
  • Navigate the delicate art of handling rejection and feedback with finesse on our podcast, inspired by Kim Scott's Radical Candor. Dive into practical strategies and insightful discussions that empower you to transform criticism into catalysts for growth. Learn the art of embracing feedback with an open heart and leveraging rejection as a stepping stone to success. Our episodes blend Kim Scott's revolutionary principles with real-world applications, providing a roadmap to foster a culture of candid communication. Whether in professional or personal spheres, discover how Radical Candor can reshape your approach to critique, enhancing relationships and propelling personal development. Subscribe now to embark on a journey of resilience, self-improvement, and effective communication. Tune in and master the art of handling rejection and feedback like a pro! 🚀🗣️

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  • Dive into the transformative world of abundance mindset with our podcast! Discover the profound impact of cultivating a mindset steeped in abundance rather than scarcity. Explore the psychological benefits, from heightened resilience to increased creativity, as we unravel the power of positive thinking. Through expert insights and practical tips, we guide you on a journey to shift your perspective on wealth, success, and fulfillment. Learn how embracing abundance can reshape your approach to challenges, relationships, and opportunities, fostering a mindset that attracts prosperity. Join us for discussions on overcoming scarcity mentality, embracing gratitude, and unlocking the doors to abundance in all facets of life. Subscribe now to elevate your mindset, amplify your possibilities, and manifest a life rich in abundance. Tune in and let the journey to an abundant mindset begin! 🌱💡

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  • Embark on a mind-transforming journey with our podcast as we delve into the art of reframing your mindset using the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Uncover the science-backed techniques that empower you to reshape your thinking patterns, fostering resilience and positive change. From dismantling limiting beliefs to mastering effective communication with yourself, our episodes are a practical guide to leverage NLP for personal growth. Join us as we demystify the psychology behind NLP, providing actionable steps to reprogram your mind for success. Elevate your mindset, enhance emotional intelligence, and embrace a life of limitless possibilities. Subscribe now to revolutionize your thinking and navigate challenges with newfound clarity and confidence. Transform your life through the lens of NLP and unlock the untapped potential within you. Tune in and rewrite your story! 🔄🧠

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  • Dive into the intricacies of self-esteem and self-concept in this enlightening podcast! Unpack the distinctions between these two vital aspects of self-awareness and understand how they shape your identity. From dissecting the psychological underpinnings to practical strategies, we explore the nuanced terrain of building a robust self-concept and fostering healthy self-esteem. Gain insights into the impact of societal influences, personal experiences, and cognitive processes on these facets of self-perception. Our expert-led discussions provide actionable tips for enhancing both self-esteem and self-concept, empowering you to cultivate a positive self-image and navigate life with confidence. Tune in to discover the keys to authentic self-discovery, resilience, and personal growth. Elevate your understanding of yourself and embark on a journey toward holistic self-development. Subscribe now for a transformative exploration into the world of self-esteem and self-concept! 🌱🧠

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  • Unlock the power of self-confidence with our dynamic podcast! Join us as we unravel practical strategies and expert insights on cultivating unshakable self-assurance. From conquering self-doubt to embracing your unique strengths, we guide you through a transformative journey towards robust self-confidence. Delve into actionable tips that transcend superficial affirmations, focusing on tangible steps to build genuine self-belief. Whether it's mastering effective communication, setting achievable goals, or embracing failure as a stepping stone, we've got you covered. Our episodes blend psychological principles with real-world applications, offering a comprehensive roadmap to boost your self-esteem. Subscribe now to embark on a confidence-building expedition, gaining the skills to navigate life's challenges with poise and charisma. Elevate your self-confidence and step into a more empowered version of yourself. Tune in and thrive! 🚀🌟

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  • Explore the Arctic charm of Tromsø, Norway, where winter transforms into a playground! In this podcast, uncover the unique ways Tromsø's residents turn winter blues into winter hues. Discover the secret behind their cheerful approach to the chilly season and the creative activities that make snow and ice their allies. From dazzling northern lights escapades to quirky winter festivals, we unveil the local hacks for embracing the cold with a smile. Join us for an engaging journey into Tromsø's winter wonderland, where the icy months are not just endured but celebrated with zest. Your guide to turning frost into fun awaits! ❄️🎉

