
  • Lawyers can’t just take a backseat when it comes to marketing, but what do you actually need to know to make sure your marketing approach holds water? Later, how do you go about marketing for two distinct practice areas in your law firm? 
    Depending on your role in your firm, you may need to know much more or much less about the way the marketing world works, but you absolutely need to have some basic knowledge to ensure that your tactics/data/vendors/potential hires/etc. make sense. Gyi and Conrad talk through what you need to know to be able to hold your marketing people accountable for delivering on your law firm’s objectives. 
    Next, if you have more than one practice area in your law firm, what’s the best way to make sure each one is marketed effectively? The guys answer a question about how to grow different aspects of your law firm with well-thought-out marketing, resource allocation, and web content.  
    The News:

    Hona succeeded in raising $9.5M, so there’s all sorts of new potential there. 

    Get more of Conrad and Gyi! The guys will be speaking at Answering Legal Summer Camps - July 24th and August 14.

    Gyi told you so on LSAs! Go listen to these episodes: Google Local Service Ads: To Brand or Not to Brand? and The Lawyer’s Guide to Conversions || Listener LSA Queries

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    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • The secrets of Google’s algorithm are out! So, what (if anything) should you do?
    Is this the biggest news to hit the SEO industry ever? Google has had their first high-profile leak, courtesy of one of their very own engineers, and now SEOs are working all kinds of angles to leverage this new information. So, how juicy is it? Is all the hype justified? There’s a lot to unpack here, and you should certainly proceed with caution if some sort of SEO professional has flashy “leak secrets” for sale. Gyi and Conrad dig into the pile to explain how to process this news and make smart, tactical decisions moving forward. 
    The News:
    For the first time, Google has had a major leak.

    The biggest findings in the Google Search leak - The Verge 

    Local Search Implications of the Google API Leak 

    Quite a few AI Overviews have been scarily bad, and could be considered hilarious, dangerous, or future lawsuit fodder—especially if you’re the unlucky fellow who takes AI’s advice about eating rocks or adding glue to your pizza sauce.

    Google AI's Insane Answers

    AI Overviews: About last week 

    The ABA has a new ethics opinion on Listservs, so here’s what you need to know:

    ABA issues ethics guidance on a lawyer’s use of listservs, particularly for pending matters 
    And, LocalU Detroit is coming up on June 24th! 
    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked - Mike King / iPullRank
    Local Search Implications of the Google API Leak - David Mihm / Near Media
    5 local SEO insights from Google’s API documentation leak - Andrew Shotland / Search Engine Land
    Gyi's Google Leak Threads on X
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on YouTube 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

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  • Whether you have a DIY approach to your law firm marketing or an in-house team at your beck and call, you really should be using the top tools of the trade, and Gyi and Conrad share just what you need! But first—many, many SEOs preach that you should keep ALL your old content… but we’re pretty sure you really need to toss the majority of that bulk overboard. 
    Is your website riding a bit low in the water? We keep hearing marketers say that your old content is some sort of treasure trove, but, more likely, it’s just outdated junk that needs to be jettisoned—quickly. Clearing things out can make more valuable content perform better, and Gyi and Conrad lay out how to decide what should stay and what should go. 
    Next, the list you’ve always needed to fill up your marketing toolbox! Depending on your approach and resources, the guys outline three different lists of essential tools to help you hone your marketing tactics. 
    Total Beginner - The DIY Lawyer’s Marketing Tools

    Google Searches

    Meta’s Ad Library

    Google Maps



    Microphone - SM58, MV7, or similar.

    Intermediate Tools - For the Those With Growing Expertise   

    Local SEO Tools: Local Falcon, BrightLocal, Whitespark, or Places Scout.

    Intake Management Software: Clio Grow, Lawmatics, Litify, Lead Docket, etc. 

