
  • This film tells the story of Elsa who has the power to create and control ice, and her sister Anna who has no power but has a warm heart who can melt the ice in her sister's heart. In Arendelle, Elsa is the only person who has magical powers. The magic gave Elsa the power to make ice and snow. No one knows about Elsa's special powers except for her small family, the King, Queen, and her sister, Anna. Elsa and Anna were close when they were little. They often play with Elsa's snow in the palace. However, one day, Elsa's magic accidentally hits Anna's head and it makes her sister unconscious. Then, Elsa feels guilty and scared, she stays away from Anna for the sake of her sister's safety. Elsa and Anna also grow up with a relationship that is still tenuous with each other. Suddenly they get news that their parents died on the way because their ship sank during a sea storm. On Elsa's 21st birthday, Elsa is crowned the new Queen of Arendelle. Princess Anna who is very desperate for love because she was abandoned by her father, mother, and sister immediately fell in love with Prince Hans at first sight. Anna wants to marry Hans immediately. However, Elsa did not agree.

  • This book tells about a girl named Selly who is confused when she comes home from school, because she doesn't understand what her teacher is talking about about diversity. When she gets home, Selly asks her mother about diversity, then her mother brings the concept of diversity, or being different, into a simple perspective for sherly.

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  • We don't talk anymore
    We don't talk anymore
    We don't talk anymore
    Like we used to do
    We don't love anymore
    What was all of it for?
    Oh, we don't talk anymore
    Like we used to do

    I just heard you found the one you've been looking
    You've been looking for
    I wish I would have known that wasn't me
    'Cause even after all this time, I still wonder
    Why I can't move on
    Just the way you did so easily

    Don't wanna know
    Kind of dress you're wearing tonight
    If he's holding onto you so tight
    The way I did before
    I overdosed
    Should've known your love was a game
    Now I can't get you out of my brain
    Oh, it's such a shame

    That we don't talk anymore
    We don't talk anymore
    We don't talk anymore
    Like we used to do
    We don't love anymore
    What was all of it for?
    Oh, we don't talk anymore
    Like we used to do

  • It's way too late, but I'm still wide-awake
    'Cause I can't sleep yet, I can't sleep yet
    Got a thousand words
    That won't stop running circles
    Around in my head, around in my head
    Sometimes I feel just like these days and nights will never end
    But will I ever get this chance again?

    So I pray, yes I pray
    'Cause I know the life I want
    When it's hard, I keep working
    I'll never give this up
    Because I know, it's worth, it in the end
    I know it's worth, worth, worth
    Worth it in the end
    Because I know, it's worth, it in the end
    I know it's worth, worth, worth
    Worth it in the end

  • The Belgian capital Brussels is the latest European city to see mass protests and unrest over tighter coronavirus restrictions.
    Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, some throwing fireworks and missiles at police who responded with tear gas and water canon.
    Belgium has brought in new measures in response to a sharp rise in infections. The protesters are mainly opposed to covid passes which ban unvaccinated people from entering bars and restaurants.
    Protests have also taken place in Austria, Italy, Croatia and the Netherlands.

  • A national Lockdown comes into force in Austria on Monday. The government says the restrictions are essential to contain a devastating surge in COVID-19 infections.
    Thousands of activists, including a large contingent of far right supporters, have gathered in Vienna in protest at the crackdown. Just under two-thirds of the population are fully vaccinated - one of the lowest rates in western Europe.
    Austria will become the first European nation to make vaccinations compulsory from February. Another lockdown and a vaccine mandate - they might be a tough sell, but these are the tools Austrian Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg says will end restrictions once and for all.
    Faced with low vaccination rates and a fourth wave of the virus, Austria has taken drastic action.
    This lockdown will initially last for ten days, but it may be extended. Getting the jab will become compulsory from February next year. COVID-19 infections at their highest level since the pandemic began and hospitals are once again buckling under the pressure. Not everyone is in agreement with the measures being rolled out across the country. And some people are unwilling to comply with a vaccine mandate.
    With the festive season right around the corner, many Austrians are in no mood to go back to restrictions. But the hope for a normal Christmas is looking more and more like a distant dream.

