
  • Matters Microbial #80: Do Microbes Make the Best Chemists? February 27, 2025

    Today, Dr. Marc Chevrette, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Cell Science at the University of Florida, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how his research group can study novel metabolites and even interactions via study of microbial genomes! Dr. Chevrette reminds us all that microbes are the best chemists!

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Marc Chevrette

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of how quickly the field of microbial genomics has advanced. How secondary metabolites can be important to antibiosis, cell signaling, and even communication. An overview of genome mining, along with another review. The program antiSMASH that analyzes genomes for genes involved with secondary metabolites. A video describing how antiSMASH can be used to search for possible biosynthetic gene clusters. An essay about Dr. Julian Davies. An article by Dr. Davies’ group suggesting that antibiotics can serve as chemical signals between microbes. The idea of “parvomics,” studying the role of small molecules in how microbes communicate and interact. A great article from Dr. Chevrette and colleagues about how to look for biosynthetic diversity using genome mining. An article by Dr. Chevrette and colleagues exploring how groups of microbes can interact in remarkable ways. Dr. Chevrette’s faculty website. Dr. Chevrette’s research website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #79: How Amoebae Beat the Heat February 20, 2025

    Today, Dr. Angela Oliverio, Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Syracuse University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss what her research group has been learning about extremophilic single-celled eukaryotes!

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Angela Oliverio

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of protists. A wondrous video of the types of protists to be found seemingly everywhere. A video about amoebae and how YOU can find them. A video about the testate amoebae mentioned in this podcast. An essay about the testate amoebae. A very old article on temperature limits to eukaryotic life. A more modern article on this topic. An article from Dr. Oliverio’s group on the temperature limits to eukaryotic life. The Mullin laboratory at UCSF does remarkable visualization. Genomics and the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory. How mycoplasma move, with remarkable videos. A member of Dr. Oliverio’s lab creates beautiful glass art at this Etsy shop. A wonderful local news report on Dr. Oliverio and coworker’s research. A nice overview of Dr. Oliverio’s research interest in extremophilic protists. An article from Dr. Oliverio’s group explaining why we should all care about extremophilic eukaryotes. Dr. Oliverio’s research website (and SO worth your time) Dr. Oliverio’s faculty website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

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  • Matters Microbial #78: An EXTREME Close Up of the Squid-Vibrio Symbiosis February 13, 2025

    Today, Dr Ariane Briegel, Professor and head of the Integrative Structural Cell Biology research unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss some of the exciting findings of her research group studying how bacteria and the ever-popular Hawaiian bobtail squid work together at a molecular level—using cutting-edge cryo-electron tomography!

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Ariane Briegel

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode The (somewhat venerable) “The Eighth Day of Creation” discussed in this episode. A lovely article about the much missed Dr. Esther Lederberg. Here is another I much enjoyed. A website devoted to Dr. Esther Lederberg. A fun video reminder of the symbiosis between Vibrio fischeri and Euprymna scolopes. A review of cryo-electron tomography as applied to the study of bacterial structures. A book coauthored by Dr. Briegel on the use of this technology to study cell-microbe interactions. A video on the topic of cryo-electron tomography. Another video by Dr. Briegel on this topic. An earlier episode of #MattersMicrobial with Dr. Briegel. An article by the Moore Foundation that supports the work of Dr. Briegel. A article describing how cryo-EM can be applied to whole organisms, like roundworms. Research websites for collaborators on this project, Dr. Edward Ruby and Dr. Margaret McFall-Ngai. Dr. Briegel’s laboratory website. Dr. Briegel’s academic website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #77: It’s a Germ-Eat-Germ World! February 6, 2025

    Today, Dr Laura Williams, Director of Undergraduate Research at Georgia Institute of Technology, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss some of the exciting work she did as an associate professor at Providence College with undergraduate students studying predatory bacteria and why we should care about this fascinating topic!

