
  • We're back with a vulnerable episode about ways I've been holding myself back, why, and what I'm doing about it.

    The intention of this episode is to shine light on the "cobwebby" parts of life to normalize the experience and provide you as a listener the opportunity to have your own insights come up. When we hear other people's stories it's often easier for us to decide what we would do in that scenario rather than when we actually are in that scenario. This episode will help you gain your own clarity.

    Plus, Living On Purpose turns 3!! 🥳

    Enjoy xo

  • Only you know who you really are, but this episode provides you with a framework to help you understand why you might make certain choices and even how to pull back the layers and create changes that you crave in your life.

    You'll hear a borrowed perspective from the psychology world, paired with an additional step that through experience I've found to be supportive.

    We discuss our identity from multiple different perspectives with the intention of illuminating paths you can take to change, or alter the way you view yourself.

    As always, I share personal examples to bring it all to life.

    Enjoy! Xo

    IG: @Stephanie.isabella_

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  • Life lessons are not linear and we often experience them as Life seemingly falling apart, challenges, or even chaos around us. Through these hard times we are presented with opportunities to learn in ways that will ultimately bring us closer to our dreams, visions and goals.

    A common hang-up here is that "opportunities" can be easily misunderstood as a box to check and move through and even seen as toxic positivity. The key is the way we view and navigate these opportunities.

    This episode gets into reasons why these lessons might be coming up, and a powerful phrase to avoid if you're serious about your growth.

    As usual, you'll hear a personal story of a lesson that's coming up for me… again, and how that is the nature of lessons. You'll also hear why this is actually beneficial.

    Finally, you'll hear a perspective on your nervous system in relation to your visions, dreams and goals and how life's lessons might apply.

    Enjoy! Xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • Point blank: if you spend any time on the internet, you've probably heard advice, tools, recommendations, or tips and tricks that aren't accessible to you.

    What does it mean for those things to not be accessible to you? Essentially it means that based on your lived experience, you don't have access (either in that momet, at this time of your life, or at all) to that advice/tool/tip/trick. What it means is that what's "accessible" to me, might not be to you.

    This conversation is all about identifying patterns and times in your life when you've reacted, but you'd rather respond with purpose and intention.

    This conversation asks you to reflect honestly on your life both in ways that you might have more access to some tools than others, and in ways that others might have more access than you. The point is not to succumb to a "life is terrible and keeps crushing me" mindset, the point is to get honest with yourself about tools that might benefit you in the future, and how to diversify your tool box so you do have access to what you need.

    It's not about perfection here, and we won't always have the ability to regulate ourselves, but thats okay. The point is small improvements over time that bring us closer to our authentic selves.

    Enjoy! Xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • If you know the term Toxic Positivity, you likely know it's not an ideal thing (I mean, it has "toxic" in it). But sometimes, being responsible for our own energy or managing our energy can look similar to Toxic Positivity. The key here is that while they may look similar, they are not the same.

    Our energy can be described in many different ways, but in the simplest form, think about how you wake up. Do you feel "energized?" Tired? Low? Inspired? This is one example of our energy. If we wake up feeling low, we may want to shift that energy into a brighter place. But where's the line with that becoming Toxic Positivity?

    This episode discusses this nuanced conversation and highlights the differences and similarities between both. As usual, I bring in personal stories to highlight the differences and share my journey of learning about Toxic Positivity on a whole new layer.

    You'll leave this episode with a sense of encouragement to be responsible for, and manage your energy, without Toxic Positivity.

    Enjoy xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • We can get all the signs, feel aligned af, and still experience things (people, situations, opportunities, experiences, etc.) not working out how we thought they would. Does this mean we haven't been Living On Purpose, have been misreading signs, and have gotten too far ahead of ourselves? Or, is there another explanation?

    This episode dives into this question and offers perspectives that can be supportive of continuing to move through life with grace, even when it's not turning out how we thought. We discuss the way we can begin to doubt ourselves, and some common beliefs that may arise through the uncertainty.

    As usual, I share a real life story of a time this exact thing came up for me, and what I was able to take away from it, despite it not unfolding anything like the way I thought it would. I share how I doubted my original intuitive hits and the final result was sovereignty and agency over myself (aka, NOT the outcome I thought I was going after).

    You'll hear the three key concepts that can support you in moving through the discomfort of not knowing. You'll also hear metaphors and examples that bring the concept of "it not working out" to life.

    Enjoy xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • There are loads of ways sensitivity can be experienced. Physically, emotionally, energetically, spiritually... there are a lot of lenses to look at. The commonality for all types is that it can be used for your benefit, but it might seem like the biggest curse of all at first.

    This episode provides a loose framework for you to begin to process and understand your sensitivity. You'll hear an honest perspective of how I felt when a doctor suggested my sensitivity was a strength (clue: I was pissed), and the process I went on to get to where I am today.

