
  • Of all the skills in Justin Knolls' arsenal, among the most powerful one you might experience is his ability to put you at ease and make you feel welcomed the moment you encounter him. The pleasant smile, the instant encouragement, and a genuine interest in how things are going for you are clearly important to him. It is clear that cheering for others is a foundational aspect to how he carries himself.

    An established coach who got that way from being a dedicated student, Justin grew up in a multi-generational real estate family and truly had the industry in his blood. It was little surprise than that he would eventually dive into the business - and primarily on his own - find high levels of success. What might not have been so expected was how he embraced leadership within his office early on and rapidly learned not only the legality of the ever-changing industry- but also developed the skillset to teach others how to grow their own business.

    Now one of the most recognizable names and faces in the Denver market, Justin continues to mentor and coach while also diving into the real estate contract business as a founding member of Get in Contract, or GIC, which is revolutionizing the industry with the ultimate transaction hub for top real estate professionals in Colorado.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Jason Sirois learned from early age to embrace and love the climb, as a young boy growing up in California, climbing trees with little regard for how he would get back down. Through that early lesson, Jason discovered a confidence in his ability as well as an acceptance of risk that has served him throughout his entire life. Whether it was skateboarding, football, or deciding what career field to take on, fear has never played a factor in limiting his possibilities.

    A graduate of Fresno State, Jason thought his initial career path might involve medicine, and instead involved medical sales and the tech industry. While he experienced a high level of success in the Bay Area, earning new opportunities along the way, there was something missing, and he knew it was not his forever path. As he turned 30 years old - he sent out what he calls "his life compass" to discover what his next step would be.

    So in the final months of 2018 and entering into 2019, Jason packed his belongings and moved to Denver, Colorado - a city that had been on his radar for awhile. There he dove head first into a real estate career that has been one of the fastest rising in the Denver market. He has built a reputation and brand based on knowledge, intelligence, and the importance of client experience. What makes his accomplishments in real estate even more astounding is that he started in a new market, without any type of sphere, and without even knowing much about the city he would be operating in. It is truly a story of climbing from the ground up. Thank you for sharing your story with us, Jason!

    His story, starts now...

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

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  • To understand Jim Perry, it's crucial to understand what has always been inherently important to him - brotherhood, accountability and leadership. Raised in Ohio and surrounded by his own brothers, a trip to West Point New York when he was a young man helped shape the direction of his life and in many ways his purpose. Four years after that first trip, Jim would return to West Point, this time as freshmen cadet or "Plebe". From these earliest moments, his natural desire to be a part of something bigger than himself was apparent, and many of the earliest connections he made remain the strongest of brothers to this day.

    Today, Jim shares stories of his time at West Point, of forging a life with his wife, and eventually entering civilian life. As life progressed, his path eventually brought him to Denver, Colorado, where he and his wife have continued to forge bounds with their local community. One of those connections presented Jim the opportunity to enter a whole new battleground in the real estate tech space with Get In Contract, a contract software that looks to bring the home purchasing process into the 21st century. GIC is revolutionizing the industry with the ultimate transaction hub for top real estate professionals in Colorado. Not only does it provide clients with a dramatically better experience, it also saves agents valuable time with powerful automation features, customized templates, and modern integrations.

    Jim's story, starts now...

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Neymar Lopez is a force. Born and raised in Venezuela before eventually making her way to America and becoming a US citizen, she has experienced diversities in culture, energy, attitude and opportunity. She has lived through some of the most difficult challenges a person could face - including starting a new life in a new country, thousands of miles from home, and without the benefit of speaking the common, local language.

    Throughout Neymar's story, there are countless moments where she could have quit, dozens of challenges that could have driven a weaker person to their knees, and yet through them all she persevered. All of it lead to a thriving real estate business, where she leads the Colorado Collective at Compass in Denver. It lead her to meet her husband - me :) - and begin a family with our beautiful daughter Venecia. And it lead to her finding the strength to inspire so many of the people around her in their pursuit of whatever the American Dream means to them.

    Her story, starts now...

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • If you know nothing else about Garret Hurlbut, know that he sees and appreciates the life he has ten times more than he agonizes over opportunities missed or benefits never received. Growing up in a unique setting, living in two distinctly different neighborhoods at the same time as a kid, routinely being the family that lived without rather than the one overwhelmed with rewards, Garret learned how to appreciate the most simplistic gifts and to work for the things he wanted.