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Laura Williams

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode A quite ancient review article describing the different classes of predatory bacteria by yours truly. A very important article on this topic by the late Dr. Lynn Margulis and colleagues. An article about my very inspirational first microbiology professor at UCLA, Syd Rittenberg, who did early work on Bdellovibrio. Several more up to date review articles on Bdellovibrio. The website of Dr. Liz Sockett (where both yours truly and Dr. Williams received some generous training). A quite interesting article by Dr. Sockett on Bdellovibrio. An article suggesting that predatory bacteria could be used as “living antibiotics.” An article describing the BALOs concept. The article described by Dr. Williams. Dr. Williams laboratory group website. Dr. Williams current faculty/administrator page.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #76: Marvelous Multicellular Magnetotactic Microbes! January 29, 2025

    Today, Dr. George Schaible, Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, Santa Barbara, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the exciting work he did during his PhD to unravel a fascinating topic: multicellular magnetotactic microbes!

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: George Schaible

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

    Become a patron of Matters Microbial!

    Links for this episode What is a postdoctoral scholar in microbiology? A previous #MattersMicrobial podcast about giant bacteria from Dr. Esther Angert. A previous #MattersMicrobial podcast about magnetotactic bacteria from Dr. Arash Komeili. A previous #MattersMicrobial podcast about multicellularity in microbes from Dr Will Ratcliff. The transformative Microbial Diversity Course at the Marine Biological Labs at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. An article describing the value of the Microbial Diversity Course. I wrote this blog post on Chlorochromatium aggregatum consortium for Small Things Considered many years ago. The “pink berry” consortium at Woods Hole. A research paper on genetic interactions within the pink berry consortium, coauthored by a former undergraduate researcher of mine, Dr. Danielle Campbell. Yes, I am very proud. A strategy to easily enrich for magnetotactic bacteria from nature. Here is a video that informs and amuses. An early report of multicellular magnetotactic microbes. The research article under discussion in today’s podcast. A link to Dr. Roland Hatzenpichler’s laboratory website (Dr. Hatzenpichler was the originator of this research, all the way back to his own attending the Microbial Diversity Course.). The deeply strange genome(s) of Achromatium. An introduction to nanoSIMS technology. An introduction to stable isotope probing. The laboratory website of Dr. Jean-Marie Volland, where Dr. Schaible works at UC Santa Barbara

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #75: Do Gut Microbes Watch their Carbs? January 22, 2025

    Today, Dr. Darrell Cockburn, Associate Professor of Food Science at Penn State, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the work his research group has done exploring how starches and other polysaccharides are used by the gut microbiome.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Darrell Cockburn

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of dietary fiber in the diet. A primer on the structure of starch and cellulose. An overview on starch granules. The concept of food gelatinazation. An overview of “resistant” starch. How Febreze works! The concept of the glycemic index of foods. An article about resistant starch and colon microbiota. Another article on this topic. A primer on carbohydrate binding modules. An article describing the role of short chain fatty acids in digestion. An article suggesting that there is no perfect microbiome. An interesting article from Dr. Cockburns research group showing that microbes can work together to digest resistant starch. Dr. Cockburn’s academic website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #74: Podcasting to Combat Microbial Misinformation January 16, 2025

    Today, Dr. Jessica Coates of the Biology Department at Spelman College joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss her work combating microbial misinformation in the classroom and to share her journey to the microbial sciences.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Jessica Coates

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

    Become a patron of Matters Microbial!

    Links for this episode A short talk I gave at ASM some time ago about Louis Pasteur and the term “germ.” An organization devoted to promoting microbial literacy. An example of using podcasting to increase learning outcomes in the STEM classroom. An example of using podcasts by scientists to promote learning by students. The interesting story of Spelman College. An interview with Dr. Coates. The academic website of Dr. Coates.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #73: Seeing the Microbiome January 8, 2025

    Today, Dr. Travis Wiles, Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the University of California, Irvine, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the work he and his research group have done to visualize the changing dynamics of the gut microbiome—including bacteriophages residing there.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Travis Wiles

