of it is smart strategy, and you’ll get to see how it all fits together. We also dive into some of the shadow sides of sharing in this way- like the fact that people will misunderstand you no matter what. It’s a great episode that blends a bit of everything and will absolutely have some nuggets for you no matter where you’re at in your own journey.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Why we often undervalue the things that come easiest to us

    What to do if social media feels like a high school cafeteria

    How to cultivate a willingness to deal with the challenges that come with growth (like being misunderstood)

    An important Q to ask yourself to determine your best strategy

    The thing that matters most for scaling (that you don’t have to worry about for 1:1)

    An obvious but important messaging hack that just might blow your mind

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    Learn more about Robyn on her website

  • In Session 2 with Robyn, we start with leaning into pricing and strategy and end up going WAY deeper into the new identity that’s emerging for Robyn and the importance of centering yourself in your own life and business more. We talk about ‘look at me marketing’, the patriarchy & systems that impact how we show up, and the identity shift Robyn is experiencing as she comes back to herself after pregnancy, grief, and loss.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The things that actually communicate who your program is for (outside of just what you’re saying about it)

    The good/bad that comes with hearing “This is so much more valuable than I thought!”

    What truly makes someone compelling

    The problem with the “I’ll just go show them” mentality we can get stuck in (and that I often find myself stuck in too!)

    A look at the systems that influence how we engage with life and our businesses

    The importance of “centering” yourself and how Robyn is entering a new era around this concept

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