  • Conversation jw 12

    Sher: Assalamualaikum, sha what are you doing now? Are u busy ?
    Shawa : Wa'alaikumussalam,, I'm not doing anything.. not busy either,, what's wrong?

    Sher: i am wondering, have u finished ur assignment? I mean anatomy task & pancasila ?
    Shawa : Omg, i haven't done both of it.. How about you?

    Sher: Me too, I still have another assignment to finish, why haven't u finished it ?
    Shawa : You know, this is a group assignment, sometimes there is one member who is not ready. so, the task has not started.

    Sher: thats right. Btw, are u up to something lately? I rarely see your chat in the group.
    Shawa : I've been Rewatch Naruto and boruto lately, and you know what? there are sooo many episodes, that why i rarely respond anything in chat.

    Sher: woww, thats interesting. How many episodes is it ?
    Shawa : hmm.. I think it's about 955?? I'm not sure.. What about you? You also rarely appear in the group I guess

    Sher: OMG thats insane! I think i am actually that kind of person tho. I only response when it is related to class/assignment
    Shawa : Haha yeahh this insane to me to!. Oh i see, i think you are a serious person..

    Sher: hahaha not really, it's actually because i rarely open wa, and once i open, the chats have already too much, bcoz i am just too lazy to scroll, i just straightly going down and answer the latest question. Btw what is the movie u mentioned before? I mean what is it about ?
    Shawa : Yeah i think so. It's about shinobi, you know, ninja, yeah some like that.. Omg Naruto has gone worldwide, everyone knows, I wonder why you don't know this film.

    Sher: nooo ofcourse i know naruto, i just saw that on tv, and never really watch it. So i dont really know the story. All i know is his 1000 shadows power hehe
    Shawa : Oh i see.. Yeah that jutsu is very famous.

    Sher: so how far have u been now? 100 eps?
    Shawa : boruto 75 eps, and naruto 32 eps.. It's still so far.. Emh sherly, i have to watch naruto again,,

    Sher: hahaha, okayy take ur time then, so goodbye i guess?

    Shawa : good byee..

  • "The Boss Baby". This film tells the story of a baby who has intelligence that no other baby has. The Boss Baby tells the story of a 7 years old boy named Tim who has a happy life because of the love from his parents. However, everything changes after the arrival of a smart baby.
    The arrival of the smart baby has taken the attention and affection of Tim's parents. Tim feels jealous and tries to find out who the baby really is. His suspicions were proven when he heard the baby talk like an adult and he introduced himself as a Boss Baby. Tim wants to prove it to his parents and tries to win back his parents' love.

  • When Jamal opened the door, his mother could tell something was wrong. He looked like he was going to cry.
    “Jamal, what is the matter?” his mother asked.
    “HOMEWORK!” he shouted. “Homework ! Yuck! I will not do any more homework.”
    Now, Jamal’s mother was quite concerned.
    She had never heard Jamal talk like that and she had no idea that he didn’t like doing his homework.
    In fact, each time she asked Jamal if he had done his homework, he would always answer “yes”.
    “My teacher wants to meet with you,” Jamal said.
    “That’s fine,” his mother said. “But I would like to talk to you before we meet with your teacher. I think now is the perfect time,”
    Jamal and his mother talked for a long time and all the while his mother was writing things down. Jamal chuckled to himself as she wrote. It was as if she was doing homework, and do you know what? She was.
    Then his mother said, “Jamal, now that we are done, I want you to do the best you can on your homework tonight. Tomorrow
    morning we will go to school together.”Jamal agreed and his mother continued with her homework.
    The next day Jamal, his mother, and his teacher met before school started. Jamal was frightened. He didn’t know what to expect and it was all his fault for not doing his homework. “Homework! Yuck!” he mumbled to himself. “I heard that,” his teacher said.
    Then his mother spoke, “Jamal and I discussed the situation last night and I assure you he will be doing his homework in the future. I also think you need to listen to his reasons. They are reasons, and not excuses. Please let Jamal explain to you as he did to me.”
    Well, Jamal was really frightened now. He had to talk to the teacher and tell her why he didn’t do his homework. Jamal thought for a moment, took a deep breath, and began talking.
    “I need time to have some fun. I spend all day in school and then my teachers want me to spend the rest of the day doing homework.”
    “I like to spend time with my mother, brother, and sister. I also have to do my chores and help my mom since my dad doesn’t live with us.”
    “When I really try to do my homework, it takes too long and I can’t help my mom. I know this makes her sad and sometimes angry.”
    “Sometimes I get so much homework I have to copy some of it from my friends. I know that is cheating, but I want to turn something in.”
    “When I have done my homework it takes so long to get it back that I can’t learn from it. Meanwhile, you are teaching something else. I just get lost.”
    Jamal’s teacher thought for a moment and then said: “I never realized you were so smart. You have made some very good points and I need to consider them. In fact, all the teachers need to hear them. I will consider your comments before I assign homework in the future. I would like you to
    talk to all the teachers. Will you do that?”
    Jamal agreed and he spoke to all the teachers, parents, and students at the school’s next Open House. He was frightened but he made excellent points. In fact, the school changed the way they assigned homework. It was easier on the students and they were able to complete it and learn. They also had some time to play and spend time with their families.
    Now, Jamal does his homework and actually looks forward to doing it. Now his mother doesn’t have to ask if it is done.