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode Dr Anne Estes’ academic website is found here, along with her blog, and her social media link on Bluesky. So many interesting ideas! Transgenic zebrafish as pets are called GLOfish. Use of zebrafish as a model system for developmental biology. An article exploring the effects of the microbiome on gnotobiotic (“germ free”) zebrafish. An essay on both lytic and lysogenic bacteriophages. An essay describing how bacteriophage interact with the gut microbiota. One of my former undergraduate research students, Dr. Danielle Campbell, works in this area! An article suggesting that bacteriophage do in fact interact with eukaryotic cells. The concept of phage conversion: how some bacteriophages carry bacterial genes, including toxin genes. An article about bacteriophages and bacterial evolution. An article about the study of the zebrafish gut microbiome. An article about research with zebrafish and Mycobacterium. The article discussed in this episode by Dr. Wiles’ group: “Phollow: Visualizing Gut Bacteriophage Transmission within Microbial Communities and Living Animals .” Dr. Wiles’ academic website. Dr. Wiles’ very colorful and interesting laboratory group website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #72: Who is in Your Water? January 2, 2025

    Today, Dr. Ameet Pinto, Carlton S. Wilder Associate Professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the microbiome of drinking water and how it can be used to optimize safety and health.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Ameet Pinto

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode A short review of a famous article by Dr. Norman Pace about the microbiome of showers and how microbial populations differed due to chlorination. An old discussion of microbial oligotrophy: the ability to survive on very low levels of nutrients. The story of John Snow, a water fountain, and cholera in England. The concept of “Live/Dead” staining of microbes. An overview of the concept of metagenomics. An article on the microbiome of shower hoses. A public science outreach program to study the microbiome of showerheads. The Instagram link for Dr. Pinto’s wonderful cat, Nessie. A great book describing exceptions to Mendelian genetics using cats: “Cats Are Not Peas.” Highly recommended. An article about water supplies and the pathogenic microbe Legionella. An overview of water disinfection techniques. An introduction to a model system of a microbial soil community, called THOR by Jo Handelsman and colleagues. Thinking of water treatment and related technologies as a series of ecological niches, via Tom Curtis and Bill Sloane. Dr. Pinto’s faculty website. Dr. Pinto’s deeply fascinating research group website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #71: Disinfecting the Built Environment December 25, 2024

    Ever wonder what’s growing on your toothbrush? Today, Dr. Erica Hartmann, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how antimicrobial resistance can occur in the built environment we see all around us every day—and why it is vital to learn more about this association.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Erica Hartmann

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An essay on the Hygiene Hypothesis. An overview of the “built environment.” The trouble with triclosan. An essay on heavy metal resistance. An article from Dr. Hartmann’s group about the toothbrush microbiome (“Project Pottymouth”). A link to the Human Microbiome Project. An overview of antibiotic resistance and antibiotic resistance genes. An article about silver nanoparticles on toothbrushes. A blog post about probiotic cleaning products. An interesting post from Dr. Hartmann’s team about viruses in your bathroom. A video by Dr. Hartmann about her research. Dr. Hartmann’s faculty website. Dr. Hartmann’s research team website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #70: Food Safety and Antibiotic Resistance December 18, 2024

    Today, Dr. Dr. Erika Ganda, Assistant Professor of Food Animal Microbiomes in the Department of Animal Science at Pennsylvania State University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the varied interests of her research team studying the intersection of animal husbandry, microbiome studies, and the threat of antimicrobial resistance.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Erika Ganda

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode A video that Dr. Quinn and yours truly did for an event at Harvard University about #LuxArt. A video of a #LuxArt event I ran at ASMCUE a few years ago. An overview from the CDC about the One Health concept. The story of “Typhoid Mary.” An overview of rumen microbiology. The glass artwork of Jane Hartman. An article about Salmonella dublin and the impact on the dairy industry. An introduction to strategies of antibiotic resistance. A TED talk about the threat of antibiotic resistance. The concept of low level antibiotics to promote growth in chickens and other animals. A video demonstrating the swift rise of antibiotic resistance using the MEGAPLATE approach. The accident in Brazil in 2015 releasing metal mining waste leading to increased antibiotic resistance. Evidence that microbial zinc resistance leads to increased antibiotic resistance. An explainer for proper antibiotic use. Dr. Ganda’s faculty website. Dr. Ganda’s research website

