
  • In Session 10 with Kristin, we discuss the nuance between when there's something for us to shift internally, and when feeling bad about something is a sign that something needs to practically change. We dive into team, next steps with her funnel, and what should be on her plate in the business and what shouldn't. This is a great episode to reflect on where in your business things feel off because they truly are and what practical and strategic shifts you might need to make to change them.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How the type of wins that matter evolve depending on your stage of business What Kristin needs to see as the solution to most of her problems The most important Q you can ask yourself if you want to scale without losing your mind Background on big funnel decisions Kristin is making The recommendation I'm making for Kristin that seems counterintuitive but could be a true game changer

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  • The thing that most people don't talk about is that scaling comes with tradeoffs. That doesn't mean it's bad, but it does mean we want to go in with our eyes wide open to what those look like. There are also specific strategies that support this and make a big difference in addressing those tradeoffs. We're diving into all of that in today's solo episode.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The part of scaling you need to accept (that no one will tell you) One of the most underrated skills to learn as your business grows The shift in decision making that has to take place to get to your next level Where the overwhelm comes from in this process (and how to address it) The one thing you need to love in order to get the next level results

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  • In Session 9 with Kristin, we discuss if business will always work if it's truly in alignment and do a deep dive on the topic of alignment as a whole. We also discuss what it really means to play the game in business, if that's something Kristin even wants to do, and what it looks like to actually get support and help in doing that. This is an incredibly important episode that blends the feminine and masculine aspects of running a business and is one not to miss.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The most important question you can ask yourself in business The one thing you have to decide to move forward with scaling in a specific way Why "getting out of your comfort zone" isn't the end-all-be-all How the coaching relationship can be a practice ground for big shifts Fixing funnel leaks 101 The big freak out Kristin had and why most of us go through this

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  • In Session 8 with Kristin, we discuss what it means to be able to income plan in your business. We dive into setting up funnels, creating evergreen offers, and what it really looks like to scale. This is invaluable strategic information, but of course, always comes back to mindset too and you'll hear us discuss both in depth in this episode.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The thing that forced Kristin to slow way down and how her team handled things in that process The coaching question I always want to know the answer to when a client tells me they want to dive into income planning The one metric everyone should be thinking about more in their business A detailed number breakdown/example around scaling with ads What's required to 'sell on autopilot' The one mindset shift required to scale in a big way

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  • In Session 7 with Kristin, we discuss the overwhelming impatience that can creep up on us as entrepreneurs. We look at the progress she's made, the goals she's not currently hitting, and do a big reframe on some old patterns coming up in big ways. This is such a good level set episode that reminds us of what progress should or shouldn't look like in coaching and how to stay on track to get the results you want most.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The big challenge Kristin is currently feeling The ultimate hack to success (that so many of us try to skip over) Our process for reframing how Kristin is progressing toward her goals and re-evaluating if she even still wants some of them The thing that's wildly frustrating for so many entrepreneurs and how to shift it An important convo around Kristin's childhood that leads to a breakthrough What it looks like to strategically plan next steps in business around your desires

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  • In this solo episode we dive into what prevents us from getting the support we really need and the ways it's holding us back not only from the results we want, but the experience we want to have in our business. This is an important deep dive that every business owner leading and building a team needs to listen to.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The biggest mistakes we make in trying to get support from our team Why not naming when something doesn't feel good is keeping you from scaling your business How you can take ownership as CEO without having to take responsibility for everything The one thing you need to make time for regularly (that will always produce results) How to set meaningful goals that actually get you and your team moving toward the same outcomes- quickly!