    The son of a painter, Garret learned his work ethic from both holding a paintbrush and a basketball, as he and his brother enjoyed traveling to the most talented and rugged of local Denver courts. There, he loved the look on other players' eyes as they realized he could play... and play well. That work ethic guided his path to creating his own business while in college, and A Perfect Finish Painting was.

    As the years passed, Garret welcomed into his life three sons, and they are being raised by a unique and wonderful group of parents whose bond with each other and care for these boys is nothing short of miraculous. It has also enabled Garret to be what he calls the "Experience Parent," and introduced a world of adventure to his boys.

    It's a story you won't want to miss, and it starts now!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Eryn Henderson and I first connected in 2020 as she was beginning her career with Guide Real Estate (at the time BSW). Energetic, friendly and eager to learn, Eryn background in sales and her unique ability to connect with people rapidly allowed her to hit the ground running from day one and quickly became one of the brokerages most productive agents.

    In our earliest days of getting to know each other, what stood out to me about Eryn was her ability to bond with people in a variety of settings and in the most natural way possible. Whether it was an open house she was working, a happy hour at a neighborhood bar or a company event, she is extremely approachable and easy to talk to, and that trait shows through every client that enjoys working with her.

    As she has managed learning a new craft and growing a business, she also enjoys her home life with her husband Mike, her daughter Aubrey, and there two adorable golden retrievers. In a business that does not always make balance possible, Eryn does all she can to keep the most important things in focus.

    Her story, starts now!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • In what is the 97th episode of Mindset Matters, it is hard to put into words how impressed I was with Angelica Apel’s way of thinking and the conversation we had. From the confidence and conviction she has for her craft and her care for the people she works with, to her humble nature in accepting that there are bumps along every one of our roads, Angelica was kind enough to share some of the most important moments of her journey.

    Angelica is not the type of person who openly offers advice and guidance that she herself hasn't followed or experienced firsthand. From her intricate knowledge of the Highland and Wheat Ridge neighborhoods she grew up in, to taking on massive remodeling projects on a home, to creating and sustaining a business through changing markets, changing life stages and growing a family – her ability to relate to, understand and speak truth to the people she encounters is second to none. Time and time again during our conversation, Angelica showed a remarkable ability and self-awareness to put herself in another person’s shoes and to consider the emotions they must be feeling. Most impressive of all, she did so in the most human and non-judgmental of ways. You can genuinely hear and feel how much she cares for the people she surrounds herself with.

    Angelica’s story is also one of family. The Apel family is one of the most well known in real estate, and Nostalgic Homes (Compass) a staple of the very neighborhoods that Angelica calls home. The lessons she has learned from her family, including her mother Jenny, run deep – and she and her husband Paul are building on that tradition as they raise their two beautiful children. It is the real-time creation of tradition and legacy that many of us strive for – as told by a person who very much thrives seeing people find joy in their lives.

    I cannot thank you enough for sharing your story with me, Angelica! You are amazing!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • There are people who can claim to be adaptable, and then there are people like Kelly Reed who are ADAPTABLE. From moving dozens of times including from one US coast to the other and back, from experiencing different cultures, careers, spheres, and from handling real estate markets that have moved at break-neck speeds to one that slowed to a crawl for a moment, she has adapted.

    While her ability to accept and work through change is a strength she has leaned on, so too is the high level of character she has maintained thorugh out it all. One of the most well-spoken of realtors in the Denver area (which is how we connected in the first place), with the professional success and skillset to back it up, Kelly blends her skills in understanding people and the flow of the real estate business with her creative eye and strategy to give her clients the very best.

    On today's episode, Kelly was kind enough to share some of the most important chapters of her journey, and it is a story you will not want to miss!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Mark Jacobsma has long been the type that will look at a challenge and embrace finding a solution. Never afraid to do the things that others might shy away from, Mark has found success in multiple careers and businesses and routinely found a way to make something work when others might have failed. This solutions-based mindset and caring demeanor has also served him well as he raises his daughter, and there is no role he takes more pride in than that of a father.

