“Wetiko” is the term Native Americans used for what they explained as, “virus of the mind.” Other cultures across the globe have had different names for this (archons, demons, parasites of the mind, the dark side of the human psyche, or antichrist). This is a mind virus that distorts the way we see ourselves and reality. It has us believe we are an identity outside of God/Universe/Source/Creation. It’s said to be a collection of unhealed multi-generational & ancestral trauma and abuse that moves through the psyche of humanity transferred down from generation to generation.
Tulum Men's Retreat
The call of the hero’s journey is growing louder and louder for MANY of the men out there right now. Some have just begun, some are just about to, and others somewhere along that quest. This is where you leave behind the known and take the leap into the unknown in order to discover yourself and the meaning of your life.
Sean and I both began our hero’s journey right around the same time in different ways before we knew each other. Sharing our experience and insights to help other men navigate this process is one of our greatest passions.
In this episode, we dive into some very potent topics around all of this. We share some of the best tools and wisdom we've gained from our own experience going through this process. This is for the men listening in who are hearing their soul’s calling only get louder.
In this episode we get into:
-Transcending the 9-5 construct and how that’s part of the puzzle we’re here to solve
-how to face off with the resistance to change that comes up strongly when you start saying YES to your journey
-The importance of having honest, compassionate, and REAL conversations with yourself
-Why we need to take money off a pedestal and letting it enslave us
-Practical tools that will support you in this DEEP process of awakening
-Trust is a huge part of the Hero’s Journey you can’t get out of. How it’s an absolute requisite in this process
Missing episodes?
We’re reaching a turning point in our world. We now find ourselves at the end of a 80 year generational cycle that author Neil Howe calls a “4th Turning." Historically, during a 4th turning, there’s massive conflict and division, tension and huge changes occurring socioeconomically, along with collapses and rebuilds of all kinds across the board.
As a part of the ending of this cycle, we as men are being tasked with ending the generational trauma that have plagued our world for thousands of years resulting in the war/genocide, abuse, crime, and wide-scale corruption. This is a time of both great chaos AND GREAT OPPORTUNITY. It’s our time to step up, evolve, heal our world, and put an end to so much suffering on this planet.
In today’s episode, we dive into how these generational cycles keep us slaves to our unconscious wounds and traumas that are continually playing out and cycling over and over. We inherit unresolved emotional baggage from our lineage as well as our parents who they inherited it from.
We also share ways we can free ourselves of these deeply entrenched patterns within us to bring TRUE freedom to our lives.
If we don't take ownership of healing these things, answer the call, and evolve into the men we're meant to be...our very existence is in jeopardy. This isn't a message of fear, rather, it's a message of great hope. If enough men heed this call we will create a beautiful planet for ourselves and future generations.
If you feel a sense of inspiration and readiness to answer the call, we invite you to join us in our next cohort of Legendary Leadership starting Oct 29th where we'll help you navigate these challenges and thrive during these times as a leader for yourself and your community.
Apply and Learn More Here
If you’re feeling frustrated with life, not enjoying your experience, feeling disconnected from yourself, directionless, engaging in self-sabotage, or feeling stuck and going through the motions…you’re going to want to listen to this one.
We as men on this planet have a powerful choice ahead of us. We can live our lives as a spectator OR allow ourselves to jump into the game, fully participating and being a player in every area of our experience. Becoming the main character, no longer people pleasing, sacrificing yourself, being passive, letting life circumstances dictate your reality, and keeping yourself small.
We begin our next cohort of Legendary Leadership Oct 15th where we will together write an entirely new story as the main character. Liberating ourselves from any victimhood and coming fully alive again. We saw what’s possible these last few months, we saw what can happen when men step in, open their heart, and claim their lives again.
If this episode stirs something inside you, we invite you to trust and act on that. Life mirrors who we are BEING and our actions show who we are. Join us for this next cohort and let this time be the climax of your story…
If you are seeking to completely optimize your entire health and wellbeing, this is the episode for you.
Jason Grandzjuk is integrative health guide supporting individuals to reclaim their energy and power through the utilization of minerals, herbs and plant medicine.