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  • In Session 6 with Kristin, we discuss a big realization Kristin had and the life shift that's coming alongside it. We talk about how that will impact the business, and all that needs to shift to make this possible. We continue to discuss goals with time, and get more clear on some strategic moves Kristin can make to get more off her plate ASAP.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The two goals Kristin has re: time and what an important reminder they are to us all If working right to a deadline is a problem or not as a CEO The HUGE life decision Kristin is making and the shifts that come with it The thing that sometimes has to start outside of the business if we want to see change and growth inside the business How Kristin can take certain tasks from 2 hours to 2 minutes with this one simple shift An update on how team stuff is evolving since our last conversation

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  • In Session 5 with Kristin, we discuss how things are unfolding on the team and time front. We talk about the frame of having never been a CEO before, and the grace and learning that comes with that. We also dive into the important questions Kristin needs to be asking right now and what the focus is of the next iteration of her journey.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    When things are "on you" as a CEO and when they're not The thing I'm really bad at in my own business How to know when it's time to re-work your schedule The actual strategy behind social that will get you the results you want An important question I'm challenging Kristin to ask herself around team The thing Kristin needs to know to get more of what she wants in the future

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  • In Session 4 with Kristin, we discuss the multiple roles she's holding in her business and how they're no longer serving her. We dive into the strategic and practical shifts Kristin needs to take based on what's going on in her team. It's the perfect practical conversation to compliment all the mindset pieces we dove into last week.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    What left me personally feeling very overwhelmed The thing about space that isn't just relevant to what your calendar shows The role Kristin has in her business that's not working or fitting her skill set An example from my own team I'm sharing to highlight what we can and can't hold as CEOs The regulation work Kristin is ready to dive into

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  • This episode brings forward a conversation I feel so passionately about, and am so excited to share with you. We dive into how so many women apologize for their success or natural talents by over-working. We talk about where that comes from, how to start unwinding it, and dive into the questions to ask yourself to start making this shift to recognizing that your success does not have to come at the sacrifice of yourself.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The trap most high-achieving women find themselves stuck in How to start disentangling hard work from success The apology we need to stop making My own experiences with justifying success with hard work 4 key questions (+ a bonus) to ask yourself to let go of the idea that your success is based on how hard you work

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  • In Session 3 with Kristin, we discuss some big changes she's made and some ways she's finding it harder to change. We answer the question of what she should be focusing on, and dive into the thread that's running the show in her business right now. Ultimately, we're working to reframe a 20+ year pattern of conditioning and I know it will be so helpful to hear someone else in this process.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The one thing Kristin did to see a big change and have a big win quickly The thing that feels REALLY hard when we're ready for more growth The pattern I see so many entrepreneurs fall into once they start gaining success A huge reframe around Kristin's time and calendar that every single one of us needs if we want more freedom Exactly what's stopping Kristin from being in growth mode and how we plan to shift it The thing I give zero f*cks about as a coach

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  • In Session 2 with Kristin, we discuss her relationship to hard work and busyness and how that's been showing up for her. We dive into some important root cause stuff of why so many successful women believe 'hard work' is the key to their success (even when it's not). Plus you'll hear the fun challenge I give Kristin after a big breakdown she had this week. This is such a great episode if you're someone who is re-working your relationship to work, busyness, and being "on" all the time as a business owner.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How Kristin has been fighting her natural patterns and what it means to stop doing that The thing that's made Kristin successful that has nothing to do with hard work The thing that comes up so often for women who have success and so much going for them The ONE thing that's built Kristin's business more than anything else The strategy I'm recommend for Kristin right now after a big breakdown and the fun challenge I'm giving her alongside it

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  • In Session 1 with Kristin, we discuss the thought that she’s working to shift that “there isn’t enough time”. We dive into her schedule, her business model, her team and her systems and get into why time feels like a scarce commodity. We address practical solutions to start solving it and touch on the mindset challenges driving it. This is an episode full of tangible advice and lots of normalization around the mindset challenges we all deal with (especially us control freaks!).

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    How this story is driving the bus in Kristin’s business right now and how we’re going to start shifting it The thing I love to know when I start with a new client and how this info from Kristin was wildly clarifying The one thing that can put you on a hamster wheel in your business (and how to get off it) The big mistake we often make in delegating that’s hurting our businesses The secret to scheduling with revenue in mind (and how to create alignment between the two)

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  • In this Intro to Season 10, we kick off with a get-to-know-you session with our new coachee, Kristin Rowell! It’s such a fun conversation that takes you deep on Kristin’s story and gives you context around who she is and how she got here (which is a really fun story). We also dive into the big changes coming in her life and what she’s most excited and freaked out about when it comes to being on the podcast.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    Kristin’s background and what made her leave her job at the height of her career Kristin’s typical week and where she’s struggling right now What made her want to work together and say ‘yes’ to the podcast The one thing Kristin did that really stuck out to me (and says a lot about how she creates success) The big things coming up for her and the goals she has alongside them The one thing Kristin said that made my brain malfunction (lol)

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  • In this final episode with Robyn, we’re wrapping up Season 9 by discussing her time on the podcast. From what it took to stay committed to the process and share her full heart despite the journey she was on, to her biggest lessons (which so many of us hard relate to), to what she wants you to know most. We’re sharing it all in this final wrap up!

