
  • Throughout the ages, we've been told God is LOVE and yet many people through the ages right down to this modern day era have weaponised and wrapped God's love up into rites, rules, rituals and religions. In today's episode, Ellen discusses how to begin breaking off the chains around God's love and know that your Creator's love is unconditional, and who loves you unconditionally. Pop the head phones on and let's dive in.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine head to www.ellendivine.com

    Make sure to grab the FREE Healing The God Wound bundle from - www.ellendivine.com

    Follow us:

    Instagram - @iamellendivine

    Youtube - @livingalifeingod

  • Your natural state of being is one of abundance, wealth and prosperity. God did not create lack and scarcity but we did with our fearful and ignorant minds. Asking God to break off and restore us into our natural state of abundance can help us to heal and release old patterns of lack, scarcity and limitations and connect back to the abudnance and provision of The One who created us and this infinite abundant world and universe ♥️💕✝️💕♥️

    📕 New book out now - Belief.Faith.Receive. - create and manifest the God Led Way. Available on Amazon worldwide. Learn more and to buy go here - https://a.co/d/0glEBvAc

    💕 Get my FREE - Healing The God Wound bundle at https://www.ellendivine.come

    Love you xx 😘

    #healingthegodwounds #Jesus #God #Christ #belief #faith #receive #godled #love #unconditional

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  • For centuries now God has been referred to as a Father, a Him and for some this invokes the presence of their Creator for others it invokes fear, anger, trepidation, religious trauma and angst. This can also happen when we refer to God as Mother, a Her where some will have negative reactions and others a positive healing reaction. Join Ellen in today's controversial discussion where she sheds light on the masculine and feminine faces of God and how God is both Father and Mother but ultimately neither. Sharing personal messages from her own prayer time with God, Ellen shares a healing message to all those who may still feel wounded and hurt by referring to God under certain pronouns and how to move beyond the pronouns of God to where the infinite love of our Creator dwells in the great I AM.

    May this podcast episode be a healing and a blessing to you and your loved ones.

    In Christ,

    Amen xoxo

    P.S If you benefitted from today's episode, share the love and pass this episode on to others who you feel could also benefit from today's message.

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • In today's episode, Ellen talks about how to begin going beyond the surface layers of who and what we think God is, dropping all beliefs, perceptions and projections around our Creator and dropping into the realms of the great UNSEEN where God dwells, a God who is beyond belief systems, pronouns, labels, religions and is simply the great I AM. When we rest in the great UNSEEN realms of God we rest in STILLNESS, in PEACE, in LOVE and DIVINE WELLBEING.

    Pop the headphones on and let's dive in.

    Make sure to share the love and pass this podcast episode on to those who you think may benefit from today's teaching.

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • In today's episode, Ellen shares how to create sacred space and time each day to sit with God and tune into His desires, creativity, guidance and inspiration for you for that day and to uncover what God desires to create and express through that is in alignment and integrity with your path and purpose this lifetime. Pop the headphones on and let's dive in.

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • We've often been taught to focus on giving, on doing and in our mad crazy busy world we can do so at the expense of our health, happiness and wellbeing. In today's episode, Ellen shares how God designed you to not only give and do but to also REST and RECEIVE that which He desires to bless your life with. Today we talk about how to start allowing yourself to receive more without the guilt, shame, doubt and fear and to allow God to bless your life so you can bless the lives of others.

    Trust. Remember. All is well.

    Yours in Christ,
    Ellen xoxo

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • In today's episode, Ellen talks about breaking off and dissolving the toxic religious spirit around God that may have kept you stuck in a broken and fractured relationship with your Creator because of toxic religious people and their beliefs and behaviours and to awaken to the truth that God is bigger than any religion, church, belief system and cannot be contained or constrained in His love for you and all beings. So pop the head phones on and let's dive in.

