Zwei wie Pech & Schwafel” ist DER Podcast zum Thema Kino, Serien und Bewegtbild. Robert Hofmann und David Hain arbeiten beide seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt als Filmkritiker. Sie sind sich selten einig, aber beide eint eine innige Leidenschaft für das große und kleine Kino - und genau darum geht es: Fakten, Meinungen und Anekdoten rund um das Thema Film. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
The Strength Coach Podcast is one of the longest running (since 2007) Strength & Conditioning and Fitness podcasts. Episodes alternate between Coach Michael Boyle and top industry Strength Coaches and Trainers to get an insight into real world strength training. This is the best place to stay informed about the most cutting edge training techniques.
Mountaibike podcasten nørder mountainbike til alle niveauer – fra begynderen til verdensmesteren. I podcasten dykker vi ned i alt fra teknik, udstyr, træning – både den fysiske og den mentale, Vi taler med danske og udenlandske mountainbikere, og tager fat i trends og andre MTB relaterede emner. Dine værter er Mads Weidemann, tidligere professionel downhill rytter og stifter af MTB akademiet, og Solveig Høgh, der er forholdsvis ny på MTB og har udgivet en mountainbike bog
Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
Welcome to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast, where we explore the world of functional fitness and performance training in the home gym. Join us as we talk to coaches, athletes, and experts about their experiences in building strength, endurance, and athleticism outside the traditional gym setting. In addition to sharing practical tips and strategies, we'll also delve into the latest scientific research on topics like exercise physiology, nutrition, and recovery to help you optimize your training and achieve your best results. Whether you're a seasoned garage gym veteran or just getting started on your fitness journey, this podcast is for you. So if you're ready to unleash your inner athlete and take control of your training, tune in to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast.
Velkommen til Moviebox! - en podcast om de vildeste videofilm fra de skumle hylder i din barndoms videoudlejningsbutik. I hver episode prøver VHS-nørderne Niels Paridon, Sonny Lahey og Ask Hasselbalch at overgå hinanden, når de samler tre film til et klassisk videomarathon under ét særligt tema. God fornøjelse, og husk at spole tilbage, når du har lyttet færdig.
En podcast der udelukkende handler om løb - for alle løbere. Om du løber hurtigt eller langsomt, 5K, halvmaraton, maraton eller ultraløb, på trails i skoven eller tæsker asfalt på landevejen. Runcast er for dig, der interesserer dig for løbets DNA og alt omkring det. Kort sagt - om løb for løbere!
With amazing guests or solo, I explore the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. I’m seeking answers to the questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice.
I’m so glad you are here because I believe the depth that arises in teaching comes from inquiry and relationship. Join me as I offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teaching and realistic strategy to help you find more clarity on your career path.
Francesca Cervero (she/her) has been a full-time yoga teacher since 2005. Her teaching is inspired by her foundational training with Cyndi Lee at OM Yoga Center, the years she spent as a dancer and the subsequent years she spent in physical therapy. Her teaching is also influenced by her love of Buddhist teachings and a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics. She is in private practice teaching a full schedule of 1x1 clients, mentors yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™, hosts the podcast, The Mentor Sessions: Support & Strategy for Yoga Teachers and is the founder of the adjoining community, The Mentor Sessions Sangha. -
International #1 bestselling author GREG AMUNDSON brings an electric combination of enthusiasm, credibility, and real-world experience to his sermons and messages on discipleship, leadership, the warrior spirit, and self-mastery.
The Greg Amundson Show is a weekly Podcast where Greg will educate and inspire you to live with passion, purpose, and a greater understanding of God's Word. Greg's use of storytelling to illuminate life changing principles and concepts is world renowned, and will become a cherished addition to spiritual seekers from all Faith backgrounds.
Greg teaches that through a disciplined use of your thoughts, words, awareness, and attention, you can achieve a mindset of positive expectancy, personal belief, and an unshakeable Faith in the One True God of the Holy Bible. Tune in for a life changing experience! -
The Weight Loss Podcast is a podcast focused on helping you lose the weight and never find it again in a realistic, sustainable and healthy way.
Hosts Matt and Courtney are a married couple who together have lost a combined 105kg/230lbs between them.
They'll share their own inspirational stories of weight loss and the mindset struggles behind it, as well as interview real people just like you who will share their own stories of struggle and success.
Along with tips, tools, resources and support to help you achieve your own goals, you'll get your questions answered in our regular Q&A segment!
If you've just started your weight loss journey, are well on your way through it or are maintaining your success and are looking to connect with like-minded people, this show is for you.
Matt and Courtney bring their own individual perspectives from a male and female point of view and aren't afraid to voice their opinions with each other so you can guarantee this show will be raw, real and relatable! -
Your hosts Dan and Vicky take you on a hot date through movie history. They'll choose a random month, day and year and pick a favorite movie released on or near that date. It could be a love fest, it could get heated or it could turn into a threesome! Take a wild and funny ride in Dan and Vicky's movie time machine. You're invited on their Hot Date!
Sup Doc is the #1 Podcast about Documentaries! This lively show features comedy, commentary & recaps with classic and not-so-classic documentaries!
On each episode comedians Paco Romane and George Chen give actual analysis while hilariously discussing the documentary with their wide array of amazing guests, plus games and film clips. These hosts hit the right tone of funny and thoughtful.
Sup Doc has been described as "a fun way to pore over docs" by Vulture, a "great idea" by Boing Boing and the The A.V. Club gushed Sup Doc podcast is "enlightening".
Join the conversation every other Monday even if you haven’t seen the documentary, as we go beyond the conventional podcast recap format. Documentaries, games, comedy and analysis!
We are on Patreon and