    A Link Index Tool: Ahrefs, Semrush, Moz

    Advanced Tools - for the Seasoned Pro, Marketing Directors, SEO Leads, and the Like!
    Screaming Frog
    The News:

    Google I/O 2024 (their developer conference) just wrapped up, so what’s gonna be happening with the latest in the search realm? Google is adding more AI to its search results | TechCrunch and Generative AI in Search: Let Google do the searching for you.

    ChapGPT 4.0 (Omni) is now available, and we’re all just still hoping AI isn’t going to eventually kill us all: Hello GPT-4o | OpenAI 

    LSA now means Let’s Screw Attorneys — So, should you play the game or just quit now?

    Thanks? We got a blog award: The 16 Best Legal Marketing Podcasts Of 2024 

    Gyi and Conrad will both be participating in the Law Firm Growth Summit from May 21-23. 

    And, LocalU Detroit is coming up on June 24th! 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • Y’know what’s super annoying?—Google thinking it was okay to just auto-enroll all LSA clients into their branded queries. Sheesh. Later, should we all be mourning the death of links for SEO (again)? 
    Google… someday, we’d really appreciate it if you stopped being so presumptuous. Listen up, business owners—Google’s auto-enrollment scheme in branded queries for LSAs might be leading you to spend money unnecessarily, but it’s all a little too murky to know what’s really happening. The good news is: you can opt out if you want to. The bad news is: the current data is so fuzzy that it’s pretty darn tough to tell whether opting out is the right move. Gyi and Conrad pick apart their findings thus far and offer insights into how to navigate these shifts in your LSAs. 
    The Link is dead; long live the Link? A recent article headline caught our attention: Google Confirms Links Are Not That Important. Is this really true, though? Nah. Links may have decreased in significance in some ways, but they still absolutely have a place in the SEO kingdom, and Gyi and Conrad explain why. 
    The News:

    Google just shared their Q1 earning call, and nearmedia.co has all the deets. 

    Whaaaaa..?! Google Confirms Links Are Not That Important

    Google’s March 2024 Core Update Finished April 19th — Hopefully any turbulence you experienced has died down by now. 

    Next, Google tests scan-to-call QR codes and extra images on sponsored ads. If you see one within the legal sphere, send it to us! 

    For all 2 of you who needed to know, you can no longer manually update ads on Bing as of April 30th: Microsoft Ads to replace Manual CPC with Enhanced CPC by end of April 

    Old news? The Federal Trade Commission Announces Proposed Rule Banning Fake Reviews and Testimonials. Somebody’s gonna get in big trouble, y’all; we’re looking at you Banana Slicer.

    Gyi and Conrad will both be participating in the Law Firm Growth Summit from May 21-23. 

    And, LocalU Detroit is coming up on June 24th! 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
    Brand Conquesting: Dirty and Underhanded? || How would you spend $5000? - LHLM Episode
    Join us live for LHLM Office Hours on LinkedIn or Youtube, May 17th. 
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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  • Your competitor is using YOUR name to promote themselves, and you’re totally ticked, but what can you do? Later, learn the very best ways to spend your marketing budget to grow your business. 
    Generating clients for yourself by mentioning your competitor is sketchy, right? Or, is it? In the words of every lawyer ever, “It depends.” Gyi and Conrad analyze a particular instance of an aggressive brand practice Ben Glass highlighted in a recent LinkedIn post. A very questionable strategy used by one of his competitors could easily have misled consumers, so, ick, but is there an okay way to use a brand conquest strategy? The guys unpack the philosophy and ethics behind this type of marketing approach. 
    Pop quiz, hot shot. You’ve got $5,000 for your marketing budget. What do you do? The possibilities could run in a variety of directions, and Gyi and Conrad share several creative takes on what kind of impact can be made with your investment. 
    The News:

    Everybody is in the digital media business—maybe even your bank! Yep, JP Morgan has started an ad agency… What do we think about this? - JPMorgan Creates Marketing Agency Built on Purchase Data  

    Paid search is still king, but is regicide coming? - U.S. search ad revenues hit record $88.8 billion in 2023