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #69: Can Eating Microbes Make You Healthy? December 11, 2024

    Today, Dr. Maria Marco, Professor of Food Science and Technology at the University of California Davis, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss microorganisms in food, intestinal ecosystems, and the role that lactic acid bacteria can play in health and well-being.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Maria Marco

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of food science microbiology as a career. An article on the microbial ecology of sauerkraut. An article on Élie Metchnikoff and his ideas about probiotics and health/lifespan. An overview of Lactobacillus acidophilus, and an article on its use in medical settings. The story of E. coli Nissle. “Wild Fermentations,” a book by Sandor Katz. Discussion of clinical trials with probiotics. Thoughts about indigenous microbiology. A related essay on indigenous microbiology. Dr. Marco’s faculty website. Dr. Marco’s research website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #68: Social Evolution in Viruses December 4, 2024

    Today, Dr. Sam Díaz-Muñoz, Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, as well as a Faculty Member of the Genome Center at the University of California Davis, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how their group, and a growing community of researchers, investigates the social lives of viruses: the many ways that viruses interact and the ways that interactions shape infections and viral evolution.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Sam Díaz-Muñoz

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An article by Carl Zimmer on the social lives of viruses.’ An overview of RNA viruses in general. An overview of cystoviruses. An overview of the use of cystoviruses in the study of evolution. A relevant article: “Open Questions in the Social Lives of Viruses,” Leeks et al. 2023: Another relevant article: “Sociovirology: Conflict, Cooperation, and Communication among Viruses,” Díaz-Muñoz et al. 2017: The website for the Social Lives of Viruses Meetings An article from Jesse Bloom’s lab showing the variation in single cell infection outcomes (Figure 4 is one of Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s favorites from any paper). The faculty website for Dr. Lin Chao, who was very influential in Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s background and promoted the study of evolution in microbes. The website for Dr. Paul Turner, who was very influential in Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s background and promoted the study of evolution in microbes. The website for Dr. Rich Lenski, who was very influential in Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s background and promoted the study of evolution in microbes. A CDC article about “shift” versus “drift” in influenza. A video by Dr. Díaz-Muñoz from 2020 about viruses. Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s faculty website. Dr. Díaz-Muñoz’s laboratory group website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #67: Chemical Communication in Microbe Symbioses November 27, 2024

    Today, Dr. Marcy Balunas, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, as well as part of the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how her group investigates the chemical signals—the language—between host and microbe symbioses.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Marcy Balunas

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

    Become a patron of Matters Microbial!

    Links for this episode An article on bacterial colonial variation during domestication, by Dr. Roberto Kolter and colleagues. The Tiny Earth Project to crowdsource new bacterial sources of antibiotic compounds. An overview of chemical ecology. Description of how analytical chemistry is used to investigate symbioses. A description of how MALDI is used to identify compounds. A description of how LC M/S is used to identify compounds. A description of some work done on tunicate-microbe associations by the Balunas lab. Dr. Jonathan Klassen collaboration. An article on ant based fungal farming. Dr. Spencer Nyholm collaboration. An article on the squid nidamental gland. Dr. Irene Newton collaboration. An article on bee associated microbes that protect against fungal infection. A video describing some of the work done by the Balunas laboratory on ant fungus farming with Dr. Klassen. Dr. Balunas faculty website. Balunas laboratory website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #66: Digesting the Science of Fermented Foods November 20, 2024

    Today, Dr. Ben Wolfe, Associate Professor of Biology at Tufts University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how he and his collaborators study novel food fermentations, helping the public understand more about the gut microbiome, and outreach projects involving microbially-associated food.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Benjamin Wolfe