After completely healing his gut and brain by clearing several parasite infections, Lyme disease, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), mold toxicity, C-Diff, Yeast in my brain, and Candida albicans through a holistic protocol of minerals and herbs, he now supports other to do the same.
In this episode we discuss:
The role minerals play in human healthMinerals, emotions and trauma release Minerals and plant medicineAnd so much moreCONNECT WITH JASON
Legendary Leadership 12-Week Mens Program Waitlist
Many people around the globe are seeking or have gone through a peak experience whether through the use of plant medicine, breathwork or even an immersive retreat. Yet, many times after the experience has ended people find themselves back in the same old patterns, habits and behaviors before the experience because of the lack of integration.
For the past 15 years, Chris Knight has been supporting transformation and healing in people's lives through spiritual practices, coaching and holistic therapy. His revolutionary methodology, Self Intelligence supports people in uncovering who they truly are so they can live a life of freedom.
In this episode Chris dives deep into how to practically integrate these peak experiences and life as a whole.
Self Intelligence Course
Legendary Leadership Waitlist
In this heart-opening, mind-expanding podcast, Reverend, Speaker and Founder of NeuIntention®, Nathan Kohlerman shares his immersive journey from gang member to military veteran to transformational guide. During this conversation we dive in and dissect what it takes to live a life that lights your soul on fire. In this episode you will learn:
The power of somatic intelligence and how to use your body and feeling sense to heal and find inner peaceHow to release the false identities we wear that keeps you from living as your authentic selfFacing your shadow to reveal your unique giftsAnd much more!WAYS TO CONNECT WITH NATHAN
Legendary Leadership
Are you ready to lead a life of purpose and impact, but feeling stuck? In this episode, John and I discuss how men can begin to lead themselves and others from a place that aligns with their core values, passions and purpose.
John Kempf is a strength coach and yoga teacher who has been working with clients and athletes in the mind body optimization space since 2010. He has a background in Kinesiology and several additional certifications in the sport performance coaching space. He has also been a passionate student and teacher of yoga and meditation since 2013. He integrates a scientific and spiritual approach to human development and peak performance that blends esoteric philosophy with holistic health so you can look, feel, and perform at your best from the inside out for the rest of your life.
Henosis Foundation
Legendary Leadership 12-Week Men's Immersion and Retreat
In a world that often demands us to hold on tightly, there is immense power in learning to let go. Join us on a thought-provoking and soul-stirring podcast as we explore the profound process of relinquishing and releasing attachments, expectations, and old narratives. Together we dive into the art of surrender, inviting listeners on an introspective voyage towards greater freedom and self-discovery. We examine how embracing vulnerability, forgiveness, trust and acceptance can lead to unparalleled growth, healing, and the unearthing of our true selves.
Legendary Leadership: 12-Week Men's Immersion and Retreat
Letting Go by David Hawkins
The Magic of Surrender by Kute Blackson
Men, are you feeling the call to break free from confines of mediocrity and fear?
Do you desire a deeper level of connection, authenticity and purpose in life?
In this power-packed episode with Men's Work Facilitator and Mentor, Jiro Taylor, we dive deep into a myriad of topics, including:
How Jiro escaped the religious cult he grew up in to find his TruthThe necessity and reasons for rites of passage initiations for menThe power of brotherhood and community for healing and expansionWhat it means to live and lead from the heartWays men can experience a deeper sense of meaning And so much more!ABOUT JIRO
Jiro supports men on their journey of transformation, through a year long rite of passage called Men of the Heart. He also serves as leadership coach to mission-guided CEOs and tech founders.
Legendary Leadership: 12-Week Men's Immersion and Retreat
This is a very personal episode on some of the things I've been navigating over the past month and my experience sitting with Kambo. I wanted to share all of this with you in hopes that it will support you on your journey of healing.
Need support? Email me at hello@christopheraugust.co or on Instagram @christopher_august
In this episode I share a masterclass I recently hosted that provides you an overview of the Gene Keys and how to begin working with them to elevate your life.
The Gene Keys is powerful set of wisdom teachings and system for personal transformation that penetrate straight to the core to help us unlock who we are and why we're here. It offers a unique and comprehensive blend of teachings that provides us a roadmap to our higher purpose.