    A good spirited man with a great sense of humor, Mark jumped into real estate at a time where many would have encouraged him to run away, and rather than giving into that kind of fear, he dove in head first. Now as he grows as a professional and as a person, he is constantly looking for ways to improve in both areas. Today, I had an opportunity to sit down with Mark and hear a bit about his journey, the moments where he felt himself stumble and the moments when he got back up.

    It's a story you will not want to miss, and it starts now!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • David DiPetro is paisan (Italian for friend, brother, countrymen)... not just because we are both from Italian decent, but also because he is the type of person that makes people feel welcome, supported and liked. Often the biggest guy in the room, he has equally large dreams that include becoming on of Denver's most successful luxury realtors at Compass, while still connecting people at all levels and stages in their real estate process.

    It is for this reason that it is hard to find someone that doesn't have a kind and positive thing to say about him. He is who he says he is, in the best way possible. Always willing to help, always willing to share, always happy to see others rise as he does.

    Today, David was kind enough to share a bit of his journey, from the lessons he learned form his mother and father growing up, to his explorations into sales as an adult, to building a business simultaneous to meeting the love of his life and becoming a husband.

    His story... starts now.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Sam Hickman is as genuine a person as you will come across. A great blend of humble and confident, Sam grew up in the same Lakewood, Colorado neighborhoods I did, so it was only a matter of time before we sat down and chopped up life stories and how he came to be the man and professional he is.

    As his growth in the real estate world has picked up steam, Sam has maintained the person he is and his outlook on life. What else would you expect from a man who has always seemed to have a calming ability to recognize what opportunities and obstacles were long term and which were short. From Colorado, to Hawaii, to the Rocky Mountains and casino life back in Colorado, to a now thriving real estate business - Sam's seen a lot and lived even more.

    Today he was generous enough to share that story, and it begins... now!2

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Vicki Zeeb has an energy to her that is apparent from the moment you meet her. A natural competitor, Vicki grew up playing tennis at a high level, and like an athlete who plays a sport that requires quick feet and excellent reflexes, she has a resilience about her that she will take on and figure out any challenge at any time.

    A wife, mother, and thriving entrepreneur, Vicki has been growing her real estate business at Coldwell Banker through both friendly and not so friendly markets. As she has navigated those waters, she has embraced the lessons she and her husband are also learning as they raise two young children and battle the life/work balance struggle that many can relate to.

    Through it all, she has kept her head up, her invigorating smile and energy in place, and been a role model for so many facing the same challenges. Today we are fortunate to hear about these and other stories of her life.

    Her story, starts now...

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Ben Bressler doesn't mince words, and he's earned the right not to. Managing to take care of yourself for many of your childhood years and having to literally fight for what you have will do that to someone. Sprinkle in becoming a United States Marine and the there is no holding back.

    So while his days in the Marines are behind him, there is a still a high level of integrity, grit and responsibility that is a part of Ben's core. A husband and father of two you children, he balances the growth of his personal real estate business with the goals his family sets for the future. Chat with him for even a moment and it becomes crystal clear that his desire to provide his children with the foundations he never had and the safety he could only dream of is of the utmost importance to him.

    Perhaps most of all, Ben's good-natured sense comes out. He has a no-nonsense mindset and very much a live and let live outlook. It's a refreshing change from a society that watches every word, and an time when we don't speak truth as much as we might speak what people want to hear.

    His story, starts now!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • As she likes to say, Jameson Olson may not be your cup of tea, but she is your fourth shot of tequila. The woman lovingly nicknamed “The Ninja Ginga” - Jameson has spearheaded the growth of All My Sons Moving in South Florida, Dallas and now Denver. As outgoing, creative and relentless as it gets, she’s created a brand unto herself that her clients adore.

    It hasn’t been an easy road though - and on this episode of Mindset Matters, Jameson was kind enough to share her journey that included a unique run in with All My Sons in her early adult years that would foreshadow her growth and perseverance in the future.

    Her story… starts now.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • You can’t help but feel good when you are in Piper Knoll’s presence. She’s kind, considerate, always learning, and genuinely curious to learn about you. The team lead of the Knoll Team @ West & Main, Piper has found a way to blend her care for people and their well being alongside leadership traits that have worked well professionally and at home.

