
  • 0:00
    13:14 sara and brad roast
    17:33 what sara did for her birthday
    19:48 back to the roast and the Arnold
    23:51 sara never watched shrek… the new Shrek coming out
    25:07 sara trying things for the first time series
    28:54 the david laid story
    31:21 changing a girls name in your phone
    32:59 the highlight of the arnold
    41:07 marvel rivals
    42:38 gta 6 / paid servers
    45:57 zoo culture miami
    46:35 losing a dog
    50:10 stealing a car when younger
    52:45 The time brad went surfing and lost his dads ring
    54:32 the #1 tacobell in the world...
    55:56 tom brady being from the Paolo alto
    56:57 The connection from dogs is it the same with cats?
    1:00:18 the clip of brad about the gym
    1:01:30 a lot of men who do body building are short
    1:02:09 a man will sacrifice his happiness for his family, women will sacrifice family for their happiness
    1:06:33 where Sara is going next
    1:07:29 going to vegas
    1:09:02 brad and sara working out again
    1:11:16 would sara be a good wife
    1:11:50 taking sara to the mall for her birthday
    1:15:26 do you say something in a restaurant if they messed up / food in general

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    10:59 twitch streaming
    14:41 the coolest prosthetic to have?
    15:13 the movie ends with us
    21:52 get a haircut and pull up to saphora...?
    23:11 if a guy has a kid already would a girl care?
    25:44 at what point does the guy or girl tell the other they have kids
    29:25 doing it for the plot...
    32:34 Huel ad
    34:04 worst way to be woken up
    35:19 the new drake and partynextdoor album / drakes leak
    39:11 pizzookie / chilis
    41:19 diet coke or coke zero?
    47:41 dropping everything and go travel
    48:07 whats been happening with these plane crashes
    51:10 the arnold / Mexico
    52:32 cartels classified as terrorist organizations
    53:03 girl asking the guy for advice, Sara asking for nail color
    55:46 saras birthday
    57:16 finding sara a partner
    59:40 Getting a dog

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    This Podcast is sponsored by Factor. Go to https://factormeals.com/mommydaddytalk50off and use code: mommydaddytalk50off to get 50% off plus free shippin on your first box!
    13:56 kanye west girl at the grammys and Kanye in general
    18:11 who is doing content on social media for attention
    19:33 brads part jewish
    20:36 sara scared to start beef
    21:47 sara went to miami / being flown out by…
    25:14 The strip club.... dating a stripper? / relationships
    31:05 asking a girl to change something
    31:50 Factor ad
    32:49 the superbowl / halftime show
    36:20 drake and kendrick beef
    40:54 sara glazing polo g / nos, huffing and other stuff
    42:50 taylor swift
    45:32 Huel ad
    46:47 drake lawsuit
    48:55 miami zoo opening
    49:25 Sara not being able to sleep
    56:13 what do get your girlfriend for valentines day
    59:55 saras type of guy
    1:04:01 david laid is a magician?
    1:07:50 sara not being cultured

  • 0:00 Intro
    1:26 canada
    2:38 social media content / calendar
    5:33 favorite travel place
    7:46 Canada’s prime minister
    9:29 best place to vacation in Canada
    11:04 Cece being in a future and drake music video
    15:59 cece used to be a chef
    17:13 how she started social media
    24:16 cece has an arthritis disease
    33:12 cece is going to teach sara how to cook
    36:50 hard to have relationships doing social media?
    40:36 scam likely "contact" / cheating
    42:47 horescopes and readings
    45:16 the arnold and olympia events
    46:50 Astrology stories and understanding it
    54:28 having kids / school, what you learn and with other kids
    57:42 learning from school or in real life?
    59:46 valentines day / cats and dogs