  • I promise anytime you call me
    It don't matter where I am
    I'll always be there, like you've been there
    If you need me closer, I'll be right over
    I swear, I swear

    Every time that I need you by my side
    Every time I lose my way in life
    You're my circle of life, compass and guide
    There behind me

    And one day when the tables finally turn
    And it's me you're depending on
    I'll put you first, hold you close
    Like you taught me

    Know that I'll be there for you
    For you

    I promise anytime you call me
    It don't matter where I am
    I'll always be there, like you've been there
    If you need me closer, I'll be right over
    I swear, I swear

    I promise anytime you call me
    It don't matter where I am
    I'll always care for you, go anywhere for you
    If you need me closer, I'll be right over
    I swear, ooh

  • What would i do without your smart mouth

    Drawing me in, and you kicking me out?

    You've got my head spinning, no kidding

    I can't pin you down


    What's going on in that beautiful mind?

    I'm on your magical mystery ride

    And i’m so dizzy, don't know what hit me

    But i'll be alright


    My head's under water

    But i'm breathing fine

    You’re crazy, and i'm out of my mind


    Cause all of me love all of you

    Love your curves and all your edges

    All your perfect imperfections

    Give your all to me, i'll give my all to you

    You're my end and my beginning

    Even when i lose, i'm winning

    Cause i give you all of me

    And you give me all of you, oh


    How manny time do i have to tell you

    Even when you're crying, you're beautiful too?

    The world is beating you down

    I'm around through every mood


    You're my downfall, you're my muse

    My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues

    I can’t stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you


    My head's under water

    But i'm breathing fine

    You're crazy,  and i'm out of my mind


    'Cause all of me loves all of you

    Love your curves and all your edges

    All your perfect imperpections

    Give your all to me, i'll give my all to you

    You're my end and my beginning

    Even when i lose, i'm winning

    'Cause i give you all of me

    And you give me allof you, oh


  • Millions of people in Afghanistan are facing starvation in what's fast becoming the worst humanitarian crisis on earth. That's the warning from the United Nations. The head of the World Food Programme says the country faces being turned into "hell on earth" following drought and the withdrawal of coalition and US troops.

  • BTS, the global sensation behind "Permission to Dance" and other megahits, brought their spotlight to the United Nations as the Republic of Korea's Special Presidential Envoys for Future Generations and Culture. BTS members RM, Jin, Suga, j-hope, Jimin, V and Jungkook participated in the UN's SDG Moment, designed to call attention to the Sustainable Development Goals. The BTS members, along with the President of the Republic of Korea Moon Jae-in, spoke with the UN's Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Melissa Fleming, about their commitment to helping advance progress through the United Nations. The SDGS are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy health, peace and prosperity.

  • -Sherly, I'm bored! Are you busy now??

    -Not really. What's goin on ?

    -What are you doing now?