    The mother of two wonderful daughters, one graduating from college and the other high school, Piper was kind enough to share the experiences of her lifetime and theirs, including crossing paths with her now husband, Justin Knoll, and all they have accomplished since.

    Thank you so much for joining me, Piper, you’re amazing!🙏🏼

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Sean Murphy is a perfect representation of a mix between the good natured and humorous spirit of people from the Midwest, with the adventure seeking, mountain loving Coloradan. Raised in Youngstown, Ohio, Sean made his way out to Colorado as a young adult, and despite challenges that could have easily broken a weaker man, he found answers to all of his problems through one simple philosophy - out work the challenge.

    Now the team lead of the Moxie Property Group and eXp Realty, Sean is building a unique team of realtors with focuses in mountain living, luxury, and everything in between. He has also developed one of the most popular and productive YouTube channels in Colorado, focused on helping people move to the Front Range.

    Always humble and always with a sense of humor, Sean has stayed true to his principles and values - and the belief that no matter the challenge - he is determined to work his way through it.

    His story, starts now!

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • Amy Robinson is a woman that embraces creativity, learning, challenge and growth. The youngest of 8 children, she grew up as her siblings did - competing in gymnastics - while enjoying the experiences of learning new things at one time considering a career in education. As her life evolved, more and more of her creative side connected with that enjoyment for learning, and she has blended the two into both a professional and personal combination.

    When Amy created the Cannon Collective, named for her grandfather, she felt an opportunity to connect with people on a deeper level than your typical process. A taste for fashion, a taste for structure and design, and a unique perspective on value, Amy not only guides her clients on the sale or purchase of a home, rather she shows them how to get the most out of it whether it is a stepping stone, the forever home or an investment.

    There is also a natural kindness and genuine care that Amy displays - whether you are a good friend or someone she just met. It does not take a person long to get a sense for her quality and how she naturally puts people first.

    Her incredible story, starts her.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • There are few things that people can say they TRULY and PROFESSIONALLY excel at - and Ben Babbitt has a few that he can hang his hat on. Having reached lofty accomplishments as a professional skier and coach, over close to the last decade he has pivoted his work ethic, determination and intelligence into becoming a highly respected realtor, mentor and co-founder of Ivy House Group along with his friend and business partner Alexis Shoop.

    Yet despite all of his accomplishments, it is Ben's humanity and kind heart that comes across first and foremost. From the moment you meet him, you know you are getting the true and best version of a husband, father, professional, and man. He is the type that cheers for people and loves watching them succeed and grow, and tied to the belief that a rising tide raises all ships.

    Ben was also kind enough to share his journey in becoming a father - one that this podcast host found to be as impactful a story as one can get.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • In this episode of Mindset Matters, I had the privilege of sitting down with my dear friend and colleague, Jen Miller. Jen wears many hats with grace: she's a devoted mother to her son, a highly respected and accomplished real estate agent and co-founder of the Miller Thompson Home Group at Compass, and a content creator renowned for her infectious wit and sense of humor.

    Running in similar circles, I have always appreciated just how loved Jen is by those who know her best, and it was an honor to gain insight into her journey of balancing the demands of motherhood and a thriving career in real estate. From managing client expectations, the importance of building genuine connections with clients and fostering a supportive team environment, to navigating the unpredictable terrain of parenthood, Jen offers practical advice, always paced by her trademark humor.

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280

  • “I was f—king cute…”

    I have asked each of the 84 guests on my podcast to describe themselves as a kid… and leave it to Lindsey Benton to pause for a moment, think about her son who is 6.5 years old (and you better not leave off the 1/2) - and with a huge smile, give the answer you read above.

    This is what you get when you have a conversation with Lindsey. You get an abundance of spontaneous, energetic and genuine thoughts from a woman who prides herself on serving people, recognizing injustices and doing something about it, and the love she has for her family, her friends and her city.

    She named her company Live. Laugh. Denver because she always said who needs love when you have Denver - and since its creation she and those that call the company home have helped hundreds of clients experience the joys of home ownership… all while playing an integral part in the communities they live in.

    Lindsey, I am so grateful that you would join me and share your story with us! 🙏🏼

    [email protected]
    IG: @jimmythesaint5280