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    The Next LHLM Office Hours will take place on May 3rd. Join us on LinkedIn!
    Mockingbird Legal Marketing 2024 Review 
    Gladiator Law Marketing Agency Review 2024 
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
    You Asked, We Answered || A Line in the SPAM - LHLM Episode
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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  • Your CRM software isn’t just some technical database that should be hidden away somewhere. If you’ve got it, flaunt it! And, congratulations, you’ve made it through the first quarter. So, what checkups should you be doing on your marketing campaign?
    As you meet people, either online or out in the wide world, you should be considering each and every new connection as a way to grow your CRM database. It takes time and discipline to do it right, but it’s totally worth it to grow your business. Gyi and Conrad discuss the possibilities that lie within a robust CRM system and how to meaningfully and effectively leverage those connections. 
    We’re 90 days in, everyone. How did Q1 go for you? Gyi and Conrad outline all the things lawyers and marketers should start measurably seeing after three months in the full swing of their marketing strategies. Is your target audience working? Are you hitting your priorities? What needs to change? The guys talk through all the questions you should be asking and the benchmarks you should be reaching at this point in the year. 
    The News:

    So, what should we expect from Google in the next 12 months? Well, Conrad just did a session on it at Mass Torts Made Perfect, so he’ll give you an overview!

    Universal Analytics is seriously done-zo on July 1, so if you’re still using it, get out now. 

    LocalU is coming to Detroit, and Gyi gets to help! LocalU taps into industry leading experts to teach about stellar SEO content. Check it: LocalU Detroit 2024 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
    Diverse Marketing || 30 Days In - LHLM Episode
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on YouTube 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • Ladies and gentlemen! Tonight’s main event is a rough and rowdy throw down over: What exactly is a conversion? Later, LSAs are confusing, amIright? Gyi and Conrad shed some light on how to make the most of your marketing dollar. 
    So, you’ve just placed a Google ad, written a social post, or sent out a newsletter. Then, you sit back and hope for… what, exactly? There is definitely some argument about what a conversion is and isn’t in your marketing scenario, so get ready for some heat as Gyi and Conrad rumble over their diverging philosophies. However, at its core, the guys agree that a conversion happens when a user takes the desired action (whatever that may be) which, in turn, grows your business. They discuss how this plays out in the real world to help lawyers understand best practices in their marketing efforts. 
    Later, the guys answer Local Services Ad questions from listeners. How long will LSAs be king for small firms? Do you really have to increase your budget to compete with legal behemoths on Google? Can effective targeting solve ad problems? Gyi and Conrad give their best takes on how to understand the nuances of the system. 
    The News:

    Is this whole TikTok ban for realsies? Questionable — Bill that could ban TikTok passed in the House. Here's what to know 

    Google Integrates Social Media Posts Into Google Business Profiles Gyi and Conrad talk about how to make the most of it. 

    Sooo… the Google March 2024 spam update is done rolling out. Did it make any difference?

    Coming your way: DIY AI-assisted website stuffs that power your marketing—GoDaddy Launched Airo

    And, we’re excited, folks! The First LHLM: Office Hours took place on March 15 and the guys are super grateful for all those who got involved. Join Gyi and Conrad again on March 29.  

    This Podcast Rated [PG] by the Podcast Association of America* for mild language and bad lawyer jokes. 

    *not a real thing

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    The Bite - Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Newsletter!
    Last Episode
    How not to use TikTok 
    Conversion Confusion Cleared Up - LHLM 
    More content, less traffic: part
    More content, less traffic: part II
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • This time, the guys unpack Google’s latest headlines, caution lawyers against some highly questionable speakers at legal conferences, and share the latest books to add to your reading list.
    Today’s big thing—The News:

    Google’s latest core updates are really trying to crack down on spam and garbage content. Will it work? Gyi and Conrad talk through what it all means for you. Check out: Google’s Search Status Dashboard for Ranking and Google Is Finally Trying to Kill AI Clickbait.