    - Nothing, i'm just scrolling tiktok hahaha

    - I have tiktok, but i rarely open it

    - I just do it lately, coz i have nothing to do

    - actually, we have lots of task to do huh

    - haha true, i'm just too lazy to do it now. Btw, i just heard that our uni's alma mater has been sent already, have u got it ?

    - Really?

    - Idk, but people were talking about it in the group

    - How abt your almet? Have you received it ?

    - Nope, my home is far from unnes, soo maybe it will arrive about 2 days from now

    - I just remember that your home is not in java island . I think my house is not really for away from unnes, but why i haven't received it yet?

    - I think it's still in process

    - I think so, omagash i'm looking forward to it.. It's yellow² haha, i hope the almet fit with me

    - Well me too, i'm actually afraid if it will be so big for me

    - It's better so big than smaller i think,if big, we can cut it

    - Hmmm i think so

    - Sherlyyy. I wanna ask youuu

    - sure

    - How to fight our lazy? i don't know why but i'm in a lazy day currently..

    - Hahaha idk coz' i'm also lazy

    - Sher, have u completed any task??

    - Nope, i'm not in a good condition lately, soo i only slept & rest wkwk

    - Omg same with me. Take a rest well babe, don't eat late.

    - Hmm, this is actually the side effect of vaccine, i just got it yesterday tho

    - What's vaccine do you get? Is it sinovac? I think if sinovac, there is no any effect

    - AstraZeneca. Sinovac is no longer available in my home. Did u get sinovac ?

    - Uh-huh. Alhamdulillah i get sinovac. So, have u drink coconut water after doing vaccine?

    - I didn't. Is it good to do that ?

    - Heyy u should drink it.. It's highly recommended and good for your body after vaccine. I even drink it 1 coconut alone. Omg my stomach is full

    - Hahaha. Hmm okayy, i'll try it later then. Thanks 4 the advice.

    - Okay no prob. Drink as soon as possible okay!. You should drink it right after the vaccines finished

    - Done! Btw, i feel my body is getting worse, it's getting colder & the rain dont wannna stop

    - Omg, have u got enough rest?. It's raining in my place too

    - I do, but the weather becomes unpredicted these days

    - I think so.. I hope you'll getting better

    - I hope soo. So, what are u doing now ?

    - Eat some snacks, how abt u?

    - As usual, scrolling tiktok

    - you're sick, you shouldn't play your phone too often

    - I just feel bored tho

    - Oh i see.. Sherly, You know that my cats is pregnant right?

    - Hmmm yeah, what's wrong ?

    - Last night, she had a fight with a wild cat, and now, her stomach was injured, i'm worried with the babies

    - OMG so sorry to know that, was the scars big ?

    - Not really, but it bleeds, and oozes out like amniotic fluid

    - So sadd, so what did u do to help her ?

    - The wound is going dry, she licked it. And i think i dont need to help her again, she's just a pet

    - It must be so hurting, i hope she'll getting better sooner

    - Yeah i hope so.. My cats is a strong mom, you know?

    - Hahhaha, she'll be. Btw, i think i should take some rest, talk to you later ?

    - Sure, have a great rest!

  • This cartoon tells the story of a lost crocodile. He lost his mother at the mart. He was panicked and running around alone. When he got outside the mart looking for his mother, he almost got hit by a trolley that went out of control. Fortunately, BabyBus saw and saved him. BabyBus asked him, where are the father and mother? Then the crocodile replied that he was lost and lost his mother. BabyBus then tells him what to do when a child is separated from his mother. The first, stay in place, don't go anywhere and wait for your mother to come back. If it takes a long time, look for someone who in uniformed, so that they can help find mother. The crocodile understand it and he stop crying. After that, BabyBus took the crocodile to customer service and finally he met his mother.