Private Gene Keys 2-Hour Reading with Christopher
Gene Keys Profile
Dimensional Breathwork Facilitator and Plant Medicine Guide, Andrew Genovese joined the podcast to talk about his 7-day vision quest in the Northwest, United States. In this episode we talked about his experience alone in the wilderness and the necessity for all men to reconnect with themselves and the natural world in order to live in deeper alignment with their hearts and purpose.
Beats and Breath
Emotion Codes
There's a lot of talk around balancing your polarity and the masculine and feminine energies, but what does it really mean?
Spiritual Teacher, Speaker and Author, J. Malik eloquently shares the principles and energies that govern humans and the entire universe and when we are balanced within ourselves, our relationships, business and just about every aspect of our life begins to thrive.
Connect with J. Malik
It's 2023 and we stand at the precipice of a new dawn. Now, more than ever, we are all being called to stand up and rise into a new, empowered way of living, leading and creating in the world.
In this episode, I shared my thoughts on what's in store for humanity of this coming few years and what we can do to ensure we are creating the future we all desire.
I look forward to joining everyone for this exciting year ahead.
Christopher August Instagram
Masculine Mastery Instagram
Ascend 40-Day Sonic Breathwork Experience
In this episode learn how to create and manifest abundance in every aspect of your life. Among friends and clients, Keri Nola is often referred to as the Queen of Abundance or the Shadow Mama as she’s been known to help people out of the dark a time or two. After over a decade of building and maintaining a successful and profitable practice as a Licensed Psychotherapist specializing in a holistic approach to trauma healing, she retired from clinical practice and expanded the expression of her gifts into the realms of Best Selling Author, Podcaster, Radio Show Host and Founder of the Abundance Activator for Healing Entrepreneurs. Today she has a global practice mentoring therapists, coaches and healers through her membership community, retreats and immersions as they relax the hustle and grind and anchor into a frequency of abundant flow while they serve.
The power of energetics vs mindsetRegulating your nervous system to receive wealthThe universal principles for creating abundanceHow balancing your inner masculine and feminine energies can help you live more prosperouslyCONNECT WITH KERRI:
Learn how to release repressed emotions, energy and patterns you've been holding onto and come back into your power.
As a former Hollywood Actor turned Somatic Psychotherapist, David Sutcliffe is on a mission is to guide you into your feelings and awaken you to a new way of seeing yourself and the world. Along his journey he's seen how unresolved emotions create distorted thought patterns, controlling the perceptions that manifest our reality and now is using his unique gifts to help you release what's holding you back so that you can step into a new paradigm of living.
Deep Feeling Workshops
Elemental 7-Day Hawaii Men's Retreat
Are you feeling stuck, trapped or directionless and are seeking a new path? In this episode Sean Graves and I share our most important catalysts as well as our greatest struggles that propelled us to take massive action in our lives towards our higher visions and purpose.
Elemental: 7-Day Hawaii Men's Retreat
Are you having a difficult time overcoming the loss of a loved one?
Join myself and Mentor, Community Builder and Founder of Experience Freedom, Nina Camille for a heart-felt and authentic conversation. Together on this episode we discuss:
The lessons and teachings of grief The loss of her mom and one of her best friends and how these experiences have brought her closer to herself.Modern day culture and our phobia of death Creating a healthier relationship with death and the letting go processAnd so much more!ABOUT NINA
Nina helps epic beings heal trauma, discover their truth and learn to relate authentically so you can finally live a life of true freedom & deep connection as she believes that this is the work that creates the world we want to live in.
The Freedom Challenge
Elemental 7-Day Hawaii Men's Retreat
This episode with Transformational Facilitator and Social Worker, Hugo Chacon was a raw, real and authentic conversation about how he transmuted his deepest pain and core wounds into his greatest triumphs.
In this episode we talked about:
Surviving abuse and what it took to overcome his childhood woundsThe power of acceptance and forgivenessCultivating self-love through fatherhoodHow men can begin to heal themselves And much moreCONNECT WITH HUGO
Elemental: 7-Day Hawaii Men's Retreat
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