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • Welcome to the podcast dissecting a common life snag: the impact of comparison on our well-being. We unravel the psychology behind why comparing ourselves to others can lead to joy depletion. No fluff, just practical insights and strategies to sidestep this mental trap. Delve into the research-backed reasons behind our tendency to compare and discover actionable steps to cultivate a healthier mindset. Join me as we explore the nuances of comparison, providing you with the tools to foster genuine contentment. It's a deep dive into the science and strategies to reclaim your joy without the cheesy vibes. Tune in and let's get insightful! 🎙️

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • Instead of seeing everyone for who they are, we are only able to see them through the lens we’ve created for how we view the world.

    That lens is constructed piece by piece throughout our lives, depending on our traumas, pains, achievements, and life events.

    There’s no one to blame, especially not yourself, if you find yourself projecting your deepest fears or your strict standards onto other people. It’s natural. It’s part of being human.

    Projecting is when you believe something about the world and then start to see it in other people. Each one of us HAS been hurt, bullied, bruised, traumatized, made to feel insecure or lesser than… So we create stories that support that narrative.

    We need to start recognizing that our brains as just trying to "keep us safe" - and get over that - in order to remove the barrier of anxiety and distrust.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • If you believe you’re not good enough, then you think you’re not good enough to take opportunities that come your way, and in fact, you may not even SEE the opportunities because your brain won’t pick up on them. Change your beliefs that reflect the old limiting belief to “I am good enough", and you’ll see the difference.

    In today's episode, we teach you how to rewire your brain to identify where those beliefs came from, and what we can do to change them.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • “Self–worth is so vital to your happiness if you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to feel good about anything else.” — Sandy Hale.

    You get broken up with, you feel crappy about yourself. Your mom tells you that you’re looking like you put on weight, you feel badly about yourself. You get fired. You feel crappy. But that’s letting other people dictate your value. That’s not for them to dictate! In today's episode, we talk about how to develop your self worth; which is essential to literally everything else you do.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • "Every action you take is a vote for the person you want to become." - James Clear

    The British rowing team had not won a gold medal since 1912. By all measures, they didn’t have a good rowing program.

    Then something changed. In anticipation of the 2000 Sydney Olympics, the team developed a useful strategy that changed everything. They went from being an average rowing team to winning Olympic Gold. They developed a one-question response to EVERY SINGLE DECISION they made. This one question allowed them to measure every situation, decision, and obstacle — and to not get derailed where most people do.

    With every decision or opportunity, every member of the team asked themselves: WILL IT MAKE THE BOAT GO FASTER?

    Example: you get invited to a late night party the night before training. WILL IT MAKE THE BOAT GO FASTER?

    If the answer is no… then the decision is no.

    Tempted to eat a doughnut? WILL IT MAKE THE BOAT GO FASTER?

    The British rowing team used this single question — a profound implementation intention — to quickly escalate their unity, skills, conditioning, and training.

    They destroyed their competition and won GOLD.

    Going forward, think about your core values. Your priorities. With every decision you make, do you consider whether you're acting in line with those values and priorities? Are you making your own boat go faster?

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  • The top 5 reasons we get in our own way, and end up sabotaging ourselves!

    1) We don't have goal clarity
    2) We don't have a solid plan
    3) We hate restriction
    4) We want to feel safe
    5) We don't know the reward we're getting

    In today's episode, we expand on all 5 to try and figure out why you keep sabotaging yourself, and getting in the way of your success.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • How do you know what you should dive into when it comes to where you spend your time?
    What's worth your time?
    Are your goals really yours, or are you trying to meet someone's expectation?
    Do you hate your career? Is it really a career, or merely a job?
    Do you know the difference?