  • Abe was a real Service Dog who dedicated life assisting BJ, a good family friend. Service Dogs are smart, well trained, well behaved, dedicated, and committed to ensuring their master is safe, They are sometimes the eyes of their master, a companion and aid to the mentally challenged, and an early warning system for those with seizures and other intermittent disorders. This book is intended bring an awareness of their importance to early readers. Hi, I am Abe and I am a Service Dog. When I was a puppy, my owner told me I would be a Service Dog for a person who could not see. I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it was something special. When I got a little older, I was sent away to school. My sister was sent to another school to learn how to help people with Autism. To be their friend and help them get around. One of my other brothers was sent to a special school so he could learn how to warn people that they were going to get sick before they did. My other brothers and sisters became good friends with people in good families. Not every dog can become a Service Dog. School was hard. I had to learn many things just like you. I had to learn to stop and look before crossing the street. And learn what a red, yellow, and green directional light meant and what I should do. I was taught how to guide a person to go left, right, to step up and down, to stop, to move forward a little, to back up, and much more. I had to learn where I was and how to get back, even in strange areas. I had to learn how to behave in a restaurant and never, ever, beg for food. That was hard. I had to learn that I could be a plain old playful dog as long as my halter was off. But once it was on. I was working. I became the eyes of my master and their safety and how they got around was up to me. After a long time in school, I graduated and my trainer introduced me to BJ. The person who would become my master. We were both excited. We trained together for several weeks and became very good friends. She was really nice and we always spent fun-time together once she took my halter off. One day the trainer said we were ready and I was off to a new home with my master and friend. We shared many years together and had many wonderful experiences. We went shopping, visited friends, ate in fine restaurants, and traveled across the country. I took care of BJ. I knew when she didn't feel right and could tell if she was happy or unhappy, sad, grumpy, or whatever. I would always try to make things better for her. BJ took care of me. She knew when I didn't feel right and could tell if I were happy or unhappy, sad, grumpy, or whatever, She would always try to make things better for me. A long time has passed and now I can't help my friend any more. BJ is off to school again and training with a new Service Dog. I will meet him tomorrow and help him understand his new master. Then I become like my other brothers and sisters. I become a good friend for people in a good family. You really couldn't ask for more.

  • Yeah, I know, know I'm scared of commitment
    But tell me who isn't, tell me who isn't
    I know, it's easier being alone

    But when you come over again
    I'm not gonna pretend I want anyone else 'cause I don't
    I'm tired of being alone

    I wanna stay with you, you, you
    Make love all day with you, you, you
    Stay sipping champagne with you, you, you
    If you wanna do drugs, come through, through, through
    I wanna stay with you, you, you
    Make love all day with you, you, you
    Stay sipping champagne with you, you, you
    If you wanna do drugs, come through, through, through.
    I wanna Stay with you

  • Everything's been so messed up here lately
    Pretty sure he don't wanna be my baby
    Oh, he don't love me, he don't love me
    He don't love me, he don't love me
    But that's okay
    'Cause I love me, yeah, I love me
    Yeah, I love me
    Yeah, I love myself anyway

    Everything's gonna be alright
    Everything's gonna be okay
    It's gonna be a good, good life
    That's what my therapists say
    Everything's gonna be alright
    Everything's gonna be just fine
    It's gonna be a good, good life

    I'm a mess, I'm a loser
    I'm a hater, I'm a user
    I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new
    I'm obsessed, I'm embarrassed
    I don't trust no one around us
    I'm a mess for your love, it ain't new

  • More than 220 female Afghan judges are in hiding due to fear of retribution under Taliban rule.
    Most have passed judgement in cases involving violence against women. The men they sent to prison in the past are now threatening to kill them.
    As some of the most powerful and prominent women in the country, they are known public figures.
    Six former female judges spoke to the BBC from secret locations across Afghanistan.

  • The combined star power of Coldplay and BTS is out of this world.

    Their highly anticipated My Universe music video arrived on Thursday September 30th
    And in it we see the global superstar groups exploring the distant galaxy Of the spheres where music is outlawed.

    But that doesn't stop bts, coldplay and a super group of aliens called Supernova 7 from joining forces in the form of a hologram and showing the powers that be.. they won't be silent.

    My Universe release September 24th is the second single after "Higher Power" from Coldplay's ninth studio album Music of the Spheres set to drop October 15th.

    The project follows the british rock band's 2019 double album everyday life which led the official UK albums chart, and peaked at number Seven on the billboard 200.