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview for beginning Micronauts on microbial fermentation. A more advanced overview of microbial fermentation. A book and website that I highly recommend by Sandor Katz on the subject, including many recipes and background information. The bacterially derived volatile chemical geosmin. An article describing the relationship between geosmin and springtails. An article about leaf cutter ants and how they farm fungi! I hope to do an entire podcast on this topic soon. An article of Dr. Wolfe and colleague’s work showing a relationship between fungal antibiotics and cheese microbiome development. Dr. Rob Dunn’s “Belly Button Microbiome” project, a community science effort. An overview of the community science effort to explore sourdough bread microbiology. An overview of cheese microbiology. A description of cheesemaking and cheese caves. A cheesemaker with which Dr. Wolfe has worked. A link to a remarkable article by Dr. Wolfe’s research group that we discussed in this episode: “Novel Fermentations Integrate Traditional Practic and Rational Design of Fermented-Food Microbiomes.” A video of a presentation by Dr. Wolfe on cheese microbiology. Dr. Wolfe’s faculty website at Tufts University. A website by Dr. Wolfe and coworkers promoting microbial literacy via understanding the positive relationship between food and microbes. The website of Dr. Wolfe’s research group.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Today, Dr. Alex Bisson, Assistant Professor of Biology at Brandeis University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how he and his collaborators use a variety of tools to study the mechanobiology of archaea (such as how some respond to being “squished”), and how those studies can shed light on the evolution of complex eukaryotes like humans.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Alex Bisson

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of one of the archaea used by Dr. Bisson’s research team, Haloferax volcanii. Here is an article from New Scientist about Dr. Bisson’s research. A journal article from Nature Communications describing work done by the Bisson laboratory. The preprint from Dr. Bisson’s research team discussed in this podcast. Here is a video of a seminar by Dr. Bisson. Dr. Bisson’s faculty website. Dr. Bisson’s very interesting research team website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Today, Dr. Patrick Schloss, Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology in the School of Medicine at the University of Michigan, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how the human microbiome is studied, possible pitfalls in such data analysis, and what tools he and his coworkers have developed to lead toward repeatable, hypothesis-driven science.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Patrick Schloss

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of how the gut microbiome is analyzed. One of the articles discussed by Dr. Schloss exploring reproducibility in microbiome studies: “Identifying and Overcoming Threats to Reproducibility, Replicability, Robustness, and Generalizability in Microbiome Research.” Another article discussed by Dr. Schloss, regarding the link between the microbiome and obesity: “Looking for a Signal in the Noise: Revisiting Obesity and the Microbiome.” An article from Dr. Schloss’ research team that explores a link between the human microbiome and a type of colorectal cancer. A link to the MOTHUR project, used to analyze microbiome data. A link to a video by Dr. Schloss: “Understanding Disease Through the Lens of the Microbiome.” Dr. Schloss’ YouTube channel about data analysis. Dr. Schloss’ research group website. Dr. Schloss’ faculty website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #63: A Symphony of Cyanobacteria October 30, 2024

    Today, Dr. Nathan Algren, Associate Professor of Biology at Clark University, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss the centrality of cyanobacteria to our biosphere, the viruses that prey upon them, and his interests in outreach and science-oriented art.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Nathan Ahlgren