    In the game of poker, going "all in" refers to the moment when a player—whether out of bravado, recklessness, or desperation—bets all of his or her chips on a single hand.
    Knowing that, when was the last time you went all in?
    And when is the next time you should go all in?

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • Failure is defined as a lack of success or the inability to meet an expectation. Maybe it's one you set for yourself, or one that someone else set for you.
    The problem is that we can read too much into failure. Too often, we tie it to our sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-acceptance.

    In today's episode, we talk about why failure isn't final, how to fail forward, and how - just because you failed - doesn't mean you're a useless human people (stop telling yourself that story, my friend).

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • There’s a story of a Zen master who was out for a walk, when he corner by a tiger on the edge of the cliff. He slowly started backing away, until he got to the edge, slid down, and ended up holding on to a thin vine on the edge.

    As luck should have it, a mouse started gnawing on the vine - assuring his death. While hanging on the precipice, he noticed amazing, luscious, wild strawberries growing from a bush. He popped the berry in his mouth, and was heard to say, ‘this lovely strawberry. How sweet it tastes.’ Is he insane? Maybe. But was he PRESENT, f*** yeah.

    Because he knew the outcome either way. No point getting anxious about the past or future

    In this episode, I teach you how to slowly release the stranglehold anxiety has on you using various emotional and physical techinques.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • I first heard about the principle of auto suggestion comes through the legendary Napolean Hill. It is a form of self-induced suggestion in which individuals guide their own thoughts, feelings, or behavior. The technique is often used in self-hypnosis.

    Hill explains that our subconscious mind can be put to work for us as whatever we continuously auto-suggest, our mind will eventually be taking for a fact. You might be familiar with it through the Law of Attraction.

    In today's episode, we go over what it is, why we need it, and how to use it in your every day life!

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • You can see fear as a monster, or you can see fear as a monster that you can slay!

    10 ways to fight your fears

    Take time out. It's impossible to think clearly when you're flooded with fear or anxiety. ...Breathe through panic. ...Face your fears. ...Imagine the worst. ...Look at the evidence. ...Don't try to be perfect. ...Visualise a happy place. ...Talk about it.

    In this episode, we thoroughly go over 6 more strategies for how to overcome your fear from the inside out - both logically / rationally, and emotionally.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • You're probably awesome.
    There's no doubt in my mind you're doing well.


    Could you be doing better? How do you get from good to great? Or even great to OPTIMAL? Today's episode is going to help you reach your potential by elevating your game.

    To elevate our game, we must learn not to allow our more reactive, frustrated, fearful or impatient emotions to get in our way. We must use our faith to bring us patience, along with employing positive self-talk, and training ourselves to remain flexible and open to whatever results come.

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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • Producing a bigger check

    Looking back on the last 12 months, think of the five biggest successes you’ve had. You can do this no matter what business you’re in. The five successes could be paychecks, some other kind of transactions, or total sales in 24-hour periods.

    Now, figure out the average of these five biggest successes. The result is what we call “The Largest Check.” It represents not only the money your company can currently bring in, but also your current level of capability and confidence.

    This is a very important number. It represents what you can do at this moment in time.
    Again, not just in your business, but in your life; with your relationships, your body, or anything you're going after right now! You’ve grown, and all of the checks you get should reflect that. If you keep accepting smaller checks, you’re keeping yourself from growing.

    Once you find out with a simple figure how well you’re doing, it makes it easier to determine what level you want to grow to. Getting there involves respecting your own value, communicating the goal with your team, and keeping your focus on the number you want to see.

    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
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  • The meaning of PEACE OF MIND is a feeling of being safe or protected.

    How can we create a powerful, impenetrable bubble around ourselves to protect our mental health?
    What action steps can we take to go from anxious to calm? From nervous to chill?
    And most importantly, what strategies can we use to maintain it!

    In this episode, we dive into what peace of mind means, how to achieve it, and how to keep it once you get it.

    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
    Or come hang in my Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/teamjaim91

    Would love to have you join the conversation on IG: instagram.com/jaim91
    Or come hang in my Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/teamjaim91