This week's home helper tip is another way to save money and time by using the ingredients you have on in your pantry. Its inspired by a Food Network show but you'll have to listen to find out which one :) Its fun and easy to customize based on what you have on hand and how old your children are.
For our main course topic today we are getting into the topic of tattling. We'll discuss balancing the desire to keep open communication with the need for children to learn to resolve issues independently.
Want to know what's making my day? I recorded this episode on a snow day about a week ago so you'll hear about how you can take something like dreary winter weather and turn it into a fun family experience.
For this week's recipe topic, its a rice or bean bowl that you can mix up based on whatever ingredients your family enjoys. Use either rice or beans or both! Mix in whatever veggies you enjoy and let the kids make their own. Its a great hands on process for the kids and a meal that's easy to customize for your family. Try onions, peppers, carrots, green beans, peas, or any other veggies you and the kids enjoy.
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
This week's home helper tip is to find common ingredients to save money and time. We'll talk about how you can save money, save time and streamline your meal planning process with a very easy tip!
For this week's recipe topic, its all about pasta and how we can make a pasta dinner with added nutrients! -
Missing episodes?
Thank you so much for listening to episode 15 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
This week I talked all about how to keep yourself motivated with your health related goals. By knowing yourself and what your priorities really are in your daily life you can apply different strategies to keeping you on track with your goals. This is a unique way of framing your goals which will keep you on track. No more forgetting that New Year's resolution days or weeks after January 1st. This will help you keep on track for weeks, months and even years so you can turn your goal into a way of life. -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 14 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
This week I talked all about gratitude. Let's talk about how to make sure we experience gratitude daily and teach gratitude to our kids.
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 13 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
This week I talked all about how you can help your child prepare for school more independently and encourage them to pack their own lunch or snack (with a little behind the scenes help from Momma!). We also talked about how to make an amazing Thanksgiving Shepherd's Pie using up some of those Thanksgiving leftovers. Enjoy!
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 12 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
This week I talked all about my month of moving toward minimalism. I talk about how to work through the process of purging unwanted or unused items and focusing on minimalism vs. just a more organized home. I have a few issues with how minimalism is applied in many cases and we talk about that in this episode. Want to start getting your home organized? Join me for this episode and reevaluate what you need and how you can get more use out of the items that you already have!
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 11 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to set a threshold to help you decide how you spend your time. Empower yourself to take control of your schedule and make decisions based on your priorities. When you're invited to do something you don't really want to do but you're afraid to say no, now you'll have the outline to make better decisions that you'll be happier with.
What's Cooking? - This week is a What's Cooking and a Home Helper Tip combined! Try making your own spice blend. Its a productivity hack and also a cute project to do with the kids.
Main Course - This week's discussion is about raising children who are critical thinkers. I talk about following rules for rules' sake or knowing when to question. Balancing respectful behavior with the desire to question a rule to understand why its there and what it accomplishes will help you raise critical thinkers who can be much more independent.
Make My Day - Did you enjoy the Design Your Life Episode 10? Taking control of your life in all these different areas will absolutely make your day just like it did for me!
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Are you tired of your life happening to you and feeling like you're just along for the ride? I would love to help you through this process so that you can design and achieve your best life now.
Let me help you design your home, your finances, your parenting and so many other areas. We are going to design your life! Schedule a call with me to design and live your best life now! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 9 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to make a project list and a capital list with the priorities for your home. Listen to the episode to find out how to use this idea and get more done!
What's Cooking? - This week I shared my recipe for Caprese Salad. It can really be a showstopper when you serve this to guests and its so simple to put together.
Main Course - This week's discussion is about gratitude and how we can teach our children to be grateful for all that we have.
Make My Day - Next episode will be our special episode to Design Your Life! Episode 10 will basically be a workshop where we can walk through the templates and design our career, family schedule, hobbies, home, and anything else you can think of!
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 8 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to start doing your winter prep now, especially if you're in New England like we are! I give some really detailed tips and ideas for things you can do well before the winter weather hits to make this season a much easier one for your family.
What's Cooking? - This week I shared my recipe for Monster Balls. Its a really fun and hands-on activity that your kids will enjoy. Plus by being choosy about the ingredients you use can make this a healthier treat.
Main Course - This week's discussion is about how to handle whining at home and how to encourage your kids to express what they need without whining.