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode An overview of the cyanobacteria. An overview of Prochlorococcus. An overview of marine bacteriophages. The Great Oxidation Event Cyanobacteria are thought to have radically changed our planet 2.5-3.5 billion years ago by producing oxygen through photosynthesis. In essence, they and other microbes are the original terraformers. The Purple Earth Hypothesis Photosynthesis as we know it, using chlorophyll, may have evolved after another way of doing photosynthesis, with retinal that looks purple. This means that our planets and other ‘younger’ planets may look or have looked purple rather than green. Self-assembly of viral capsids, as modeled by 3D-printed parts (Art Olson) TED talk from Penny Chisholm on Prochlorococcus Co-occurring Synechococcus ecotypes occupy four major oceanic regimes defined by temperature, macronutrients and iron Study showing how different populations of Synechococcus occupy different niches and regions of the oceans according to their adaptations to temperature and nutrients. Long-term stability and Red Queen-like strain dynamics in marine viruses Study showing turnover of strains within relatively stable phage populations. Viral treadmills in the ocean—running to stand still Companion ‘behind the paper’ article. Diverse Marine T4-like Cyanophage Communities Are Primarily Comprised of Low-Abundance Species Including Species with Distinct Seasonal, Persistent, Occasional, or Sporadic Dynamics Paper showing cyanophage ‘species’ have different time patterns in the oceans. Rapid diversification of coevolving marine Synechococcus and a virus
    Study showing stable co-existence and co-evolution of a single Synechococcus host and phage over time. The emergence of resistance hosts and phage that overcome them demonstrate the principles of the Red Queen hypothesis and phage-host ‘arms race’. Present and future global distributions of the marine Cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus Figure from this paper is in the presentation. Shows modeled distributions of Pro and Syn across the globe. They also use this to estimate a ~25% contribution of Pro and Syn to global net primary productivity in the oceans. Link to 3D prints that Dr. Ahlgren made an are available on NIH page Some resources on how to 3D protein structures: I like this guide on the practical guide of how to do actually to do it (going from PDB to print files): A link to another resource for 3D printing of protein structures. Dr. Ahlgren’s faculty website. Dr. Ahlgren’s laboratory website with many fascinating links.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #62: Should I Stay, or Should I Go—How Bacteriophage are Released from Host Cells October 23, 2024

    Today, Dr. Jolene Ramsey, of the Biology Department of Texas A&M University and Affiliate of the Center for Phage Technology, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how bacteriophages release themselves from host cells, her efforts to teach students to work with the primary literature, and her own path to the microbial sciences.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Jolene Ramsey

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

    Become a patron of Matters Microbial!

    Links for this episode A truly wonderful reminder video about bacteriophages. A link with a 3D printer design of capsid model pieces (personally, I am really interested in making one of these!). A video demonstrating how the capsid model pieces self assemble—something like real viruses can? An essential book about bacteriophage authored by my late friend Merry Youle. A fine book describing how bacteriophages can be used to fight bacterial diseases. This “first person” book by #MattersMicrobial podcast guest Steffanie Strathdee about how she was able to use bacteriophages to save her husband’s life is a must read. A link to the Citizen’s Phage Library. A link to the truly fabulous (yes, I am jealous I am not part of this program) CURE program SEA-PHAGES and SEA-GENES for undergraduate students. A remarkable illustration of T4 bacteriophage bursting from host cells by the scientist-artist David Goodsell. The organization that designed Dr. Ramsey’s laboratory logo. A link to the Clinical Genome Curation for Human Genes. A link to the CACAO website for biocuration competition. A recent Ramsey lab mini-review on phage classification. A link to the Center for Phage Technology. The Ramsey lab Instagram page. The Ramsey lab YouTube channel. Dr. Ramsey’s laboratory website. Dr. Ramsey’s faculty website.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]

  • Matters Microbial #61: All In Due Time–How Bacteria Wake from Dormancy October 17, 2024

    Today, Dr. Paul Carini, of the Environmental Science department of the University of Arizona, joins the #QualityQuorum to discuss how soil bacteria can become dormant, “wake up,” and why that is more relevant than you might suppose.

    Host: Mark O. Martin

    Guest: Paul Carini

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Spotify

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    Links for this episode A lovely essay about the “Cultivation Conundrum”: why so many microbes in nature cannot be grown in the laboratory. The “uncultivated majority” is often called “microbial dark matter,” described here. An essay about the scale of microbiology with some fascinating facts. Arizona Culture Collection project by Dr. Carini and colleagues. Dilution to extinction technique An overview of sporulation, including some fascinating variations. A description of Arthrobacter A description of Bradyrhizobium An essay explaining PCA plots An essay about intrinsically disordered proteins A very nice video about working in Dr. Carini’s lab. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Dr. Carini’s faculty website. Dr. Carini’s fascinating laboratory website. Dr. Carini’s Substack page, where he explores many microbiological ideas.

    Intro music is by Reber Clark

    Send your questions and comments to [email protected]