
  • Whether you feel guilty about taking time away from your children to work, spending too much time on your phone while they play, losing your temper in front of them, wanting time alone, or even feeding them the same foods multiple meals in a row, chances are, you’ve felt your share of mom guilt.

    But where does that guilt come from and is it really helpful?

    Tune in for an episode all about mom guilt, why it exists, and what you can do about it (so you can spend more time enjoying your kiddos and less time worrying you’re messing them up).

    What you’ll learn from this episode:

    Where mom guilt comes from and why it’s so common. The real reason you feel guilty — it’s not what you think. Why just being a better mom is NOT the answer. The real key to feeling good about yourself as a mom.

    Get full show notes, transcript, and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/206

  • So many of us only feel good about ourselves when we’re productive, doing well, and people are happy with us. But what if you could feel good about yourself regardless of how well things are going? I’ll break down why this happens, how it affects high-achieving women in particular, and what you can do to reclaim your worthiness without hustling for it.

    What you’ll learn:

    The real reason you don’t feel good enough. Why doing more and being better is not the solution. What actually needs to change for you to feel good about yourself no matter what. How to pursue goals from a place of confidence and self-worth.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/205

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  • Having to stay in a bad work situation sucks. But there are things you can do to feel better and avoid burnout until you can move on.

    In this episode, I discuss three sanity-saving practices that will help you handle a work environment you’d rather not be in. Whether you’re feeling overwhelmed, overworked, or ready to leave your job but can’t quite make the leap yet, these tools will empower you to thrive where you are and lay the foundation for having a better experience in your next role.

    What you’ll learn:

    The power of boundaries to protect your time, energy, and peace of mind—even in a difficult work environment. How managing expectations can reduce stress and improve communication with your team. Why shifting your mental narrative can help you feel better about your current job, without pretending everything is perfect. Practical examples and tips for using these strategies to stay sane, avoid burnout, and plan your next career move.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/204

  • Are there things about yourself that you believe you just can’t change? In this episode, I’m diving into a perspective that keeps so many of us stuck: the fixed mindset. It’s that voice that says, “I’ve always been this way” or “It’s too late for me to change.” While this way of thinking might feel true and even protective, it often blocks us from growing, trying new things, and living the life we truly want.

    This week, I’ll break down the hidden costs of a fixed mindset and introduce the power of adopting a growth mindset instead. You’ll learn how this shift can unlock your potential, boost your resilience, and open doors you didn’t even know were closed. Whether you’ve been feeling stuck in your career, relationships, or personal development, this episode is packed with insights and practical tools to help you embrace change and step into your full potential.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What a fixed mindset is and how it shows up in your life. Why the belief that "I can’t change" is holding you back. The hidden costs and benefits of this thought pattern. How shifting to a growth mindset can unlock new opportunities. A powerful new thought you can start practicing today. Practical ways to embrace growth, try new things, and build resilience.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/203

  • Are you stuck in the trap of trying to get everything just right? This week, I’m tackling a common thought pattern that plagues many high achievers and perfectionists: "I have to do this right." While this mindset can drive quality work and offer a sense of control, it often comes with significant downsides like procrastination, burnout, and missed opportunities for growth. I’ll break down why this thought pattern can backfire and introduce a powerful new mindset shift you can make to set yourself up for more success and satisfaction. This episode is packed with insights and practical tips for anyone looking to overcome the pressure of perfection and start making real progress toward their goals.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why the thought "I have to do this right" is so common among high achievers and perfectionists. The benefits and hidden costs of this thought pattern. How the need to get it right can lead to procrastination, burnout, and stunted growth. A powerful mindset shift to overcome perfectionism and start taking meaningful action. Practical thought replacements to help you get started, keep going, and finish strong. How to balance high standards with the need for progress. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/202
  • Ever wish your partner could just know what you want without you having to spell it out? In this episode of Satisfied AF, I dive into why this common mindset leads to disappointment, frustration, and resentment—and how it’s keeping you from the deep connection you crave.