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    0:00 Intro
    3:06 sara feels inspired
    4:50 deestroying broke his neck
    5:39 trying to make it to the NFL
    6:46 deestroyings first big viral video / investigation on NCAA
    11:35 switching up the content / what goes into creating the content
    13:47 what content deestroying enjoys doing the most / doing more of
    19:11 how sara and deestroying met
    20:24 brad building his businesses
    22:09 california being expensive to live in
    25:54 moving out of the country
    28:19 what sara is into other than fitness
    29:09 running being hard
    29:51 sara cooking…
    36:49 Huel ad
    38:04 taking eating seriously in relationship to sports
    39:28 whataburger or in n out...?
    41:29 chiefs vs eagles (is the NFL rigged?)
    49:12 how much money would it take to drop everything and retire
    52:26 could brad or sara kick a field goal?
    54:46 sara wanted to be a quarter back in high school
    55:36 40 yard dash brad and Sara racing with deestroying
    59:35 taxes
    1:00:19 brad is gonna start live streaming
    1:04:13 what training for brad is like
    1:06:25 football players with two first names
    1:07:26 deestoying working out with sara / Sara’s goal
    1:09:31 Heartbreak made Sara jacked

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    This Podcast is sponsored by Mando. Go to https://shopmando.com and get $5 off of your starter pack (that’s over 40% off) with promo code: Mommydaddytalk !

    0:00 Intro
    6:56 sara and steiny went on a date / steiny’s normal dates and girls
    13:09 sara working out
    15:00 sara saying she can cook
    17:31 steiny says would get beat up for sara...
    18:50 taking a girls last name after getting married
    19:45 steiny would be good in a movie
    21:12 sara starting a girl gym house
    25:42 politics from creators
    29:25 Huel ad
    31:08 the most important things to feel protected as a girl / relationships
    35:42 girls/guys going viral for sleeping with everyone
    38:55 jimmy butler paying for kids
    42:24 where can steiny find his wife / steiny’s go to
    45:54 Mando ad
    47:38 haney and garcia are fighting
    50:06 halo coming out
    51:04 is sara a fake gamer/streamer?
    52:54 putting the spiderman suit on...
    53:47 superhero crush
    55:55 steiny and sara hitting the batting cages
    57:11 steiny wants to golf with brad
    58:36 brad bullied steiny
    59:47 what steiny looks for in women
    1:00:38 describing sara in 3 words
    1:03:00 steiny wants a second date with sara

  • 0:00 Intro
    17:40 what brads been up to
    18:32 would brad date a girl if she was bald?
    19:42 sara being more stylish
    21:10 icarly first streamer
    23:54 sara being a good wingman
    26:21 the best gifts
    29:14 what sara does when she isn't making content
    30:00 Thoughts on fousey new song
    34:17 most memorable concert
    37:51 what one talent would you want to have
    40:07 biggest fears
    47:30 how 2025 has been
    49:09 rehab for being addicted to your phone
    51:29 feeling burnt out / the content drug
    52:29 brad and sara going to florida
    54:59 the LA scene
    1:05:07 saras old guy problems
    1:09:56 describing brad in 3 words

  • 0:00 Intro
    0:52 one of brad and Saras favorite things to have happened in 2024
    2:47 saras moms advice about finding a man
    6:04 brad and saras new years plans
    8:55 how much food delivery apps tax and brads problem
    13:04 sara only likes well done meat...
    14:43 sara has been meditating
    16:00 napping during the day
    18:00 what has changed brads life in his everyday
    18:56 mars nuked by aliens? and giant people live there building things on the planet…
    25:12 the slander from twitter
    28:41 sara drove a lambo
    29:31 the travis hunter situation, would you leave or stay?
    39:01 2025 advice
    43:37 what is verlocks
    45:05 whats getting left behind in 2024
    47:11 drive thru oil change / Sara Groupons
    48:03 tiktok getting banned?