    Today I use my sensitivity as a super power to support others on their own self discovery and healing. I invite you to begin to create a vision for your future, with your sensitivity, that may be pistive or even neutral. I invite you to begin reframing this aspect of yourself if it currently feels like a burden today.

    You'll also hear how it's okay if this aspect of yourself does feel like a burden, and some emotions I experienced on my journey including grief as I came to terms with this way of being.

    By the end of this episode you'll walk away with a clear sense of what you can do when it comes to reframing your sensitivity, and even some steps you can take. If you already embrace your sensitivity today, you'll be able to take this framework to continue to apply to your life as you discover more and more gifts that lie along side the sensitive way of being.

    Enjoy! xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • Maybe you've said it before, or maybe not, but can our energy actually become "blocked"?

    This episode dives into the nuance of this question and discusses language and beliefs as a way to support us on our individual paths. Whether we're talking about energy blocks, chakra blocks, manifestation blocks, or even the universe blocking us, we may be implying that we are not complete and whole *today*, at least not until those blocks are addressed and removed. But is this true?

    My role as an energy worker is to redirect people back to their own truth and ability to create change, and I find that many of my clients come to me with reported "blocks". You'll hear a supportive description of energy and the way it moves through your body and you'll also be encouraged to reflect and find the truth inside of you for the language that feels best.

    Come say Hi on Instagram and let me know if this is something you've thought about before, or not!

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • It's going to happen, life won't always work out the way we want. This is good news, although it probably doesn't seem like it. The next time sh*t hits the fan, this episode has you covered.

    There are three key concepts that will help you clean up some of that sh*t, no matter how far the fan has flung it. Each of the three concepts works together and also has their own unique value. Tune in to hear which three concepts I'm talking about.

    In true Living On Purpose fashion, you'll hear some behind-the-scenes musings of this podcast and stories of when sh*t has hit the fan personally, for me. You'll leave this episode with a grounded sense of where to lean the next time things explode in your face, and you'll have a deeper understanding of how to clean up those sh*t covered walls without totally throwing in the towel on your goals.

    Enjoy! xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • If you've ever found yourself trying to change someone else or felt like your voice and actions didn't matter in the bigger scheme of things, this episode is for you.

    It's often good-intentioned when we want to change others, but the truth is, we can't. What we can do, is create change within ourselves and allow that ripple to flow where it is needed... not where we want it to go. For this reason, we don't often know the impact that our ripple has on others, and you'll hear some perspectives on this that you might not have thought about before.

    We also discuss how our tone, message, and voice are unique and can create a ripple effect, much the same way that taking physical action can.

    You'll hear real life examples to pull the concepts in together and you'll leave the episode with a sense of empowerment knowing that you matter, even if you can't see the ripples you cause.

    Enjoy! xo

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

  • Have you ever wished you were a "confident person"? Or wanted to be confident but didn't want to come across as "cocky"? How about stopping yourself from doing something because you aren't confident in your skills and abilities?

    These are natural parts of being human, for some of us, more than others.

    This episode shares the good news of confidence... *hint: You aren't necessarily born with it* (yes, this is good news, and I explain why). This episode also invites you to explore how your identity (ie. view of yourself) plays into your confidence.

    You'll hear real stories of times I felt confident, and times I didn't, and how I was able to take action even though I didn't feel confident. At the end of the day, the take away is that confidence comes after action, and this episode shows you how thats true.

    Enjoy! xo

    IG: @stephanie.isablla_

  • We love to think our way through life. "If I make x amount of money a month,and save x amount per pay period, I'll have enough money for my dreams by 2067!"

    This is a valuable process, but when it's the end game, we cut ourselves off from experiencing more.

    Through this episode you'll hear how to pair your thought process and content with trust, faith and surrender. You'll learn how to launch yourself towards your dreams from your thoughts and how to open up to landing in a reality beyond what you can comprehend today.

    As always, I share my personal stories and lessons along with these learnings.

    Enjoy xo

  • It happens to all of us at one time or another, but why? Why do we crumble when other times we seemingly bounce back with more resilience than we ever knew possible?

    This episode breaks down three main reasons: our foundation, our identity, and the state of our mindset. You'll hear not only what each means, but you'll also hear the back story on how I came to realize this. In true Living On Purpose fashion, we learn through storytelling and reflection.

    Let me know the reasons why we crumble that I might've missed on Instagram or email (or just come say Hey!):

    IG: @stephanie.isabella_

    Email: [email protected]

    Enjoy! xo

  • Life isn't all about achievements and reaching goals. With every pinnacle of success there are valleys and plateaus that got us there. This episode dives into the valleys and explores the plateaus. It discusses the perspectives and shifts you might experience in each, and of course, all of this is shared with real life examples and stories.

    You'll hear a valuable perspective that can help guide you through the Growing Pains and even dominant emotions that come with it.