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • How this process has been for Robyn, especially as her journey went in a different direction than she was expecting

    • What the best and most difficult parts were (and how they're in some ways, the same thing)

    • Her experience of sharing her coaching on the podcast and this level of transparency

    • What's next for Robyn and what she most wants you to know

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  • In our final coaching session with Robyn we do a recap into her launch and review final results. We have a full circle moment in recounting what she’s done in the last few months and how much has shifted and changed for her both internally and externally. We also dive into what’s next for her, what she needs to focus on most now, and what themes she’s still working on. It’s such a beautiful final episode that I know you’ll take so much away from.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The results of Robyn’s mastermind launch and the one thing that will make or break your launch

    What Robyn is leaning into after such a hard season that we all need to be reminded of

    What you need to know about your actions in business that completely changes your mindset

    How celebration is so much less frivolous than we think it is and why you need to incorporate it ASAP

    What intimacy with your audience really means

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  • In this solo episode, we discuss the biggest key to seeing consistent success with your funnel or launches. We’ll talk about what keeps you steady no matter what’s going on in your life, and how to honor yourself alongside getting results. I’ll go into specifics around the mindset, strategy, and execution behind this, as well as give you specific things to be tracking and doing right now in your business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The #1 thing you need if you want to make strategic and neutral decisions in your business

    What helps your coach help you most effectively

    Three questions to ask yourself in business to get more clear and easeful results

    Numbers you should be tracking in your launch or funnel

    The lens that Robyn’s given us this season that we all need

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  • In Session 16 with Robyn, we check in with Robyn as she’s mid-way through her launch and her embryo transfer. She’s in a really big moment in her business, her life, and her fertility journey and there is lots going on for her. We look at what it means to have big success alongside big struggles and how to process and move through both at the same time.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The HUGE challenge Robyn had that lost her 100’s of leads in her launch

    The pivot we’re making with data and what I’m suggesting she track most right now

    How Robyn’s launch is going and what the results are currently telling us

    The fastest way to make money

    Why we’re calling next week Robyn’s “super bowl”

    Why launches don’t have to be ‘loud’

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  • In Session 15 with Robyn, we discuss what’s coming up for Robyn mindset wise as she enters into this next launch and the intuitive nudge she’s gotten along the way. We dive into “convincing energy” and when to lean in to help people along their buyers journey and when not to. We also find a place Robyn’s holding back and get specific about where she’s going to put her attention in her launch. This is a great deep dive in getting into the right mindset for a launch and feeling empowered around making sales (even if it’s in a new way that you’re less familiar with!).

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The balance that Robyn is navigating on her fertility and business journey right now

    The one thing that causes most of our problems

    The mindset fear that’s coming up for Robyn in this launch

    How we can use and think about industry data

    The type of marketing that converts fastest

    Convincing energy and how to actually think about it while still marketing for results

    The big shift Robyn can make during this launch to capitalize on what’s already working and see even better results

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  • In Session 13 with Robyn, we discuss the big thing that’s been happening for her personally and some huge mindset shifts she’s had in the process. We also dive into her new funnel, what’s working, what’s not, and what strategic options are available for continuing to grow and scale it. This episode is the perfect mix of mindset and strategy that will leave you with big insights and shifts on both fronts that are sure to lead to more results in your own business.

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    The number one shift you can make when setting goals that feel ‘impossible’

    One of the most vulnerable things we can do as humans and business owners

    The thing that gives you the most surrender and peace always

    When to set stretch goals (that you’ll be way more likely to hit)

    The biggest strategic shift I recommend Robyn make in her current funnel

    When ads make sense and when they don’t

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