    I’ll explore why you might expect your partner to read your mind, the damage it causes, and most importantly, what to do instead. You’ll learn how to communicate your needs clearly and confidently, and discover how asking for what you want can transform your relationship into one where you feel truly seen, known, and loved. Whether you’re craving more quality time, a surprise party, or just some flowers now and then, this episode will empower you to stop waiting for your partner to guess and start building the connection you deserve.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why the “They should just know” mindset is so prevalent and harmful. How unspoken expectations lead to frustration and resentment. Practical steps to ask for what you want in your relationship. The importance of clear communication in fostering deep connection. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/201
  • When people talk about burnout, they generally mean work burnout, but something I’ve seen over and over again with clients, friends, and even myself is that you can experience burnout in pretty much any facet of your life. Think marriage burnout, parenting burnout, and political burnout just to name a few.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why and how burnout can show up in non-work areas of your life. How burnout can spread from one area of your life to another. What to do if you’re experiencing burnout in any area of your life. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/200
  • As a coach, I help clients get what they want, whether that’s a new job, a better handle on their finances, a more connected relationship with their sweetie, or anything else. But sometimes, getting what you want doesn’t feel the way you think it will. Your goals have been achieved and your life is deeply satisfying, but you may run into a sense of malaise. This week, I’m digging into the surprising phenomenon that sometimes happens when you finally unlock your goals - you feel worse than ever. Tune in to learn what you can do if you find yourself making your dreams come true but weirdly feeling worse than ever.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why getting what you want can actually trigger worse feelings than not having it. Why you may feel an urge to run away from your achieved goals as soon as you reach them. What you can do to navigate that feeling of surprise let down after a big achievement is unlocked. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/199
  • Whether you’ve been with your significant other a few months, a few years, or even a few decades, you may have doubts and insecurities. Do they love you as much as you love them? Are they the right choice? Is this relationship built to last? If you want to shift those lingering uncertainties into confidence and enjoy your relationship more, this week’s episode is just the thing.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why you don’t feel confident in your relationship. Where confidence in your relationship actually comes from. How to build a sense of confidence in your relationship. When to invest in building confidence (and when not to). Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/198
  • Sometimes, you’re in a situation with no good options. You’re laid off, the job market sucks, and you’re woefully unprepared to hit the ground running on landing a new role. Or you find out your significant other has been cheating, and you don’t want to leave them, but you also don’t know how you could ever forgive them. Or you injure yourself and don’t like any of the options you have for healing your body. No matter what situation you find yourself in, it’s challenging to figure out what to do when you don’t like any of your options. Luckily, this week we’re talking about what you *can* do when you’re in this situation, and how you can move forward in a way that feels good to you.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The surprising thing that’s actually the most troublesome when you don’t like your options (feeling stuck). Two skills that will help you immensely when you find yourself hating your options (making peace with what is AND sales skills babyyyyy). Why it’s so important (but also so challenging) to tap your creative thinking skills when you don’t like any of your options. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/197
  • Networking gets a bad rap, sometimes for good reason. It can feel awkward and uncomfortable to attend a networking event, talk to new people, and try to build genuine relationships from the ground up. But networking can also be extremely helpful for building a professional community, breaking into a new company or industry, and moving your career forward. Tune in this week for a conversation all about how to do networking in a way that feels good to you and helps you achieve your goals.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The reason networking feels so bad sometimes. How to network in a way that feels good instead. 3 key networking mistakes to avoid. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/196
  • Getting started is hard. Whether you’re updating your resume, building a slick powerpoint deck for the monthly business review meeting, or even just folding those clothes that have been in the dryer for six days, it can be a challenge to get yourself going. This week’s episode will explain why this happens and what you can do instead. Next thing you know, you’ll be starting (and finishing) all kinds of tasks and projects that have been piling up.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    3 key patterns that keep you from getting started. How to navigate each pattern so that you’re no longer blocked by it. How to sign up for an upcoming free business AMA call. Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/195
  • As the US’s politics become increasingly divisive, folks are feeling more and more stressed about elections big and small. And that’s especially true of 2024’s presidential election. Tune in this week to learn how to use coaching tools to manage your election stress.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How to use coaching to navigate election stress.
    A powerful question you can ask yourself when it all feels like wayyyy too much.
    How I coached myself about creating this episode (and how that can be an example you can use for election stress).

