As the world begins to open up again opportunities will begin to present themselves.
Are you ready to re-enter and take advantage? Or have you not been preparing yourself?
Let's connect! https://MadHustleBook.com
You won't always be here. What are you leaving behind?
Let's connect! Visit https://www.butchartman.com
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Continuing the topic: the Hollywood entertainment industry has its share of challenges: are you ready to face them?
Let's connect!! Visit me at https://MadHustleBook.com
When pursuing your dream you'll quickly realize that there are times that seem easier than others. Your job: enjoy the ride no matter what happens.
Let's connect! Join me at https://www.butchartman.com
Should you be scared of the casting process? Or can you learn to embrace it and make it work for you?
Let's connect! https://MadHustleBook.com
Are you getting buried by your goal? When did it get to be too much? How can you lighten the load and still proceed with joy?
Let's chat: https://www.butchartman.com
Selling projects in Hollywood is a major challenge. Are you ready to face it?
Let's connect at https://www.butchartman.com
Something big is heading towards you. Are you sure you're ready to handle it practically? Mentally? Spiritually?
Get ready - brace yourself!
Let's connect - visit https://MadHustleBook.com
Something is coming for sure. Is it success? Is it a challenge? Is it an unexpected piece of news? Whatever it is, be ready to handle it because that’s what successful, visionary people do.
Let's connect: https://www.butchartman.com
‘THE BREAK’ - you’re either catching a big break or you’re at a breaking point. Where are you right now?
Let's connect! https://MadHustleBook.com
What did you accomplish in the insane year of 2020? We think you probably did a lot more than you think you did. What do YOU think?
I want to connect with you! Contact me @ https://www.butchartman.com
What are you willing to sacrifice in order to move your dreams forward? Counting the cost is something every visionary should be prepared for.
Learn more by visiting https://MadHustleBook.com
A vision or goal can’t be ignored or left sitting around. It will die if you don’t keep adding fuel to it!
Let's connect! Reach out to me at https://MadHustleBook.com
Are you so pregnant with vision that you feel it's going to explode out of you? Like it or not, the vision has to come out one way or another. The question is: will it be an easy birth?
Let's connect! Reach me at https://MadHustleBook.com
When is a good time to hop onto a trend and how long will it last? Is it even necessary to be onboard a trend? What if you have no idea what’s trending at all?
Visit http://butchartman.com to connect with me!
In order to reach the next level, there may be some things that need to change. Are you ready for the transformation process?
Connect with me @ https://www.butchartman.com!
How do you give yourself that “extra something” that makes you stand out from the competition?
Let's connect - visit me at https://MadHustleBook.com
What will you be asked to do in order to get your idea sold? What are you willing to do? What should you NEVER do?
Reach out to me! Hit me up at https://www.butchartman.com
A recap of nearly every MAD HUSTLE podcast so far! Let's check your progress and see what you've gotten out of our discussions.
Plus: a special announcement!
Le'ts connect! https://MadHustleBook.com or https://www.butchartman.com
It’s all in the attitude. If you don’t believe in yourself, no one else will either.
Let's connect! Reach me at https://www.butchartman.com -- My NEW BOOK is now available at https://MadHustleBook.com
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