    Disgusting, but predictable––Google’s February LSA update was super gross: Google tests Branded Local Service Ads with opt-out option.

    Gyi explains how Google is trying to reduce spam in some areas through quality rater guidelines, but they don’t seem to care about it when it comes to ads: Search Quality Rater Guidelines: An Overview.

    Conrad rants against Google’s Pay Per Click (PPC) tactics, so to wrap your head around PPC marketing in general, try LHLM 101: Advertisement Buying Alphabet Soup and Search Engine Land’s What is PPC – Pay-Per-Click marketing?

    Later, there are a fair amount of conference sessions these days in which the speakers are paying big money to pitch their message/product to attendees. What do we think of this practice? Gyi and Conrad both have their own take, but the bottom line is: there’s a lousy content issue at conferences, and the guys share IRL examples of session claptrap you should avoid. 
    Finally, what have the guys been reading lately? For Conrad, Shoe Dog by Phil Knight, tells the story of the messy process of building a successful business. And Gyi has been reading all of Tiago Forte’s books, including Building a Second Brain and The PARA Method for organizing your digital life. 
    Mentioned in this Episode:
    LHLM Office Hours are coming March 15th! Register or View Here
    The Game Changing Attorney Podcast: The Brutally Honest Guide to Public Speaking
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • Subscription legal services are the future, folks, so let’s ride the new wave! The billable hour has become increasingly despised, but how do you make the switch to a subscription-based, recurring revenue law firm? In a live conversation at ABA TECHSHOW, Gyi chatted with Kim Bennett and Blaine Korte about how to leave the billable hour behind and create processes and automations that keep your ideal client’s journey in mind and make your law firm more profitable. 
    Kim Bennett is CEO and co-founder at Fidu Legal.
    Blaine Korte is CTO and co-founder at Fidu Legal.

  • Is there some sort of universal average you should be hoping for in your cost per acquisition, particularly on social media? Gyi and Conrad have the answer. And, later, your marketing dream team needs an off-hours operator!
    What is the best cost per acquisition you can hope to attain in your social media marketing efforts? Gyi and Conrad unpack this listener question and dig into how it actually ought to be considered in an entirely different way. Is a cost per acquisition of under $100 the magical threshold everyone thinks it is? Your law firm’s goals might beg to differ. 
    Later on, the draft for your marketing dream team is back! The guys talk about the essential role of the off-hours operator. Whether human-powered or fully automated, your firm needs to be able to be communicative with consumers at all times, day and night.
    The News:

    Google and Reddit are getting together: Google strikes $60 million deal with Reddit, allowing search giant to train AI models on human posts - CBS News  

    Aaand, more Google, as usual—they’re working with machine learning to keep trying to actually be helpful: How machine learning keeps contributed content helpful  

    Gyi was on Trial Lawyer Nation, so you better go check that out. 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Reddit Episode
    Curtis Boyd - The Transparency Company
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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  • Lies, betrayal, false promises… Valentine’s Day may look like it just took a very unromantic turn, but Gyi and Conrad are here to rescue you from a potentially toxic agency relationship. And later, Google’s Hidden Gems might not be all it’s cracked up to be. 
    We guarantee (okay, we hope!) that you’ll love this podcast, but what about when an agency guarantees success? Flashy promises from marketing agencies are probably always absolutely sketchy, and Gyi and Conrad want to make sure no one takes advantage of you. The guys share the warning signs you should look for when considering a relationship with a new agency. 
    Next, what’s the deal with Google’s new update, Hidden Gems? It’s meant to bring real user experiences and content to the forefront, but is it actually helping? Forums like Reddit and Quora can be a strategic place to put yourself out there as a lawyer, but don’t be a skeezeball about it. Gyi and Conrad talk through unintended problems arising from Hidden Gems—far too often resulting from users manipulating the system.
    The News:

    Local Service Ad bombings truly suck, and Google needs to prevent business competitors from using these gross tactics. 