    By the end if this episode you'll know you aren't alone with feeling like things just aren't working out, and feel inspired that it doesn't have to be that way forever.

    Enjoy! Xo

    Come say Hi on Instagram!
    (& be discerning of scam impersonating accounts 🙏)

  • Ahhhhh trust- we notice pretty quickly in romantic relationships when the trust is broken... but what about when we've broken it with ourselves?

    Whether you trust yourself deeply today, or not, this episode will help guide you to deeper layers of yourself, with purpose.

    This episode highlights the ways we break trust with ourselves, and most importantly, how to repair. You'll hear some life-changing benefits to trusting yourself deeply, and discover the groundwork needed before the repairs can begin.

    Ps. That helicopter was my boyfriend flying overhead! Can you hear it?

    Enjoy! Xo

    Say 'hi' on IG: https://instagram.com/stephanie.isabella_

  • This episode is a behind-the-scenes view of what it looks like to fall apart and rebuild. To question yourself, and get lost in confusion. Most importantly, this episode is about recentering and the framework involved with Living On Purpose that will bring you back to yourself every. single. time.

    This is 2023 Stephanie speaking through this episode, and you'll hear the differences and the similarities to the Living On Purpose message since its birth in 2023.

    Through this episode you'll realize that:

    1) you can always pick yourself up and keep moving

    2) you never really were off track, even if you feel like you "fell off"

    & 3) it's okay to fall apart... tacos do it all the time ;)

    Enjoy! (& look forward to new episodes coming in the future!)



  • Being sensitive can feel like a massive burden... and hearing the idea that this is a "gift" can be really activating. At least that's how I used to feel. 

    Through this episode, I share how my sensitivity came up through my childhood... from the clothes I wore, to the sports I played, to connecting with my Grandma even after her death. You'll hear how before I understood my sensitivity I often experienced physical pain in the form of headaches and migraines. 

    You might see yourself through my story, or be able to see your own story through a new light from hearing mine. As Brene Brown says (gotta love her, eh?), we are meaning-making people and I hope this episode helps you make meaning of your own experiences. 

    You'll hear how being a "good girl" impacted my sensitivity, and even how I had some moments of clarity thinking "life isn't meant to be this way..." but lacked the ability to see how I could create a change. You'll hear how I shut down my sensitivity and attempted to avoid this part of me. 

    I share honestly the struggles I had with health, and how depleted I was. I share in the hopes that if you've experienced an impact to your health and haven't found support yet, there may be alternative perspectives (*disclaimer* this is not meant to replace medical attention, its meant to offer a different perspective if you're feeling stuck and misunderstood). 

    Of course, I also share how I began to redefine my experiences and interpret the clues my body was sending me. You'll hear how this perspective really allowed me to experience the gift of my sensitivity... be sure to stick around to the end to hear this part!

    So while it can be very activating to have someone suggest your sensitivity may be your greatest gift, my intention with sharing this episode is to highlight things that you might not understand about your sensitivity... especially if you've been feeling stuck, overstimulated or burnt out.  

    Enjoy! xo

  • Consistency can feel like such a buzzword.. But is there actually value to it? This episode dives into redefining consistency, and examining your expectations when it comes to being consistent. I also share 2 words that I think will help you make meaning of this Hot Topic word, "consistency". You'll leave this episode with a deeper understanding of how to show up for yourself, how to build trust with yourself, and how to truly take action and go after the life you desire. Enjoy! xo

  • You've probably heard by now that jealousy and envy can actually point you towards what you desire in your life. This episode will take that concept a lot deeper and explore the ways that comparison can be sneaky... and we might not even notice if jealousy or envy are around. As always I share my real life experience as I navigate the sneaky ways comparison reared its head and even why I celebrate people and situations that I once used to feel envious of. You'll hear how being a "energetic match" to the things you desire is not only important but also can be really impacted by envy or jealousy. Through this episode you will gain a deeper understanding of comparison and the impact that it can have on your desires and notice the subtle cues that you might be telling you that you're in a sneaky comparison trap. My hope is that this episode helps you notice when you're in comparison so that you're able to take back your control, move through it as you're able and celebrate the end results!

  • This episode is here for you if you're feeling lost with where you're going in life or muddled with what you want or what's important to you.

    This episode is also here for you if you have, or have had big dreams and direction in your life.

    You'll hear a not-so-talked-about perspective around the phase that might come after a dream/goal has been "lost", and how this is not necessarily the time to simply refocus.

    Of course, I share a story about a direction and dream I held for many years that I recently let go of, the grieving process that followed, and how I'm now finding myself refocusing on a dream I once held as a kid. 

    You'll see how direction, dreams, goals, and vision can be big picture and detailed, and how these help shape the actions we take every day.

    We discuss how our identities are tied to our direction in life, and how to tap into that energy to act from a place of inspiration each day. 

    Enjoy! xo