  • 0:00 Intro
    9:56 Sara glazing herself, being involve with the idea of love
    12:01 things in life don't last
    15:21 going to hong kong Mexico
    18:52 2024 coming to an end, good year or bad year?
    21:31 zoo Miami is official
    22:37 weirdest place in America… aliens
    25:36 a type of soccer that the losing team dies...
    29:12 how saras 2024 was and what she wants to do more of
    33:23 new years resolutions
    35:31 do you mention to your girlfriend that she's gaining weight?
    39:45 felipe got motivated from a girl
    43:54 would felipe be less funny if he was skinnier?
    45:55 dogs and what they will do for you / losing a dog
    49:28 losing a friendship that hurt more than a relationship
    54:10 how sara friends describe her / being a friend vs being in a relationship
    1:00:27 if its for entertainment for content is it okay?
    1:06:17 diegos expired ID telling vegas to googel him
    1:08:16 the lines that are drawn between girlfriends in content
    1:10:34 should brad switch up his content?
    1:11:38 meeting and watching ronaldo play
    1:13:51 the time diego and felipe met neymar
    1:18:32 the ring camera incident
    1:19:41 the hawk tua girl / coin
    1:24:10 brad being a good actor
    1:28:11 why is sara saffari famous question
    1:28:42 the best part of getting recognized
    1:30:33 the first time brad found out he had "motion"
    1:36:09 carry on (netflix)

  • 0:00 Intro
    0:24 Not having uber
    1:21 sara saying men take advantage of her
    1:52 zach and sara had a thing...
    4:17 a story about brad from steiny
    5:31 steiny got some
    10:23 who pulls the most women out of the 3
    12:55 the time brad and steiny went to cancun
    17:20 when zach approaches women…
    19:23 what is the most you have spent on a girl
    22:15 go to line hitting on a girl in the dms
    27:04 the most interesting thing Zach has done being in LA
    29:36 the ideal first date for a 10/10 girl
    34:09 saras ideal first dates
    36:07 bitcoin and the hawk coin
    39:00 sara and steiny played poker
    41:00 the biggest loss in gambling
    43:54 most famous person in your contacts
    45:29 zach singing gravity by john mayer
    50:00 zach wanting to take sara out / putting in effort for Sara
    52:05 steinys craziest experience with a girl
    54:09 Donating to charity
    56:30 steiny and zach duo going out

  • 0:00 Intro
    0:29 sara says she cooks...
    3:32 the dark side of tiktok
    4:32 getting over a heart break
    6:46 does losing a friendship feel the same as a heart break
    8:32 girls needing more reassurance
    12:07 the best way to pick up a girl
    16:54 both of brads longterm relationships and what happened
    20:55 what makes people uncomfortable in relationships and the meaning behind it
    25:09 one thing to teach your kid
    32:09 a story from a high school party
    34:23 brads college party story
    49:19 sara rear ending someone and getting pulled over
    55:17 feeling discriminated
    56:54 the time sara worked at a mexican restaurant

  • 0:00 Intro
    1:20 does brad leave his hat own during...
    2:26 girls expecting gifts and money from guys in relationships... thoughts on this
    13:52 what if a girl says wait for me i'll be back in 3-6 months i need to take a break?
    21:32 having beef with body hair / teleporting humans…
    23:15 is cancer curable?
    23:53 have you ever brought a friend to an event or dinner pretending to be your date?
    24:34 how would you differentiate a hot girl and a beautiful girl?
    26:22 how many dates would it take a guy to know if she is the one or a girl to know
    30:50 good gifts for your girlfriends or boyfriends
    44:26 kai cenet and the magician… / the fat joke on a fat kid with comedians
    49:17 do you believe in the horoscopes on a person
    59:07 do you sleep with socks on
    1:03:05 what would you do if a guys slaps your girls behind at a bar
    1:06:14 what if you found out one of your close clouted homies was dming your girl?
    1:07:28 you're dating a girl and you find out she has the close friends with a bunch of guys on there...
    1:08:02 do you ever look through a girls phone or what if she is on dnd
    1:09:37 in a relationship with someone and changed someones name to someone else
    1:14:13 A girls body count is it how her last relationship ended made you think things or everything leading up to this vs how many girls a guy has been with

  • This Podcast is sponsored by Equip Foods. Go to http://equipfoods.com/MommyDaddyTalk to get 20% Off with code: mommydaddytalk ! Or 35% off with a subscription.