    AI is coming to Google Maps to help you discover new places through AI Local Guides. Attorneys—pay attention to how this could impact the ways people find your law firm!

    Speaking of maps, they’re currently showing up significantly lower in Search Engine Results Pages. How will this affect your business?

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    What are Hidden Gems? – Google Search ranking improvement aims to surface hidden gems 
    It’s Goog Enough! - Blind Five Year Old
    Beyond SEO
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing now on YouTube 
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • 100 episodes! Thanks for listening, LHLMers. This time, we’re focusing on the business and community benefits of expanding into new language markets for your law firm. Plus, what should be accomplished in the first 30 days of a new marketing year?
    What should diversity look like in your legal marketing? The ever-growing Spanish-speaking market has made attorneys realize there are many underserved populations in need of greater access to legal services. Whether it be Spanish or another language, what is the best way to reach out to new client populations in your area? Gyi and Conrad share what they’ve learned thus far about inclusive marketing strategies that serve communities more broadly and effectively. 
    Later on, what progress should lawyers and marketers expect to see after the first thirty days of their engagement/campaign/strategy/whatever? The guys talk through potential benchmarks in a variety of circumstances and the data-gathering frenzy that should eventually become measurable, meaningful metrics for your firm. 
    The News:

    LSA Reporting – you can now see more about your local service ads through Google’s interface, but it still kinda sucks.

    Google Business Profile Websites will be turned off on March 1st. Are they quietly sneaking off into the night?  

    Google is laying off hundreds from their advertising teams. What gives?

    The Stafford Jersey Swap was quite a thing. 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Hreflang: The Easy Guide for Beginners
    US Hispanic Population Stats
    LHLM Episode: The Anatomy of an Annual Plan || Top KPIs for Law Firm Growth 
    Leave Us an Apple Review 
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  • Gyi and Conrad gaze deeply into the hazy future of law firm marketing in 2024, but are they true fortune tellers or phonies? They talk through the successes of predictions past and offer their insight into the uncertain future.
    Time to dust off the crystal ball, but first, the guys take a look back and show off their brilliant powers of prediction with a whole slew of spot-on prophecies that did, in fact, come to pass in 2023. In-house marketers increased, lawyers took to social media in bigger ways, brand affinity/awareness tactics were key, and more! And, uh… y’know—nevermind that bit of a psychic blind spot on the massive AI renaissance.
    Next, let’s take a look at the most significant trends of 2023. The guys unpack the major happenings in AI, the legal business sphere, marketing strategies, social media engagement, and all the other things competent soothsayers must examine as they ponder eternity.
    Finally, the future. Gyi and Conrad gaze into the depths of the mystic orb, and what lies ahead is clear—more and more AI is coming into the practice of law. What else? We’re not giving it all away! Listen in to find out. 
    Many thanks to our friends at CallRail for sponsoring this extra LHLM episode.
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  • If you’ve never put much thought into gifts, maybe it’s time to ponder the influence and effect of a perfectly personalized present. And, how did the guys’ resolutions go last year? Eh… you’ll see. 
    Unexpected, unnecessary gifts can be pretty darn impactful, and they might just be an awesome way to express your esteem for a valued professional peer. Gyi and Conrad encourage listeners to forgo the pears and apples and consider a thoughtful, personalized gifting strategy that truly shows others you care.
    Next, the guys answer a listener question on Google SGE. What are its long-term prospects? Will it play a role in Search? Gyi and Conrad hash out their prognostications. 
    It seems we love to hate ourselves for failing miserably at New Year’s resolutions. The guys share their successes and lack thereof on 2023’s personal, professional, and podcast goals, and talk about their bright, shiny hopes for 2024. 
    The News:

    Take that, robocallers/texters! The FCC has adopted new rules closing 'lead generator" loopholes.

    Is print coming back? Great Legal Marketing has an excellent print newsletter, so maybe, just maybe, you should consider one as well. 