Make My Day - Listen to the episode to find out what's making my day today!
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 7 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to drink more water. This is just one of many healthy habits you can work on now rather than waiting until New Year's. Here's a blog post with my 5 ways to get drinking more water into your daily routine.
What's Cooking? - This week I shared 2 healthy swaps for snack foods. Try a homemade onion dip with veggie chips rather than regular potato chips and a store-bought dip that's loaded with artificial ingredients and preservatives.
Main Course - This week's discussion is about your kids being the best accountability partners you can ask for! Listen to the podcast to find out why!
Make My Day - What's making my day is getting ready to share my Design Your Life episode. More to come so stay tuned... :)
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Thank you so much for listening to episode 6 of Momma's Kitchen Table! Here's what we discussed this week...
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to start now and organize your finances for the upcoming holiday season and for 2018. It sounds early to be thinking about it but this is the perfect time to get started! We still have a few months to start saving for the holidays so you won't be overwhelmed December 15th when you realize how much money you need for presents and holiday party expenses. Its also a good idea to get started in September because October tends to be open enrollment for benefits at work. Start planning your 2018 health and daycare expenses so you can take advantage of any pre-tax dollars. This is just one way that planning now will pay off next year!
Here are a few budgeting apps and websites you can try. www.mint.com www.hellobudget.com
I've tried several good ones but I always revert back to spreadsheets. I would recommend making your wish list of all the things you'd like to spend money on in the coming year. Include any home repair or home improvements you need, potential vacations, family activities, etc. Make sure to include the big and small expenses so you can prioritize everything. If you have a complete list and design your budget with these in mind you'll be surprised how much more money you'll find that is currently being wasted. I'll have much more to come on budgeting and home finance so stay tuned.
What's Cooking? - This week I share a favorite recipe from my favorite celebrity chef. Try Ina Garten's Apple Cake Tatin for an amazing fall dessert. The beautiful presentation will wow your family!
Main Course - This week's discussion is about how to handle your child's feelings being hurt by other children and what to do when your own feelings are hurt seeing your child in that situation. I talk about when to step in, the different reactions your children might have and welcome your suggestions on the topic too!
Make My Day - What's making my day is seeing my daughter start new activities that are making her so happy. She's absolutely loving swim lessons and as we plan for next year we are using the advice in the home helper segment to budget for those activities to make sure it isn't a last minute struggle. We'll plan ahead and make sure a certain amount of money is planned for activities for her but still give her the freedom to choose what we sign up for as well.
Any ideas on any of these topics? Any suggestions you can share? Feel free to reach out to me at mommaskitchenllc@gmail.com or leave a comment below! -
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to avoid those cute (and expensive!) containers from home stores and other online catalog companies. Here's an idea for repurposing containers you already have that is more flexible when your needs for that space change.
What's Cooking? - Try baked apples as a healthy and satisfying dessert. Here's a blog post where I talk about this recipe.
Main Course - Listen in as I walk through the battle between healthy snacks and junk food and talk about my strategy for achieving balance in our home.
Make My Day - What's making my day is thinking through the lessons that I've learned from having my daughter. Here's a blog post with all 10 lessons I shared. -
I just wanted to share a quick message for all the moms out there. Please share this with a mom in your life who needs to hear this and needs the reminder that they are loved, they are appreciated and they are doing an amazing job. Visit Momma's Kitchen Table for more info at www.mommaskitchenllc.com/kitchentable
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to create a 5 Minute Task List. Listen to the episode to find out how this exercise saves you time.
What's Cooking? - I walk through my recipe for making homemade chicken soup that couldn't be easier!
Main Course - This episode I talked about screen time. Let me know what you think!
Make My Day - I talk about the free educational resources available to us. -
Home Helper - My Home Helper tip for this episode is to set up a craft corner in your home for those messy activities that your kids want to do more of but tend to take over your kitchen table.
What's Cooking? - I walk through my recipe for making a lasagna roll up as a new twist on serving a family favorite. It also makes a great presentation when serving it for company!
Main Course - This episode I talked about allowance, chores and how to encourage your children to earn their own money while also encouraging them to contribute just for the sake of being helpful too.
Make My Day - I talk about the joy in my four year old's face while talking about the upcoming school year. - Show more