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/194

  • In today's fast-paced, high-pressure world, many people grapple with feelings of dissatisfaction and depression. While these emotions can sometimes overlap, it's crucial to understand the distinct differences between them. While coaching is a good fit for digging into dissatisfaction (and making changes so that you feel more ease, delight, and confidence), depression is better addressed with a mental health practitioner like a therapist.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    The differences and similarities between depression and dissatisfaction.
    Key components of depression and dissatisfaction to help you decide which you might be experiencing (and which kind of support you might like to seek).
    The cases when coaching can be helpful for depression.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/193

  • This week we’re joined by my client, Liz, who will share how one on one coaching impacted her writing, career, and overall self esteem.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why lowering the stakes for success can actually lead to a lot more of it.
    How to get yourself to work on your big goals daily without burning out.
    Why it’s so important to make working on your goals more pleasurable.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/192

  • In a capitalist society, you are socialized to feel deeply dissatisfied with your life from the moment you are born. This is not an accident. Capitalism thrives on your dissatisfaction, both in how that drives consumerism and in how it cultivates overworking. Today’s episode will explore how capitalist economies benefit from dissatisfied people, the role of marketing, the influence of social media, and the impact of news and media in maintaining this state of discontent.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How capitalism sets you up to feel constantly dissatisfied.
    The roles of marketing, social media, and news cycles in cultivating your dissatisfaction.
    Why it’s a radical shift to build your satisfying AF life instead.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/191

  • When I worked with Marriage Coach Maggie Reyes a few years ago, she taught me the concept of a six second kiss. This is a couples' connection tool from the Gottman Institute, and it's so powerful for establishing (or re-establishing) a sexy physical connection. Catch this week's full episode to learn more about the six second kiss and how you can start using it today!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What the six second kiss is & how to do it.
    What shifts and results my relationship has experience from this tool.
    Answers to frequently asked questions about this tool.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/190

  • When does the idea of deserving something help you achieve it? When does it drive you further away from your goals instead? Tune in this week for a fun and eye opening discussion about this concept that both motivates us to pursue our dreams AND also sometimes gets us into trouble along the way.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Why the idea of “deserving” might not be the most useful frame sometimes.
    The difference between “deserving” something and choosing it.
    How to decide what to pursue and when.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/189

  • Getting what you want isn’t always easy. Landing a new job, paying down debt, dating to find a partner - these things can be difficult. You may find yourself putting them off, not wanting to spend your precious time doing the boring, unenjoyable steps required. This week’s episode will introduce a new way to think about working towards your goals, one that will have you excited to start taking action towards your goals, whatever they may be.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Common reasons you don’t take actions towards your goals, even things you really want.
    Why you might treat yourself like an annoying inconvenience and what you can do instead.
    How your socialization might be blocking you from treating yourself with kindness and high regard.

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/188

  • Join me this week as I chat with (and live coach) my client, Kelsey. We’ll talk through the recent coaching we did on whether or not Kelsey wants to have children, and we’ll coach through some remaining concerns she has about her decision.

    What you’ll learn from this episode:

    One way to tackle making a big decision, especially if you feel a lot of confusion.
    Why you may not see your true preference at first (hint: it’s probably some kind of socialization that’s getting in the way).
    What actually happens inside a coaching session (a very powerful kind of conversation).

    Get full show notes and more information here: https://www.korilinn.com/187