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  • Bad math might be holding you back from your business goals, and, later, is it a good or bad idea to diversify your legal practice areas? 
    Lawyers aren’t known for their math skills, but those who are business owners need to understand how to budget their money for continued growth. In fact, if you’re not investing enough in your marketing, you might be moving backwards. Gyi and Conrad talk through strategies for effective marketing investments that will help you reach your business goals. 
    To maximize your revenue, should you undertake multiple niches in your legal practice? It depends. Practice area diversification isn’t all bad—in some markets it might work well for you, but it can also be problematic. They guys break down the pros and cons of a multi-niche legal practice. 
    The News:

    This video looks amazing: Hands-on with Gemini: Interacting with multimodal AI - YouTube. But now it’s looking like we’ve been misled: Google shares sink following reports that some of their AI demo was faked.

    Joy Hawkins has informed everyone that they basically don’t exist after hours on Google unless they run a 24/7 listing. 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Maximum Lawyer
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • Google ad prices keep increasing, but a lot of lawyers feel like their Google marketing isn't getting them where they want to go. Later, should you keep content that brings in plenty of web traffic but no new customers?
    Is Google engaging in some sneaky tactics? Ad prices continue to rise, but many lawyers are feeling like their Google ads are less and less effective. What’s going on here? Gyi and Conrad talk through the increasingly convoluted ad space and how to actually reach your target clients.
    Later, a listener asks a question that merits its own segment—what do you do when you have a web page that generates a lot of organic traffic but doesn’t convert to clients? The guys discuss whether all traffic is good traffic and what you should do with a weirdly performing page from a variety of marketing perspectives. 
    The News:

    Once again, Elon’s employing some seriously questionable tactics against his naysayers, and it’s hard to imagine he’s accomplishing anything other than shooting himself in the foot: Elon Musk to advertisers who try to blackmail him: 'Go f**k yourself'

    Danny Sullivan, Google's Search Liaison, says major changes are coming to search rankings, so buckle up, folks. We may be experiencing some turbulence.

    Also from Google—structured data changes. Check out these articles from Search Engine Journal: Google Highlights Forums & Profiles With New Structured Data and Google Search Central: New in structured data: discussion forum and profile page markup. 

    And, well, Google’s definitely monopolizing the news (again): Jerry Dischler of Google Ads has Resigned.

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  • What do we think of using AI in social content creation? It’s complicated. And, the guys share the surefire signs that mean it’s time to drop your digital marketing agency. 
    With ChatGPT by our side, social media might just have the potential to become more inauthentic than ever. If, that is, you employ AI to generate your content full-time. So… should you? Gyi and Conrad talk through the current state of ChatGPT-aided content creation, explaining how to use it for what it’s worth, while leaving its lame, boring robot side out of your socials. 
    For today’s LHLM question, a listener asks about the value, or lack thereof, in hiring a local celebrity for your marketing scheme. Does it work? Is it fraught with peril? The guys hash it out. 
    Spotty communication? Red flag. No data access? Red flag. Certain indicators really do prove that it's time to oust your digital marketing agency. Things get a little heated as Gyi and Conrad outline a full list of things that just aren’t acceptable, so you’ll know when to give your agency the boot. 
    The News:
    Google is using click data as a ranking factor, because apparently Google users… like it? Ugh. 

    It's Goog Enough! - Blind Five Year Old 
    The latest announcements from Google are promising personalization:

    Lily Ray on LinkedIn: New ways to find just what you need on Search

    New ways to find just what you need on Search - The Keyword

    Open AI is letting you make your own version of ChatGPT:
    OpenAI announces platform for making custom ChatGPTs - The Verge
    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing Podcast: The Anatomy of an Annual ... 
    Ask a question—get some swag!
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  • Where is your law firm headed in the next year? We know you want to improve your business, and here’s how! Later, a good plan relies on good data. Gyi and Conrad discuss the most important KPIs for your firm. 
    You want growth for your law firm, so what’s your plan? Gyi and Conrad have had too many lawyers tell them, “I don’t know… you tell me!” So, that’s what we’re doing today. The guys break down the key elements of a top-notch annual plan that can be tailored to your particular business objectives. 
    Then, it’s question time! How does ChatGPT/AI affect marketing and SEO? Can you still stand out amongst the crowd? Gyi and Conrad discuss. Don’t forget to send in your questions and get a b-e-a-utiful Lunch Hour trucker hat. 
    And, last but not least, we’re bringing it back to your annual plan, dear lawyers. The guys each share their top 3 KPIs for measuring where you want to go with your law firm. 
    The News:

    The walls are coming down, folks! MyCase now has an integration with CallRail.

    Just a heads up—Google’s LSAs have, by and large, dropped from 3 to 2. 

    SEOs, you made a mess of the internet… as usual:

    Did SEO experts ruin the internet or did Google? - The Verge 

    Congrats to the authors of Tiger Tactics: Powerful Strategies for Winning Law Firms. This book is definitely worth a read. 

    As we mentioned, 50% of people are not comfortable with their lawyers using AI, and Pras of the Fugees is one of them: 

    Fugees' Pras Michel Demands Retrial, Says Lawyer's Use of AI Botched Final Argument. 

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  • The weary travelers are back! After collecting your most pressing marketing questions at the latest legal conferences, Gyi and Conrad are ready to answer you right here on the podcast. And later—you better learn how NOT to annoy your audience, because no one likes a spammer. 
    We at the Lunch Hour pod took down your marketing questions at Clio Cloud 2023 and MTMP, and the guys are ready to answer the first three of many! If you’ve been wondering about effective client meetings, social media positioning, and targeted referrals, listen in for Gyi and Conrad’s expertise.  
    Later, when is your marketing too much? There is a line, folks, and you definitely don’t want to cross it. The guys talk about marketing and social media etiquette and the stuff you need to think about when you engage with your target audience. 
    The News:

    Get ready to make a big spend on TikTok’s physical ads! It’s a thing now: Introducing Out of Phone: TikTok Beyond the Mobile Screen.

    Capture Now could help you fix the intake problems at your law firm. 

    Clio launches Clio Duo and the insights it has to offer will most likely really change the way lawyers work.

    NGage Chat is still being super lame and selling your leads, just like we told you in this episode: 5 Ways To Make Your Google Profile Pop || Is Your Chat Service Selling Your Leads? 

    Gyi and Conrad were on the Game Changing Attorney Podcast.

    Mentioned in this Episode:
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    Lunch Hour Legal Marketing on TikTok

  • Live from Clio Cloud Conference—the 2023 Legal Trends Report is hot off the presses and Gyi and Conrad have some compelling thoughts on what it’s showing us this time around. Later, they dig into the problems and limitations associated with current perceptions of ROI.
    Should you trust AI for good legal advice? Apparently, 27% of you do, but that stat is making Gyi and Conrad pretty concerned about your qualifications as a lawyer… Yikes. The guys unpack this finding and other notable insights from the 2023 Legal Trends Report. 
    Later, is tracking ROI truly helpful or even really possible for most law firms? Conrad’s got a soap box here, dear listeners, so get ready. For the most part, stop getting hung up on ROI metrics and point your growth mindset elsewhere. 
    The News:

    Google v. DOJ — Yeah, there’s some stuff you won’t like:

    Google search antitrust trial updates: Everything you need to know (so far)

    Former Googler: Google ‘using clicks in rankings’

    Has Google Ads lost all credibility? Why one advertiser says it’s time to leave

    Google Maps sued for sending someone off a bridge.

    Family sues Google alleging its Maps app led father to drive ... - CNN 

    Google Local Chat

    Google Local Chat With A Live Agent Rolling Out? 

    Startup Alley Nominations are now open!

    2024 ABA TECHSHOW Startup Alley Application - LawSites 

    Mentioned in this Episode:
    Clio’s 2023 Legal Trends Report
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