    0:00 Intro
    1:40 the prizepicks event
    8:05 steve lost a lot of money and made it back in Vegas / the nfl kickers sucking this year
    12:30 is the earth flat or round?
    13:07 trump advised not to look into the JFK files, what they don’t want us to know and hiding
    17:22 people having a lot of money being into weird things…
    20:48 disney being frozen / picture of Michelle Obama pregnant…
    23:06 Equip foods ad
    24:58 is area 51 real?
    26:34 how much of the ocean has been explored / aliens
    33:53 what do girls care most about a guy?
    37:37 what are the most important thing for girls
    39:24 the illuminati
    44:48 sara won money playing poker
    48:19 jon jones and donald trump at UFC / Podcast in the Whitehouse with Trump
    50:47 the new warzone
    51:21 having saras brother on the podcast / Sara streaming
    53:27 sara and brad stream together

  • This Podcast is sponsored by Hello Fresh. Go to hellofresh.com/freemommydaddytalk to get 10 free meals applied across 7 boxes! New Subscribers only!
    introducing steinys sister

    steiny including family in content

    the qualities in rachel from sara

    The attraction in both guys and girls

    the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to steiny

    rachel on social media

    Brad and Sara on reading comments

    is rachel in a relationship?

    do brad and sara enjoy going out to parties or bars scene

    is steiny gay? Getting hit on by a guy…

    The time Rachel knocked out steins

    Would Sara or brad compete in power slap?

    12 million dollars to disclose about a relationship, are you doing it? The Zach bryan story

    when would sara or brad feel comfortable talking about their relationships

    school being important?

    where do you see yourself in five years?

    will podcasting forever be a thing?

    Sara not sweating during workout

    what mia khalifa is saying online

    paul vs tyson who is winning?

    what reality tv really is

    going to the movies by yourself, go to snack

    rachels ideal date, what they all look for in someone

    Rachel is a magician

    do you believe in psychics

    Rachel also is a dj…

    rachel fosters dogs, the squirrel incident going on in the world

  • 0:00
    1:07 sara asking brad questions girls would know the answers to
    6:46 favorite halloween costume
    8:21 sara being a low risk person
    9:15 risk brad has made
    11:19 what does sara care about and want to do with her life...
    14:32 when did brad know he wanted to open up a gym?
    15:42 why sara likes helping people
    18:44 as sara been in a fight?
    19:32 Brads fights growing up
    22:47 any teaches brad liked in school
    25:20 any teachers sara liked in school
    29:38 brads biggest insecurity and commitment as a whole
    35:39 sara saying she’s happy alone
    36:07 winning the lottery for $7M or $1K a day for the rest of your life
    38:44 how long would sara need to prep for a show?
    40:26 finding the love of your life but she has a boyfriend or flipped…
    48:41 sara says whenever an opportunity is presented always say yes
    51:50 sara always staying at home
    52:34 no nut november, brad is challenging the boys

  • 0:00
    22:01 this time of year...
    24:17 what's wrong with sara?
    25:35 how the holidays effect sara and brad
    29:12 AOL platform
    31:03 country music
    32:20 mommy and daddy talk and clips
    34:01 does brad like halloween?
    35:34 faze rugs party
    36:45 black ops 6
    41:12 equip ad
    42:47 brad is excited for halloween
    43:23 would brad ever go on a joe rogan podcast or interview him
    44:38 the podcast with trump
    48:59 brad being a good podcaster
    51:48 the best date brad has been on
    53:12 sara's good idea for a date
    54:16 the nicest thing brad has done for a girl
    56:51 the sweetest thing sara has done for a guy
    1:01:31 brad can go to any rams game
    1:02:46 where in a time in your life did you feel like you had to grow up?
    1:07:49 brad not doing any school work
    1:09:02 Advising to go to college
    1:11:23 what sara should be for halloween