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • At the end of the day, we have no power or control over the toxic, abusive and limiting behaviours of others, especially those that may also weaponise and use God, Jesus and Christ as a tool to hurt, harm, maim and abuse others but what we do have control over is our response, and that we have the power and the choice to choose peace, to choose love, to choose forgiveness and to rest in the love, peace and provision and connection to our Creator, regardless of what the world is saying or doing, regardless of other peoples toxic beliefs and ways about God, you can still live in peace. There is a part of you that is so deeply connected to God, that it can never be broken, hurt, damaged or destroyed by others or the outer world.

    In today's episode, Ellen talks about how to drop into God's love, peace and wellbeing and how not to allow other's toxic ways to affect your inner peace, and to choose love and forgiveness and to pray for your enemies.

    May this episode bring you love, peace, healing and relief and empower you to choose peace and your own connection to God over the toxic beliefs and ways of others.



    All is well

    Yours in Christ,

    Ellen xoxo

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • You have a direct connection to The One who created you and all beings, and our world and without God we would cease to exist, we would not BE but we are for it's the energy of God that gave us life, gives us life and desires to create and express through you as you. However, when we don't allow God to bless us and to create through us we can dim our lights, play small, live in fear and deny the desires of our heart on what we are feeling called to create, share and express in this world. In today's episode, Ellen talks how we can create and do nothing without the energy of God who dwells within us and how to allow the energy of God to bless you and to create through you so you may bring forth wonderful things into this world for the benefit of your life and the lives of others.



    All is well

    Yours in Christ,

    Ellen xoxo

    📕 Grab my new book out now on all Amazon platforms called - BELIEF. FAITH. RECEIVE - Create & manifest the God-led way. Click here to learn more and to purchase - https://a.co/d/diyHz6Q

    💟 Make sure to grab my FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at my website - www.ellendivine.com

    ❤️ Join us on Instagram @iamellendivine

    ❤️Join us on Youtube @livingalifeingod

  • For thousands of years, we've lived under patriarchal, narcissistic and toxic religions that have demonised, condemned, oppressed and denied the feminine face of God, women. In today's podcast episode Ellen brings a healing message to women who may have felt their truth, message, relationship to God, spiritual gifts, talents and abilites were oppressed or destroyed because of toxic masculine egoic religions that have told women their evil, bad, shameful, wrong or demonic or their God given gifts are from Satan.

    God gave you your gifts, talents and abilites as a woman, and God created you as you are, not a church, not a religion, not a priest and as a woman it's time for you to reclaim your truth in God, your spiritual gifts, talents and abilities and create a beautiful life The Creator would have you live.

    In Christ, Amen.

    To learn more about Ellen and her God-led work head to www.ellendivine.com

  • You have been fearfully and wonderfully made on purpose and for a beautiful purpose but the question is will you choose to live your purpose? Just because you have a purpose doesn't mean you will choose to live it even though God designed you with one. In today's episode, Ellen shares with you how to begin uncovering your purpose and confidently living your purpose as your creator designed you to be. In Christ, Amen.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine check out the following links -

    Website: ellendivine.com

    Instagram: @iamellendivine888

    Youtube: @livingalifeingod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellendivine888

  • God gifted you with spiritual gifts, talents and abilites. Everyone on this planet has spiritual gifts but out of fear of being judged, persecuted, ostracised or condemned we may hide our gifts, deny them and as a result live small and pinched-off lives. In today's episode, Ellen discusses how to break through the fears, panic and anxiety attacks around sharing your spiritual truth, gifts and works with the world and to show up and share your gifts regardeless of what others may say, think or do.

    In Christ, Amen.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine check out the following links -

    Website: ellendivine.com

    Instagram: @iamellendivine888

    Youtube: @livingalifeingod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellendivine888

  • There is a lot of toxic, fear-based, negative beliefs and perceptions around who and what God is and without realising it we can take on the toxic beliefs of others, preventing us from having our own healthy, happy and fulfilling relationship in God. In today's episode, Ellen discusses how we can begin to become aware of the toxic beliefs around God that don't serve us, as well as healing and clearing the unhelpful beliefs of others out of our system so we may rest in the love and peace of God instead of the noise of the outside world.

    Healing Prayer:

    God, please cut, clear and remove all fear, worries, anxiety and stresses I may be holding onto in my relationship with you. Please cleanse and remove other people's toxic beliefs, dogmas, rites, rules and rituals from my entire mind, body and spirit which do not serve and support me in having a healthy, loving and supportive relationship with you. Please show me your truth, love, guidance, wills and ways for me. Thank you, Lord. In Christ, Amen.

    Grab the FREE Healing The God Wound Bundle at - ellendivine.com

  • Our Creator blessed you with the power and free will to create. You've been given the authority to create through the power of your mind and body, and you also contain within you a treasure trove of incredible gifts, messages and ways of living, being, and innovating things that God desires for you to express in today's world.

    The time of playing small, hiding your gifts, suppressing your voice and truth to fit into the status quo is over as you connect to how God designed you to live, create and be this lifetime.

    Join Ellen in today's episode where she discusses simple but powerful ways to begin opening up your connection to The Divine so you can begin to unleash the creative power, gifts, talents, abilites and messages God has blessed you with to share that will lead you to a peaceful, purposeful and prosperous life.

    Trust. Remember. All is well.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine and her God-led works head to - ellendivine.com

    The Healing The God Wound Kit mentioned in today's podcast to support you in awakening your creative flow and connection in God is also available at ellendivine.com.

    You can also follow us at:

    Instagram: iamellendivine888

    Youtube: @livingalifeingod

  • In today's episode, Ellen discusses how the misunderstood concept of sin has been used to abuse, control and manipulate people into living lives of fear, shame, guilt and condemnation and how to break free of the toxic concept of sin and to understand what sin truly is and how your true nature is not sin but love.

    To learn more about Ellen and her work head to ellendivine.com

  • For thousands of years, we've lived under a heavy patriachial world that has denied the feminine face and aspects of God and promoted only a male/masculine God which has resulted in cultures and societies all around the world to demonise, condemn, abuse and pervert women, children, Mother Earth and Her resources, creativity, sexuality, intuition, pleasure, playfulness, innocence, vulnerability, receiving, rest, relaxation, etc. that is to say the feminine aspects of our Creator.

    Join us in today's episode where Ellen discusses the masculine and feminine aspects of our Creator and how to begin healing any anger, resentment, pain or hurt you may be feeling towards the masculine aspects of God and to honour both the Feminine and Masculine faces of our Creator within yourself and all beings.

    To learn more about Ellen and her life chaging works head to - ellendivine.com

  • In today's episode, Ellen discusses why people over the centuries and even in today's world hurt and harm others in God's name and how you as an individual can choose to love and create a life of love, peace, and wellbeing in God even in the face of those who would seek to harm and destroy you.

    In Christ, Amen.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine check out the following links -

    Website: ellendivine.com

    Instagram: @iamellendivine888

    Youtube: @livingalifeingod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellendivine888

  • For thousands of years, we've lived under a patriarchal culture that glorified a masculine God only and then demonised, condemned, ostracised, oppressed and denied the feminine face of God which is women. As a result, women have been burnt at the stake, murdered and condemned by patriarchal churches and religious zealots over the centuries which has led many women, especially spiritual, sensitive and heart based women to feel heavy, angst, resentful, angry and even hatred towards the name God and what "He" stands for. This trauma inflicted on women in God's masculine name over the centuries has led many women to have a broken and fractured relationship with The Divine as they associate anything to do with God as patriarchal abuse, control and dogma.

    In today's podcast, Ellen sheds light on this wounding around God in women and discusses how women who've been hurt, abused or harmed in God's name can begin to heal their relationship with God and create one that is personal and based on unconditional love and not the rites, rules and rituals of religions, the pious, the patriarchy or other people.

    God is a personal relationship and experience, not a religion.

    To learn more about Ellen Divine check out the following links -

    Website: ellendivine.com

    Instagram: @iamellendivine888

    Youtube: @livingalifeingod

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ellendivine888