  • 0:00
    12:37 2 of the most famous bay area rappers...
    14:58 if brad had a daughter would he rather her be stuck in the forest with a bear or a man
    17:50 would you rather have a gay son or thot daughter?
    19:46 would rather have a boy or girl first?
    24:06 sara being A-Sexual
    24:37 would you ever date someone that is A-Sexual?
    25:32 how important is sex in a relationship?
    27:35 the right way to break up with someone
    30:06 do you fall in love easily?
    33:22 how to know if a guy has other girls, following random girls/guys
    37:46 can a girl have a guy bestfriend?
    43:55 would brad or sara ever date anyone with kids?
    50:02 gym bro math
    52:35 brad gambling trip with stevewilldoit
    57:52 some of the favorite people brad has ever met… who was the rudest?
    59:21 the $2 bill in back of your phone
    1:01:05 the twitch chat
    1:04:34 saras lyft story

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    This Podcast is sponsored by Equip Foods. Go to http://equipfoods.com/MommyDaddyTalk to get 15% Off! Or use Promo Code: mommydaddytalk with link to get 30% Off your first subscription!
    0:00 Intro
    8:36 how has felipe's life been different?
    10:23 the best part about having money
    11:31 felipes goal of becoming a professional soccer player
    13:44 soccer being the hardest sport, Messi & Ronaldo
    20:06 imagine not being able to walk around in public or do anything normal
    22:50 sara played basketball, saying she has never been good at one thing
    24:58 has felipe and diego ever done anything off camera?
    25:33 felipe started his own vlog channel
    26:18 an old video of brad on youtube, Felipe using brad videos in the back as motivation when having sex…
    31:24 is sara funny?
    32:42 does brad, sara, and felipe believe in hard discipline
    38:34 equip food ad
    50:00 is it true that you end up dating a girl that's similar to your mom?
    50:55 the dragon ball z video game, parents buying you M games…
    56:28 is it important to be single in your 20s?
    1:00:32 felipe and his relationship
    1:01:45 hello fresh ad
    1:04:09 the ksi song
    1:07:11 what is worse, fast food and drinking or steroids?
    1:11:38 try 30 days sober
    1:13:42 if your kid wants to take steroids what're you saying…?
    1:16:11 felipe taking steroids?
    1:18:34 favorite childhood memory?
    1:25:40 felipes dad and the story of how he found out he passed away

  • 0:00 Intro
    11:23 what is vertigo and what brad has been dealing with
    12:49 sara saying being soft
    13:25 why can't sara have a relationship?
    15:23 brads younger relationships and advice
    23:58 brad passing out and needing a shot
    25:25 women having back up plans...
    30:52 when a girl has suspicions and wants to see your phone or switched
    37:11 do women gas light more than men?
    39:49 sara letting us know the best places to look for suspicions…
    41:55 what happened in saras high school relationship
    44:55 is your gut always right if you're always tripping?
    46:46 What brad learned through relationships
    50:07 the fear of intimacy
    52:35 sara asking if she will die alone
    54:00 if you had to change anything cosmetically what would it be

  • 0:00 Intro
    17:50 Does money truly make you happy?
    20:33 What makes sara happy?
    23:25 how you start is how you finish...
    25:22 What habits does brad have?
    29:23 was sara or brad ever bullied in school?
    35:36 streaming
    36:23 when you were younger when did you think you would get married by?
    38:39 at what point do you know you are ready for marriage? Sara is being depressed…
    46:36 is brad selfish in relationships?
    48:05 creating sara a tinder profile
    56:22 does sara want to get better?
    58:42 what does sara like spending money on?
    1:00:51 brads biggest purchase ever
    1:03:25 anything sara has bought that she is happy she has
    1:05:07 top 3 choices of a JDM car for Sara…
    1:07:03 brad's going to start vlogging again
    1:08:39 stevewilldoit is officially moving in
    1:12:09 a spontaneous time with steve
    1:14:13 is the NFL rigged?
    1:16:05 is the taylor swift and travis kelce relationship real?
    1:18:30 brads stalker story
    1:21:48 nelk pod with faze / most viewed IRL streamer
    1:24:43 saras story about austin mcbroom
    1:26:49 3 things you need/want before you die?
    1:31:05 what brad listens to when he drives
    1:32:17 sara thinks star trek is better than star wars
    1:34:50 steven hawkins
    1:39:52 send clips to make money